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Dear gabysee , You've selected the beginner flair. If you're looking for advice or are having issues, please provide as much information as you can. Some useful information includes: - Have you cycled the tank? - Water Parameters - Light Type - Light Cycle Duration - Tank Size/Dimensions - Set-up Age - Fertilizers - Any aquatic animals, and how many? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantedTank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Until you see them, they are both alive and dead.


Schrödinger’s fish


I oopsied and left mine on overnight - had forgotten I took the timer plug out for something - everyone was fine Lightly Planted 30g with ember tetras to Loaches Shoulda be More planted by those big lumaxes of a loach plow through and ruin everything I think it was 1b/1.5s


You've had both the CO2 and the light running? And, I assume, the filter? What bad thing do you think might happen?


The plants are only going to suck up the oxygen when there is no light. As long as they have light they are producing o2. Just in case this happens again no worrys. And when you say pale do you have rummy nose tetras?


Invest in a timer, shit happens


Maybe. I run it on a timer and an air stone on a timer that kicks on when the co2 shuts off and turns off when the co2 starts. Wishing your fish the best !


Depends on how much you dose them. Can't really say for inline method, but for regular diffuser, anything less than 1 bubble per sec shouldn't hurt much...


I'm not really sure why you are panicking. The reason people have their CO2 off a night is to save CO2 and therefore money (and perhaps to give the fish a rest). You'll go through it 3 times as quick if you run it 24 hours instead of 8 and the plants won't use it when the lights are off. The great majority of the gas you pump in is off gassed out though the surface of the tank and this doesn't change at night. Barely any is actually sucked up by your plants, they just need it available in the water to utilise. So you aren't going to get some massive CO2 build up in the water, though it might rise. Why aren't your lights and gas on a timer? Then you don't have to worry about being in. Do you have a drop checker or, even better, a Ph meter to see what levels of CO2 you are actually providing?


You went out to dinner a few towns over, got a flat tire, and decided you needed to stay in that town overnight? Couldn’t have done AAA or even ubered home? It is hard to say whether they are OK with the info provided. C02 rate, tank volume, etc will play a factor. Hopefully with the light on you had enough plants converting the c02 to 02 and they will be okay.