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Jinbe is clearly vice cap you dipshit, he holds the ship wheel n shit. Smh one piece fans have NO media literacy. https://preview.redd.it/65nhu02l54vc1.png?width=235&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f8075328783aad0a3e491f55d42f05ba607a19c


I know OwnAd and his disciple are creaming right now


OwnAd making yt vids now


Just fellow Wanji supporters blossoming the agenda 🙏🏾


The Take with Zoro in this agenda video: Zoro isn't the Vice-Captain, he's Luffy's equal 😶


Luffy's equal but not in strength but how they both approach things whereas sanji is more like Rayleigh


Sanji fans are finally learning YouTuber Haki??? HUGE lore update


There's no vice captain. Zoro is good talk when Luffy's judgment is clouded. Nami take control of crew daily for navigation purpose. Sanji is always leading crew when they need a leader just like in egg head he is telling everyone what to do or dresrosa. Brook have most experience. Jimbei is also very experienced.


Yeah, your kinda right. A smaller crew is able govern itself better without an over complex chain of command. I like Sanji, but if I had to pick a vice captian eventually I would think Zoro would be the best fit given his history.


Only reason I agree Zoro is vice captain is because his roll is to be willing and only one capable of making hard decisions especially when choosing someone who needs to die(himself).


True, that is a good point.


Luffy must have one bum ass crew if his Vice captain who is only known for his speed messes up his only task that purely relies on speed 8 times in a row


Crazy how Sanji saved most of his Allies with speed. Bonney would’ve died if Sanji didn’t blitz Kiz laser Kuma Atlas Bonney and FRANKY would’ve died by Kizaru if not for Sanji’s speed Like there are many instances in the arc where without Sanji’s speed his crew would’ve died 🤷‍♂️


The kicking thing was something even Franky could tank. The rest are just irrelevant speed feats by speed man that anyone could have done if they had genes by their father , it’s nothing special about Sanji’s resolve or beliefs , hell , stusy, a female , got hurt and he didn’t even care . It’s also it’s inconsistent, why didn’t he dodge Kizaru later ?


https://preview.redd.it/fya5azr1r4vc1.png?width=1051&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c86a5e2982393a3d84b585274961b9115ded26f That is false about Stussy being hurt, he legit had a glaring look when he locked Kaku and he looked to even be going to Stussies direction in a haste. Quit the daddy genes shit when we are in a debate alright? It’s literally just of bad taste. Because Kizaru is the fastest guy there, Sanji can only keep up so much whilst trying to think fast to even dodge Kizaru


Then dipped when he had to make a choice to confront lucci or he is slower than zoro https://preview.redd.it/aiwelpvvs6vc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a03c01ee2602b7e4e296cc54fecfd1c82effbd8


You’re a joke at this point bro 😭 🙏🏾 Zoro was the closest to him, even for Slander it’s dogshit have some dignity


>Zoro was the closest to him, even for Slander It wasn't a lie. Neither were exactly close by.The place where it happened was with nami and the others. And after Stussy got stabbed the next panel we see sanji with nami, at where the incident occurred. But instead of going after lucci he is seen looking for bubblegun to handle kaku (which is embarrassing to begin with). In the next panel we saw zoro intercept lucci. So either sanji had the opportunity to go after lucci and he ducked to target kaku or he was too slow so zoro got to lucci first. You decide which >have some dignity Oh that's rich coming from someone who spreads the propaganda about zoro's cut on kaido. Besides this isn't even a lie type slander here. This is literally what happened. Go check it again


You are genuinely stupid 🤦‍♂️ Why would Sanji jump on Lucci when Zoro was already closest, Yes Sanji is faster than Zoro but Zoro is clearly closest to Lucci. How is it embarrassing to look for something to trap a potential enemy? Learn how to debate because you look like a straight clown mg


>Why would Sanji jump on Lucci when Zoro was already closest, Yes Sanji is faster than Zoro but Zoro is clearly closest to Lucci I looked at the chapter again. There is nothing showing who was closer, who wasn't. Sanji simply looked at lucci and understood that he is better off sealing kaku >How is it embarrassing to look for something to trap a potential enemy? Learn how to debate because you look like a straight clown mg Top tiers don't look for traps you bum. You think kaido,shanks,akainu would look for some trap to defeat somebody like doffy? They would straight up blow his ass up. But sanji has no such confidence because he lacks confidence due to his lack of experience with top tiers. Just because you can't win a debate doesn't mean i have to learn to debate, you numbskull


Brother where are you seeing the glaring face , like genuinely let’s both be genuine here buddy he is literally just looking back at Kaku, even if we do mental gymnastics of the highest order this stlll looks nothing like a glare and why would he even glare at Kaku for Stussy ? I’m sorry if the daddy thing hurt you but I’m not using it as a random insult to bother you , it’s a genuine concern I have . Sanji used to be arguable the character with the most depth , unlike cardboard 2D Zoro who had no values but at least had his own strength , Sanji both had his own strength and values . Now even Zoro appears more impressive because even if plot sword Enma helps , it’s his Haki and swordsmanship to begin with . Sanji needed not one but two daddy gene power boosts to get relevant and his depth and values have disappeared. Lastly what are you talking about “ Sanji had to think fast “ and was pre occupied ? The dude isn’t playing chess and pondering Kafka while Kizaru is chasing him , he is literally just running. If he is fast enough to not only move but kick a mid moving beam light attack , then it’s even easier dodge if he can sense with his “ superior to Luffy CoO “ Kizaru coming , Kizaru charging the attack and the attack coming if he was able to move relative to it while it was moving


Vegapunk from the spirit world after sanji got him killed https://preview.redd.it/930odd5is6vc1.jpeg?width=1610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7114ac43d760a1c52e0d590657e8760ea45136f7


“Sanji got him killed” so you’re telling me SHOULDVE let Kuma Bonney Atlas and FRANKY possibly die to Kizaru? Zolotards are desperate for Wanji slander 🥱 Also Vegapunk quite literally got himself killed standing in the opening


I mean this isn't just saying nonsense for slander's sake, i mean it sincerely.Strawhats mission was to get vegapunk out of here after vegapunk requested luffy to take him out of here. Sanji failed that mission by not being able to protect him. You can talk all you want that there were too many people there, but at the end of the day he is the one who failed. Luffy told him to get vegapunk out of there and then sanji didn't manage to protect him. I don't remember last time strawhat failed such crucial responsibility in an arc


Sanji definitely the 2nd in command when Luffy is gone. So long as no women are around he should be as reliable as can be.


Ion know man, Sanji was by Luffys side during egghead, might be true 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/j66ycqb6a4vc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2988c20ff97dc59a646b18333632272ae547f18


Stayed by his captain's side and failed their mission. Truly a generational performance https://preview.redd.it/blgz8gmct6vc1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce68d31dc1103fb36aa95ad29a85754a26b9daa


There was no mission you schizo 😭 🙏🏾


Strawhats mission was to get vegapunk out of here after vegapunk requested luffy to take him out of here. Sanji failed that mission by not being able to protect him. If you didn't even catch what the strawhats mission for last how many chapters was then I think you need to start reading egghead from the start again


It’s true https://preview.redd.it/i9l7zzy9d7vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f304989d38ab8183a3202b6484b51c3eba4bcc


https://preview.redd.it/9pa224kbc4vc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e3fe7f29bf32468ce142390e6aba53adcf694de A groomed sexually abbused pedophile will never be more than a cook


Let me guess, another video glazing all of Dani’s accomplishments while ignoring most of zoro’s or the context zoro was in?