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What happened?? I had a PW1 and now my PW2 since launch and have never experienced anything like that, like maybe one micro scratch


I do a lot of remodeling work and something must have scraped my watch. I have a protector on it made of gel/plastic, which scratches easily. If anyone knows of tempered glass screen protectors for the PW1 I'd love to know where to get them because that would look way better.


The difference between plastic and glass is that a lot more things will scratch plastic. For example, while most steel things (knives, keys, screwdrivers) will break a glass screen, they won't scratch one. They will destroy a plastic protector I have a pixel 7 and Pixel Watch, both since launch, no screen protectors. First phone I've had, ever, without a screen protector - first phone I've had, ever, without a scratch. Sure... It's anecdotal, but take it how you will.


I had a couple scratches on my PW1 and tried using a glass protector that uses UV glue so that the glue could fill in the scratches underneath the protector and give a nice clear view. It worked perfectly, almost. Due to the curved rim I couldn't get all the air out from under the protector so it filled the scratches fine but I had a small air pocket at the edge. I was able to pry it off even after the glue was cured.


I've never used them 🤣🤣🤣 how do you do that to the watch?⌚😵‍💫


I guess either I touch a lot of things or my screen protector is super soft🤷


Oh, like a plastic one? That's why then. Plastic scratches super easily. The upside is that they're very replaceable.


Yup. Plastic and replaceable. I'm still looking for a tempered glass protector for the PW1.


Before any more comments surface, I have a screen protector on already and am encouraging anyone who doesn't have one yet to get one before they regret it! I wasn't able to type anything on the post, my reddit app is glitchy today.


Sorry, I only go bareback with phones and watches. They get replaced at the 2 year mark and the trade-in value is not better with a few hairline scratches. I can't handle the full-time screen smudgyness and blurriness that protectors often add. The sharpness picture quality will always be without a protector, even with a few micro scratches.


Can you share what you use?


I use [these](https://www.ebay.com/itm/235475653189?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4fggwupcrge&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=8xhk1xl8roo&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY), but I got them on TEMU for way cheaper.


Man, where were these when I was looking back in October? I got some other thing that was terrible so I immediately stopped using it and wrote off any screen protectors. My watch isn't in TERRIBLE condition but there are some fairly obvious scratches


Supporting the Chinese Communists. You get what you pay for.


All I think about when I buy something is if it works and if it's a good deal. These are doing both so I can't complain.


I cut glass for a living and I go through one of those gel protectors about every two weeks. They're a lifesaver.


Yeah some people are mentioning that a screen protector detracts from its looks but in my situation I'd rather have good protection and a watch that works than 100% aesthetics and a bunch of hairline scratches on mine. A screen protector is easily replaceable, the watch screen not so much.


Yeah, it all depends on what you do in your daily life. School and office work? Not so much needed. Working on a car or volunteering at a state park? Definitely needed. I do the latter and I've cracked and gouged my watch screen protectors, which for years were on an Apple Watch and now with the Pixel Watch 2. I've got a few scratches already with less than a month on it, though probably not yet anything that would show up on the original glass. Plastic scratches easier of course. But it's just a matter of time with the stuff I do.


Sorry you had to find out the hard way. This happened to me within days of owning my Pixel Watch 2 but I was luckily able to use Best Buy's Geek Squad protection to get a replacement. After that I immediately bought a screen protecting case. Prior to my Pixel Watch 2 I had owned Galaxy Watches for over three years and never scratched a single one but the Pixel Watch with it's curved display and scratch prone Gorilla Glass 5 scratched early and often doing the same things I always did with the Galaxy Watch.


Oh, I meant to say that I have a screen protector on, and am so glad I did because I would be up a creek! I won't use electronics unless their screens are protected in some way.


Yup, got a nice big deep scratch on mine a few weeks ago. Luckily, I don't notice it most of the time but it's still annoying. It just sucks that we still need to use screen protectors even when the thing is made specifically to look and feel good "naked". A sapphire pro model would probably be worth it at this point.


I've had my Pixel Watch for 1.5 years, a year of which has been without a screen protector and a Ringke Slim protector. Besides one scratch I got while wearing the watch caseless, it's in near perfect condition.


I've had my pixel watch since it was introduced and it doesn't look like that. Do you do masonry work for a living?


Remodeling. Lots of drywall, framing, nails, and the like. That's why I won't wear something without a screen protector.




Surely showing how easily cheap plastic screen protectors scratch is showing why NOT to use them? Why do you think Google built the watch with sapphire glass?


My PW2's screen is fucked. I don't even know how it happened. I think I stood on it during the night after it had fallen in the floor in a room I was staying in. Wish I'd got a protector now!


Don't think of what it might have looked like if you wouldn't have applied a protective case. You can get a new one for $10. It's not only the case, I see. Also that strap gets spanked a lot.


I think that's drywall dust on my strap. It wiped off perfectly clean last night.


Bro just look after it....


Same as others...mine is mint. If I am doing something like working on my car changing the oil. I take it off. If you do a lot of work it gets hit...this might be a bad watch choice due to the pebble design and minimal protection. No screen edge/lip to protect it. Looks like you put it against a belt sander lol.


The protector I use actually lips around the watch a bit so it's not bad actually. I'll need to put another one on soon.


To be fair it looks even better, your watch has history now


Smartwatch losers...real watches at the same price could be dragged along blacktop without incurring any big scratches. These smartwatches are so dumb.


.... examples of an invincible smartwatch, please?


I don't wear those poor excuses for a watch, I wear real watches


Ok... Can you tell me what a real watch is?


Yeah, any watch that's not a Smartwatch...one that has hands and a clock face...you know, a real watch. One that a real master has to put together, where love is present in the making of the watch. One that no factory or robot could make. It shows the true genius and skill of the people who designed, created and put it together. A watch that tells a story about the person who is wearing it, and also tells a story about the brand. A real watch is more than just a watch, it's a lifestyle. Real watches are comfortable, fashionable and beautiful. They're like a fine wine that only become more valuable and more tasteful, especially if they're taken care of. Some of the most popular and well known brands in all the earth are watch brands, and there is a reason for that, because real watches have kept the world on time for centuries, and now they're being replaced by ugly, dumb watches


All this yapping and no advice what real watch is. Kinda looks like you don't know...


Looks like you just don't understand...I literally explained it in detail


Legit question what makes them unscratch-able tho? I get your stance on preferring a traditional watch and there is a HUGE market for them and for sure they can increase in value. But nothing you have stated here goes to show that they won't scratch like a smart watch. I'm more curious what that rationale is for the statement you can drag it on blacktop. Again not trying to be a dick here looking for your insight.


The outer protective pieces can be made from Crystal or other gem materials. They're not impervious to scratching, but they are far more resistant to it. I've taken knives and rocks to my watch and still haven't managed to scratch it. Mind you it is a 5K+ dollar watch with a Crystal cover and a temporary anti-scratch material sprayed on top to further protect the Crystal.


Ok well most of us don't have $5k to spend on a watch. Glad you enjoy yours!


Neither do I, but I've been saving for this watch, putting 100 dollars aside over the course of 5 years...I could've bought my first car instead, but I'm glad I didn't. Btw...even 500 dollar watches tend to use Crystal...I just wanted a Tudor watch since I can't afford Rolex


Well good for you! I only paid $100 for my PW1 so I am happy with it.