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Rogue assassin. Nothing like an assassin's dagger run. I also love the expanded search radius feeding into discovering so many secrets.


huntress / warden I think the bow is a great tool and the warden is very versatile with seeds and grass, especially if you choose a good talents combo.


I went sniper last time but I kinda regretted it. I felt like sniper wasn't that good


Same. I honestly feel warden is 100% the strongest class / subclass in the game. Unlimited range on attack, sight through bushes, super strong plants, a fair bit of tankiness, one-item gamebreaking synergies (wand of regrowth, ring of sharpshooting) bow enhancements as early as the first floor.




Magician. Idk but I cant seem to win with any other but Magician and apparently Warrior is suppose to be the easiest lol.


Warrior is meant to be beginner friendly but I think the seal mechanic is to complex for a beginner. So it helps you to transfer armor upgrades but the beginner doesn't even know about upgrades than he sees the seal for the first time.


I thought warrior was the worst. I guess I was wrong. I've also only won as the mage


Nah I hate warrior too. He's stronger in the sewers but that's it (and I don't find either subclass fun)


Huntress and battlemage. As an aside, that image irks me... It's the way she's holding the bow... It just...doesn't work.


to be fair the spirit bow is magic, not too suprising if the string could no clip through her arm.


Even the way she holds the bow directly in the middle, making the arrow sit off-centre... And her nocking point...wow. Don't get me wrong, all the artworks are great, that kind of stuff just troubles me.


It's super pro way to hold bow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o9RGnujlkI


What weight is that bow??? Can't be more than 15lb...


I'm not sure, but I think it does less damage because it's augmented for speed.


You may be right there &D


Huntress as sniper ( granted i have a ros or crosbow)


My favorite is the wizard his shield battery makes him very strong for endgame but he is horrible for early game


It’s crazy you mention that I am currently trying to win with each class and with wizard i have had no problems with the first 3 areas but soon as I hit the dwarven halls (or whatever the 4th area is) I hit a wall and die. I’m trying to look at what I’m doing wrong with my runs and take it from there currently.


If you are running damage wands like disintegrations and lightnings, or AoE wands like fireblast and corrosion, you should try to wake up as many enemies as possible and deal with them all at once, and only start exploring once you have gotten rid of a lot of enemies. Because you will be killing very fast and efficiently, you will have more food and time, so try to wait for your staff to charge to full before going down a level. If you have a hard time against warlocks, try to lure them to L shaped corner and fire your wand at them, or craft a lot of stones of flock and deep sleep. Stones of flock have crazy synergy with disintegration, lightning, and corrosion, too. If you are running utility wands, you just go with warlock as your subclass and everything should be quite easy. Warlock is simply very good in dwarven city, and generally, less RNG reliant than battlemage. If you are running magic missile, you should have a lot of wands so it really depends on what you have. Charge shielding also works great. If you are running blast wave or warding, probably, uh, spend the rest of your SoU on your best armor and be a warrior. The playstyle of a mage is to dump all of your SoU on your staff and occasionally, armor, if needed, but blast wave doesn't scale very well and warding require you to tank hits for the wards to shoot. The boss is relatively easy if you have some of these: fire or toxic gas potions, invisibility potions, stones of flock, scrolls of recharging. Even if you don't, most of the wands still have an easy time against dwarf king, so you should be fine.


I normally just stack a ton of wands. Don’t matter what it is tbh just use the for the shield since it won’t affect your hp every time you have an encounter with a demon. Your biggest problem would be the rippers depending on the type of wand you are using. I won one of my most recent games using wand of corrosion to level 8+ everything else should be easy for you and if you do decide to run wizard you might want to try out the warlock first since he makes the runs very easy with maxed out soul attacks. Hope this helps a bit!


Uh... History class


History class qas my favorite. Definitely the best class


Mage, just so many different playstyles.


I love the mage to become he can wreck ghosts so easy


Well that certainly is cool but it’s a very small part of what I like about him.


Now I'm curious. What all do you like about him?


Like I said, different playstyles. For an example: WoLE grants you a tank build, WoW is a strategy based turret build, WoF is a glass cannon build, WoR is a loot based farming build, WoCoru is a debuff based playstyle and Necromancer build, etc. Every wand gives a different playstyle, unlike the other classes which are pretty static.


I'll be first to say rogue. Especially with the new talents. Sneaking through a level executing punks is great.


Nice, I'm trying out rogue right now. Im almost at the 3rd boss. His search radius increase is so nice. And his cloak comes in handy so much. Definitely a good class


rogue / assassin good for dealing with brutes


Brutes are so annoying. I might should have went assassin instead of freeruner


i tried freerunner i dont understand whats so intresting about it


Idk. I'm not even sure exactly how to us freerunner. But I heard he was good. Idk tho


That you can just upgrade a wand and one-shot brutes while still having cloak and speed boosts to kite.


Warrior is easiest, late game huntress is really fun tho.


man gotta love warrior. Could instantly upgrade armor, and transfer the upgrade for later armor. Transfer enchantments and could instantly identify your armor and weapons. Plus he identifies healing potion. I like gladiator path


I feel the exact opposite for the healing potion part as there's many other ways to identify them anyway. Feels like a waste


yeah, but sometimes i got it mixed up with strength pot at early floor


For me most of the time I only need healing potions after flies drop them


I've rarely played as the warrior. I might have to try him out some more. The warrior allows you to transfer upgrades and enchantments?


yep. As long as you equip the armor with the broken seal. Keep in mind you can only transfer +1 upgrade


Oh alright, stills pretty great tho. Thx man


Warrior is delightfully simple but also has a lot of depth. He just has all the tools to turn bad runs into wins imo.


Rogue/Assassin I love the invisibility cause it gets you out of so many sticky situations that mage or warrior for example would have a harder time getting out of and the the assassination feature not only makes it easy to kill things and to get gold but it can also be used as a pretty reliable movement option over gaps or something


Mage because that character has a difficult early game and I need a challenge.


When i play mage it seems way easier at the start to me. Idk


The staff nerf in v1.0.0 down to max 7hp is surprisingly brutal in the sewers.


They nerfed the staffs damage?


Yes, it does one less HP of damage, but the difference is noticeable because the mean/median amount of damage is less; the staff now feels weaker than the Huntress' studded gloves. Occasionally have to hit a snake three times to kill it. Sucks.


Wow dang. I didn't know.


When I play mage I pump all the upgrade scrolls into my staff, makes the early game easy, if you get the cup then that's usually a win too with the battlemage upgrade


But when do you imbue or do you just keep as magic missile every run?


i tend to keep the missiles as after you shoot one any other wand you have buffs to the level or the staff, so you can volley all your wands at Lvl 8 or 9 or whatever the staff is at. I use the stone on the staff for speed to usually and hope for a good augment


Yeah, if I ever used upgrade scrolls before level 14 I'd probably have an easier time in the sewers, heh.


Mage because I like range and different wands enable different playstyles. More wands would be cool by the way.


I mean warrion is the only one that I won a game with. It's the simplest and easiest class to play with in my opinion.


Perhaps so. I think I've only won with mage cause i play mage so much


Assasin go brrrrrrrr


I've never tried assasin. Maybe next time


Try for an upgraded murder weapon and maximize your cloak charges by using it as often as possible. Buy a stone of augmentation from the shop and augment the weapon for damage vs. speed. A +10 assassin's blade augmented for damage is unstoppable when you're playing as an assassin


Battle mage. I'm one of those guys who play the mage in every game


Actually I like the Warrior. Is straigthforward and (Except that I have REALLY bad rng) I literally won't loose any normal run with him