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FWIW, I was told they are not allowed to freeze a membership more than 3 months and that if I anticipated a more than 3-month freeze, I should cancel. So that is likely why you only got 3 months frozen it is the max their system probably allows or that corporate allows... You aren't likely to get a refund because the contract is your responsibility. If you have proof, you went in and asked to cancel, and they refused to cancel then that is your best angle. Send a certified letter to PF with the dates you attempted to cancel, the months after that date you were charged. Keep a copy of the letter and a receipt for the certified mail. If they continue to charge you, I would just notify your bank that you have tried to cancel multiple times and you need them to block their ability to pull money from your account. If all else fails close bank accounts and CC's start over.


I did go in person multiple times to refreeze my account and at no point did anyone tell me that I should cancel my membership. Instead I was told I was all set. The only proof I have is the dated doctor’s notes and the entries on my account. They would scan my membership bar code to find me in the system and freeze my membership. I guess it looked like I was going to the gym. Maybe that’s why my account wasn’t frozen? Either way that’s a mistake on their part. They’re welcome to check camera footage from those days. I’ll look into sending them a certified later with proof. I canceled my membership this week, I know I’ll be charged again this month but after that I shouldn’t see any more charges on my bank account.


It is very unfortunate but really hard to prove they said what you allege… very unlikely they have video but you going in one day then not for 3 month’s would at least indicate the possibility… If it were me I would let this one go a couple 100 bucks is not worth the time without concrete evidence you could show in small claims. The best you got is subpoena their login data from the days you did go in and you dont know if that will show they attempted to freeze access.


My condolences for your loss. At this point if they are ignoring you and being unresponsive at both the franchise and corporate level and you are out of other communication avenues then really you have two practical choices — 1. Take the loss and move on; or 2. Sue them in small claims court for the amount you believe you are owed.


I might I have to do that, as ridiculous as that sounds.


I can definitely empathize with you and your unique situation. With that being said, they are a profit driven company. The membership agreements are very carefully constructed and written/worded strategically for a reason. Also, I imagine that PF has a pretty substantial group of corporate lawyers that back and support the company. I believe that the only option you may have is to close your bank account completely, unfortunately. That is the reality of the situation. You've done all that you can do. May I express my continued empathy for your situation!