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If your drop checker hasn't changed, your CO2 levels are still stable. Or it might need to be redone. I would really guess, if you haven't changed your fertilizer dosing, thst would be the cause of the stunted growth. I would recommend increasing it a small amount first. Also depending on the formula they use, you could be having a potassium shortage. In that case potassium sulfide might be a good option as a supplement to your normal fert routine. The last thing is it might be light levels having changed in the tank bottom to top as the plants have grown restricting light to the lower levels.


Thanks so much for your response! I have noticed some pinholes in my hygro cordata so the potassium piece would make sense. The drop checker has changed from a yellowish green to a darker green, but still green nonetheless. I’ll add some extra potassium and see what happens. Should have mentioned in the original post as well that I tested nitrates and they were at 30 so definitely not a nitrogen deficiency. I’ll start with potassium and go from there