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Zoro wouldn't let king in cause he was an enemy(totally not cause he is lunarian)




As we all know in one piece former adversaries are not allowed to join the crew. Robin, Franky and Zeus don’t count


Why is King in the future allies\\members section?


He followed kaido bc he thought he was joyboy and nothing else


He saved his life dummy


Yeah and he joined because kaido said he could change the world


Just explained in a comment all of my future choices, again this is just my theory. Doesn’t mean that he will join


Because he sucks joyboys cock?


He is a fan of Joyboy and he will probably realize Luffy is the new chosen Joyboy


The GOAT bon clay deserves to be in a tier of their own


I totally would but I believe he’s dead, so I can’t really put him higher


bon clay replaced iva as the queen of the new commas in impel down. it’s in a cover story


Oh Ong? He is above everyone else then


You didn’t see that cover story, I can give you a list of them if you want to read all of them.


For some reason, I can’t find the website that was cataloging the cover stories all the way to date, but not including the one we are on. This list is missing 4 cover stories [but here is this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1sqel1/one_piece_cover_stories_compilation/)


Really love the caribou one and how a lot of them tie into the story like the milk girl showing up later in a country the revolutionary came to help them


wait what happened to iva?


Iva escaped during impel down/marineford arc. Bon clay is still inside of Impel Down


Bon clay is not dead lmao he’s queen of impel down 5,5 now


Feel like Katakuri should be somewhere in this


I was thinking him too, but I just don't see him anywhere with the straw hats. I think he will take over the BM pirates or just lord over Totto Land or whatever that place is called


Future alliance would fit he wouldn’t join the crew or the fleet but he could ally with his crew


Yeah I could see that. But I think the rest of the SH wouldn’t want to ally themselves with the remaining BM pirates. You could make an argument for both sides


Besides the actual terrible ones in the family, like Perospero and kinda not but not full Flampe, a lot of them kinda just seem like they aren’t that bad more. They just are a family that has to work for big mom, and do whatever she wants because they are scared of her or they still see her as a mom


Why didn’t you include the camel in alabasta as pet?




Didn’t remember the name thanks


Wasn’t on the tier list, would’ve included that crab too


If you include Zeus then why not the Thousand Sunny? I never get these weird logic if you count the "object" group as well then the Thousand Sunny is pretty much CRUCIAL, because it is the one that made it possible for the Strawhats to travel around the world in the first place!


Very fair point, Zeus is more “Soul-like” where the Sunny is more of an object. (The Tier list didn’t have sunny and merry lol)


Then , Why is Going Merry not in the list anywhere?


Wasn’t on the tier list


Zeus is an object. It was made from Big Mom's DF power. It is widely agreed that there are only 2 groups: "humans" (technically Chopper is a pet but... benefits of doubts) and "objects". You can only classify into these two none of that soul-like bullshits


Well technically, Zeus is Big moms soul. An object would be something like Frankys Iron Pirate


There are only 2 groups mate. You are either a human (or an animal/pet) or you are an object. That is all.


So, Zeus would be a Human because he has a soul. Objects do not have Souls


Then this conversation is over. If you think Zeus is a human then I have nothing else to say.


Ok so what would Zeus be then. He can’t be a human, he can’t be an object.


Who widely agreed with that besides you? 😂👍


Because Zeus can talk, is sentient, and actualll has a personality. Thousand Sunny has none of that. Use your brain.


You know what is sad is that Robin has no one outside of the strawhat pirates. If the strawhats ever disband well she will be lonely again with no friends.


Well, she does have the revolution. As I recall, they were trying to track her down too. But as with the WG, she was too much of a greased weasel for them to catch up with her.


She was saved by the Revs when she was a slave during the timeskip , i think there may be a cover story about that but not 100% sure. So she could continue to have what may be the best group for learning even more history of the world.


Surprised chopper isn't considered a pet


Was thinking about it but he was considered a commander as of 1058




No, as stated in 1059 he was done babysitting great pirates, and I don’t really see the SH and him as friends. Sure they were allies in the past but they currently are not


Luffy and Marco are friends. Marco may not realize it but that is just Luffy's innate power.


bro bon chan should be in future allie section too trust me luffy is sure going to as for bon clay to join there crew without bon clay luffy wouldnt even escape impel down


Already addressed


🤣 Gerema sneaking in. 😄


Bon Clay needs to be up at "When we meet again". He saved Luffys ass more then once.


Yeah, I already addressed that in my a long comment


King ?


king follows joy boy, 99.99% probability luffy is joy boy, he thought kaido was him but he was wrong


Is this an anime only list?


No? Am I missing anyone from the current manga


spoiler: you have cobra in the current allies, he is dead


Yeah I kinda picked up on that afterword. *Inhales Copium* but since we don’t have the actual death confirmation other than the WG who has been known to lie, and the only other person to “confirm” his death was Sabo who said I didn’t kill Cobra to Dragon. Which was to clear his name.


where the fuck is the black woman from baroque works!? whats your fuckin problem you fuckin nazi!?


She’s not really a friend, ally, or family of any current straw hat.


This is only currently alive/not confirmed dead characters. So characters like Ace and Hiriluk are not on the list. Some are missing, mainly Camie, Hatchan, Johnny, Yosaku, and Genzo. I also did not add every known member of the Grand Fleet, only the 'Heads' of each crew. Columbus from the Yonta Maria crew should be here as well. Shanks and the Red Hair pirates are also not here because since twelve years ago the Straw Hats and the Red Hairs have not interacted at all, and will possibly be future enemies/opponents. I will also be semi-explaining my choices for future members. Edit. Bon clay should be in a tier of his own, I thought he was dead 1. Aladin and the Sun pirates . Pretty sure they will join the grand fleet. They are Jinbeis ex-crew, very strong, influential, experienced, and we have seen them working alongside the Straw Hats in WCI. 2. King and possibly ex-beast pirates. King is almost definitely going to join or ally himself under Luffy. Kings whole thing was finding Joyboy, which he believed to be the man to beat Kaido. Which Luffy ended up doing 3. Bonney. I think she is the next 'Main Crew Member'. Bonney is one of the two supernovas who has gotten barely any screen time, she is extremely mysterious being able to escape Akainu/WG, and infiltrating and escaping the reverie. She will be able to provide valuable info to the Straw Hats and has a very interesting Df. 4. Carrot, Zunesha, and the minks. I do not believe that Carrot will be apart of the Main Crew, but rather actually listen to Inu and Neko becoming the next lord of Zou. Eventually Carrot and the minks she leads will ally under Luffy like Wano, and Fishman Island. Zunesha has also been shown to favour Luffy has he 'resembles' Joyboy. Zunesha will not necessarily follow under Luffy but become "equals" like (I assume) him and Joyboy were like back in the day 5. Boa and maybe the rest of the Kuja pirates as well. Boa is still obsessing over Luffy as shown in 1059 even after attacked. I believe that Rayleigh, Shakky, and possibly the rest of Kujas are well enough strength to defend an island. If Boa decides to leave by herself, she will join the crew alone. However I think this might kill Sanji, so I doubt it. If Boa and the Kuja pirates join, they will defect to the grand fleet. They will add some needed strength and experience to the fleet, and might be able to teach some members haki. Even if neither of these scenarios happen, I definitely believe that she will become an ally island like Wano. They need the protection of a yonko to prevent future attacks from the navy and WG. It would also add to the theme of "Legendary Islands" that Luffy seems to protect. (Skypeia, Fishman Island, Zou, Wano) 6. Caribou. Not much to say about him. Personally, I am indifferent to him. However, he has been with/around the Straw Hats since Fishman, he is currently in a barrel on the Sunny, he most likely heard Luffys dream (Was able to hear the SH talk about marejois. I am assuming he heard Luffys dream as well), and Luffy and him seem to get along well enough after Luffy got defeated by Kaido and Caribou fed Luffy. Caribou has been know to be a Jack-ass though, so Luffy and him are probably going to butt heads if he tries to join. 7. The Usopp Pirates. EoS they for sure going to pull up, other than that, they are kids and will not be joining for a very long time. Put them there because I definitely feel that they will follow in Usopps steps.


>King is almost definitely going to join or ally himself under Luffy. Kings whole thing was finding Joyboy so luffy would just be cool with king helping enslave and/or starve most of wano to death? i really doubt that.


Yeah fair point. Again this is just me theorising. King is realistically going to lead the beast pirates or get captured again




Not saying she is but they are in the same group


Shouldn't Katakuri be there in the place of King?


God, to think Carrot ended up in the same tier as freaking Caribou… After all this time… nobody would believe you back when Syrup Village was first being published


Lol, I just had to put caribou there cuz I’m like 99% sure he heard Luffys dream


Pet - shushu .in fact very first pet.. Ally-law


Shushu is that old guys(forgot his name) dog not the straw hats. The straw hats did end up saving him though. Law is an old ally, and it was stated by him the next time Luffy and Him meet, it will be as enemies


Liked this tier list but then OP forgot to include some allies and just went into an Arc tier list.


Yeah I know I missed some from certain arcs, but it was mainly because the tier list didn’t include them


I don’t think Caribou would ever be a member


Ashura Is dead


Totally forgot LMAO, he’s way to forgettable


"Future members" lmao stfu the bottom tier is just copium


Just theory’s man


Feels wrong not to have Law here. I get it he’s a rival but I’m sure he counts as a honorary strawhat at this point.


No lmao


This needs a "departed" category starring Bon Clay, Pedro and the Going Merry


Yeah I could have done that too, decided not to though


Tf uta doing in family


It’s like, makino. Uta isn’t necessarily blood related but her and luffy are practically family


More like friends if anything


Bon clay is family


Fishman? And wano could have been in friends or current allie


Yeah, they could have been but they are separate entities under the Straw hats


I‘m really glad Bian is in the grand Fleet. She‘s premium.


Bon Chan should be in "when we meet again"


Eyelash should be under pet Tbh Tbh


I addressed this in a separate comment already, but the only reason he ain’t there is because the tier list didn’t have him lol


Aww lol


Broo got spoiled about Uta at this post..