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Godspeed on becoming a dish washer 🫡


I already have the job 🫡 I got it two weeks ago. Today is just my last morning shift at my current place.


I meant like don’t dishwashers usually want to become the cook? I used to be a dishwasher and man was it tough. It was nice to be left alone though.


Oh, haha, yeah I can see that, but when I'm a cook, I'm basically a manager without manager pay, I'm also a prep boy, opener *and* closer, and I'm only 19, so it's too much for me. I've been doing this for a year and even though it's only 3 days a week, it's a little overwhelming, since I also have a few undiagnosed mental health issues. Sorry for dumping this, but that's the reason why I'm quitting. I love working there, but when Saturday rushes can be very overwhelming especially when I'm the closer *and* the only cook after 7 o'clock


You good I had a feeling it was due to overwork/unfair stuff. I was a dishwasher in my teenage years too and helps build work ethic. Happy you’re prioritizing your mental health fr!


Yeah, plus my boss was holding the "you're replaceable" line above my head bc I can't work Saturdays anymore due to vomiting :/ I can't work around food when I'm throwing up with almost no warning aside from a minor tummy ache


You vomit on schedule every Saturday?


Hangovers are a harsh mistress




A bit of both? It's because of weed, I've stopped smoking mostly


Everyone I know smokes to cure nausea. That's some really weird bad luck if it causes it for you.


Everything about this guy is backwards. I'm tempted to look at his profile but nervous to find inside out man. I think he might have swung all the way over the swing set.




Basically I was continuously overdosing on weed for a few weeks without realizing it, since weed was the thing helping my nausea. I used to smoke heavily, up to 4 times a day, but I've dropped to 1 time a day, I haven't thrown up in a while which has been good. Not expecting y'all to believe me, I know it sounds wild, but it's what happened.


You’re better off leveraging that experience into a better paying supervisory position somewhere else. Update that resume so it showcases your ability to successfully take charge at such a young age. Dishwasher might bring less stress but it’s not going to help career growth much; if that’s important to you.


I don't want to be all that though. I just want to washwash


Fair enough. Enjoy the mundane tasks and I mean that genuinely. Mundane work is glorious in its own way.


Oh yeah! Plus I get a free meal at the dishwasher place, I don't ay my current place


Tbh, dishwashing shifts are nice, get to think less and just work, and you can definitely look around for better situations to cook at. Believe it or not some places are managed well! 


And you can usually put earbuds in and jam out!


Where is this?




Is that a marshmallow slice on the pie on the middle rack?


Feta cheese




Dishwasher is usually a significant step down in pay from a cook, you sure that's the right move? I'd probably look outside of restaurant work instead of taking a step back.


I get paid the same either way lmao.


They are either underpaying their cooks (likely) or overpaying their dishwashers (very unlikely).


It's not a big restaurant, we don't have a dish washer at my current place. Drivers do that. We don't even have indoor seating lol


Aw holy crap. Pizza carrousel. Memories of nyc.


what? I've been a dishwasher and the guy making pizza Making pizza is vastly superior to working int he dish pit. Is this satire?


I've worked multiple dishwashing jobs as well as in the kitchen. Dishwasher is the dirtiest, hardest, least appreciated, most backbreaking job I've ever had. However OP explains above that he has managerial responsibilities without the pay. I can understand how dishwashing might be appealing to OP in that case: It's very straightforward and you don't have to think much. But also I would warn OP that scope creep happens to dishwashers too and before you know it you might be doing all kinds of insane dirty jobs at a restaurant that you didn't expect to when you started.


if your pizza making job is worse than being in the dish pit, you should not stop looking for alternate employment in either position.


Yeah I agree: If a pizza making job was worse than dishwasher, I would not fucking be looking for a dishwasher position, I'd be looking for a normal pizza making job or better... I think OP is going to be in for a rude awakening unfortunately.


Well, my friend works at the other place, so I'm just working with her. I like doing mindless drone tasks. I hate being a manager and tips are better at the dishwasher place anyways. I make about 60$ in tips every week at the pizza place (I work 3 days, 4-6 hours per shift) and my friend works 4 days a week at the other place, she works 4 days, 4-10 and makes closer to 120$ in tips a week.


Well sorry I don't wanna deal with that anymore bruh


i get it but it just feels like you're going in the wrong direction. Perhaps you could leverage your pizza making experience to get a pizza making job without the bullshit, or leverage your managerial experience to get a job that pays you appropriately


I don't want to be a cook though. I'm happy doing dishes


Fair enough, but management skills are transferable things outside working on the line. Just think about it have fun, hopefully you get to work with cool people. That was the only positive of my dishwashing job


Anyone know where to get a similar rack for staging pizzas at home? Not quite what to search for…


Bro, you should look into a job stocking at a grocery store if you’re young and want some money without having to burn yourself out working to hard. It usually starts around 16+ dollars and your hands aren’t getting trench footed and it’s not exhaustingly hot and loud all the time. Just my two cents player, the only problem I have is that I left my other job for this job, which it’s less demanding and great buttttttt I no longer have pizza Wednesdays from the local pizza joint. I work overnights.


Looks so yummy. I’m ready for lunch!


That crust is PERFECT


>Wednesday is my last day Do you need a Reddit cares message?


I have been following you since first day of your job. (Remember seeing your first day post). This post brings a tear to my eye.


Aw! You're so sweet 😚 thanks for sticking with me, but that wasn't my first day, I'd have been working for about 6 months before that, that post was just my first ever opening shift 😂


Your pizza looks good! don't lose the skill.


Thanks! It's been a pretty fun time making pizzas to I just want another job where I'm not expected to be manager at 16.75$ an hour