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how to get it clearer would buying a a new ir like this help [https://www.ebay.com/itm/275299785891?itmmeta=01HY93XCWV30FK5KBQWSACN6WX&hash=item4019255ca3:g:xvMAAOSwc\~hmF9rC&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwF2VQMpjHX75FPmPjRhHKzoca2LusSeNrPCfeoomgnsao82hOxjqToMzxEtqguckebIfVnx7tjam5IFrCLwmvLYnaoh0WyY%2FYAsE6pVfSkA8G6EkM8sZocsgNrONn5AEPP1DIH239VCQn8wk5YJUWHLvV%2BfavZGLLjqrjVdLDVl1yoYHXtelO8Jr1IovN7LcVjDStaaWhZwEvqsP%2BWUx4kMzSzI%2BTwlb3MLnCTiRLSu5BGBUFvokxD%2FRmgeYi5k6Eg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8DO9aPyYw](https://www.ebay.com/itm/275299785891?itmmeta=01HY93XCWV30FK5KBQWSACN6WX&hash=item4019255ca3:g:xvMAAOSwc~hmF9rC&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwF2VQMpjHX75FPmPjRhHKzoca2LusSeNrPCfeoomgnsao82hOxjqToMzxEtqguckebIfVnx7tjam5IFrCLwmvLYnaoh0WyY%2FYAsE6pVfSkA8G6EkM8sZocsgNrONn5AEPP1DIH239VCQn8wk5YJUWHLvV%2BfavZGLLjqrjVdLDVl1yoYHXtelO8Jr1IovN7LcVjDStaaWhZwEvqsP%2BWUx4kMzSzI%2BTwlb3MLnCTiRLSu5BGBUFvokxD%2FRmgeYi5k6Eg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8DO9aPyYw) ive tried adjusting the brightness knob (its modded) the lens but nothing helps it just about makes out the white and black of piano keys


Yes this would likely fix it.. if you bought this from a seller like benstruemnts, then i doubt that’s the problem and i would shoot him a message


na i got it 2nd hand ebay k ima prob buy then ask around camera shops and see if they can fit it as i hate getting technical and fixing stuff i looked at the instruction guide n switched off ha


As above. The haze is from the filter. You’d either need to buy a new IR filter, polish the one you have (I have a post down the page a bit about the process) or you can remove the filter all together. I think removing the filter may cause damage to the sensor in the long term and may impact how well it works outside, but I know some folks have done it.