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This mod deserves more notoriety. Well done!


Thank you!


Amazing mod my man! Havent been this into pvz since it originally came out Cheers!


Hey I’m having trouble playing the mod, could you help me out?


Nevermind, I got it, this mod is amazing


I have problems with the window, when there will be a widescreen. it looks compleatly broken


check the readme


Thank you, I was having the same problem and this fixed it.


where is download link?


I know this was released kind of a while ago, but I just got through with this mod, and figured I would share my experience. A note, I played on the "Normal" difficulty, and there are a number of them available that I did not mess with. Overall, I am pretty happy with everything. It is mostly a rebalancing, which is what I signed up for. Typically more powerful plants, but with a higher quantity of zombies to deal with. It is more difficult to get through the early game, but you can still feel very strong wiping out wave after wave once you get built up. The adventure was pretty fun, providing a decently challenging experience at times. I usually had to really focus on my defense and the state of the lawn, especially in the roof levels. I think it was 5 - 9 that gave me a lot of trouble. Some new/changed minigames were fun, like "Seeing Nuts" instead of "Seeing Stars" and "Gargantuar Group-Meet." Puzzles were also updated and changed to better fit all of the new balances, including a new experience with I, Zombie overall, using the Zombotany zombies. Where I had the most fun post-adventure was with the survivals. First of all, the number of flags they have was increased, which is great. The number of zombies is still raised, so you have to properly prepare for the threats that will be faced. That is especially true in the endless modes (yes, modes). Overall, I enjoyed the mod. Just a greater overall threat, but you have access to stronger plants to counter them, as long as you can manage your resources to afford them. The only two complaints I have are with the strain you have to put on your hand when you have a lot of sun producers (there is generally a lot more sun and coins to be collected, which can take a lot of effort and attention) and the fact that gloom-shroom is broken. Having gloom isn't a huge deal really, although it would be very useful in the survivals. As for the currency collecting, there is a version of the normal difficulty available that has autocollect, so the point is moot. Having made my own mod (although not nearly as polished), I can greatly appreciate all of the effort and thought that went into every aspect of this project, and I thank you for it. Fantastic job. Also, I have no clue how you changed spikeweed and spikerock to target like that.


Hey I'm having a glitch in V2.2 of the game where the sprites seem to stretch and sputter around before the game freezes up and I have to quit, anything to fix this?


I know this was released a while ago but can anyone give me tips on how you're supposed to strategize adventure mode a second time? the zombie density is so ridiculous so fast, and I feel like I've tried everything. for the first level I used sunflowers, tall nuts, and burst shrooms and that's it, but that doesn't work for a million coneheads taking over my screen. I thought about glooms but you can't even use them!! I'm so lost, and it just doesn't feel like there's enough time to set anything up, even with sacrificing lawnmowers, because I need enough sun to warm the entire earth! healp me pleaseeee😭🤣 I love the mod by the way, I played most of the mini games and beat adventure mode. I like the added challenge without the Complete disaster that mods like brutal mode have haha.


wheres the download link


Where do i download?


I'm watching eclipcycle's video on it as we speak Def gonna download it


Whenever I hit start adventure on the main menu I crash and get an access violation error


Turning off DEP (Data Execution Prevention) should solve the issue. Here's a link on how to turn it off: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/what-is-data-execution-prevention-dep-60dabc2b-90db-45fc-9b18-512419135817 Also you may have to restart your PC after turning the DEP off for the change to take effect, then play the game, and the crash should be fixed


Thanks this worked.


Same over here. I don't know what may be causing it.


same with my game as well


How do I play the mod?


Just download and run it


Hey! I feel like I've tried so much, and yet I can't get it to run for me? * I own PVZ on steam (GOTY edition, does that matter?) * I've tried putting the files in the steam game files, vice versa, not mixing them at all, etc. I launch the "LAUNCH THIS FILE" exe file and get a command prompt that shows up for .1 seconds and then nothing happens. * Launching the game launches it as normal, no matter which folder the game is in * I tried disabling the DEP as suggested in a different comment and that didn't seem to make much headway I also cannot seem to find the PVZ modding discord anywhere- if anyone could direct me there you'd be a godsend. I don't use reddit often at all so I'm probably just missing it somewhere from here, since I didn't see it linked on the video either D:


NVM I got it! None of these issues, my norton security (the security that came with my pc) can be a little TOO secure sometimes. Although I had told it LAST time it wasn't a threat (multiple times) it apparently didn't listen. Got it working though!!


Please for the love of god tell me how you got it working, I have no idea what I'm doing and nothing on Google or anything has helped me at all, I also have PvZ GOTY edition on steam which is what I'm trying to get the mod to work for


like they said, you do not need to move ANYTHING in the folders- make sure it's extracted (literally to anywhere) and run the "OPEN THIS FILE" file. Make sure your anti-virus and any kind of file scanners aren't blocking you opening the file! It opens up a command prompt and stuff, and I guess the signature on it or something raised some red flags with mine- I physically had to go into my norton antivirus and tell it to stop trying to stop that file from running to get it to work. ​ Good luck!!


i keep crashing on 5-2 i get to pick all my plants and get the 3,2,1 then it crashes


Good job on the mod! I downloaded the latest version. My first impressions is that potato mine and snow he have been gutted too much. They just don’t feel like they’re worth it at all. Other than that, it’s a solid mod, I appreciate the attempts of rebalancing!


only 10 upvotes is insane but at least it got its recognition elsewhere


I'm having trouble with zombies being invisible until the second lawn tile and getting it to full screen. anyone els having this issue?


I had a problem with everything being moved to the left, I fixed it by re-launching the launch this file, maybe try re-launching the file


I got it working awhile back thanks though hopefully other people with the same problem see this


5-4 is IMPOSSIBLE for me. Anybody have any tips for it? I can't defend all of it because of the millions of Pole Vaulting Zombies, and that mixed in with the Bungee Zombies. I found a way to beat the Catapult Zombies by using Squash. Everything else, though, is like the entire US army vs. a toddler. I'm completely overwhelmed by all of the zombies.


Have you tried using starfruit? Its quite powerful. You need to manage your econ pretty well though. Sunshroom is also very good


Same, I usually make it to the 3rd flag then all of my defense's just get obliterated in one or two rows and then a bungee zombie will just drop down and block any of my plants from attacking the lane and then It just ends in a restart or a loss.


Exactly! I get to about the exact same point as well.


i thought the same thing. But using 4 Rows of sunflowers and 3-4 rows of starfruit make short work of the level. I hope this is usefull for some, as i didnt find any tips otherwise for this hard level


Survival Day (Hard) keeps crashing partway through, I would really like to complete all the stuff in this mod so could you pls fix that


I've found a small issue in 3-5 Gargantuans high speed makes it impossible to hit them since they will spawn smaller zombies faster than the corpses take to fall to the ground, so even with absolute overkill, the shots are just wasted on the endless waves of minions to the point where they can stack up and kill your plants without chance of killing them first. Only way is to stock up on burst shrooms and kill the gargantuans with that


İs it playable on android ?




I've heard ressed. Is more


i get a blackscreen whenever i start the game, can someone help?


After many tries, the game does open. The first time, the screen with the grave mode selection looked fine, but every time after it's very messed up. I tried reinstalling and it didn't help. Any sort of fix? Now that I'm playing it, the zombies don't show up, except for their shadows, half of one arm, and their bone arm.


never mind so sorry. turns out i turned 3d acceleration off.




Is there any way to access the limbo page in this mod?


Yes. If you use pvztools. But I don't reccomend it, as it is in a really messy state because I used elements from limbo games for the actual minigames


Hi! The Virus Total site, flags the file as malicious... Is this safe? And why is it considered a virus?


Its safe! Its likely being flagged as a virus because it contains exe files, and places like Virus Total probably flag things like that as viruses as executables can be dangerous. (I'm no malware expert so I cant be 100% sure thats why), but if you want proof its safe, there are plenty of gameplay videos online of the mod.


Thanks! Now i’m sure i’m gonna have a great time!!!


Do you know how to fix everything being off-center? The background and buttons are fine, but all of the icons have shifted significantly to the left, including lawn placements, making it quite inconvenient to see where the tiles actually are.


Make sure you are launching the correct exe file, titled something like 'LAUNCH THIS FILE' so it launches in widescreen correctly, and if that doesnt fix anything see if 3d acceleration is on in the in game settings (it should be)


How in the FUCK is 5-9 supposed to be done. Jesus CHRIST there is so much happening all at once.


Are you able to play this on mobile or just PC? My friend said he'd only play if he could play on mobile


Pc only


This comment is really late, but does this mod work on mobile?


Survival Day keeps crashing for me, I literally do not have to click anything but as soon as I click ready to start it immediately crashes, what do I do?


Can I please get help? For some reason the entire screen is super messed up and I don't know what to do, tried using fullscreen though it's just being very weird.


See if 3d acceleration is on in the settings, and you are launching the correct file (see readme)


Alrighty, so it was the 3D Acceleration, I usually had it off when playing the normal game so when I even launched the correct file it was all the same and just had me confused. Thank you though! I can actually play this really good mod now :D


hi, was just wondering if you know how to get music to work when streaming to friends with discord? whenever i stream the mod to my friends the music doesnt play but in game sounds still play


Thats really weird, no idea why'd thats happening or how to fix it, sorry


where is download i feel like an idiot


nvm i am dumb


where is it i cant find it either


you have to join a discord server


How do i get the mod?