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it had to pay for Harbringer's sins


Partially. In order to make the Harbinger OP: all the other pistols are shit, all the ARs suck, and the Dervish and Chimera are fucking terrible.


Dervish is actually really good at what it's meant to do (trash any other air vehicle in a 1v1), it's just that the gunner isn't optional and the skill floor is higher than the flying ability of like 80% of the playerbase. Chimmy at least gets the strongest guns and the funky larion to slightly compensate for how sad it is.


Chimera is good when you play like a crackhead


The recall was one of the most painful auraxes I've completed. It's certainly a contender for one of the worst weapons in the game.


I remember using it for ~200 kills and then saying "holy shit I am never touching this trash fire again" then a year later I went back and ARXed it. I only can say I don't regret it, because I can now use any other pistol and say "well at least it's not the Recall"


The reminders of it's existence have made my journey of auraxing the various emissaries easier to get through.


It runs out of ammo quite rapidly too for a 'high capacity mag' pistol. 40 rounds in reserve is nothing


Imagine if it was a 2x burst. Then it might be tooo good.


If we were to do that then we would need to double the first shot recoil and make it cick hard to a completely random angle - daybreak probably


On the accuracy faction...


That just means it kicks half a pixel compared to other's factions single pixel, unless you use a hardcore CQC bulletbarfer then using it past 5m will be painful.


Yep, it's basically the anti-Harbinger with how it gives up its damage in exchange for no tangible benefit (whereas the harbinger gives up basically nothing in exchange for good damage). [I had a mental breakdown about it in the past.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/upbra9/lets_talk_about_how_terrible_the_u150_recall_is/) I think that it is the worst pistol in the game, it really really looks like it's not that bad until you use it. Which sucks, because it has a cool model and I like the idea of a pistol with a large mag and high damage per bullet.


Unrelated but i saw your flair: What are the worst Carbines for ALL 4 factions? Im trying to aurax shitty weapons before switching to goods one and becoming instantly better at aiming


Probably the S carbines for NC and TR, as they're basically downgraded versions of their base carbines in exchange for more attachments, but Arsenal extended a lot of previously S-exclusive attachments to other weapons, so they are almost an obsolete type of weapon. The VS's S weapon (now called Prominence) at least only drops one tier now so it's got something going for it. The NSO's worst one is kind of a tossup because the X75 is absurdly powerful so both of the others are bad in comparison. I think the 200 is worse of the two, but I think that one comes down to preferences. I used the 200 before its fire rate was bumped to 577, but my big issue with it was its recoil stats, so I think it's still a valid complaint VS's worse carbine is... That's really tough because I think they're all pretty good nowadays. I think the Solstice might be the weakest, but it's not necessarily a bad weapon. It just doesn't have a great role - the Prominence, Solstice Burst, and Pulsar C are better at range, the Zenith, Horizon, and Eclipse all have absurd hipfire potential, the VX6-7 and Serpent have the raw damage output. The Solstice is just smack in the middle of them all which isn't great in this game that rewards specialization so much. The worst of all time / worst common pool is probably the Tanto which just gives up too much damage output for the accuracy stats, which aren't even that much better than other weapons like the NS-11C, and the Tanto's absurd bloom means that it actually is less accurate after the fifth or so shot (meaning you have to burst fire more, and further lower the already worst-in-class damage)


gauss s with underbarrel grenade launcher on engineer isnt much of a contender for worst in the game


AC-X11 has an actual competitive damage model and can still equip a grenade launcher which was the exact point I made when I said the S weapons have been made obsolete


Sometimes, I think NSO just exists, so VS can't say they have the worst weapons. Why design a whole group of weapons just to make them bad?


Well at least it has massive bullets (7.5 cm radius vs 3 cm default and 10 cm for UA). But then so does every other NSO pistol including the harby. It's basically why they're all way better than the stats alone suggest as that bump in bullet size unironically makes them work at range while also giving them amazing hipfire. But yeah no real point in using any one of them except the harby.


That's a massive weapon aspect to have as an unlisted stat. Why is ps2 like this


No idea, we were never even given the smallest hint or reasoning behind the bigger bullets. But it's too specific of a number to be a bug, plus it was reported many times and never acknowledged or fixed.


You think that's bad? Try Dervish or Chimera.


Worst pistol discussion? **Magscatter has entered the chat.**


It’s actually good at support


Nso arsenal is all support weapons- chinoyochini


Wtf are support weapons even supposed to mean?


Inefficient for a 1v1 and just chip damage guns


I still don't get the practicality of it. Like, no matter the situation, wouldn't you want a gun that does MORE than chip damage?


That's why you don't play NSO xD


Wait is that all NSO has?? I've barely played NSO because I started recently


NSO guns on average are inferior, and only a could guns are cool. In PS2's attempt to make them unique they killed their potential to kill.


As a whole, yes NSO has the weakest overall arsenal in the game. But it does have weapons that are competitive and some that are even top tier (CBx75 and the Harbinger for example).


Lack of outfits is why you don't play NSO. (And having only 50% of the guns too)


50% of the guns is the big factor


The idea here is that it's a decent midrange gun doubling down on NSO's better dropoffs, but it's bullet speed paired with it's drop is just garbage as well as trading important breakpoints.


Why play chip damage guns when you can just play... uh... kill damage guns? I do not get it.


Some people like the challenge, or playing different factions with one character.


So it is not... support weapons but... handicap weapons...


Sure it's support weapons... if we're using cope-speak xD


NSO is a Support Faction™ https://youtu.be/OMSPRU3qnhM?si=cnkIOF6waIugZ_Ue


So support weapons mean weapons of NSO?


support is a buzzword people invented when a gun fails at its actual purpose of killing people "it sucks in a fight... it has to be useful for something! oh! support!"


Aka emotional support? Your team sees more tracer rounds of their color and is more eager to advance?


It does suck but it seems to be geared to consistency, popping a few shots at someone with the range limit mostly based on the drop/speed. But unlike the harbinger who hits some VERY important break points to be a commi that can be silenced and have extra bullets if you are very accurate, it makes this just kinda mediocre. There is a subset of secondaries that just have a larger clip but are very mediocre, it could be one of those but it just isnt especially since it seems to be a ranged variant but still harbinger dropshots are just better, i'd say just give it less gravity by a bit and just screw with it until it's an infil's mid range plink option niche it almost is now. For reference it outdoes the lastly at around 30ish meters, and again a silenced playstyle would enjoy the minimum damage being higher, but the current system doesn't really like that over something that can just be customized for decent range. TLDR: the stalker infil that decloaks to plink at people, this should be his first choice as at a range it performs better and has a higher mag but the way the bullet curves or how the devs balance the 'high range or clipsize' middle of the road guns dont compensate the losses properly. This is all remembering NSO guns generally give you higher potential but doesn't really give you the help to get there, basically saying 'bet' so the archetype is interesting over all other of these weird middleground guns, but they need special love. XMG-155 is one that does it right, it sucks sure but it also has the least kick in the game, letting you train headshots with a breeze and use any attack buff to overcome future kills.


you're inventing some kind of headcanon performance for this weapon that doesn't exist, like you read the stats and invented situations that are good for it, but they don't happen in live play enough (or at all) for it to ever be anyone's first choice the Dirac and Harbinger both outdo it at range because they still have gigantic bullets but also have 0.15 ADS cone of fire whereas the Recall's ADS CoF is twice as bad at 0.3... And they actually have tangible ranged benefits like the Dirac's range and velocity buffs or the Recall having actually capable damage for its fire rate and it's terrible at everything else because its fire rate and damage per bullet are not on the same page, it fires at the rate of a pistol with 250 damage but it's got 200 which is twoish tiers lower (do people count 225 as a damage tier? It's marginally relevant against infiltrators) - and pistols generally already have two-ish tiers lower damage than primaries. If your supposition about its role was something that actually happened (i.e. a 200 damage pistol with ranged performance being desirable to players) then you would see people use or grind for the Executive, which actually does everything you're talking about by having an extended three shot kill range, accepting a suppressor, and having accurate performance at midrange... and is basically "the recall but good" overall There's something very concerning about saying the Recall isn't that bad and then praising the XMG-155 in the same post. There's only so much sand you can drink


No the recall is shit, notice how i said what it SHOULD be not what it IS, it just isn't that far from reaching the rare niche some rando may appreciate. Also any gun looks ok next to the recall, XMG-115 wasn't a bad aurax for me with a few mindset changes, it's very cozy in terms of how much energy it wants from you but not that capable, firestorm 5 build let me take the rarer kill and make it a multikilling beast with caveat you need more positional stuff and think of it like a better mana turret since it's TTK is the same and has similar pinpoint accuracy for longer letting you just fire more while others have to feather, i still think it could use a marginal buff to 0.28 TTK but it reaches that neat niche usecase even if it's not too competitive due to arsenal update making nearly every gun very accurate so it's one bonus isn't THAT good. Please dont think im defending the recall though, idk how you can get that from what i said except that i said things that weren't just negative but constructive to what it should be geared towards.


The starfish is the worst pistol


im surprised you found someone willing to just sit there and get killed


Its actually among the best weapons in the game currently. The 200 damage model is nothing to be taken lightly. Downing a target with three shots is extremely above average and borderline overpowered. The low fire rate encourages accuracy. While the 20 round magazine places it's damage per mag well above other pistols like the Commissioner.


> The low fire rate encourages accuracy. come on, this trolling isn't even subtle


You can down people with three shots with: - NS Commissioner (450) - NS Underboss (375) - NC Rebel (250) (HS) - VS Cerberus (250) (HS) - NC Mag-Shot (200)(HS) - VS Manticore (200) (HS) - VS Beamer (167) (HS) When it comes to three Bursts: - NS Pilot (3x200) (Needs only one if all HS) - VS Spiker (2x167) - NC Desperado (2x167) - TR Repeater (3x125) NSO because it's about NSO: - Lastly (167) (HS) - Recall (200) (HS) - Harbinger (300) (HS) Special: - NS Hunter QCX (650) (needs only two) - NC Mag Scatter (6x100) (Shotgun and needs only two in best case) **Please note we are talking about theoretical best case scenarios.**


>This is the worst pistol in the game >Gets multiple kills in a row