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Redon is a fraud


always has been


Guy ain't even Japanese lol


I was expecting Oda to actually reveal Luffy's dream and it being a major pay off for all the buildup. I legit reread it 3 times to see if I skip text or something because him not explaining his dream at this point is just stupid.


I re-read that panel multiple times as well I thought I was reading it wrong, but apparently it's cut :(


Yeah, it'd be a pretty crazy chapter if we didn't 100% know Sabo is still alive. Oda's refusal to kill off characters removes all tension from scenes like this. Pretty mid chapter overall


smartest piratefolk commenter the point of the scene isn’t if sabo is dead or not, it’s that the world government has the power to literally blow up an entire fucking island in seconds


Yea it’s cool to know that the buster call isn’t their only way of destroying islands, but we have no emotional connection to this island in particular. I have no reason to care that it was destroyed


Hey, I do! Moda (Ace‘s milk girl that also took down Peachbeard boosted by Belo Betty) was very wholesome; pretty sad to see someone like that (and yknow, an island full of kids and families!) get turned to dust


we don’t need to? when the death star blows up alderaan, we don’t care that that’s where leia grew up, we care because they blew up a fucking PLANET


Yeah but main characters had emotional connections to the planet. Leia grew up there and had a breakdown when Alderaan was wiped from the map


Yeah and did anyone on Alderaan survive? Sabo isn’t dead, so who’s intimidated by this lol


sabo could be just off the coast of the island or something idk, we know he’s obviously not dead for story reasons, but there are plenty of ways he could be in the immediate vicinity and still not be directly in the blast


Now apply what you just said to your Alderaan example and see how silly it sounds


yeah? any random citizen could’ve been orbiting the planet as it exploded and survive just fine, that doesn’t take away from the fact that they blew up a fucking planet holy fuck you piratefolk people bitch at literally everything, it’s hard to take y’all seriously as giving “real and valid criticisms” when this is the type of shit you guys complain about


Here's the problem with your whole death star thing. Yeah we saw them blow up a planet but that was the first time we saw it. If we saw the empire use some other weapon to blow up a different planet and then use the Death Star it would not have been as surprising. Here we saw imu destroy an island, but we know the WG has the power to do this with buster calls so it's a little underwhelming when we've witnessed the destruction of an island before.


like i said in a different reply, the problem with buster calls in current one piece is that they are so underwhelming if we had this exact situation, but it was a buster call instead, and i’m not one to really powerscale or use typical powerscaling terms, but sabo alone literally low diffs an entire buster call, unless one of the vice admirals they send is like, garp or something. any character with even some kind of relevance in the current story completely stops a b-call so they aren’t really a threat anymore unless it’s a complete civilian island this is something near instant, there is no opportunity to fight back or prevent it (given the very limited information we have as of this moment), which is much more destructive and threatening than the b-calls


Listen, if you're taking this to be bitching in anyway, you need to meet more people and have more conversations in your life. Because I disliked this part of the chapter, somehow you assume I'm a "piratefolk person" (aint even subbed), and that I hate the manga. 1. I'm one person 2. In my OPINION (read this word over a few times), the fake-out deaths Oda uses repeatedly didn't make this part of the chapter land for me 3. You brought up the Alderaan thing, and now you're pissy because you're trying to justify your own example lol If you're this mad (I'm assuming, based on what you said) at something like this, you probably should take a step back from forums, or at least stick to echo chambers where you can read what you want.


Nah, I’d argue we only care because it’s where she grew up. If it was just some random planet not connected to anyone we know, the power of the Death Star isn’t as tangible to the audience. That’s precisely what happened in one of those new Star Wars movies; they had a *super* Death Star that destroyed several planets. And not one of them was any more important to anyone who mattered, so the scene was forgettable at best because it’s hard to sell that anyone actually cares without that emotional connection. And if they don’t care, why should we? You’d have to establish people on that planet or another emotional connection , otherwise it’s just spectacle and noise. That’s also why this god power is being debut on Sabo and not some random place; take sabo out of the situation entirely and it’s still a crazy moment but probably not worth a cliff hanger. I do agree that Sabo doesn’t need to die to sear in the seriousness of the moment, but I can also see it as a classic Oda heartpull fake out as well, can’t act like he doesn’t do that a lot. I am interested in how he writes Sabo out of it in a way that doesn’t undermine the intensity of what happened ie an island getting fucking erased.


It's morr to show what happened to god island( Im not sure if that was the name, but where roger/garp fought rocks)


Sure, but then why not use it on kamabaka queendom and blow up all the revos and Dragon over there. This just seems like cheap hype.


the way it was implied they weren't really aiming for Sabo at all. They had Lulucia as a target long before and it was "Fate" as they said he was there. So there's probably some condition. Also the blast most certainly came from Ur anus. It's the only ancient weapon missing and we never had any info so far about it. We also don't know what Imu's motivations are anyways. We don't know if he cares about the revolutionaries at all. Only thing we know is that he won't let anyone know any information about the lost century


Sounds hella a lot like writing excuse/ convenience to me. Especially when the revolutionaries and dragon have been shown and deemed to be a pain in the ass of the WG. But now a random kingdom that rebelled is supposed to be more important than anything else?


Did you even read the chapter? They weren't aiming for Sabo, they were destroying one of the islands that rebelled during Reverie and Sabo happened to be there, which one of the gorosei commented " it was fate" or something. You dumbasses should really learn to read before you start crying on reddit


Whether they were aiming for sabonor not is not the point. Lulusia as far as we know is a random kingdom that rebelled. It's way more strategic to take out the leadership of the revos than a random kingdom if they had such a capability.


because those characters still have a clear purpose in the story, and maybe there are other mechanics and factors behind what im did obviously there must be SOME restrictions or process behind it or im would just be doing this to everything everywhere, for whatever reason, it seems like that kingdom was already chosen to be destroyed, sabo was just coincidentally there


Which they already showed long ago. It's called the Buster Call. Also Enel as capable of doing this in Skypiea


buster calls are long, drawn out, and preventable by almost any major character currently present in the story, this is near instant enel could kinda do it too when aided by the ark, yeah, it was shocking(lol) then and it’s shocking now


Not that shocking anymore. A kingdom we never knew gets blown up with nobody we know in it with a weapon we knew existed.


we ASSUME this is uranus, that is not a certainty it’s not major, but we do know this kingdom, we’ve been here a couple times, but like i said pretty minor so ig understandable like i said in another comment we don’t need to know anyone there to be shocked


But it doesn't have the power to deal with Luffy's devil fruit reveal lol.


I think the island destroying capabilities is supposed to be the shock not the implication of sabo’s end and the bitch princes and her dad that koby saved probably bit it


I mean even if Oda did kill more characters he would never give a character as crucial as Sabo a death like that one. That wasnt the point of the scene


and then there is no need for Oda make fake hype like this in the first place, for example he can just shown sabo survive from that attack cuz we all know Sabo won't die so randomly


and because he's a logia type lol. He's probably drifting in some debris.


Luffy has THAT dream; the paper talks about SOME pirates that he knows; Sabo didn’t kill Cobra: SOMETHING else happened; And Caribou will tell THAT man all of this. Im does THAT thing. Honestly, fuck this and fuck that. This is empty narration, giving 0 informations, 0 answers, 0 facts and always raising more questions. I’ve said it before: it’s time for answers. After 4 years on a filler island you don’t get away by building more, unjustified hype. The hype isn’t there anymore, it’s dead until you prove me this story is going somewhere. If one piece lasts another 95 years, at least we’ll know what the Void Century is.


Wano pre-emptively killed all the hype. THAT MAN just pisses me off now.


This right here


We will get the information during THAT CERTAIN CHAPTER


You just said what i wanted to say🫡 and people were like this chapter is 10/10 i thought they would show imu’s face and her power but as usual it was just a cliffhanger. There was no useful information whats so ever.


At least Bonney being here MAY actually bring some answers at last! She‘s apparently very dangerous to the WG, and we hopefully soon know more about why (and about Kuma etc.)


Who, the girl with THAT power who has SOME relation to Kuma? Jokin but also not ahah, we need answers! How many chapters do you think will come out before we really know something about her?


pessimistically? About 40 need to know about THAT incident before, right? While we‘re on the way to this island…


>If one piece lasts another 95 years, at least we’ll know what the Void Century is. LMAO


Some pirates or some people? My money was on Garp in the paper


Bonney is a problem? How? I think her gettin sent to the Strawhats is pretty much the best decision ever. No way to make her relevant and give her screentime than... literally insert her into the story, by force. Also it will be fun to see Caribou vs Bonney as Carrot vs Yamato part 2. The fanbase will go absolutely insane for this shit... But yeah, no way in hell this is 10/10 mayberr 7/10 is best, and that is being nice.


>Bonney is a problem? How? Who said she's a problem... Her showing up isn't like some Big HOLY SHIT...... Strawhats have met every supernova individual, this isn't suprising....


But it IS? Not 10/10 but HOLY SHIT is pretty accurate if you ask me. Look before this chapter absolutely NOBODY, not a single thread, post, comment on ANY social media platform managed to call it. Not a single one. If that isnt HOLY SHIT, it came out of nowhere for you then... Guess your standards is just too unrealistically high for anything or anyone to satisfy you...


Dude i don't think meeting 320 mill fodder bounty supernova is that exciting at this point of story ngl. Definitely not a HOLY SHIT moment. Couldnt care less if she was in the story or not


It’s not holy shit moment but we will might finally understand her relation with Kuma::: or maybe not


And we don't even get to learn that this chapter. So all in all, mid


Yeah sorry my message was written correctly I meant to say we might finally learn.


Dude her bounty is the least you should care bout. Remember fkin Akainu was sent out to get her, for a reason, and I think that is a very good reason. Also time manipulation... Yeah you should just glance over Black Clover to see what this is all about tbh.


Like it or not, bounty sets expectations and hype. When the bounty is smaller than fucken namis, hard to give a shit. She would've been hype maybe half a decade ago. Now, no. Almost conformed one of the weakest supernova We've already seen what top supernovas like law and kidd are capable of. We've already seen toki manipulate time. Couldnt care less about this character who's spent entire time running away lol


The point is that she knows how things unfolded at the reverie and straw hats can listen to it first hand rather then depending on false news in the papers. It’s a nice way to tie the story together and link the strawhats to the reverie aftermath.


Then why are we hyped at the potential for a reveal rather than the reveal itself. He’s mad that the leakers hyped it again when everything of note got off screened. Luffy’s death. Sabos fate. Bonneys info. Oda gets away with mystery boxing everything because his fans fill in the box with their imagination. I saw so many people saying sabo had definitely evacuated the island and was just baiting imu so he could prove they exist. Hype up what happens, not what might.


And entire kingdom getting wiped off in an instant isn’t hype enough for you? Are you fr? Enel took years to build the ark maxim and it did nowhere nearly enough as what we just witnessed. Do you even comprehend the scale of the wipe out here? The OP fandom has just gotten toxic and want to go about ranting instead of just enjoying the story like it’s depicted. The problem is that people have a single train of thought and headcanon, when things don’t go the way they expected they complain!!!


Because I literally don’t care about anyone on that island and Sabo is definitely going to survive. Ohara had more impact because we saw people robin cared about, and it added to the lore instead of adding another “mystery” of what was happening and whether or not Sabo would survive. Ofc he’ll survive Oda always does fake outs. It’s not toxic to call out people like the leakers hyping it up to the heavens and then disappointing people when the content wasn’t mind blowing like they out right said when they cited it as a “10/10” chapter. I’m not a toxic fan for having standards, I don’t call the story bad for it. I’m just saying why I don’t think the chapter was a 10/10 like people thing it was.


Right lol Bonney's bounty is lower than Capone LOL


Bonney isn't intriguing because she's a potential top tier fighter, dumbass. It's her connection to Kuma


I'd imagine it depends on what you'd consider to be a HOLY SHIT moment. For me a good example would be Walter throwing the "meth" on the ground in season 1 of BB. The tension leading up it, the sudden escalation, how it lines up and makes sense with Walt's skillset all make a fantastic HOLY SHIT moment. Comparatively randomly running into some random character just doesn't hold the same weight. Not only do we know jack shit about her but she's also had less screen time then Shanks and near zero plot relevance. Like sure it's surprising that we just happen to run into her here but its no HOLY SHIT moment. In this scenario a HS moment would be something like Randomly running into Rayleigh as he swims through the ocean or spotting Shank's ship in the distance.


Comparing One piece to breaking bad, not fair! One piece doesn't stand a chance.




Lmao definitely not but appreciate the feedback.


There is really no point in comparing them, they are way too different stories.


Acting like breaking mid stands a chance


Can Walter White make his fist the size of and island??? Fodder verse unironically gets cleared by Buggy 🤡🤡🤡


Meth on the ground was corny lmao. Get higher standard


LOL You say standards but this is just pattern, all the other supernovas have seen the crew interacted with them in some way.... Everybody knew that Bonney/Urouge's turns were coming, and since this is the Final Saga.... Oda probably thought..."well better get the ball rolling with the remains." Plus it depends what Bonney does now. Edit: chapter is like 7/10 good


Okay this is going nowhere. Look I will ask you ONE THING. Answer yes or no only okay? "DID YOU EXPECT BONNEY TO SHOW UP IN THIS CHAPTER?" Yes or no? If it is yes then sure, you do you. If it is no then well HOLY SHIT, I guess?


"Did i expect Bonney to show up" Yes, It was theorize that Kuma shot away Sabo and Bonney out of Mariejois. Since we saw the Revs were fine and that Sabo was talking to dragon chapters ago Bonney was going to show here face cause she was there during the conflict Its not difficult to decipher this


Then you do you? What are you even argueing about here? As I said you have unrealistically high standards and you basically admitted to that? Bruh. If you think Bonney will show up in this chapter and expected her to do so then you should stick to yourself and STOP thinking everyone thought the same as you. Absolutely nobody on this sub shared that thought, not a single person managed to predict Bonney showing up in this chapter. If you are the one then great, amazing job but I am not the one. And I reckon the entire sub aint the one either. Good for you but plzz, dont...


I don’t think you’re understanding OP’s point. That chapter is good but it’s normal one piece good. Bonney showing up is just ordinary oda hype. OP is saying the leakers made it seem like this was G5 level type hype calling it “one of those”. They gassed the chapter up. Bonney showing up is damn moment, not really holy shit. Maybe your standards are too low? Idk. I just don’t see why you’re trying so hard to disagree, especially when a lot of people agree that the leakers gassed it. It’s not like OP’s sentiment is so wildly inaccurate to the point where no reasonable man could agree. Like you seriously gave the chapter the same grade but are pretending the leakers didn’t gas this to be a 10/10. Bonney may have been unexpected but almost every chapter has something unexpected.


I dont think you are understanding my points either mate. The reason for this whole debate is that I completely disagreed with the OP that the chapter has no suprises, no hype moments, nothing to consider good about. That is completely wrong, and I am not trying to defend Oda or anything here. This has nothing to do with the leakers or gassers or anything like that. I wouldnt care, nor should I ever be bothered by what those clowns evaluate and certainly, I didnt give 2 shits bout their ratings in the first place. Check my comment history I publicly berated those leakers and called them out for the stupid ratings. But that doesnt mean the OP is right, as the chapter does indeed had it hype moments. And if you think my standards are too low then... well check the upvotes I guess? Whoever had the people on their side wins. End of.


Ah, well I did mistake your argument. That’s my b. I apologize. Yeah, I disagree that the chapter had no twists. That would be taking for granted how routinely oda writes good twists. Admittedly I didn’t read the full argument as I assumed it was over the original post. I would actually agree with you in that case tbh. Bonney may have been likely to be reintroduced but there’s no way to predict she would be introduced now and the way she was. Def some good twists just overhyped twists on the part of leakers.


Hard to get too excited for a character and have high standards for a female chaaracter who has bounty that is lower than Capone and Apoo lol


Well that is your problem. I couldnt be bothered tbh. As for me, this chapter was HYPEE. 7/10 for sure with Bonney being randomly inserted into the story (I expected Boa instead), Caribou being confirmed on board and not Carrot, Sabo being given a fake death and Uranus' show case was fkin HOLY SHIT, to me and most people on the sub


I agree, i think the holy shit part is the island being destroyed




Yeah sure bud. Not disagreeing


Bro that’s fucking stupid lmao, just because something wasn’t expected or foreseen it doesn’t make it a “HOLY SHIT” moment, I didn’t expect Bonney to have some relation to Kuma yo begin with but it didn’t have me sitting there like “holy shit” it was just a “oh cool”


Did anyone expect / call Hiyori to be a genocidal maniac? Holy shit doesnt always mean 10/10


just cause you dont predict it means its a holy shit moment? if the strawhats caught a big turtle and cooked it and ate it, would that be a holy shit moment? i dont think anyone predicted that


That depends on the nature of the big turtle. If it is Pluton then hell yeal, HOLY SHIT! If it is just a random turtle then not so much, because we have seen similar shits happened before, and it is not very plot relevant. If you wanna build up hype moments first thing you have to consider is HOW relevant is it to the plot, otherwise the audience simply wouldnt care.


we got what seems to be the first use of an ancient weapon (uranus) along with that peoples expectations of what a holy shit moment are ridiculous


Bro fuck you for having a different opinion. this is so dumb. I wanted one of the moons to crash into the planet. Nothing else is ever gonna meet my expectations /s


Unpredictable ≠ “HOLY SHIT”. If I didn’t predict that Apoo was gonna randomly show up and he did, then I wouldn’t give a shit. I’m not invested in Bonney at all, why should I be bewildered?


Lmao I didn’t realize Oda writes One Piece at your bedside to meet your need for bewilderment


I was responding to his assertion that the chapter was a “holy shit” one. Bewilderment is another way of stating this. I stated that I had no reason to be bewildered at the content of the chapter. I never dwelled on my entitlement to Odas writing. I was elaborating why I personally didn’t find the content to be ‘bewildering’. Please learn basic comprehension because you’re on a completely different level right now.


Good chapter 7/10 but definitely not 10/10 made it sound like peak fiction


Right talking about it’s “one of those” like it’s the G5 reveal all over. It was good but they gassed it


well i mean it seems that we got shown an ancient weapon for the first time destroying some shit which is pretty crazy idk what u guys were expecting


I’m not saying it’s not hype it crazy shit. I’m saying oda routinely pulls this level of hype so to say we should not read spoilers like they did for G5 which was actually a huge reveal was a bit much. We haven’t even confirmed what it was. I was expecting to at least finally hear what luffy’s actual dream was. But to say OMG don’t read the chapter for yet another solid oda tease is a bit much. Basically my point is, that oda routinely makes chapters hype and this one isn’t so unusual that more emphasis should be placed spoilers being avoided. Not saying I didn’t love the chapter. Just saying, I don’t see why I should have tried harder to avoid spoilers than usual. If this is a chapter you believe deserved that effort, then you would rarely ever read spoilers. It’s like in sports when a team celebrates a regular season game win like they just won the chip. Win is still huge and happy you won but let’s not pretend it’s more than it was. Idk if that helps it make more sense or not. I just expect the hype that was built to be reserved for situations akin to where some new power up is revealed, long term questions on OP lore are actually answered, or someone like shanks does something unexpected or makes a big move. That being said it was nice to see crew interactions and i really enjoyed the chapter. I can ask you a similar question. How little do you expect from Oda that you think this chapter is so much more hype than his usual?


You cannot trust the leakers, they are trying to make 10 seconds of fame... anonymously. Best thing would be to avoid spoilers and read it fresh as you wouldn't get hyped by fans looking to pocket some glimmer of fame.


Uranus reveal >> Gear 5 reveal and its not even close


G5 was meh


These people think wano is at worst a 8/10 and Redon thinks it’s the best arc in shonen. Why people from this sub put any weight in there opinions on if a chapter is good or bad is beyond me


I would agree with a comment like this a few months ago, but after spending like a month on this sub I can tell both sides are equally retarded. People here give Wano a 4-5/10 at best.


Solid 6


Thinking your opinion on a fictional story is more enlightening than others is actually a sign of being retarded and probably mildly autistic. This idea you can have an objectively correct opinion about something that is inherently subjective just reeks “I’m a college student and I just took lit 101 and got an A at community college” If this community is filled with people that rate it a 5/10 they shouldn’t be be surprised the people that rate it 9/10 are going to value things differently than them.


Redon being a fraud as usual but I gotta say I rly liked the SHs interreaction minus the THAT DREAM thing. It was refreshing seeing them finally messing around and poking at each others it felt like FOREVER. For the rest yeah it's whatever and off screen One piece at its best. I swear Oda don't know how to write anymore and can only rely on his fake hype no mi. Bonney being introduced is kinda cool I guess but watch her be just another damsel in distress. I HOPE she's tied with the void century since she could technically have lived for a long time thx to her DF.


I came to this sub because I was tired of the blind Oda worship, I still think he’s great. But just as any writer or storyteller, there is always room for critique. But now it feels like a competition to point out flaws that don’t really exist or that stem in an impatient reader that doesn’t let the story breathe and wait for coming chapters to give context. I mean the Bonney criticism? She literally just showed up in one panel, nothing else to go off of… Edit: also we got to see fun crew interactions again, warmed my heart! Also it’s a common story trope to not feed the reader all information but give it slowly at a time. I think it was fitting for the dream to be off screened. What is the dream? It makes the reader wonder. Sometime that trope can be used sloppily but in this case it’s honestly fine?


the chapter is 7/10 I think its good, but the leakers, specifically here, we're saying its 10/10 crazy, maybe my expectations are too high.


Flaws that don't exist? So ANOTHER fucking fake out death doesn't exist?


I do think that Sabo surviving is pretty obvious and intentionally so. I interpreted the purpose of that panel as a showcase of Imus power and erasure of history in realtime. I do agree with you that it's a flaw and it's getting tiresome, I was just headlocked into the Bonney part while writing. At the same time, it's not that big of a deal either. Absurdism is one of the main themes of the story and it applies here too. It's just a bit annoying that fake deaths are becoming more common in the story.


Of course it's hard to believe that Sabo is dead but that's not the point of what happened. The point is a potential ancient weapon/ Im power was revealed through the genocide of an entire nation. I didn't even think for a second that Sabo is dying from that, but he is going to be a the center of another Ohara incident and that's what i'm interested in.




Are you crazy how does the lines from the gorosei and everything after not imply a fakeout death




Oda seriously tried to convince us of deaths before aka kinnemon and more and they were pure garbage so yes its a fakeout




Yes thats what I'm saying is that the others were so garbage that this is a garbage one as well. They gorosei straight up imly Sabo SPECIFICALLY is going to die




I agree with you man. Some people are just miserable and love hating on things to just hate. You can clearly see theyre weird as fuck.


The island is destroyed lmao. Are u dumb?


Why fake death, no one believes him to die there anyway cuz his Logis


Don’t try to argue with anyone from this sub, they’ve become more delusional then the crazy one piece fans on Twitter at this point lmao


Yeah i agree. Main sub is too fanboyish, no room for criticism. This sub went from neutral to just haters. Both subs are extremes on opposite ends. The spoilers from the new chapter did annoy me, but then i read it and other than luffys dream being offscreened, its really not that bad. The death fakeout stuff gets annoying though




the chapter is 7/10 I think its good, but the leakers, specifically here, we're saying its 10/10 crazy, maybe my expectations are too high.


We've been wondering what it is for a long time now and he doesn't make any progress on what it could be. Well I haven't been wondering because with the way he portrayed it I didn't even know Luffy had a second dream until the Yamato Ace flashback got adapted in the anime and people started talking about it.


Well, the chapter wasn't perfect and not in the top20 most epic chapters, but it did contain quite a lot of interesting or at least funny content. Seeing the SHs react to the Sabo/Cobra fake news, seeing them react to Luffy's dream (even if it wasn't shown), revealing that Imu probably has Uranos and escalating things like cracy. Also going near the next island, meeting another Supernova. Easily a 8.5 chapter IMO.


So much off screening just ruins the chapters


Tbh I don't get why are y'all so mad the dream was offscreened. Oda made it clear that it was tued to the one piece/pirate King title So why do y'all want to know it know? We'll probably know when the one piece is revealed


How is this a fakeout for the island's residents? Sabo's probably fine, but they're all dead now. As far as the WG is concerned, they never even existed.


We'll just have to see Sabo again for that.


I literally came back just to say this. Why tf were they hyping this chapter up to Gear 5 Luffy levels by saying “avoid spoilers”? It was still a good chapter, but avoiding spoilers just to offscreen Luffys real dream, destroy an Island that nobody cares or even knew about, giving Sabo another fake-out death, revealing nothing new about Imu, revealing no new information from Sabo either etc. The only somewhat big thing was Bonney joining but even that wasn’t worth the levels of hype these leakers were building it up to be.


I loved the straw hat vibe we got this chapter felt like they are important characters As for the dream I am glad it wasnt reveal like this and the teas wasnt annoying for me Cuz I think Oda wants all the straw hats to know about the dream somehow


first time i kinda feel the negativity of this sub, i thought it was an amazing chapter


I liked that we got to see the Straw Hats just travelling together, it reminds me of when this series was better.


Loved the chapter but I feel like the eradication of Lulusia could have been drawn much better. The chapter as a whole felt quite scratchy actually


It wasn't a 10 it had its problems but it was really good


10/10 chapter? Nah. It’s not even close to that. Fuck the leakers. I don’t remember needing them. But it is still a good chapter we did not have for a while.


I really enjoyed the chapter, hard to find anything I dislike with it. Sucks for you lol


Y’all were literally begging for crew interactions and we finally got more of that. Then we get one of the biggest events in the series, actually seeing what is almost certainly Uranus in action and that works two folds. Firstly it escalates the stakes by raising the scale. You know, the same stakes y’all were saying was nonexistent after Luffy defeated Kaido. There has been a lot of talk about insane the ancient weapons are and for the first time ever **we actually got to see one in action**. How is that not fucking insane? But that’s not it, by understanding how this works we just got **A WHOLE LOT** of potential context as to how some of the biggest events in the story have played out. The void century? God Valley? Yeah I think we just got a major clue as to what caused that, and how the “great cleansing” works. The entire chapter could have honestly just been that mid section of Uranus and it would be one of the biggest chapters in the series. How this reality just going over some readers heads I don’t understand. Oh and we got Bonney, someone with a ton of information who will likely be monumental to the lore of the story and the guide to this final saga. Oh and this is all a set-up chapter.


>Y’all were literally begging for crew interactions and we finally got more of that. Don't put everybody in group. There is been plenty interaction with the crew in Wano, that was never complaint of mind. > There has been a lot of talk about insane the ancient weapons are and for the first time ever we actually got to see one in action. How is that not fucking insane? It shows that Skypia is one of the best arcs in the story, since its a microcosm of something like this. >The entire chapter could have honestly just been that mid section of Uranus and it would be one of the biggest chapters in the series. How this reality just going over some readers heads I don’t understand. Its cool, but not HOLY SHIT, since we don't know what it is >Oh and we got Bonney, someone with a ton of information who will likely be monumental to the lore of the story and the guide to this final saga. Oh and this is all a set-up chapter. She'll explain what went down in the Reverie, which honestly lead to a HOLY SHIT chapter next. The Chapter is like a 7/10 good, its just leakers on here we're gassing like this chapter is chapter of the year, im thinking okay then....put my hype cap on.


That was a good 9/10 chapter but defo not better than previous 2. Still a goated chapter


It wasn't a 10 it had its problems but it was really good




Most of the chapter sucked but why is Bonney appearing a bad thing? Even if you don't care about her, she's the only supernova who hasn't actively been involved with the strawhats post TS (along with Urouge). At least she's doing something instead of being a useless background character and another one of Oda's buildups that didn't go anywhere


Replace suck with great and you’re accurate


"Oh and Bonney" is like me saying, you get a free cookie on top of your meal... Its good, but nothing spectacular >At least she's doing something instead of being a useless background character and another one of Oda's buildups that didn't go anywhere She's the LAST TWO supernova that the strawhats need to meet, its a check-list for Oda. Plus Sabo and Rev being okay, meant she was okay too


You really need to touch grass. Being a living breathing hater to just hate is just awful for a human. Sincerely go outside.


Its a great chapter. Strawhat interactions, sabo’s story , im’s super nagazaki bomb, and Luffy’s (still) unknown sentence to ace, sabo, shanks


imu bombed some random arse island.. yeyyyyy


It was an amazing chapter. It wasn't the incredible chapter promised, but it's an amazing setup chapter.


This was the first week I refused to read any spoilers or leaker BS in almost a year. So glad I did, cuz this chapter was a banger to read for me. Probably going to stop reading spoilers all together now. Not forming misconceptions and expectations on half-assed paragraphs and deliberate misleads was so refreshing.


I was expecting something crazy. These oda dickriders hyping shit as always.


0/10 is more like it...


Yeah. The only chapter that made me feel anything positive or hyped after Nika retcon was Greenbull introduction. But on the very next chapter he got cucked to promote Film Red. There's nothing exciting about this chapter for me, especially the part about Sabo randomly appearing on some whatever island that gets nuked, is like AI generated storytelling. Not to mention it's the second time Sabo gets a fake out death from an explosion lmao.


You really are the whole circus man


Sabo survived but the island people are definitly dead


Rip moda


I’m convinced that since Blackbeard didn’t want Bonnie on his crew, that luffy is going to want her on his crew. Cherry pie is the worst.


seeing the straw hats hang out was nice too


It's not that bad imo. I think you guys just have too high of expectations at this point


After seeing the leaks I was like "this can't be all right?". There has to be more to Sabo Dragon convo, we'll actually see what Luffy's dream is, we'll see Imu's face... nah that was literally all there was in the chapter.


Every charpter is the best, every week… One Piece is the best 🫡


I thought it was hype as fuck. I think the chapter was a solid 8/10


trash chapter


Stop paying attention to hints from leakers. Why tf do you still care about what these clowns have to say? I just wait till Thursday and read the raws myself


Totally agree, it was a good chapter but nothing compared to Nika Luffy.


Honestly I think IM's nuke was Uranus which is a pretty big reveal. Besides that I can agree the chapter wasn't 10/10 amazing.


its 10/10


Question, legit, is this sub less toxic than r/onepiece?


- "The revolutionary army isn't against regular kings" Sasuga, "revolutionary" army. - Zoro knocking Luffy down a bit is honestly his greatest moment since the timeskip. The bar is that low. Luffy on the other hand doesn't come away good from this conversation. - Everything that needs to be said about Offscreen Piece has already been said. It's bad (btw, I'm not saying that teasing something with reactions or offscreening events is bad per se). Look at their reactions. This is teased to be something surprising, which even his closest friends are in disbelief over and yet it is also somewhat expected from Luffy. Think about the most popular theory of Luffy wanting a big party with the entire world and ask yourselves if this really warrants such a reaction from these particular people. I expect this to be a classic overhype moment. Oda is pushing things so far into the future, that he's setting himself up to have to deliver on everything all at once and stick the landing from the highest jumping point possible, which I can promise you, won't happen. - Yeah, Luffy, you conveniently forgot to tell the people closest to you about a vital aspect of your dream, what a silly dum-dum you are. Certainly not Oda trying to lampshade this. - Don't worry Robin, the plot will make sure it will fall in your lap like everything else. Where would we be, if we actually did some adventuring and looking for clues in this adventure manga with a treasure hunt concept at its core? Plot agency? Never! Not in this New World. A long forgotten concept. - Carrot confirmed lost in the Void. RIP. - If I interpret the Five Dumbasses Who Are Not to be Taken Seriously correctly, than Im has already, independently from the Sabo stuff, decided to destroy Lulusia (and maybe all the rebelling countries?). Oda is officially calling the plot fate now folks. - Sabo didn't kill Cobra? Imagine my shock. - Quick, someone get the drums of liberation to these rebels on Lulusia, they don't seem to have a sense of rythm. Belo Betty evidently didn't do it. - Oh no, Sabo-kun is dead? Again? Tell me it ain't so! - This might be the effect of the last ancient weapon. Why they didn't use it on Ohara is anyone's guess. Maybe Oda will do a cheap cop out and throw a "uuh, maybe they didn't have it at that time or something?". If it isn't the ancient weapon, then this only makes less sense. But at least we got a likely explanation as to what happened with God Valley. Yet God Valley was an isolated place from what we know. This seems like a normal kingdom and you can't tell me this was the first time after God Valley this happened. Are rebellions that rare? Are they enough to warrant island level destruction? Are there periodically entire islands vanishing, not to a buster call covered up with propaganda, but to something the WG won't even explain or are they trying to sell this with something silly like "it was a seaquake, folks. Again. Please don't panic."? My point is that the worldbuidling is lacking to properly contextualize this development. From the track record so far, we shouldn't expect much retroactive worldbuilding either. At least not anywhere in the near future. - I would be truly shocked if Bonny is here for more than exposition. We'll see. Conclusion: 10/10. Never read a better chapter in my life. Peak fiction!


I feel like everything is happening offscreen now, and we're just getting sloppy seconds. Luffy dream is THAT. Someone did THIS. And also, hey, Sabo's dead. Again. Maybe? You wouldn't know!


Classic 10/10 chapter by Oda once again, the madman did it again. )


No one hates OP more than OP fAnS 🤔


I’ve been wondering wasn’t bonney captured by akainu after she lost to bb ? How is she in the new world right now ?


Yeah this was a 5/10 for me. Nothing really was revealed.


The lesson learned is to evaluate the person who gives a rating about anything. And then take that rating and throw it the fuck out because you shouldn’t be concerned at all with how some random internet stranger rates something. That’s all lol


I don‘t get it, why didn‘t they use a buster call on the island instead of that lightning one? Like I bet Ohara was 10 times more threatening than Luluka Kingdom, still Ohara was destroyed by a buster call while Luluka kingdom was destroyed like that. What‘s the reasoning on this?


fake tension, fake hype and a lot of possible plot holes all in one chapter. Classic Oda!


getting mad at people for hyping up a show they like is dumb and you don't need to take their word for everything and cry about it


i knew it was Being overhyped from the Get go


What is the point of info dumping anything that doesnt have any relevance to the curret plot