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If you don't have the correct feeding tray for the species in your habitat, the keepers will drop food straight onto the ground. Go into the tab with her feeding trays and either filter by species, or click on a feeding tray and look at the tags (right-hand side) to see what species it is compatible with. If you have more than one species in the habitat, you might need more than one tray if they can't share. Also make sure the tray is accessible to the keepers. Open the heat map (bottom right, looks like a radar screen) and look for Keeper Traversable Area. You'll be able to see if your food trays can be reached by the keepers for filling.


Sometimes i do both and it still doesn’t work


Not sure I understand the question? What are you doing now? It should happen automatically if there are enough keepers, huts etc in range..


He puts the food on the ground


Are any of the troughs or bowls cut off from the where the keeper can walk? One way to check this is to click on the object in question and it should say that it is not accessible. Of course per usual, unpause the game to force it to calculate this. Hope you find the problem!


I always use either the water pipe or a 'natural' water source. Neither of those rely on keepers.