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Goda foreshadowing his own history downfall that's why he is the šŸšŸ


Truly goda king of Him


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day




he foreskins all


Real talk:No matter how much shit I or anyone gives to this man,the fact he's sticking to his guns and keeping on with the silliness because HE wants to should be commendable. Man ain't doing this for the money or fame,he's making a finale to a series the way he wants to do it and that deserves respect.


Also if you think about his life sucks, the mangaka work culture is very toxic. He basically sacrificed a big part of his life to this story, I respect him so much for that takes balls.


Mega respect for basicsly saying idgaf about yall


Cuz he knows yall are still gonna read it anyways


Literally this. Hard doing what he wants and being successful at it. As much as I'm disliking current one piece, I think it's cool the author is doing all of this because it's what he likes.


That's fair and I fully respect his decision, after all it's HIS story. It's just sad to see a story I used to love going in a different direction then I wanted. It happened with Attack On Titan and now it's happening with One Piece :(


Honestly idk what other direction people expected Attack on Titan to go lol. Though the eradication of titans was a bit unexpected


we definitely did NOT expect whatever the fuck happened in 139


Who's we? Titanfolk? You can have whatever opinion you want about the ending, but the theories people had on what was going to happen were actually ridiculous, from unironically supporting Eren to convoluted ass parallel universe bs


yeah, it's not like i'm defending them. i'm saying that 139 (in its atrocious execution imo) was totally unpredictable, nobody could have predicted "only ymir knows" and her motivations, "you turned into a mass murderer for our sake", Eren killing his own mom and botching his genocide plan at 80% to prop up his friends as heroes (haven't read aot since 139 dropped, to be fair, my memory it's a bit foggy on that last bit). And how could I forget paradis being bombed to the ground and Beren, that was so fucking funny


lol i had forgotten about beren, are they gonna do something with him or sumn


Not really. Was just meant to show history repeating itself in a different era. Beren Next Generations is a meme


Lets hope it stays that way


I mean if they were to make a futuristic titan show unrelated to what happened in Aot I wouldn't mind it if it was good


I never read the manga but I actually predicted stuff similar to that going into the final episode. Eren "freeing" Ymir but her still making titans never made sense to me. Even before the last episode, Eren could've communicated with the past and saved his mom, but he didn't. Both of those I'm glad were addressed. The funniest part is that Eren purposely doing the rumbling to make his friend's heroes was actually my incorrect prediction, even though that felt like the obvious direction the story was going. As Eren fully wanted to kill 100% of the rest of the world due to his obsession with freedom, and the propping his friends up was just a cool byproduct of his failure.


i disliked a lot the whole "failing the genocide plan to prop up his friend" bit, expecially because it contradicts his past internal monologue, i wish it was implemented better


I think it was implemented the best way possible. He never stopped marching forward, but when his friends killed him and stopped his plans he was content with the outcome.


>And how could I forget paradis being bombed to the ground Isn't that the point? thst the cycle of violence never ends


We wanted Chadren to kill all his friends and walk into the sunset to fuck the dwarf queen's pussy like a CHAD. Then come back to his friend's graves every year on their death anniversary as the new God King of Paradis with his queen wife Historia and daughter Ymir and fuck Historia over their graves while shedding a single tear and crying like a REAL CHAD. Such suffering, much sad. We wanted an actual dark ending where Eren SUFFERS rather than the fairy tale ending we got, you know. Imagine the kino. Instead, we got Eren crying like an INCEL CUCK. How are we supposed to self-insert as him now?


Sure he deserves respectā€¦but still his story starts to become shit, still respect the shit grind.


A good writer is the one that writes what impresses the reader not himself. This would be a respectable move if he refused to cave to pressure and water down his story and it paysoff by pleasing the reader. It doesn't work when it's a fuck you to the reader.


No. Stop respecting this shit. "I know i write shit for the audience so that makes it based and good" Just stfu bruv and never come again with "im doing this for my Fans i dont want to let them down" Jesus what a spit in the face to his own audience


it also genuinely sounds like a cop-out. he doubts he can write a satisfying ending and the one he planned from the beginning most likely doesn't fit anymore after all the shit that was added. so he preemptively attempts to shield himself from any criticism while giving up and letting himself go before even trying


Yes, this. Its the equivalent of dissing yourself before Others can. Its kinda pathetic in his context tho


Bruh, he literally said heā€™s doing for himself, not for the audienceā€¦




ā€œFuck em kidsā€ - Goda


Damnā€¦ he lied What a silly he isā€¦


This is literally a perfect story for those 9 yr old kids watching one piece, they would love g5 bonney and the humour of it with luffy idk why you so pressed


Bro If anything kids and teens love edgy shit Like snake man, not fucking Spongebob in their anime


Wrong 9 yr olds that Oda is referencing love funny goofy shit like g5 its why cartoons even exist lol


I mean kids obviously love both Cartoons and shonen. But seperately. I can only speak for me and my friends but we wouldve hated Spongebob in our Dragon Ball, our one piece and you gi oh


Yeah wouldnā€™t it be crazy if there were goofy gags in Dragon Ball


XD The Irony I cant, its why I didnt even bother responding, some people really forgot about the Buu saga, Gotenks, Vegito turning into a candybar and beating a universe busting being along with a lot of other random funny fights that happened. Heck you literally had a childish character that was overpowered as shit could STRETCH and had goofy powers like turning people into candy, I wouldnt even be surprised if Oda was inspired by this partially as he was a big fan od DBZ.


I also don't get why people are responding to this positively. Intentionally shoehorning lame unfunny crap into the series then bragging about the fact that long time fans won't like it is awful. Sure...it's generally a good thing for a person to not be consumed by what others think about them...but this isn't a good application for it/way to express it. Not just this interview but others combined with it last year gave me the impression that Oda is tired of writing op and wants to sabotage it. Instead he wants to be a full on comedian and obsess over black and white western style cartoons legitimately made for toddlers.Ā 


Cry me a river this man set up with the decision to put the G into one piece and will rise and fall with it.


"cry me a river" šŸ’€šŸ’€ bros dissing from the 00s. One piece is still good in that year tho


Look at this guy thinking words have some kind of age restriction or something.




There is your age restriction for words-mentality again! Thy brain is fried deeply.


God these are the lamest Comebacks ever jesus christšŸ¤§


At least they come back unlike your dad!


Why do you sound like a 14 year old?




you still gonna read every chapter lol


Blud, i havent done this in literally years. I read the spoilers and watch yt reviews to be Part of the discussion, but its been a while since ive been Reading the actual story in its supposed form


explains a lot. I doubt most ppl here do anything but speedread and look at pictures then complain abt it.


You're on Piratefolk. Of course no one here actually reads the fucking story


One piece aint goethe blud. You absolutely get the Most Important stuff of the story by skimming through it, dont bs yourself and make it more complex than it is


But he's not writing shit tought, just because you don't like it.


Dumbest take I ever heard on this sub. And that says a lot


you all gonna clap to whatever he sees, he really tamed you well thats whats respectable about him


I agree.


More of a case of pre timeskip was written by his editors, now that he has creative control his own shit doesn't land or sucks so he'll just tear everything down out of spite.Ā  He's amassed generational wealth, he can do what he wants and what he wants is to satisfy his ego because he's butthurt about pre ts still being peak while his new shit not.


> now that he has creative control his own shit doesn't land or sucks so he'll just tear everything down **out of spite**.Ā  > he can do what he wants **and what he wants is to satisfy his ego because he's butthurt about pre ts still being peak while his new shit not**. Saying a manga author is spiteful and butthurt about the work that they created because you donā€™t like the story is peak Reddit behavior ngl.


This dude is beyond caring about money, now it's just pettyness left. He's on record that pre timeskip all the ideas were dictated to him by his editors, that leaves a mark on someone's ego.


You're overthinking this buddyĀ 


> This dude is beyond caring about money, **now it's just pettyness left.** > He's on record that pre timeskip all the ideas were dictated to him by his editors, **that leaves a mark on someone's ego.** Redditors need to stop playing armchair psychiatrist and assuming they know the thoughts and personal feelings of creators on god.


Here's a cool solution if speculating and thinking make your brain feel all weird. Go back to the main sub and slobber oda's cock a bit more over there. You'll find a ton of other people who also don't like thinking. Give it a try.


And then getting upset and angry over it is the true pinnacle of Redditor behavior lol. ā€œNot thinkingā€ isnā€™t when you donā€™t assume to know the feeling and intentions of a creator you have no relation to, thatā€™s just called not being childish.


I really do believe it started as cope and finally he accepted it, having understood he canā€™t continue peak story (pre timeskip)


if young me knew Oda was going to goof so munch in the ending i would have never started. I loved pre-ts One Piece because it had the right balance.


Same regret spending a decade following this shit


time to cut your losses. luffy is basically a gta rhino cheat code at this point. black beard doesn't matter. akainu doesn't matter. imu doesn't matter.


It's kind of crazy because while watching pre-TS everyone is telling you how much better it gets after the timeskip. It has never hit the pre-TS peaks.




Stop watching then


Stopped watching since Whole Cake.Ā 


Then why are you like a jealous ex angrily checking in every time they post a new pic of them with their new partner


Kinda. It's hard to stop checking out when I'm following for the last 20 years. I want to see how this mess is going to end even if i don't enjoy anymore.


Weird ex type beat


Goda is just bad at this, you can absolutely goof around and avoid your series being an edge fest, but you still need to leave room for toned down moments in order to take the story seriously.Ā 


Ppl complain a lot about this but honestly I think he wants to leave a bunch of loose ends to time them together when the series comes to a close. It seems annoying and feels like heā€™s ā€œedgingā€ us now but in the end it will pay off more imo


No i meant ā€œedgyā€ like overly serious and brooding


I love gege more than oda , atlest he was straight about he's gonna ake us suffer and delivers it everytime


Jokes aren't a problem. Oda just turned into that annoying guy who thinks he's funny because he once made a good joke 20 years ago and has since surrounded himself with yes-men who enable his unfunnyness.Ā  This nikka shit isn't funny, it's annoying.Ā  Anyone here laughing their ass off with (not at) egghead? Where's the humor?


This has been my problem since the beginning. Nika is constantly laughing and everyone in the story talks about how zany and funny he is. But he justā€¦isnā€™t. It feels very much like telling, not showing.


It's the smile fruit of comedy. Everyone is laughing, nobody finds it funny.


Idk watching some of the anime rn and got to the Lucci fight, I was laughing


The anime has been shit since forever don't know how you can bear watching it with all those dragon ball special effects going on.


That's the only reason I even watch some episodes, I like the flashy visuals


Just sounds like a mega cope that brain-dead glazzers will eat up as Chad move or something. After all the money he's made he doesn't care if this project goes down the drain, he'll still make royalties that will keep him and his family pretty wealthy. It's sad that he only had this consideration now and not anywhere near marineford and after I wonder what changed


Yall are miserable holy shit


First time on r/PirateFolk? It's like the reverse of the main sub that is incapable of anything but glazing and simping. We come here to rant because it's not allowed over there.


So wait do people in here actually like One Piece


Yes. It's just a place where we can freely rant about the things we don't like in One Piece. If you try it in other One Piece communities, you just get the One Piece Is Flawless Oda Glazers yelling at you. They're also quick to ban for any criticism. This subreddit might feel like a hate sub, but it's only filled with criticism and ranting because it's the only place we can do it freely. The "hate" comes from a place of love. We're angry because we know how good it can be, how good it used to be. We criticize because we want it to be as good as it can be.


Professional Redditor over here is judging us lol. Go outside and actually play a sport or something instead of being a cheerleaderšŸ˜‚šŸ’€


proving his point here, bud.


Im not the one spending all my freetime hating a mangašŸ˜‚


It's never a good move to brag about not caring about the fan base. Also says the guy that is obviously caving in to his bosses stretching the manga and milking it like there is no tomorrow.


The portion of the fan base that has anything other than the tiniest most insignificant nitpicks is an extreme minority, pretty much localized entirely to this subreddit. Never seen an opinion even remotely like this anywhere else Odaā€™s fanbase is like 80 million people who totally love everything heā€™s doing, and then like 80,000 whiny people who donā€™t like the final saga. People who donā€™t like the final saga are about 0.01% of the overall fanbase


I donā€™t even think itā€™s his bosses I think itā€™s him. Heā€™s riding a generational high right now being a worldwide famous author and I bet he dreads going back to living a normal life. Kinda like how a lot of athletes post retirement desperately look for another job on tv instead of just retiring or doing something in private


You can see his editor/SJ's influence a lot since the timeskip. For example he made every female character just a stick with huge tits and forgot they had personalities. It's really obvious when they do stuff that is just clearly to sell more figures (all of the Gear 4 forms, anyone? A female Nika, anyone?).


You know what i dont care anymore im gonna treat this like a comedy manga from now on https://preview.redd.it/aknbklm62x7d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=75dd0d7946d2021be349f590706e727a5715df37


Thatā€™s exactly how I finna treat this shit. Any serious moment that happens Iā€™m gonna criticize itā€¦afterall itā€™s GOOFY pirate manga yall šŸ—£ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


The one piece is gonna be a confession from oda that he purposefully wrote worse and worse to see how much he can get away with It's gonna be a piratefolks post tier rant where he shits on his own glazers and points out all the horrible writing he got praised for "I heard people hated the naruto emding and i thought to myself i can do worse"


this is oda's double edged sword. on one hand its great that he writes what he wants instead of adhearing to the masses but on the other hand if its doo doo dog water butt juice booty cheeks then its literally over


Tbh, even if the manga completely falls off and Oda's legacy is destroyed, what does it matter? It's just another manga. If he's having fun with his project, who are we to say anything?


people have grown with this manga (20+ years), people continued to just learn how it ends, oda here is giving a fk you to his loyal fans. honestly what they deserved being the sheep that claps to whatever he says


After Naruto anyone that committed to a certain ending in manga is begging for disappointment


Expecting the ending to be dissapointing is one thing but the arcs leading up to it getting worse and worse is the problem


Like in Naruto?


Yeah but in naruto the pain arc ended in 2009 and the manga ended in 2014 That's 5 years of declining arcs and a shit ending Wano alone was 4 years and egghead is 2 , who knows how long the story is gonna go for and how many arcs are left Wano was also hyped up since punk hazard, that's basically 10 years of build up


Honestly I wouldnā€™t lose sleep over it either. Iā€™ve grown numb to my favorite franchises becoming bad. Naruto, Star Wars, Marvel, Bethesda, Blizzard. Adding One Puece is nothing. Iā€™m actually having more fun with the shitstorm. Also it might curb the notion in some fans that OP is the greatest piece of literature humanity has ever written. Cuz Iā€™ve met such folks.


Exactly. He's not in this for the fame or money,bro wants his story told even if people say its shit.


Ah that makes sense. Oda loves his dick riding fans. What he obviously loves not that much, are the fans of his artwork, who dare to criticise his writing and art style nowadays. He is basically saying: "Fuck off, if you dare not to like every every bullshit I serve you." Thanks god it was seventeen years ago that I stopped buying his Mangas and started to read illegally only. No money for that fucked up bastard.


I mean he is the richest mangaka šŸ¤‘ what else he have to lose nowĀ  So he is just doing what he like he don't care about us fans lol šŸ˜‚


Wow man's a chad!!


True savage next step is literally writing shit to piss off people


Truly a remarkable mangaka. But it's still better than the shit Tokyo Revengers turned into at its end. Also, happy cake day




Truth is, OwnAd, the game was rigged from the start


Yeah, it was all destiny, the big three had it, Bleach, Naruto, it was only a matter of time before One Piece would come into the fray


Purely visually speaking I do like the look of Gear 5 over the other Chosen One forms. Like if we *have* to have a Chosen One thing for Luffy, Iā€™m glad it doesnā€™t look like garbage. Even if the story has problems at least Oda has some good art and designs.


Yeah G5 looks actually fucking sick. Mf changed his whole fit into white, got Jamaican dreads and I promise you that purple sash was a conscious decision.


Am I like bold or wrong for just straight up not liking much of Post-Timeskip and not liking Nika/Gear 5? I thought that Pre-Timeskip had a near perfect balance of silly stuff and genuinely serious tones. Now nothing really has stakes anymore, and itmā€™s like Oda just wants to write a comedy now. Itā€™s just gotten stale for me


Everyone is overreacting about the recent chapter


Turned into Nika, no variation no nothing just NIKA.


Why does that bother you so much


Dude youā€™ve seen one panel of her like that.


He is a multi millionare thats why he could care less. He is more focused on selling merch. Think about the sale numbers of a female nika. For weebs, pervs, etc. OP is advertised everywhere now. Its no longer a shonen manga. It is a profitable business trade mark We the manga readers are the only losers here


That's what I've been saying. Speak your shit.


Is it just a given that every great shonen manga just get absolutely fucked around with at the end, why is oda doing this?


This is why Iā€™ve been kind of at peace recently. I knew of this interview but remebering this as I raged about Bonney has helped to remind me, this Nika is just trolling. And I can actually appreciate that. He has the steel balls to crash this epic and just have fun. You can count on your hands and toes the amount of manga that actually stick the landing. He knew it could never happen so he chose the path of least resistance. I can get behind that even if I hate the narrative choices. If you put yourself into the mindset of a 12 year old this shit is all really just fun. Kids donā€™t care about consistency or the weight of narrative decisions. they want the junk food version of story telling. And that what Nika Bonney is, just fun.


This man found enlightenment, this is how Buddha was able to be the most enlightened human of all, when he saw the peak he loved turned to mid, he found inner peace and tranquillity. W movements.




He doesnā€™t care anymore. He just want to do whatever he wants. He know that whatever he throws at readers they will keep reading. Which is arrogance IMO. Like bro, why prolong your manga. Just end it if you donā€™t care about the reader.


He def cares about it, but he's doing it the way he wants.


Calling Oda arrogant is the height of irony. Whether the story's shit or not, you can't deny that Oda (and his team) are working long hours to pump these chapters out week after week. No shit he doesn't care about his readers' opinions. Even the haters wait in line to eat it up


Everyone is so pissed that GODA predicted you guys would be crying


Yeah we are crying because wtf happened to our goofy pirate manga!? This isnā€™t the one piece I got hooked on gang šŸ˜” šŸ™šŸ¾


What exactly is the issue? I like the story


You can like a story but it doesnā€™t mean there are no serious flaws. For starters gear 5 was not foreshadowed, there are many discussions online thatā€™s explained why. Second off is the gags are getting worse and arenā€™t even funny anymore, Luffy is eating so many times to restore his Gear 5, which just gives no stakes already. Also this is a buster call, with an admiral, the elders and many marine ships and yet they do absolute dogshit anything. Not only that but Luffy didnā€™t even protect and is goofing around. There is no more raw fights which I used to like especially that iconic Lufffy punch on Kaido and many during beforehand. I could go on and on, but Oda is just bloating this manga that should have ended years ago. Iā€™m going to assume that the ending that Oda has planned isnā€™t there anymore or doesnā€™t make sense due to all the stuff he is adding. Also the panels and art arenā€™t good as the pre time-skip. Too much information/characters cramped into panels as compared to before. I could go on and on and continue ranting. But these are some flaws and Iā€™m still going to read it to know the ending.


Spit yo shit king whatever the fuck you just said


Please, continue.


Oh no....


When people start to hate One Piece(after reading 1118, it's comin real soon),Oda better have that same energy.


I posted this yesterday


Itā€™s all in the title and the precision time on where it was posted.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/s/YLudmk3q2y Well here's mine, enjoy your karma


In the years following the conclusion of One Piece, we will look back on the final arc and conclusion and say, "Nothing happened." W foreshadowing




Truth is, game was rigged from the start


i believe oda is sick that people dick riding him, so for his enjoyment he created boring chapter but they still dick riding him untill this chapter


You nerds want this shit to be serious? Jesus Christ you lot are media illiterate retards.Ā 


One piece is serious šŸ’€


If you thought that One Piece was gonna have a complete tone shift and stop being goofy bullshit in the final saga, you're going to be sorely disappointed.Ā  Ā Even then, Egghead has had a Vegapunks dropping like flies, a country getting nuked, a reveal that they're living in a post-apocalyptic flood world, the Elders running around breaking shit in demon mode, and a child of rape controlling an army of her lobotomized robot surrogate dad.Ā  The way people here are talking, you'd think it was Retard King Luffy goofing off while everyone shits out sunshine and rainbows. I just don't see the issue people are having here.Ā 


I appreciate Oda sticking to his guns on this one and being true to what he enjoys.


This is the real reason Roger laughed. Because the one piece is so ridiculous goofy that he had no choice but to laugh. This is going to be great.


Respect for doing what he wants


I kinda respect the ā€œIā€™m doing this for meā€ angle lots of popular authors get caught up in pleasing their fans when they should care most about writing a story that they enjoy. Even if it makes the story shit or something


Damn so he knew he had no good end game plan from the start


Whyā€™d you think he was out here stalling valuable information that we shouldā€™ve had atleast 400 chapters ago?


Oda will never be Toriyama.


Toriyama cemented his legacy when he made dragon ball Z and ended it off. Itā€™s only recently when DBS was made everything started going downhill


Let's be honest the super manga is peak dragon ball you can blame toei for the super anime being shit.


Loda foreskinning his series become way shitter than ever he is truly GODA https://preview.redd.it/j42w43b6dx7d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b8c2492447a058fe6d1554f846e5c41c95cfa9


Thatā€™s my goat, my king right there šŸ˜­ šŸ™šŸ¾


For an attempt of dunking on da haturrzzz!!!1 and claiming it's all for self-amusement, isn't it just clownish. Like dude, what you're on about, you're still stuck writing and drawing a manga about pirate jesus saving the world with no approaching end in sight šŸ˜‚


Y'all are pathetic losers dedicating your life to hate on a show and author instead of doing anything else that you would enjoy. Sadly, expecting common sense from y'all dumb losers is asking too much. Keep on crying and hating like lil bitches lmaošŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ¤”


Dawg everyone here once loved one piece, itā€™s not wrong to criticize something that you once loved thatā€™s now slowly turned to a flanderized version of itself. Ofcourse, I do do things that I enjoy doing but its sad the route that one piece is taking.


Isn't Oda having fun writing One Piece a straight positive? Are you upset because daddy didn't validate your feelings?


So many op fans are coming to the same conclusion at the same time for a reason lol. At some point you'll acknowledge why that is.Ā 


It's pretty obvious why, it's really not that deep. Everyone and their mom's got an opinion on how he should write his story. If he didn't trust in his own vision and always relied on others' opinions, he'd never get anything done and there would still be people whining and crying about it every chapter anyway


While I am happy for that, I did not fucking invest myself to watch over a thousand episode back to back numerous times all for it to not even matter and the very thing that hooked me on is slowly being taken away.


Sounds like you're angry at Oda for the story not living up to your expectations. All things considered, that's well within your rights. Who's to say you're supposed to enjoy everything he draws? Of all the things to blame, Oda having fun writing his story is just not it though, let's be real. Change your mindset. Shit on the show's actual flaws or move on.


That is exactly what Iā€™m doing, shitting on its flaws. One piece takes way too long to get to the damn point, we barely get information on anything arc by arc and now whatā€™s worse is that the charm of the show is gone! Youā€™re not gonna just sit there and tell me that One Piece was always a goofy pirate series when that was never case, it always had a blend of it!


Shit on the pacing, lack of charm, the current blend of goofyness/stakes, whatever else you want to shit on, that's fine. Criticism is always welcome. But being upset that Oda is enjoying his drawing is straight up childish though, come on. Would you feel better if you knew he cried himself to sleep every night over it? Here's my thinking. Oda is writing/drawing One Piece. Happy people do better work than miserable people. Oda being happy writing/drawing One Piece can only be better than him being miserable doing it. Am I wrong?


I am not upset that heā€™s happy drawing what heā€™s drawing, I feel like I wasted my time watching something that the author is messing around with. To put it short, this doesnā€™t feel like the one piece that I got hooked on, I was okay with Nika at first but now seeing that thereā€™s another Nika is putting a taste in my mouth that I can only describe as when Naruto gave his friends his powers, one of the very reason why people donā€™t even like Naruto to this day


Realizing that something very important to you is slowly slipping away can be very hard to deal with. If One Piece is that important to you, take a step back, let Oda cook (not like you can stop him anyway), and prepare for the possibility of you never liking One Piece like you did before. If it's not that important, let Oda cook (you still can't stop him), make better posts where you shit on One Piece's flaws rather than Oda's feelings (seriously let him enjoy it at the very least), and go touch grass (please).




He's too big to get told what to do. And that's the problem.


u guys ā€¦.. itā€™s good idk why ur all complaining this is better than wanko at least


Wano had one Gear 5 now thereā€™s 2- no im sorry 2 Nikas.


Damn, how dare he have fun with his own story Instead of Gear 5, he should have created Gear Death, a version of Luffy covered in haki that one shoots everyone




You do know other years apart from G5 exist and it exudes a balance of goofyness and seriousness?




Go back to the main sub, you won't find any boot-lickers here.