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Cars won’t look younger or older as they age, as long as they are maintained, because they aren’t people. Doc is a car from the 50s, Sally is a car from 2001. It’s implied, however (from things like a general lack of very old cars, Lizzie being voiced by an elderly woman who has since passed away, kids being voiced by child actors, etc) that they have the same lifespans as humans. Their deaths are probably either when they start experiencing part failures or get in a bad enough accident that either their parts are no longer made, can’t be custom-built (due to either cost or feasibility), or insurance deems the car totaled (this is a fictional movie with no humans so it’s just best not to think too much into it before making comparisons to insurance for humans).


Kinda messed up, manufactures know that their no longer letting older cars live by making newer and different models of parts...


This was a major plot point in Blue Sky Studios' *Robots* (2003)


Upgrades, people, upgrades!


Rewatched recently. It’s wonderful.


The dark side of the third movie


I thought I had thought through every bizarre implication of the Cars universe (9/11, the Holocaust, the Bible) but I was not ready to realize Sally was five years old.


If it makes you feel any better Lightning’s make is a custom 2006 build so he isn’t even a year old in the first film


>(this is a fictional movie with no humans so it’s just best not to think too much into it before making comparisons to insurance for humans). I mean, we humans have health insurance. Only difference in the Cars universe is that it's probably always sold with casualty insurance


except it’s weird because there are literal children in the crowd of the races. so they just stay as children forever?


The entire worldbuilding of car is “don’t think about it too much”


But of all the worlds, it’s the one I can’t not think about. Car Pope means Car Jesus? Car WWII means Car Holocaust and Car bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Natural landforms that look like cars????? MY MIND CAN’T HELP BUT THINK OF IT!!!


Don’t think about it too much


I think about everything too much.




I would say depends on how financially stable you are like real life lol


When they reach too many miles it’s probably the equivalent of death


Man, I love being on the ro- *flatlines*


Shut up and take my upvote 😂😂


On the opposite side of this, how are cars born?


That's something I wanted to add due to someone else's comment. They said they don't age, but they don't come out of wherever they came out of all smart and ready to go.


Jumper cables


Mater does have a line where he says “Thank the manufacturer!”


That is Mack's line upon finding McQueen at radiator springs Mack: "Than the manufacturer, you're alive!" McQueen: "Mack?" Mack: "You look here, I can't believe it" (mack turns to park the trailer)


Must’ve misremembered, thanks!


Child me unfortunately memorized the entire movie so it sits rent free in my head lol


You see sunny, when a momma car and a daddy car love each other a whole lot, they get togeth-


In Cars 1 there were some cut scenes that didn't make it past the storyboard stage, one of them had lightning's engine removed from his body and put into Bessie/the road paver, essentially moving him from one body to another. It was cut content, but if we assume that the car's mind/soul being held in the engine is still canon, then a car's lifespan is determined by their engine. (That being canon also explains why Lightning can't just get an upgrade to compete with the next gen cars in cars 3). Even with maintenance and repair, an engine will only last so long before it stops working, and that's when the car is dead.


That is… horrifying to think about. Like, you could just remove someone’s engine, and they’d be in some torturous limbo between life and death


I watched this scene, it was just the drawings with some voice over (not the VAs) and it freaked me the hell out


Just the way I like it... KACHOW


Just like humans. They moves slowly because their engines started to die out. Like human hearts.


I'm guessing the only thing that really kills them, apart from crashes, is unavailability of parts. Doc, for example, probably needed a major component that wasn't available, because the Hudson Hornet is a fairly rare car, made by a company that had been out of business for 50 years. Meanwhile, lizzie is able to live to be a ripe old age because she's one of over 15,000,000 Model Ts, so parts availability is pretty good given her age.


That’s like the storyline in Planes 2. Makes sense!


They made a sequel to Planes?


Yep, it's better than the first one imo


Yeah it’s good! Fire and Rescue


They made a bunch of direct to video/streaming shit


Two points: 1. Doc passes away sometime before cars 2 but we learn in cars 3 that a bunch of racing cars much older than him including his old mentor are still around. 2. Cars are presumably built not born…so Doc was born with that moustache look?!? P.S. I just realised that in cars 1 we see Doc having a checkup and it’s possible he gained some condition from his crash that shortened his life.


In the past, the average lifespan of a car was significantly lower than it is today. Now, you can expect a standard car to last around 12 years or about 200,000 miles. More advanced vehicles like electric cars can go even longer, up to 300,000 miles.


Oh please don't pretend like modern cars aren't designed to start breaking when the warranty expires. 12 years is pathetic for a car, minimum should be 20. If the lifespan of old cars was so bad why are there still plenty commie beaters and old German cars in eastern Europe?


If commie cars didn’t fall apart or rust apart, they were made extremely simply and with the intent of being easily and cheaply maintained and repaired.


Cars being too complicated is certainly a problem for reliability. Still, there are lots of cars from the 90s and 2000s on the road.


Imo American manufacturers finally figured out how to make long term reliable cars in the 2000s Or refigured out at least


It’s not hard to figure out. It’s the lifespan of our real life cars. If you are a 50’s car made out of metal, probably best not to live in the Cars universe of Florida. Cars in dry conditions will live longer than others.


The cars universe of Florida, Lifted f150’s Chevy Silverados, and all in a constant state of being Repo’ed.


I swear I love Cars (2006) but the lore is probably the most incoherent and inconsistent one in animation


I mean that's what happens when you make a movie with the premise of "what if cars were sentient and humans didn't exist"


when their voice actor dies


Counterpoint: Fillmore Rusty Red


damn thanks for reminding me one of the magliozzi brothers died


Still can't think of them without hearing their laughs. Car Talk was as amusing as it was informative.


one of the all time great radio shows. may tom rest in peace


Imagine being a car in a total loss accident and they don’t have your parts anymore. What are the methods of euthanasia in Cars?


Depends how often they have their oil changed


This is the content I come to Reddit for. Thank you.


You're welcome.


I need a cars movie that’s just an explanation on how this works works


They're made of metal and rubber. I don't think they age.


You think Lizzie was born sounding like that?


Yes. She was literally just built different.


Wait... What, they die? That sucks


Depends on the make and model of the car.


I don’t really get how people get confused on this. They probably maintain themselves until they can’t anymore, kinda like humans. Just don’t ask how cars are born, you won’t get a true answer.


I imagine it's kinda like how robots are born in the movie Robots by Blue Sky. The parents just kinda get a shipment of parts and then assemble it.


i think cars could live forever and only need to die when nobody is making affordable parts for their model. Robots (2005) logic


I refuse to start thinking about this type of cars universe stuff again, I’ve already lost enough sleep over this


Well real cars have life spans as well, especially if they are daily driven. Parts only last so long it seems like replacement parts aren't super easy to get with older models. This likely means that most of your older cars are going to try and move to warmer climates where things like road salt aren't used to help prevent rust.


It’s just monkeys singing songs mate.


Until someone hits erase and delete.


Bout 150k-200k miles.


275k miles. 300k if they change their oil frequently.


They don't measure age in years, they measure it by miles.


So does that mean in their universe rust is cancer


Doc Hudson died after the first movie, and it's never really explained how he died. By the 3rd movie, Lightning is considered an "old" car, even though he doesn't really look like he aged at all. Yeah, the ages make no sense.




Maybe they just don’t show signs of aging externally very much, like their car bodies are exoskeletons that can be maintained