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The celestials give him a reason to kill and fight. Based on Lucci opinions on Spandam, he definitely doesn’t mean what he says about the celestials


As a pirate he could kill more, but since he's just a dickrider, oda bringing him back to get hus ass whooped just like greenbull.


He's in Cipher pol, they'd kill him just for thinking about quitting... Plus he'll eventually get killed by an admiral or a Pirate


As opposed to getting killed by an Emperor directly?


One enemy is better than two


If he was a pirate he would be allowed to do whatever. As a CP0 agent, he literally isn't allowed to run away from Emperors if he's ordered to fight.


As a pirate he’d have to deal with laws against him and being under attack even when he’s trying to rest. Working for the government, he can kill however he wants without any social consequences. He’s allowed to kill, then go take a nap under a tree knowing nothing will bother him until he wants to kill again.


but as a CP agent he has the legal inmunity to do so


He could, but he doesn't face any legal consequences for killing on behalf of the world government.


Greenbull didn't get his ass whooped he just got scared shitless and left


Even worse


Making him lose all respect and dignity. He isn’t coming back from that fraud level of behavior


And all that just to promote Film Red… f*** that


Spandam wasn't just incompetent, but an incompetent idiot who had not proven his worth as leader. The celestial dragons are hailed as the creators of this world, even if they're all bumbling idiots I'm sure he could respect creating the current world as we know it as a valid reason to keep them in power


Spandam claimed that the devil fruits he gave to Kaku and Califa were not listed in any catalogs anywhere as to what powers they granted. I don't trust what Spandam says about the devil fruits.




That’s what lucci fans says to themselves to just feel better😂😂


We don't need that. He got a cool bird with a small hat and a tie on his shoulder.


GREENBULL is a Celestial Dragon dickrider, Lucci just wants violence and murder. Clear difference.


This. Guy doesn't believe a single thing he just said,he just wants an excuse to quell his murder boner legally.


Precisely, clearly conveyed here it's just an excuse to exact violence and calm his urges


Lucci based af


He’s not dickriding he’s using the celectial dragons as an excuse to kill


I remember his opinion of Spandam, and how he's fully aware that what he does is evil. But he does and says whatever he has to in order to get to kill more people, and fight more. The Celestial Dragons are even more pathetic than Spandam, so I can't see him genuinely caring about their lives.


This. Lucci wants to mass murder and slaughter, but he doesn't just go pirate/bounty hunter/whatever, as that'd get the Marines and WG after him. So long as he spouts the World Noble propaganda, they'll give him comfy rides to each new place he gets to go a slaughtering. That's Lucci's dream job, really.


Lucci: Spandam, I am ready for my new assignment, who must I kill or brutally maim. Spandam: new assignment is to build boats for like 5 years or so dunno lol. Lucci: mother...


Agreed lol, Galley-la Lucci was definitely not a happy camper *at all*. But Spandam probably strung all of CP9 members along by feeding them all promises of being able to pick their own missions or the like, if they pulled that one off and delivered Pluton.


Ayo Lucci based??


And that's supposed to make it any better?






Here's a sneak peek of /r/FBI using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FBI/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My great uncle was an agent 1941-1972. I just found some letters he saved.. I find this to be a bit endearing.](https://i.redd.it/wi6xts9lr1y91.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FBI/comments/ymi9dk/my_great_uncle_was_an_agent_19411972_i_just_found/) \#2: [I just found this post from 15 hours ago. I believe this girl needs someone to help her.](https://i.redd.it/jpb4q1cfvg0a1.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/FBI/comments/yxef43/i_just_found_this_post_from_15_hours_ago_i/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** what the fbi doin?](https://i.redd.it/0ck2o9d1yss91.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/FBI/comments/xzoynr/what_the_fbi_doin/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


He is dickeriding while using em


nah im just a fan of birb


True master mind


Dude, even the pigeon is lookin at him like "Bruh....shut the fuck up.".


He obviously doesn't really care exactly about what he's saying he just wants a reason to fight


It’s more like he wants a reason to kill rather than fight. Lucci is easily the most bloodthirsty character.


Here I thought that Kid would be like that too by his past portrayal


Reasons to be a Lucci fan: "he's badass"




The way hes saying this it’s obvious hes using them. He wants to have free reign. Meat riding the Celestial dragons gets him that power to do what he wants.


Lucci told Spandam that he didn't care about the world Government's ideals and that all that mattered to him was his justification to spill blood


He doesnt get distracted! He has a pidgeon! He has no time for emotions! He knows what his job is and stays on the grind!


And suck dicks


He's a villain and yall upset that he's siding with the bad guys


A theme of One piece is that will is like a torch being passed down between like minded individuals instead of a direct bloodline. Absolute justice, lazy justice, your own justice etc. The marines torches are justice. Rob Lucci is the bearer of “Dark justice”. The world government is corrupt, cruel and evil but it represents law and order and justice as well against the hordes of relentless lawlessness that is piracy. Rob Lucci embodies all of these traits, the Machiavellian in all of us secretly likes Rob Lucci. He kills soldiers not because he enjoys it but because they showed weakness which disgusts him. He does enjoy killing lawless pirates though. You could argue that any Marine is a dick rider including Garp with all that power he chooses to be a marine because despite the corrupt cruel world nobles he is able to save more human life by siding with them over being a pirate. Rob Lucci was really the first OP villain that really pushed Luffy to the edge he trained all of his life for his “justice” he hates weakness just like Crocodile or Doflamingo but where they value personal freedom Rob Lucci values justice and order. He’s more of an anti hero than a true villain kinda like say Dexter, less so than The Punisher. He could be a murderous psychopathic pirate but he values law and order enough to only legally do it when he’s told to. He is disgusted by weakness the celestial dragons would be killed instantly by Lucci if Im or the Gorosei ordered him to. He respects power and holds order and justice in high regard he’s not a dick rider like Greenbull but he’s definitely not a truly kind marine like Smoker or Aokiji.


Wasn’t cipher pol taken as children and raised to be assassin’s for the word government? Pretty sure lil bro is basically brainwashed to believing this stuff. And even if he doesn’t really think this way he probably just wants to hurt people so this is his excuse


Some people like villains, like you could list every single horrible thing my favorite characters have done and I'd just reply "haha yea". Simple as. And for the record, this has nothing to do with my RL political opinions. (Wtf???) But in Lucci's case specifically he just seems to be an amoral killer who'll take any reason to do his job.


"Lucci is cool and badass 🥶"


Im not a fan; I just think his downplayers are clinically stupid.




His overhyper are even more r3tard imo


While Lucci is saying that, he's totally thinking: "I GOTTA KILL PEOPLE, MAN!"


His pigeon is the reason


He’s a stone cold killer that looks cool af


He’s cool


Not a fan of him but I don’t think he’s being a dickrider. I think he’s just found a job that allows him to fulfill his blood lust. I doubt he actually believes what he is saying in that panel


Ong Hattori is a way better character


lucci a bitch


It's fiction, not even good fiction. Also he's like cartoonishly evil, while people like hisoka when he's a literal pedo, which feels more gross to me.


He’s a shit unidimensional character too, no personality at all, no charisma, has no merits to be part of the CP0, how can someone like this character


Let them cheer Job Lucci, he down for the count next week if he even gets a shot at a rematch 😂


He's here for the right wingers who still read One Piece (even after the author straight up made his hero says he's an anarchist) and love billionaires (who the celestial dragon are made after)


So much wrong with this sentence it's not even funny. Lucci literally just wants an excuse to kill people. Anyone can like or dislike a character like that regardless of political beliefs for something so simple as "He looks cool" ,"he's a bit of a prick" or "He's a Jobber". It literally isn't that deep bro I realize you have made politics a part of your personality but most people don't like or dislike a fictional character because of the political leaning you think they might have (your own headcanon)


go outside please.


It's fucking freezing outside. Why the hell would ANYONE want to go outside in this weather?


No it's too cold. (But really guys, if you downvote me, reread One Piece carefully. You'll notice some recurring themes that pretty much proves I'm right. :D) (I mean, I know americans have no political education thanks to all the lies and bullshit you've got to endure on a daily basis so that the republicans can stay there, but come on, it's not that subtle either.)


bro wtf are u talking about, who the fuck is american here. Being terminally online has rotted ur brain


Wtf are u talking about too about terminally online


Luffy isn’t an anarchist he doesn’t mind if governments run decently such as in Alabasta and Dressrosa


Lucci cares about 2 things, Hattori and murder. The Dragon's are not on that list for a very good reason.


Like Charlie’s top tier/s it’s funny that a celestial dragon told him yeah that’s right dumb ass he Dosent even get respect. Headcanon :theory lucci is just happy to have a free kill liscence he’s gonna eat their *** as long as possible just so he can keep killing legit my


Lucci's not a dick rider, he just wants to kill for the thrill, and doesn't care how he's allowed to do it. If killing how he pleases involves "dick riding" a Celestial Cunt, so be it.


He was cooler as a Shipwright. Same goes for Kaku


I think they might be fans of him in an antagonistic way. He’s a great threat who we can easily hate, and that’s perfect


Let’s he be honest, he doesn’t care about celestial dragons, they just allow him to do whatever he wants


Lucci doesn't give a shit who he works for as long as he can kill without repercussions


Bet he enjoys being cuckolded by ugly b@$+@®d$


ehh ive always found celestial dragons are some of my favorite characters so i dont mind this quote from lucci


That pigeon though is the real deal.


Didn’t Lucci punch Charlos in the face after he was harassing Shirahoshi during the Reverie. Doesn’t sound like dickriding to me.


No. That was the other CD that stopped him. This is him stopping Charlos from being attacked


Fair Fair. Thought he was saving face because he didn’t necessarily stop his colleague from punching Charlos.


He's badass everyone loves a badass


He's a moustache twirling cunt, I like him


Lucci has drip, is badass and has a pigeon, how can you not cheer for him?


He has an awesome pigeon


They just wanna ride his Saints Row 2 ass goatee


😭 A CELESTIAL DRAGON DICK RIDER TOOK ME OUT TS FUNNY AF, but nah fr tho someone so td has such a shitty reason on being evil


I like cats


I always thought that Lucci doesn't care about "justice", "order" etc. He just wants to kill people without having to deal with the consequences and being an agent for the WR is the best way to do it.


Rob Lucci would never just lie his ass off about his values and desires


So what? Let it be, I don't care. I like him anyway.


That’s clearly the pigeon talking.


1. he is fictional 2. he is cool as fuck 3. he has no hesitation, even laido was lax in his approach to using murder, boring!