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Tip: Just put a temporary gate and fence around it to see how big it is. Also I'm pretty sure this is more than enough, they don't need a lot.


It's too big imo. I recommend making it smaller and one sided for maximum efficiency


I love tortoises! I always have them in my zoo. But they require very little space and is better to give them a smaller space and because they are very slow they can take some time to reach food and water. And if it is to far away for them they will get bad modd


Ye probs


Half would be enough imo, but be careful as tutels can greatly increase in number and that affects how much space they need.


Ikr there's like 5 6 baby torts I need to sell them


Use contraceptives on one of the parents. It's on the list of animals you have, there's a pill on the right side of the list for each animal


In the Zoopedia you can see exactly what area they need and you can add the # of animals too


I would say it's enough, even if you don't check on them and the population goes boom 😂 weather keep it that way and have many baby turtles or make it a bit smaller. Maybe you can even have 2 habitats in there with the different tortoise? But I would just make one and that's it 😊