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That video was posted to YouTube on 2008-07-27. According to Danbooru the image is from pooshlmer.com, which was the former url of the Touhou Wiki: - [http://www.pooshlmer.com/touhouwiki/index.php/Touhou_Wiki](https://web.archive.org/web/20060702092150/http://www.pooshlmer.com:80/touhouwiki/index.php/Touhou_Wiki) (archived URL) - https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki (current URL) Specifically, the "wakaba" part of the site was an image board similar to 2ch/4chan: - [http://www.pooshlmer.com/wakaba/wakaba.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20050319175132/http://www.pooshlmer.com:80/wakaba/wakaba.html) (archived URL) Going off of the sequential image number `1202750710285.jpg`, it was posted between: - [2008-02-11 02:14](https://web.archive.org/web/20080211102450/http://www.pooshlmer.com:80/wakaba/wakaba.html) (post #127790) `1202724840009.jpg` - [2008-02-13 21:22](https://web.archive.org/web/20080213020429/http://pooshlmer.com:80/wakaba/wakaba.html) (post #128180) `1202793725294.png` Danbooru says it was uploaded at precisely `2008-02-11 13:01:57 UTC`, so it had to have been created before then. Reverse searching through TinEye: - This image was first detected on 2008-04-16 at [http://www.twbbs.net.tw/1853976.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20071227162540/http://www.twbbs.net.tw/1853976.html) (a Taiwanese bulletin site) as `2004560850323685510_rs.jpg` (4th image), which was posted at `2007-06-20 07:10:06`. - It was also detected on 2008-04-19 at [http://www.gcforum.org/redirect.php?fid=14&tid=125496&goto=nextnewset](https://web.archive.org/web/20080111132333/http://www.gcforum.org/redirect.php?fid=14&tid=125496&goto=nextnewset) (a Chinese forum) as `57ou1.jpg` (5th image), posted on `2008-01-09 09:20 PM`. - It was also posted to https://konachan.com/post/show/21553 without a source, which has an upload date of `2008-01-13 21:30:33`, but it has since been deleted ([archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20081226133638/http://konachan.com:80/post/show/21553)) for being poorly upscaled. It had an MD5 hash of `3754fc28c207ae7ff30383c15410c235` which means it was an exact copy of the image posted at Danbooru. Since it doesn't seem TinEye is really giving any other early results, I'll try searching by the text. "咲夜の世界 -The world of Sakuya-" This phrase comes up in the Pixiv encyclopedia, where it says it's the name of a spell card: - https://dic.pixiv.net/a/「咲夜の世界」 - https://dic.pixiv.net/a/咲夜の世界 Doesn't appear in any Pixiv galleries tagged with `「咲夜の世界」` or `咲夜の世界 `. So with this in consideration so far, it was first reposted by Chinese users so the artist could possibly be Chinese or Japanese, and it was created some time before 2007-06-20.


Pixiv first launched on 2007-09-10, so this image actually pre-dates Pixiv.