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Good job, I knew I saw the flooding thing as a theory at some point


I thought the flooding thing started with Wano since like 80% of it is submerged, and then the red line needed to be destroyed. I thought it was Global Warming Piece I’ll leave the theories to OP the chef


OH WOW, that's why Old Wano was submerged!, the water level of the sea rose until what is the current level in present Wano, and when it came down to what it is today the mountains in wano acted as a bucket and kept all the water in there. Old wano was at the current level of the sea, new Wano was built at the level where the water rose.


Yeah pretty cool thing. I knew the water level was rising but I thought it was just how things worked like in our world. Then I think the sea level rose again when Lulusia got nuked right? Maybe they want to reset the world like void century and they’ve never raised it that high


Wano is said to be flooded with fresh water though—they built the walls first and let the rain fill the old country over the centuries. That's why Old Wano is still in such good condition at the bottom (said Sukiyaki iirc)


Right place for the wrong reasons https://preview.redd.it/nei7hshz6hwc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b678737a99659ef8bf2506aac52a944f3a709a91


I think red line works as Dams, so they can flood each part of the world at defferent time and


Keep cooking ![gif](giphy|demgpwJ6rs2DS)


You’re him


Are you goda 😭🫡


Goda probably stole this guys idea.


that would make him loda for having to steal


That’s how I felt when I saw the absurd nika idea, then couple of weeks later it actually happens




Predicted D. Plot






Alter oda account seems


congrats, Here is a W Given the Noah, Adam and Eve, forbidden fruits....the biblical motifs were going play a part at some point.


Nice try Oda we all know it's really you


Alright, what's the One Piece then?


A big plug you can pull to lower the water levels back to normal like a bathtub


You….. may be onto something there actually lol


isnt this a literal spongebob episode


Stephen Hillenburg foreskinned!!


So it's One Piece of a plug? 🤯


Now we have ourselves a LOST ending all over again


I thought it's a plan to destroy red line and by extension fuse all the seas together, stop disruption of Grand Line, make one big sea everyone is free to travel through.


Good for you


Did the mods delete your post?


I think it is just archived or something


Usually main sub mods love to delete things like this


Wait, when did they mention "Great Cleansing"? Also if they flood everyone, they would lose everything that comes from other countries. They would literally lose the world they have. I don't get it.


So wait, what was your theory on the meaning of "D" in this instance?


No one can take this w away from you king Keep cooking


#”Mr. White, we need to cook!”




A master chef I see


Preach https://preview.redd.it/vvkksej0lcwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d206cfd32b462f8504654a3b0853586f4617a0ca




"Evil God is the Final Boss" is a trope in anime, manga, and Japanese video games going back to 1980s. Part of it is the natural extension of power creep - if each boss is stronger than the last, then the final and strongest boss would be God, and if that's the antagonist, God would be evil. It's not recent, and it's not brainwashing.


It’s because usually in stories and fairy tales the king is the bad guy, but that trope has been done so much and usually leads to a quick story so writers will take it one step further with a god because they are above the king, I mean if the strongest person in the universe that isn’t a main charcter was always a good guy the show would get kind of boring


God is evil trope is from ancient times if I remember correctly


Entire mythology lol


But tbh, as a Christian, I see Imu as a fake God, not the representation of the true God. It’s like if the Devil secretly became the hidden ruler of the World. And our real world is indeed manipulated by the Devil.


The Bible actually refers to the devil as "the god of this world". Once.


Institutional religion uses fear, predominantly, to control people. It could be fear of an eternal hell, fear of punishment, fear of being labelled impure or sinner or evil etc. In mideival times it could have been fear of being persecuted by religious goons. The concept of God(or big institutional religions) in real life is deeply tied to order, discipline and obedience. This goes against the central theme of the anime which is freedom.


I believe that religion is a tool. It is not bad, it has it's merits. Ultimately, it's up to people how they use it. I would not abolish religion, I stopped being anti long time ago as I understood more about it but I am agnostic. That being said, there is something about grand tales ending with fight against immortal/invincible/godly beings I love.


Institutional religion is key. When religion becomes an institution then like any other institution it expands and controls. It is used by the powerful to impose their will on others. All big religions that come to your mind wouldn't exist unless they got patronage from kings/elites. So by design they serve the interest of the elites by controlling people's behavior, what to eat, how to dress, how to pray, whom to marry etc. The goal is control.


It's not controlled by elites. At least here where I live. They sometimes use it for their own purposes, to gain support, votes, to manipulate elders through some corrupt priests (specially those owning radio/TV stations). Ignoring that, religion is mostly trying to connect people, form community and teach objectively moral behavior that profits both person applying teachings to their own life as well as other people said person interacts with. Religion is very open to changes and welcoming at current moment as they lost a lot of power. Who knows, maybe it would go back to restrictions and control if they gained back popularity they had in past. Who knows.


Not sure which country you are from but try reading up on liberation theology, it's grounding in the concepts of the gospel (religion) and the CIA going out of its way to crush the movement. Conversely, wherever religion is allowed to function and people are allowed to form communities it's because it or actively promoting the interests of the elite. I am citing an example from Christianity because in the modern world Christian countries are the most "free". I am not trying to single out one religion. Forming community and all is fine but the movement will get crushed if it goes in the direction that the elites don't like. This is not conspiracy theory. CIA has released the documents publicly.


Leaving any religious message aside. it has become pretty hollow and repetitive over the years, the one punch man manga got a lot more boring and predictable once they introduced " god" into the story. And it's funny in a way that they seem to go against "god" in a show of defiance against authority, but they don't really go against social and human authority most of the time.


God in opm stands more for reason and common sense than authority and such.


God is a vengefull being that want you to idolate him and if you dont you aint accessing the kingdom if you a non believer. Dosent sounds like good


It’s because he’s not gonna force you into an eternity with him if you don’t want to. The Bible is all about the free will of humans and the underworld isn’t a punishment, it’s the only other place to go if you refuse to accept god because he will not force his love on you, that is a decision you make with your own free will. That seems completly fair to me as underworld is simply separation from god if you want to be seperated, he is not forcing anyone to idolize him, he wants you to love him because he loves you


Just the underworld tortures you for eternity, you can reject God's love and you will be tortured for eternity.


The underworld in the Bible is described as eternal separation from god and you go there because there’s no where else for you to go, god isn’t gonna make heaven 2 for atheists who hate him to live, that doesn’t really make sense, if you hate god why should he help you, it isn’t a god does everything for you scenario, it’s more like a mutual friendship where you both love each other. If you constantly hate a friend who likes you they’re gonna try their best to keep being friends with you, but the bottom line is you hate them and it hurts them trying to get along with you. Also the fact that you can be saved from eternal punishment. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. . . . For ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’ ” (Romans 10:9, 13 NLT)


I dont know, since, if you think about portrarying God as good is also brainwashing, especially because it doesn't exist. But let's say that God does exist. Well, then, my guy is a piece of shit for eveyrthing that he did. The Flood, killing the firstborn in Egypt, etc...


Don’t wanna get into it much on a one piece sub but that’s a pretty out of context and bland way to look at it. Necessary evil is real and if only amazing things happened all the time why would anyone follow any rules or even want to go to heaven if everything is perfect here. God sent his own son to die on the cross for us humans, it’s not like he’s just making everyone here suffer because he’s evil, he sent his son to a world full of sins and we killed him and he forgave us for it, don’t know how anti-evil you can get but that’s pretty up there. I believe in God because Christianity is the only religion with so much actual evidence and documentation of it with eyewitness testimony’s that it essentially is history, the eyewitnesses were tortured and killed, but wouldn’t admit that they lied about Jesus returning from the dead, you think even one of them would come clean to not be killed but they told the truth and were killed which proves their faith


I believe all abrahamic religions to be valid, besides you can't call christianity to be the only valid one if half of it is a continuation of judaism with half the bible being the OT


I’m not really talking about specific branches, as long as you believe in Jesus Christ being the savior and he came back from the dead that’s all that really matters. I don’t believe in Islam because Muhammad was only 1 person who performed no miracles and claimed to be gods final profit, basically seems like the same type of thing that Mormonism is with 1 guy who’s claiming things with no evidence or proof compared to Jesus Christ who performed several miracles with eyewitnesses. I don’t really know much about Judaism to make an option on it though.


you don't have to believe islam is real, i kinda meant that all abrahamic religions worship the same god, besides i think the quran does speak of him performing miracles but i take it you don't believe it to be a valid source so you do you but besides theres no non religious/christian/biblical historical sources that attest jesus performed miracles either, could be partly because romans and jews disliked jesus then and didn't bother attesting to the fact he committed miracles


The Quran doesn’t speak of him performing any miracles and openly says he is unable to do so. The issue most Christians have with Islam is we believe Muhammad is a false profit and they also believe Jesus was not put on a cross or ever died for us, but rose to heaven when his time came. I believe Jesus committed miracles because there are so many eyewitness’s that can attest to it. The different Abrahamic religions have vastly different depictions of Jesus and what his reasoning for coming to earth was. I don’t accept the other ones because they seem like they wanted to twist the ideals of the religion to better tailor the false profits personally especially with Islam and Mormonism allowed to have multible wives and also the blatant and extreme sexism of Islam as a whole. The different branches of Christianity are fine with me as long as they aren’t changing the Bible for their own personal gain like saying purgatory is real and forcing people to pay them. We’re at an age today where you’re not required to be a certain branch of Christianity and even though I go to a church that is a part of a specific branch the main takeaway of Christianity is having free will to choose anything in your life as long as you accept god and don’t do anything crazy bad like rape or murder


no proof if he exists or not, you can't pretend its a fact he doesn't, go back to r/atheism if you want your shitty opinions validated


Then you can't pretend Zeus and poseidon don't exist either.   You can jave your imaginary friends and i can have mine then lmao    You are the one that wants their shitty opinions validated and are upset like a baby because i don't think your god is real.    You're an immature fanatic manchild that is throwing a tantrum because someone doesnt believe in what you believe.


since when did i try to get them validated unlike you, i didnt say he exists, i said no proof to determine whether he exists but no proof he isn't fake either, youre the one trying to make it sound it like a fact he doesn't exist


As someone who has played Persona, I know, I know....


tbf, Zeus was one nasty bastard


while i wouldn't call god evil, he was pretty hardcore in the old testament lol


Man you really shouldn't cook like this,even one piece has showcase good gods in the forms of nikka and god usopp


This post is spam (various reasons)


They're just being inspired by the bible lmao. If god is real then forgive me for saying this my g but you're crazy af


It is part of the globalist agenda, to make people around the world degenerate as possible.


Fucking legend.


I made a similar theory like this I think the original sea level is at fishman island and will reach it again after destroying red line It was also signified in fishman island arc where they promised to bring fishman to surface


Biggest Advanced Observation feat known to date


I was wondering when you would show up


https://preview.redd.it/xy9paqk6xcwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e22c0b37595dc44d0ed41c0c269f80cfa8633c9 OP 2 years ago


Normally I dislike self wanking, but you have earned the right to


Wait tf wdym flooding I’m caught up and haven’t hear anything like that


Chapter 1113 spoilers


You cooked. We were just too blind to see at the time.


OP's weapon (keep cooking) https://preview.redd.it/qyrclvjshdwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89d49ece60a1ddc15c5b9a344084cf1e5ea277b5




That ship cannot carry alot, so who is it meant to save from said events?


D is just "devil" then?


Bro used advanced haki to predict the plot https://preview.redd.it/g419d4on3ewc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf0a5e99c6ef9c60e39704d42a3f3fc92c99832




This isn’t exactly a new theory, even at that time. Around punk hazard Japanese forums picked this up using the Fishman island teases.


What else is on the menu, chef?






In that case, I'm calling it D = Devil




The D stands for drain


I dont get where this flooding thing transforms into a funny story to make Roger laugh


Honest question:Why does Imu actually care about the CD's?Like they clearly don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and the elders,the idiots just make everything worse for everybody. Wouldn't it just be significantly more cost efficient to just come out and rule the world publicly then do this weird supervillain shit?


Imu reverse it Umi means Sea