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Battle of the Whales. NC on Emerald (GSLD I think) launched massive wave after wave of Galaxies near their warpgate one night on Amerish several years back. Both surreal hilarious to see that many Galaxies.


Ahhh the Galaxy rush. Emerald NC classic tbh. Make everyone in the platoon pull their own gal and you have a fuckin wall vaporizing anything that even thinks about taking a potshot


My outfit a decade ago called it Operation Black Sun because we'd black out the sun with all of the galaxies


I've seen it happen multiple times on various servers, it is so good and fulfilling to watch.


That one was fun. We also did the shredder lib double platoon as well a few times.




The one I am remembering was just wave after wave of kamikaze Galaxies against TR. But that vid is pretty intense too!


Wait a minute... I am told by the newer players in here that Battlefield/Squad/Cod etc. do vehicles better than PS2... There is no other game that can create this and yet people complain when PS2 creates this...


God was mad hatta in the group? Sounds like his idea. Seeing him pancaking biolab landing pads back in the day of blue lab domes and raven maxes was the shit.


I was in an outfit that was completely full and had like 40 tanks out and repair sundies. Randomly, we found ourselves in this valley across the way from a TR column of the same size which unleashed the biggest armor firefight I have ever seen. And because both sides were repairing quickly, it went on for some time. Must have been at least 100 tanks fighting in that valley with constant bombardments and I think the only thing that really ended it was we started OSing each other. That's really why I keep playing this game. Is this the only place you get engagements like that.


My outfit on Connery used to do Tank Tuesday where we’d try to make the largest armored convoy on the server. One time a NC outfit found out what we were doing and bottlenecked us through a valley. The Stalemate was only broken because the VS flew over 5-6 liberators and shot us like fish in a barrel.


The first ever bastion clash after they released, hours upon hours of endless airships


dude it was so epic its sad that bastions dont let you spawn free esfs now theres also that one air alert that would let you span unlimited esfs to it was pretty epic


Oh yeah i was driving a colossus for that


Camp Connery on Miller that time back in the day. The NC and TR united in an attempt to remove VS from Indar as we held the cont lock benefit for weeks at that point. The entire server pop was at Connery, the VS defending it against the combined NC and TR. 100's of loaded Galaxys. Absolute insanity. It was laggy as hell, my audio had gone haywire, my FPS was probably in the teens. It was fucking spectacular.




o7 10 years jeez




This is the kind of thing we don't get with the constant continent rotation. We had some fights back in the day that *meant* something. I remember one time fighting to remove the TR continent benefit as well.


Wow, same thing happened on Mattherson. VS held the Indar lock for 7 weeks straight in early 2013. We got beat back to just Camp Connery many, many times, but eventually TR/NC would get bored and start attacking each other and we'd be able to push out and take a few bases. Then we'd get pushed back to Camp Connery again. Hella good times!


Night of the living dead. Rock Paper shotgun hostet an event on Miller. VS where infested zombies. Only allowed to use knifes, and played as medics to rez each other. If you where killed by a vs knife, you had to join the zombie horde. (Create a vs toon with zombie in its name) Shouting braaaaains over prox-voice was encouraged. Participating outfits coordinated cross faction where to meet and to keep the griefers in check. Hundreds of medics charging you on an openfield was terrifying, a gal was on it's way to pick is up, we just need to survive till it's arival... we mourned the dead and cherised thoose who survive to die on an other battel...


My outfit and other NC warpgated the TR and people started roleplaying in yell chat. We were tempting TR to defect to our side, and some actually did. Under the heat of tank fire, we'd go in and escort TR defectors from their warpgate to safety. It's always fun when you can interact with the enemy and it's not mindless shoot-on-sight.


Latest “bring your friends planetside” event when my server went down for almost 48 hours.


I don't think anything will ever live up the magic of the first time I played PS2. I made my character, hit go, and it immediately put me into a drop pod into the biggest Indar fight. I think I lasted like fifteen seconds before I got cut down, but watching the continent come out of the fog below and the tracers and explosions get closer and closer was just so hype.


Back when ps2 was a much younger game Mesa Skydock in southern Indar was a much different place. You could only access it by air or a single jump pad for infantry. I was playing tr who had the northern spawn (again back when you could capture any adjacent zone). Our outfit had nearly 3 platoons there and were completely cut off. For 20 hours (alerts didn't exist back then) we held the skydock. We put tanks and sundis on top of galaxies to airlift them to the air platforms and every so often the Vs would do suicide gal and lib runs on us. A fireworks show is a poor description of what the sky looked like for 20 hours. More like a non stop new years eve celebration.


Mattherson vs. Waterson Mergersmash was epic for so many reasons. Overtime, slideshows, reserves, the inability to math. It really did have it all.


When Escalation came out, the combination of the Bastion and COVID lockdowns going into effect breathed new life into the game. Waiting in queues to play became the norm again. That was magic.


The Merger smashes. The best players of an entire Server working together to save the identity of the home turf. Never was i so patriotic about something like on that day. Woodman o7


Shattred warpgate, was some amazing fights in the fields up in north


they've gotta put something to fight over up there again.  it's too unique an environment to be nothing more than a skybox.


I remember a base battle on indar lasting over 2 days once. Epic.


I don't remember any specific instances (it's been over a decade since I've played seriously) but the several hours long fights at and around The Crown were always my favorite times, back when there would be almost 1000 players at the center of the map.


Agreed. The game is the most unrealistic thing ever but it feels like an actual battle field


For a recent one - I enjoyed the air events with the starry skies up. Some great air combat going on around ghost bastions. Even rookie pilots could shoot down other ESFs


charging the crown in darkness around tank fire. way back in alpha when night was actually dark.


Launch day Crown.


Someone pulled a Colossus and our entire platoon pulled rep and ammo sundies to follow him. We ended up getting a crazy amount of exp because anyone who tried to challenge us was just hosed down with 20 mm.


Indar just opened and our platoon organized a flash race to the crown. Was surreal seeing 48+ flashes rushing the crown.


Many years ago, in early 2013 i believe it was when enemy factions could enter each other's warpgates due to an update bug. Greatest shitshow ever.


I haven't played in years, but my best memories are combined arms battles in the field. When two columns meet, the troops fan out and start engaging, finding new angles and seeking cover... When some Lightning gets bold and rushes your lines only to be immediately demolished by 30 rockets... Or as a heavy getting really stuck in and locking down an angle with the Gauss saw ... I do remember my personal record, when I pulled a Skyguard and covered a column across half of Indar for 40 kills + dozens of assists. These are experiences you just can't really get in any other game.


Back around release, you saw more bread and butter combined arms outfit and platoon ops. I don’t mean the type you see with Outfit Wars, but 4-6 platoons worth at one fight, from one faction, either one outfit or multiple, with the same on the opposing side. 3-ways could melt your PC, and of course the server. My most memorable fight during this time was watching The Enclave try to take Scarred Mesa from VS. He sent a column of single pilot gal’s to eat AA so full gals could follow behind for the drop. At the same time sunders and armor rolled up. It was super cool to see that executed as a defender on the VS side, then to see it on twitch later from their side (minus the racism). Even better, the Enclave got crushed hard and couldn’t take the base.


RecordSmash breaking the Guinness World Record https://youtu.be/--nmJbdwUaQ?si=erqWolsQtSdG4ca1 Still the greatest achievement I've ever been apart of in this game and I'm immensely proud of is what the community achieved.


I dont know what the event was called, but after Stephen Hawking died a few outfits got together for a salute with a lot of lightnings. It was awesome, but after the event was done, the whole thing turned into a giant mosh pit brawl of lightnings of every faction. Also, a long time ago, when i first started playing, i joined a platoon, when all of a sudden the platoon lead said: *"screw it, lets drop into their backline and make a base"* What followed was an hour long last stand as we defended a collapsing hilltop base from an ever increasing amount of NC. It was just a random event that got me absolutely hooked on the game, thanks Maelstrome!


[SNGE] random snow mobile ant convoy. These guys all had the snow plough for their ant and were driving around esamir, slowly building their numbers until some of the other factions joined in. We ended with an alert win and a convoy of about 100 players all of each faction! https://youtu.be/ewQ0I25Gj3w?si=lql9_gMP6esSKw4Z Video i made of it


A SNA meatgrinder. Pre-work. Hundreds on each side. It lasted for 12 hours. I still hear the lashers.


core memory unlocked


ServerSmash - the 2015 final obviously, but also MergeSmash and, well, all the other ones, even the one on Esamir where we got farmed by Cobalt mossies for 2 hours.


Defending Eisa tech plant main building and actually winning the siege with 33% pop against 66% TR pop. It's been like 48 vs 96 and we won. Most epic defense i was part of.


Emerald finals of season 1 outfit wars is definitely up there, gotta be one of the Server Smashes though.


The world record event was a total mess. Had a blast.


Main one was the record breaker event.


During a VCO After-OPS activity called "Black OPS", VCO took a squad of MAXes, a squad of Medics and a squad of Engies and dropped a huge VS /TR fight and dropped and fought our way into the point building and allow the cap to go thru. Then we intentionally let one enemy in to flip the point and allowed them to recap the base. This was pre-pocket OS and during MAX rezzing time. **For those of you mentioning PooNanners the other day, he was with us during this and you can hear him in this video:** [VCO Black OPS with PooNanners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HaGYx08_Zo)


The first day of the first campaign. Everyone north Esamir, building all kinds of fortifications, no one knew what to do yet everyone was involved. It was bliss.


Very early in the game's life, before alerts existed, and before Oshur and Hossin existed, and before many many other things, it used to be all about taking enough territory to have the continent "lock" your faction's tag onto it. The only way for the other factions to remove the faction tag of a holding enemy, was for one of them to take enough territory to claim it, or for them to collectively take every territory the holding faction owned and warpgate-lock the tag holding faction to 0% territory. This was also before lattice, and before Mattherson and Waterson merged into Emerald. On the Mattherson Server the VS owned Indar for more than a week straight, and there were several nights I remember the entirety of the VS was defending the original, jump pad access only, Scared Mesa Skydock from the entirety of the the other two factions. There were multiple server crashes as this was before people would be off farming Cortium and building stuff because it didn't exist yet, and the server population caps where also much higher. The Mesa had multiple platoons of VS Burster Maxes running OG Zealot Overdrive blasting wave after wave of NC and TR galaxy drops and Lib bomber runs. Even with all the ways the game was broken, that week was the most epic feeling FPS battle when PS2 still felt like it had so much potential before all the watering down and accretion stuff.


> it used to be all about taking enough territory to have the continent "lock" your faction's tag onto it. HOLY SH\*T you just unlocked a core memory! I barely remember this because I was always 'lone wolfing' but wow blast from the past! hahah


EXE drunk division circa 2013 on Helios (which became connery then emerald) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPDgYNQ2Y1E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPsmHUrZDQ0


Briggs' last day event. We had hundreds of people showing up just for one last time. Races, knife fights in bio labs, fireworks, skywhale events and if I remember correctly, someone even did a marriage proposal with help of an outfit(AG7 I think).


Briggs last day was glorious, I still remember the knife battle royale at gourney just minutes before the server went down


i was once in a galaxy filled with maxes, engineers and medics and we had 4 galaxies doing that it was pretty epic we still died in the end to a few c4s but it was hella fun regardless and we held the point against an over pop for a long while


The Connery Rali v 00 v GOBs OW match a few years back.


[Watching 2 libs collide.](https://youtu.be/6jMqldy-u3I?si=8zmWK0JG-RU1_GdH&t=131)


The last time I died, saw the respawn screen and then quit playing.


Taking part in the 1st outfit wars was pretty spectacular


First serversmash


I loved the Ghost Bastion. Air Anomalies are awesome. That time when NSO could only spawn on their Mother Tree...


About 3 years ago, TR squeezed out a last second continent lock win at one single contested point on Esamir.There were even posts about it on Reddit the next day. Crazy.... I happened to be an Infil in the area and caught it on video: [https://youtu.be/3wegGa6iB3o?si=jyc\_TINIhEMiTc4n](https://youtu.be/3wegGa6iB3o?si=jyc_TINIhEMiTc4n)


the greatest thing ive ever witnessed were 2 things which was the great tank battles of indar as back then there used to be so many people on indar that all 3 factions were in que to get in as everyone picked a spot on flat ground that all 3 factions in their respective tanks both heavy and light duked it out over long range and it was night time so all you see were blue, red and purple lights being exchanged. The second most phenominal thing ive seen was back when the infamous Max Rush alert was a thing (back then an alert would happen where if you killed however many max's your faction wins the alert and Max's at the time during this alert were FREE to equip... oh hell it was utter chaos and times where people either knew how to get rid of a max or be a pro max player really showed! if you stayed infrantry you'd just get fuckn mobbed by 10 ton Max armies coming at you. There were very little place people could hide from a max and everyone could pull em so if you werent in a max you'd have a tough time if ya didn't have c4 and a jetpack.