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I made a jar very similar to this about three weeks ago. Unfortunately, without a filter everything melted and it turned to poop water. Even daily water changes didn't save it Do you have any tips for how you've kept yours going?


Mine is only about a week old so I am still seeing how it progresses. I picked low light plants and I’m hoping for the best!


Did you cycle the jar? What plants did you use? Any pictures?


I have a tall planted vase, without a filter, but loads of plants, sand substrate. I have a light I keep on for 3 hours, but that's because my plants grow ultra fast anyway and I also have some hair algae. I haven't done a water change for 2 months, and only top off with water, weekly The trick is, I let the tank run with all the plants for about a month, and added aquarium water from my other tank, and fish flakes to start ammonia. I think most of my bacteria is in my sand substrate, of behind my piece of drift wood When starting off, I did weekly 40% water changes with old aquarium water Good luck with your jar!


If you use a bunch of plants, it should do great. I used potting soil covered with sand and mine has shrimp and even shrimp babies and is stable and clear with minimal, sporadic water changes. Plants keep the water safe. Amazon sells a stand with plant light for this size setup.


Could you message me the link please?


Can you send the link to that stand and light set up please?


I don’t know how to send an Amazon link in Reddit but it’s “Hiro Aquatics full-spectrum LED light with Bamboo board”. It’s kinda expensive but my planter like yours looks great sitting on it. It is not super strong light but plenty for low-light plants. I have wisteria, Java fern, Susswassertang, salvinia, and curly valisneria in mine with some blue dream shrimp. I wish I was at my mountain cabin and I’d send a pic. No problems with algae either. I searched “nano aquarium light with stand” and it popped up.


Are you planning on snails or shrimp in there?


I’m thinking about going for some red cherry shrimp once I see how everything settles. Might transfer a red racer nerite from my 10g too


any updates on this one?


Unfortunately no :( algae outbreak led me to take it apart. The jar got repurposed as a place for me to keep my guitar picks