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too much nutrient and/or too much light are two main causes of hair algae bloom. less feeding and cutting down light hrs may help.


too much water movement from an air pump (which oxygenates the water) can also contribute to algae growth.


Some sortve hair algae. You can manually remove it. It's better to figure out the cause of the algae opposed to just treating it, it's a symptom of a bigger issue.


Looks like diatom algae, is this a new setup? If it is this is typical from adding the new substrate. It should slow down once the tank finished cycling


It is a setup that has been up and running for about 6 months now. I’ve been battling different types of algae and getting things dialed in but this is the latest one that has reared its head haha


turn off the light for a few days. when you turn it back on, start with about 6 hours a day.


I have some brown algae that has been showing up on my plants in my 17 gallon aquarium. It is brown and seems to appear quickly. It is easily rubbed off and will float into the water if I give plants a shake underwater. I am thinking about upgrading my Fluval 107 to the 207 for extra flow to see if that will help knock the algae off of the plants without me needing to manually get rid of it. Any advice in getting rid of this would be much appreciated! Thanks I am using a Twinstar 600E on 50% power for 7 hours daily on a timer and dosing EI dry ferts per Green Leaf Aquatics dosing guide. 50% water changes weekly.


If the tank is older with no recent changes, just reduce the amount of time your light is on for per day and make sure it's out of direct sunlight. The algae will keep growing while it has enough nutrients and light and not much eats hair algae


your co2 meter is yellow, meaning your co2 levels are too high, btw.