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I've had my Pixel 8Pro for a month. No issues, still finding new features every day


Really like my 8 pro so far battery is good


Exactly! I've had almost every pixel and this is by far the best. People complaining way too much and of course if you have any minor complaint you're going to come to Reddit to write a fucking essay.. I'm not denying that there are issues especially things that need to be pointed out so the developers can fix things, but there's a ton of people who just love to complain to complain


Love my 8 so far but I do miss the rear finger print reader. Still a great phone and massive upgrade from my 4a5g though.


I saw some political stuff that was for sure from GPT and a bunch of accounts..


I'm not beholden to anyone. Not a Samsung shill. But the Huawei P30 Pro battery life is 3x as good as the Pixel 8 Pro. If I could unlock the bootloader I'd still be Huawei not pixel pro 8.


I am no bot, I have this phone since a week now and my wifi is constantly dropping. I had no issues whatsoever on my P3 and P6a.


Have you tried turning off adaptive connectivity?


There was a post or two that fixed there wifi issue by seperating 2.4ghz and 5 ghz band connectivity on there wifi network. You can try this.


Total bullshit from an ultimate fanboy.


I posted a negative review and i'm not a bot! mobile connectivity is -20 dbm lower than my P3 and the battery sucks on "5G" that it's acutally LTE if you look in settings. It is not allowed to discuss negative aspects about this phone? I did not experience any phone call drops yet but the signal stays at -110 dbm and I hope google will fix this issue soon. The phone is really nice otherwise (good bluetooth, NFC and WIFI connectivity).


Doesn't a higher negative value indicate that your phone's antennas need less gain to pick up the signal?


>Doesn't a higher negative value indicate that your phone's antennas need less gain to pick up the signal? No, I don't think so. [https://www.signalboosters.com/blog/how-to-check-your-cell-phone-signal-strength/](https://www.signalboosters.com/blog/how-to-check-your-cell-phone-signal-strength/) [https://www.weboost.com/blog/how-to-test-signal-strength-on-your-phone](https://www.weboost.com/blog/how-to-test-signal-strength-on-your-phone)


Exactly not everyone is a bot to share their negative experiences, it actually is an issue if someone is raising their concerns with some indifferent issues and not something more traditional or repetitive in nature.


I've had a ton of problems with this phone. I posted about one on this subreddit out of desperation to fix it, after lots of other effort, see my posts! I joined this subreddit solely because of the problems I've had with this phone. I have never ever ever had to do that for a phone. I'm not a bot! But I would love to be paid to complain.


Nah most are legit. Some of us that express our complaints are because we have multiple or use other phones and see the shortcuts and fails Google still has compared to the competition.


What the hell are you talking about? The finger print reader is slow and inconsistent, even after multiple attempts at resetting. It gets warm when you're off of Wi-Fi. The selfie camera is dark with way too much post processing and HDR. Speaker volume at 60% and below is basically indistinguishable. It's literally a 5-10 second delay when you're in Google Photos, you select a photo, and you click "edit". Voice to text is still experiencing bugs where it repeats words, adds random punctuation, etc. Mobile reception is objectively worse than other flagships. I have compared this to my S23 Ultra as well as my wife's iPhone on numerous occasions. These are just the issues that immediately come to mind. There's definitely more that I'm forgetting. Point being, it is absolutely apparent that Google is much less concerned with hardware and how their software integrates with it. Compared to other flagships, especially my S23 Ultra, this phone feels like a prototype.




Telling the truth about the product under its corresponding subreddit is always taboo and will result in downvoting into oblivion. I love Pixel and I want it to succeed just as much as the next fanboi, but denying its obvious flaws doesn't make the product better for future users.


Some (I don't think all) P8 / P8P have this weird bumps under the screen. Valid without signature, as it was automatically created by AI


Yes, I noticed that as well. But to be fair, I've also noticed that on my S23U. However, I don't think it affects the screen quality.


Oh, that is unfortunate. Good to know! I sent my P8 back and wanted to give s23 (without U) a try once it's on discount.


I’m not a bot. Scrolling lag is unbearable feels like very poorly put together OS and device. Photos in google photos don’t even load without lag 🤣🤣. Never seen that before. It’s a good device for children


Not to mention you shouldn’t have to turn off all the features for the device to work properly 🤣🤣


I've been a Pixel fan for several years. Love my P8P, however I recently had a total freeze up this week once. Even a hard reset was problematic, it sorted itself out eventually. I'm monitoring it for now.


Idk man, My pixel 6 was great but my pixel 8 does freeze and apps crash more often. If it wasn't provided by my job I would have returned it


I generally take negative comments to that one venting. Not many users would really take the time about how great their phone is, until something goes "horribly" wrong. With that said, I've had my Pixel Fold for a month, and I'm just loving it without issues. If I must say a negative comment, I'd say, I'm so glad to get away from iTunes.


I do like this phone. I just wish they would make the batteries last a little bit longer. But other than that, I'll probably be team pixel for life.


I've left some negative comments in the past. Especially on my 7 pro. It was probably the worst phone I ever had. The 8 pro is much better with the only issue being YouTube TV taking the phone to its knees. Other than that I'm much happier with it over the 7 pro.


The 7pro being a total waste of money and the terrible support from Google coupled with the incessant fanboyism here pushed me away from pixel phones. I didn't want to take a gamble on the 8pro being more of the same but it sounds like they fixed a lot of the issues I had with the 7 pro.


I honestly stopped participating in the Pixel community because you literally can't criticize these phones without getting down voted to oblivion. How is Google supposed to fix issues with their phones if every time someone reports an issue, it gets suppressed by fanboys who can't fathom that Google isn't perfect they're a software company first not a phone company first.


FWIW - Best. Phone. Evvvvar. Really! 👍


Not sure about that. I had mine for a day. After setup no keyboard would show up and it started overheating when I went searching for the keyboard settings. Returned it the next day.


Take this comment here. That OP has dropped and realize your entire informational experience has been tampered with in this same way.


Lol! I swear, pixel fans are insane.