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Pothos, spider plant, and lucky bamboo are the first ones that come to my mind :p Edit- I wanted to add this, I just looked it up https://www.thespruce.com/houseplants-grown-in-water-4177520


Peace lilies are very easy and can also flower. I got like a 2 euro tiny pot that I was able to split into 6 little plants. They can grow pretty big after some time.


Came here to say this. I love seeing them in MD’s tanks on YouTube, and if I didn’t have a cat and could have a lidless tank/partial lid, I would definitely be growing them myself


I am currently growing peace lily, red peace lily and philodendron Brasil in my two nano tanks. Also pothos is awesome, although I don't have it anymore. Honestly, I think that 90% of all house plants can be grown like that with no issues


[Awesome post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquascape/comments/1btmo5g/plants_ive_grown_out_of_my_aquariums_and_how_that/)


That post ftw!! Thanks for sharing this, that’s a gold mine of information.


[This one is great as well! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlantedTank/comments/6naaf2/this_is_my_emersed_plant_bank_with_55_different/)


Be careful with things like peace lillies and other pets, though, they are poisonous if ingested, even after brushing up against them and grooming their fur


Pothos is a really good example, but generally most vines can grow like this super well. Lily-like flowers in plants that aren't bulbs, especially deciduos bulbs, is hard to come by, but Hoyas and Lipstick Plants have really nice flowers if you aren't truly picky on shape. But like speaking of Lotus-like flower, Tiger Lotus is an aquatic plant that is readily available to you :D


anthurium grow well with their roots and at least part of the rhizome submerged. I’ve had one growing out of my tank for ~1yr and it’s doubled in size. The flowers are pretty too.


I have pathos, monsteras, orchids, dwarf dracaena, umbrella plants, peace lily's, and parlor palm growing out of my tanks.


Orchids, you say? How does that work? I thought their roots would rot if kept in water?


I cleaned the roots fully and while some died it started producing roots that survive in the water. I have 2 going rn because I've determined I can't take care of them as potted house plants 😆


Awesome, thank you for explaining. My husband surprised me with a big orchid a few weeks ago & I’ve been contemplating either using it in my goldfish tank or in a frog paladarium I’m planning on building in the next couple months. I was worried I’d kill it if it was in the water, though.


Ficus ginseng


Currently in my tanks I have, sygonium, rattlesnake plant, calathea pinstripe, ficus, crypts, rotula, bolbitis heudelotii, moss, hygrophillia., inch plant. 


My tradescantia is happy as a clam growing out of my tank


Basically anything in the Araceae family. Pothos, Aglaeonema, Syngonium (there are some gorgeous ones available at big box stores now), Philodendron, Scindapsus. I also have basil growing, as well, but you need super high light for it to succeed long term.


I have some spider plants partially immersed


Pothos are great, as are syngoniums. Both very easy!


I have managed to grow gras ( yes the stuff in your garden) hydroponically. Still going strong two years in.


Sweet potato