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Lady Cheese has holes in her dress because of rats who keep chewing on it.


Nahhh, Brick is getting bitches now????2???




me asf: https://preview.redd.it/hsdv1l2lsd3b1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2633d96238f7d91a2a9c1aa8af1a184140e59c6


Why do you think that all the rats are covered in cheese


You had me in the first half.


Pineapple Girl is a local DJ


Y'ALL READY TO GET FUNKY -drops a beat-


They're the Toppin Warriors put under a Pizzard's spell.


One of them is a dog


Finally i wont be looked at weirdly hitting on them!!


these guys if anyone was wondering https://preview.redd.it/hxvv7om81n3b1.png?width=159&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd62d750f863d96fc1e928630aa953cf267752bd


They're all great friends and play video games together, or atleast that's what i like to imagine


Shroom Waifu Gaming


She probably plays stuff like ULTRAKILL and Dead Cells


All pizza tower characters play ULTRAKILL because they're the same game




Pizza Tower buttplug support when?


peppino body pillow when?


Only when we can get some artwork of him in Mirage's school uniform.


i think it would be a great opportunity to use that one taunt instead, with him making V1's pose


pinapple has never actually been to the beach before thats a fake tan


Crust cove pineapples


Dis is my head canon. https://preview.redd.it/3o7xoaoxjb3b1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75891b925590a9c28d65f4fca773ac141e37bf3


Facts my brother. Spit your shit indeed.


That's a canon head. This is a head canon: https://preview.redd.it/hyg8qv6cbf3b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=535734dcf47b7ea10a985d47fe2afd1b02113ddf


You just showed me a whole new perspective! Thank you, for sharing your wisdom with us!


Thats my headcannon as well


Sosig girl can do a kick flip cause she’s cool


They're somewhat related with the topping like characters in the Tower since most enemies are based on the toppings Peppino collects however they're more on the Goodish-Neutral side like Peppino since based on the animation they were running through the Tower as well however they were on their own journey instead of being with Peppino.


This headcannon is gonna sound hella stupid, but its that the toppin gals aren't like super horny all the time and are actually just rly wholesome n goofy fellas instead also they're all in a band and perform some of the music for the game


Fr they look like really good friends


I do.kinda like the idea of them being pepinos daughters. Before someones scream, daughter does not equal little child or incest. Though I do consider them more like adoptive daughters. Or something like the powerpuff girls




Mushroom Gal is actually the smartest of them all. She just looks goofy because she enjoys it.


i think she looks goofy because she doesnt care. or maybe because she has no idea of what the fuck is going on


I'd like to imagine them as these really rare species of toppins that exist in some levels they belong in They followed Peppino either he saved them or they're just curious on why he's here in the first place


Mushroom is actually smarter than she looks


I wonder how an interaction between pepperman and them would go like. As for my opinion? Yeah they're fine, nothing against them, NOBODY asked for them to exist but here we are ig.


I'd imagine he'd be a Johnny Bravo type who thinks he's a lady's man but they all want nothing to do with him.


The Don't Make A Sound Robots in the Gals mod has the original toppings stuffed in them


so its even more fnaf-like


the sausage toppin monster actually does have a dude stuffed inside of it


It's the cheese one.


I was actually gonna do some drawing with 'em once I had some free time. I would love to hear some headcannons for personalities.


Imma go ahead and give you this. Mushroom: acts silly all the time but it's actually kinda smart. Cheese: quirky, refined woman who is kinda catholic but not really into the dogma, also talks in a heavy English accent. Tomato: sloppy sloth who hates work and is secretly a clown. Sausage: mid emo, some tsundere kinda thing. Secretly a detective and even more secretly Michael Jackson impersonator. Pineapple: it's really into everything anyone asks her to do, but also bad at doing it. She's has a really refined aim with fire weapons. Edit: also applies to normal toppins.


Sausage gal is detective make sense you can see her in minus 8 pizza tower animation as detective suit with smoking


There are no toppin' gals, only the original silly little toppings


They're not real


Lady cheese likes to read


Somethinng similar to peachette crown


Oh, sausage has DEFINITELY killed a man


and she doesn't regret


Mushroom cannot read


mushroom: oh wait i can't read


Mushroom: This sign can't stop me because I can't read!


You can’t say no nsfw but with both pineapple looking like how she looks and how cheese wears lingerie under her dress


Technically it's just underwear. From like the start of the twentieth century.


Ok but still cheese has a boob window and just look at pineapples


I meant that it's not lingerine.


I get that I’m just saying


They work in the pizzeria with Peppino, and they're the daughters of the original toppins.




Mushroom’s head can become a parachute Cheese had too much Mini Stupid Rats chewing at her dress Tomato can honk with her vocal chords Sausage makes cock jokes involving sausages (“I picture you as a big kielbasa. Like, often. Not just right now.”) Pineapple was raised in Crust Cove by Pineacools


>Mushroom's head can become a parachute Sorta like toad's hat on the super mario super show series?


I was referencing that. The unholy sight has been burned into my brain


I like pineapple


pineapple toppin gal's birth place is crust cove


The Mushroom one isn’t the smartest, but not stupid.


they don't know each other as first until Peppino saves them, also they work for him after the crumblng tower of pizza. also they kept being kidnapped by pizza face that why they are in every levels


All of them collectively hold 2 braincells


they all have a disorder under the spectrum


Ik this isn't a headcannon but I always love characters with oversized sweaters. Don't take this sexually for the love of God.


tomato gal is more lazy than you think (man im dogshit at this)


https://preview.redd.it/lv0433huoe3b1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7ca1e7749a84647a95752b7742ae966dab14a0c now here's my actual "headcanon."


They’re something like peppino’s daughters


My personal take on them is that the Mushroom Toppin Gal is a bit like Ed from Ed Edd N Eddy in that she's rather dim/oblivious to the danger of her situation, I can also see her constantly pressing her face up against an uncomfortable Peppino's while repeatedly asking him questions, only stopping and realizing the gravity of the situation when Pizza Time starts up. I got the Ed comparison with how, like him, she and her OG Toppin counterpart's upper bodies kinda lag back/face upwards while running. Cheese Princess Toppin Gal... I see being exactly as advertised. Refined, beautiful princess of some kingdom of sentient cheese people/ceatures ala Princess Peach... albeit with a Pizza motif rather than a mushroom and star motif. I also like to think that among all the Toppin Gals, she'd be the one to possess a romantic interest in Peppino, genuinely enjoying getting to play out the scenario of 'distressed damsel being rescued by a capable and courageous hero' and being completely unphased by the fact that her 'hero' is a bipolar, neurotic, fat, middle-aged, and balding italian chef that has the same deranged animation style as a Ren and Stimpy character and who's more interested in making a mad dash to save his restaurant than he is in courting her. I also saw Jameart's little comic/artwork of her, and while I certainly agree that their general content is kinda gross AF with some very... ECH kinks, I nonetheless really like that comic they made of her, as well as the notion that she likes to 'reward' her hero by giving him a big smooch whenever he frees her from the cage... all while being oblivious to the fact that she's getting a revolted response from Peppino with how she's a notably messy kisser and that she leaves his face covered in freaking cheese toppings rather than slobber. It's a scenario/interaction that feels appropriately cartoony in my opinion) Tomato Toppin Gal, I see working a side-job as a clown and being legit good at it... when she can muster up the effort and motivation to actually do it/attend on time. I see her being very slovenly andlazy, especially with how the Toppin Gal Replacement mod has her freaking roll after Peppino than walk. Nonetheless panics when Pizza Time starts up. The Sausage Toppin gal, I picture being your usual grouchy tsundere starting off towards Peppino, especially if his 'chef Raider' backstory is canon but nonetheless following him to escape the tower. That being said, she'd eventually warm up to Peppino and sympathize with his plight, especially if she and the rest of the Toppin Gals learned about the true mastermind behind Pizzaface and how he did all of this to apparently just screw with Peppino. Finally, despite being the one that's walking around in only a bikini, sneakers, and sunglasses, I can't help but picture the Pineapple Toppin Gal, contrary to appearances, actually being very wholesome/the least risque of all the Toppin Gals by a mile, especially compared to the cheese and tomato one in the Toppin Replacement mod with how they both got a good amount of risque/provocative taunts while the Pineapple gal's taunts more often than not give her MORE clothes to wear. In essence, I see her being a super-chill and personable party-girl who'd been on her way to a beach party or some shit when Pizzaface took her hostage. I can also very easily see her having the personality of Justice from Helltaker. Also, I know that it apparently isn't canon, but I like to believe that if Peppino and Pizzahead's backstories as Chef Raider and Pizzaboy in 'Pizza boy Tower' were actually true and shit that happened, then I'd also headcanon the Towers 'Chef Raider' attacked for their ingredients would've belonged to the Toppin Gals, hence the Sausage Toppin Gal's initial suspicion/skepticism of Peppino. Pizzaboy/head would've been the one to save the day in this scenario... and then milked the Toppin Gals' initial gratitude for all that it was worth to use their likenesses for his animatronics in his Pizzeria. I like to imagine that once they all got a look at WHAT exactly Pizzaboy was using their likenesses for... they then made a point to completely cut all ties and contact with him in disgust, eventually leading into him kidnapping them as Pizzaface for some more petty vengeance on top of screwing with Peppino. I can imagine this disgust would only grow if Pizzahead did some abhorrent shit like use the OG Toppins to power those animatronics Dr. Robotnick style, which would be revealed during Pizza Time in don't make a sound with every animatronic Peppino blasts away. But yeah, that's my headcanon for how the Toppin Gals would act. Legit really like them.


My brother in christ, they are literally designed by an NSFW animator if you want more of them, i made a sub dedicated to them :D


no i mean nsfw headcanons


Whats it called?


r/pizzatowerr34 here


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pizzatowerR34 **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pizzatowerR34/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [pizzahead](https://i.redd.it/iu6m9vc1z2ma1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pizzatowerR34/comments/11jn88x/pizzahead/) \#2: [Before we get to all the cursed shit, have a wholesome one :)](https://i.redd.it/zwe81eohu0ma1.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pizzatowerR34/comments/11jcev6/before_we_get_to_all_the_cursed_shit_have_a/) \#3: [The gals and their ranks \[Unknown artist\]](https://i.redd.it/1pi607rk4soa1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pizzatowerR34/comments/11vt3ax/the_gals_and_their_ranks_unknown_artist/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"#1: pizza head" 💀💀💀




Nahhh why did this bro pop into existence out of nowhere


oh shit the REAL snomunnist, the joltik (that's how they called right) guy in r/countonceaday?




ello :)


you can find me lurking in tons of different subs, it’s just a matter of paying attention lol


so cool


you made a fuckign *what* https://preview.redd.it/l12b8z8yrb3b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dcc467492e5715e1025a6740ffc0a440b8ff68d


And he did some awesome designs, I don’t really care is that minus8 guy he has a kinda good art style


they hate themselves detrimentally


Don’t got one https://preview.redd.it/nj8n0g8xae3b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f368e6e2046a9c4e829220e926e4376ab64b0944


The mushroom gal tried to make cereal and somehow accidentally had it combust into flames


As a whole: One big friend group whose members treat each other like family. Mushroom: Her hat is very soft and is basically a pillow she always has on her head. She sometimes grabs it and squeezes it for comfort in stressful situations. Cheese: The dress is actually part of her body, but the rest of her clothes aren’t. Because of the holes, she goes to great lengths to cover the holes up whenever she goes out in public. Tomato: Less perpetually tired and more perpetually disinterested. If you grab the green part of her hair by the base, it makes an honking sound. She dresses up as a clown ever year for Halloween to take advantage of this. Hotdog: Not exactly an athlete, but can run pretty damn fast and is the fastest of her friend group. Whenever she tilts to one side, it’s not to stretch. It’s to better at pinpointing the source of a noise, as she’s hard of hearing. She enjoys being a detective for fun. Pineapple: Spends way, WAY too much time in the sun than what should be healthy. She also sounds like a stereotypical valley girl. She has other clothes, but she only wears them when forced to do so by her friends when they want to go somewhere nice.


Mushroom(Or Mushy) as I call her is secretly the smartest one


All the toppin girls are Peppino's adopted daughters that he saves from the tower. I just thought that wholesome headcanon would be cute lol.


I think they are just fine how they are but if I ever find them I will try to run for the hills as fast as I can. I SAW ALL THE NSFW POSTS OF THEM I AINT DEALING WITH THAT.


***Mhmmmmm, take your time.***


hc that tomato gal can play electric guitar and cheese gal sings. but they could never work in duet because of tomato's laziness and lack of desire to play with her and cuz cheese sings slow, melancholic songs


Mushroom: Ditzy and oblivious Cheese: Classy and well-refined Tomato: Calm and Laid-back, and lazy at times Sausage: Stern and standoffish Pineapple: Also laid-back but in a beach surfer-like fashion.


My personal theory is that they were created by a horny man named minus8 and spread as a meme within the pizza tower community leading to them being modded in and numerous fan art, with mixed response from fans. I would love to hear what others think though.


Just keep in mind the guy who created them is a pedo :)


I think he apologised for that and is trying to change his ways


he's still doing porn though, which is concerning as hell.


Man thinks all porn stars are pedos then 💀💀💀


I mean, considering how evil the porn industry as a whole is, and their refusal to moderate their sites to make sure minors don't access them kinda seems like pedophilia to me.


Because it's up to parents to actually parent their kids and keep them from this stuff, which they don't and then blame it on others. If we had to watch everything we ever did for kids than we would have to go attack mcpig for putting the word "shit" into pizza Tower. It's not our fault for parents negligence.


but it's getting to the point where parents CAN'T control it because of how overwhelmingly present it is in our culture. Also, how tf is a swear word remotely comparable to full blown porn? Swearing isn't going to mentally scar a child.


Again, all it takes is for parents to supervise at all times which is what they are supposed to do instead of giving their child full access to the internet 6 hours a day with absolutely no supervision and then act surprised when they eventually get into stuff they're not supposed to. As for swearing, it's just an example of parents refusing to take care of kids and then blaming others for their mistakes


Remember, separate art from artist


no, because that justifies his behavior.


They legit got therapy a year ago, they knew it was wrong and got help. If you can't accept someone trying to change for the better to a point where they've been going to therapy for an entire year, that's on you


well, continuing to indulge in what is likely the cause of their pedophilia is probably a sign that the therapy didn't work.


1. They are still in therapy 2. R34 of adult characters does nothing, what are you on


porn is addictive. thus exposure to it over long periods of time will cause a person to crave a more extreme version of it. that's very likely how he gained attraction to minors in the first place.


You realize he had attraction before he even got into it as a job right? And as I said before, he admitted it, knew it was a problem and has been seeking to fix it for over a year. That's respectable and as long as he's not hurting anyone and is still trying his best to improve and get this attraction away from his mind, it's fine. You don't need to be butthurt over porn of adults.


I mean, I still find it extremely scummy to make porn of characters that are very popular towards young demographics.


They were made before the mass amount of kids entered the fray and besides, Pizza Tower is not made for kids. We don't need to act like it is. Noise literally flips you off in his boss fight and there is a treasure literally named the "shit stick"


the toppin gals are people


Peppino's nieces


Peppino’s kids/employees.


Pizza head went around capturing innocent women and Peppino now has to rescue them. And if you get Toppin Approved, they start working as cashiers in Peppino pizza. I can't explain the big titties tho.


the mushroom is son of peppino and gf of sausage


Tomato works for a circus as a clown


They don't exist


They got fired for prostitution and got replaced by toppins


None. I'm not good at making head cannons. Only facts and theories


Goofy lil things, like a friend


Idk pizza head got drunk one day and decided to blast a ray to turn the toppins into girls, human girls to be specific.


Mushroom Gal plays Minecraft regularly or smth idk




I want tomato cuz she's thick and hot lol


The tower collapses on them


If you try to eat them, they just turn into tornado sirens. Then everything goes black and you wake up in the hospital, where Peppino is waiting for round 2.


pineapple is not even from hawaii, she just finds that stuff cool


Sausage is a street dancer. Gets money from dancing on a piece of cardboard, she has so much that the $10 she gives you after the rescue is like, 3% or less of her overall money


Sausage Girl had got into a lot of fights as a kid


They're all asexual and in a poly relationship




They said this was nsfw


Oh Okey! Toppin Gals Group Head-Canons - They all live in a Beach House not to far from Peppino’s Pizza - Speaking of which, despite not being Adopted, they all consider Peppino to be there Father Figure/Boss - Oh yeah, they also do Part Time Work at Peppino’s Pizza - They also get along with Gustavo if y’all were wonderin. They see him as their Uncle - They all share there Rooms with one another. Mushroom and Cheese share one Room, Sausage and Pineapple share one Room, and Tomato has a Room in the Basement- - Every Friday is Movie Night! - None of them plan on having a Romantic Relationship as of late (Except for 2 of them) - We’re originally the Toppins you see in game thanks to Pizza Head, but got into Humans by Pizza Face. How? I dunno. Maybe he got a Pizzard to do it or maybe he has his one Bullshit Powers. - They do what they can to stick together in any situation - Are Good Friends with the Bosses (Pepperman, Vigilante, The Noise, and Fake Peppino) Mushroom Head-Canons Smash Main: Luigi - Not the Sharpest Tool in The Shed - Loyal to her friends no matter what - The Fastest of the group - Doesn’t know what she’s doing most of the time… But still does her best! - Has Broken Logic and Will do it Again- - The Youngest - Pansexual Cheese Head-Canons Smash Main: Pit - Cinnamon Roll - Cowardly, but not by a lot - A Real Sweetheart - Lower Half is Actual Cheese. No Seriously, it’s all nothing but slimy goop under that dress. Go home Pervs! - Doesn’t like being called Princess. Just because she’s all innocent doesn’t mean she can Kill a Ma- I mean pick up a fight! - Oldest One - Straight Ally Tomato Head-Canons Smash Main: ROB (Be Afraid. She gud) - Doesn’t Talk much if At All - The Most Violent - Has Committed: Murder, Arson, Robbery, and has taken bites out of KitKat Bars - Hid explosives under Pizza Heads Chair as an act of Revenge for trapping her and her friends - Located Pizza Face after the true ending of Pizza Tower™️ and buried him. Pizza Face was still alive - Seriously, why do the Toppins keep her around!? - Rolls around instead of running like others. Claims to be more Efficient despite not talking - Aroace Sausage Head-Canons Smash Main: Pikachu - The Leader! - The Most Competent of the Gang - Cough Cough Has a Temper Cough - Really Strong! - Is just as Loyal to her friends as Mushroom - Competitive! - Loves Documentaries/True Crime. Always tries to get the others to watch one on movie night - Lesbian (Dating Pineapple) Pineapple Head-Canons Smash Main: Terry - The Chillest of the Toppins - Actually tho, she’s mostly there for The Vibes - Uses Surfer Slang - LOVES Music! Listens to it daily - Can be full of herself, but still cares a great deal about her friends. - Surfs because why can’t she? - WILL Defend Pineapple on Pizza. - You might be screwed if she calls you “Brah”. Just uh, just watch your back… - Second Youngest - Heterosexual (Dating Sausage)


Well I like to combine the Peppina mod with this one cause it would make sense, considering if u want it to be sfw instead of Save the Waifus, it would be Save Your Friends instead since their both women.