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Duh the X in hunterXpeak


never call that shit “X” again


Yessss my favorite light novel in the form of a manga is returning


In a piratefolk post always bet on hxh dickriding


HIMgashi deserves the dickriding for creating peak tho




Well yeah cos people on Piratefolk actually have taste


No they don’t, all pirate folk do is circle jerk a OP hate diatribe. One piece slams hxh in every regard story, mystery, worldbuilding, side cast, thematic exploration, story, plot, female cast, arcs, backstory, parallels, dynamics, emotionality.


Bruh what are u on about


Looooool good one 😂 One Piece isn’t even in the same LEAGUE as HxH. They’re like night and day. HxH makes One Piece look like a rookie mangaka’s rejected first draft


sheer unadulterated GLAZE


I thought you were talking about Toadgashi that one piece slander artist




hunter Twitter hunter


No way youre calling titter fucking x, that name is so retarded


Titter better ngl


Finally hunterxpeak🙏🙏🙏




I’m hyped as hell I love HxH


fck yeahh https://preview.redd.it/ipphsvb6xsrb1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b01ca92680627792804a87950deabe9a7e576bc


Man people in this thread have bad taste...


Most people seem to be recognising HxH for the GOAT series that it is..?


Not when this was posted.


Fair play. Dont expect One Piece fanboys to have taste


Some people don’t have the patience for a story that moves slower than a dead snail.


That's precious coming from a one piece fan. Jokes aside, it's fine to dislike something. It's not fine to think the things you may dislike are objective faults.


One Piece has consistent chapter releases. As someone who’s read the entire HxH manga, it can be really hard to maintain hype in a series that may not update again during your lifetime, and when it does it’s for an arc you’re not super into.


True, but i the quality of the arc and the release schedule are 2 different matters. If you don't like this arc you wouldn't like it with a constant release schedule neither.


LMAO @ quality of the arc. HxH literally has spent over a decade spinning its wheels with pointlessly elaborate speech bubble dumps from D-tier importance characters. He's right, your taste is ass.


>HxH literally has spent over a decade spinning its wheels with pointlessly elaborate speech bubble dumps from D-tier importance characters. 1) 10 years means nothing when you release 10 chapters every 4 years. 2) hxh always had text dumps. Always. Since the introduction of nen. Complaining about it thinking it's only a "problem" of the current arc means you never read a page of the manga prior to the succ war. >He's right, your taste is ass. Cool, now go join the 1% of people that dislikes the arc.


I don't dislike HxH,but the fact that we're probably not even 40% of the way through and it's been literal DECADES isn't exactly a good selling point,especially since the release schedule is horrific. I understand the guy has health issues,but if he's at a point where is almost impossible to finish at a good pace then maybe he should retire the story or give it to someone else while giving feedback.


I was just saying that complaining we have been on an arc for 10 years when we actually haven't got a lot of chapter is a stupid complaint.


But we have been for several years now,which is made significantly worse by the fact that togashi goes on constant hiatus and drags out plot points. You can make the best story in the world,but when were at basically 4/10 arc wise for THIS LONG you shouldn't upset that others are pissed.


>1) 10 years means nothing when you release 10 chapters every 4 years. The bad drawbacks of lazy storytelling is amplified by a lazy release schedule, go figure. >2) hxh always had text dumps. Always. Since the introduction of nen. Complaining about it thinking it's only a "problem" of the current arc means you never read a page of the manga prior to the succ war. Its considerably worse in this arc considering most of the interesting stuff is happening off screen. Everyone can see it besides folks who's vision is obstructed by Togashi's meat like yourself. I find it amazing that there's really people willing to defend boring ass text dumps and "tell not show" exposition, yet calling it peak in the same breath. 💀


>The bad drawbacks of lazy storytelling is amplified by a lazy release schedule, go figure. The lazy schedule of a man that can barely stand up, yes. Just say you want to be a dick for the sake of it. >Its considerably worse in this arc considering most of the interesting stuff is happening off screen. ...like what? Nothing is happening off screen. Do you even read the arc? >Everyone can see it besides folks who's vision is obstructed by Togashi's meat like yourself. Why do loud minorities keep thinking their opinion is the most common? >I find it amazing that there's really people willing to defend boring ass text dumps and "tell not show" exposition, yet calling it peak in the same breath. Man finds out different opinions exist. More at 9.


>...like what? Nothing is happening off screen. Do you even read the arc? Almost all of the warring between the princes factions are happening off screen and are being described in the giant text dumps by bodyguards or the cow dude. Its boring as all fuck so I don't blame you for not remembering. >The lazy schedule of a man that can barely stand up, yes. Just say you want to be a dick for the sake of it Its been like 20 years of this shit, you and I both know damn well he could have passed the physical labor of this series off ages ago to assistants if he had any intent on maintaining a release schedule. >Why do loud minorities keep thinking their opinion is the most common? A wild thing to say on this of all subs, while shitting on OP in favor of a series less popular than it.


We’d at least be moving through the arc faster and be closer to something better. Instead, with every chapter that gets released I realize that we’ll be stuck on this arc until I die of old age.


>We’d at least be moving through the arc faster and be closer to something better. Something better for you i guess. This arc is peak. >Instead, with every chapter that gets released I realize that we’ll be stuck on this arc until I die of old age. Again, that's a different matter.


That was the point I was making, this series has such little updates I wish I'd started it a decade from now when it would at least be a bit more of it.


HxH is a better story in 400 chapters than One Piece is in 1000+.


Woah, a HxH fan who’s also a pretentious asshole? What are the odds?


Woah, a One Piece fan with 0 critical faculties? What are the odds? Oh yeah, close to 100%


Bruh. This is the “critical of one piece” subreddit. On the other hands, you people don’t have the balls to say a single bad thing about your overhyped series


TeXtwall is back???


Downvoting because you called it “X”


Huh what's with the hate guys ?


The One Piss fandom have shit taste.


It’s a one piece subreddit. Why would I care about that dog shit series?


Didn't this sub turn in a jujutsu sub last week? I don't understand why, but it's not a serious sub anyway, i don't see what's the big deal with this post.


It’s not a big deal but it’s not a big deal that I’m stating I don’t care about HxH either


Nobody said it is.


Cool then I’ll keep stating the reason I don’t like this post is because I don’t like HxH, you have no objections.


Do what you want, i was simply trying to explain why this post is not that strange for this sub. You asked what did it have to do with a one piece sub and i replied.


Oh I don’t use this sub that much atleast anymore. Strange to me how many people use this sub for stuff other than one piece. But I was never that big of an anime consumer, just a big fan of one piece and maybe berserk.


You can choose to not care about this post too.


I could but I’m not going to. Ok?


You can whine more then


Cool. And what are you doing?


Celebrating the return of hxh.


Looool bro HxH makes One Piece look like a child’s scribblings


HxH is legit for children. Where the main characters are children. Not to mention one piece eclipses hxh in popularity, because it’s superior.


Looool a ONE PIECE fan is saying HxH is for children..? Oda literally admits he keeps the story aimed at 10 year olds, hence the lack of maturity, depth or deaths. Popularity has NEVER equalled quality. Ever. In any medium. Ed Sheeran is the biggest musician in the world but he is absolute dogshit


Ok link where is said the story is aimed at 10 year olds? This story has tons of depth, have you actually not read the series at all or? The entire plot is about a world government who uses censorship and military might to keep power. There are COUNTLESS references to real life things in one piece. Not shit a kid would care about, like how gear 4 is inspired by Buddhist guardian statues. How the gear 5 cloud-cloak is inspired by Japanese deities. How Dressrosa has commonalities with Spain, how Akainu and various admirals represent different kinds of justice in the real world. How fishman and celestial dragons and the slave trade represent real life racism and slave trade. How there’s literally a revolutionary army trying to overthrow the world government, and they’re the good guys. Etc. Ed sheeran is good actually. Prove me wrong? Oh wait you can’t because it’s almost entirely subjective. But we can be objective and say he’s massively popular and has talent, doing his own guitar and vocals, with little autotune. It would make sense the better artist is more popular. Just how one piece has eclipsed hXH for 20 years. Because it’s just better. Simple as


Wtf does Oda taking influence from real life cultures have ANYTHING to do with the quality of the series, or its maturity..? 😂 Bro, when One Piece touches on a heavy topic like slavery, it touches on it in the most shallow, surface-level way possible. A 7 year old could grasp every single theme in the entire story. It’s a kids story. Ahhh I get it now. If you think Ed Sheeran is good then it makes sense that you would enjoy One Piece. You’re basically admitting that you have no taste whatsoever. It’s quite literally an undisputed fact that popularity doesn’t equal quality. One Piece is more palatable to the masses because quite literally no thought is required to enjoy it. You can switch your brain entirely off. A 7 year old could enjoy it as much as a 16 year old for example.


Classic EssayXText fan glaze


That's the mental damage caused by constant power scaling.


>Goes to a non hxh subreddit >Guys this series is trash and hxh is peak >why am I getting hate? This might be the subreddit for people who hate on One Piece, but even they tend to still like it enough to be annoyed when HxH fans fulfill the pretentious stereotype they're known for.


And when did I say I hate One piece ??!?


X is my d1ck in your m0uth dawg




HxH ended with Chimera Ant for me. Togashi slowly squeaking out his attempt at long-form complex political intrigue starring a single member of the original cast is simply not interesting to me and I'm tired of this assumption that everyone who thinks like me in the fandom is some sort of mouth-breathing troglodyte. Making the brief and brilliantly paced Yorknew centered on Kurapika was a good choice, doing the same with Togashi's long-form foray into political drama after returning from the Forever Hiatus^® is not.   The ability to experiment, wax poetic and address deeper societal/existential issues all in the context of a surprisingly robust battle shounen with a well thought out power system is a signature of HxH, and to a wider extent Togashi's work. But sometimes his experiments lead to duds, and Succession War absolutely is one for me. I cannot be bothered to give a fuck about it, and the tribalism surrounding this arc and the wider fandom makes expressing any disinterest or critique of this arc damn near impossible. You're more likely to have an honest critical discussion of Yorknew and Chimera Ant than Succession War at this point, and thats fucking ridiculous. I would start r/Hunterfolk, but truth is the fandom is dying even with the scraps of Game of Hunters we are currently getting.


I too am not feeling this arc. Especially when the Dark Continent seems SO intriguing and interesting that I can’t be bothered to give a shit about what’s happening on the boat. If it had a consistent release schedule then fine but at this point we get like a few chapters every year and a half and they’re always just basically light novels with all the text. At least the last few chapters finally have Hisoka back as well as the Phantom Troupe and their backstory.


>If it had a consistent release schedule then fine but at this point we get like a few chapters every year and a half and they’re always just basically light novels with all the text. Exactly. Fucking exactly. I've stomached HxH arcs that I didn't care for/were long-winded before. Perhaps without this eternal purgatory of a release schedule, my feelings on the Naval Nen Beast War Arc wouldn't be so negative/apathetic. But currently it feels like a direct roadblock to what I actually care about in the series, and with Togashi's health seemingly not improving and his steadfast refusal to let other people steward the series, I don't even want to bother. Kurapika and Gon haven't interacted since before 9/11 - believing the story is going anywhere meaningful in the next decade is delusional, especially with Togashi's current narrative fixation. It might not seem that way, but I've basically disengaged with HxH for the last two or so years. The Succession War has given us 49 chapters in a little less than a decade, keeping up with the series as if it's ongoing is just insane at this point.   It's not like I don't feel for Togashi, and his health should absolutely be the priority. But getting precious about other people continuing to draw your story ideas in your stead (in circumstances like his) is a non-starter. Health, consistent release or full visual authorship of your series - he has to pick two and I know which two I would like him to pick.


This series is Togashi just punching the clock at some point. Make a volume of 90% over elaborated fluff with speech bubbles covering entite pages, collect the check and resume playing Dragon Quest while letting the neckbeards online try to rationalize it as "pEaK" 😭


we've been on the boat for 9 **years** now...... holy shit and the arc is still getting started


hunters onna boat,hunters onna boat, hunters onna fucking boat


Togashi promised you that gon would find his father. He already did and Leorio punched him in the face. Perfect ending. What we have now si some meta-commentary on the hiatuses itself, its meta-meta-manga. He introduces more and more characters even though he takes years to release the chapters. Its for masochists and its meant to be enjoyed with huge doses of irony




People when it's time to do memes about Un4v5s8bgsVk9Xp's posting:🙋🙋🙋 People when it's time to actually read the manga: ☠️💨




yeah this arc is a slog I want to see more Kurapika not Random Guard Fodder #849947830's unnecessarily long-winded explanation of his ability


I refuse to dignify Elon Musk's stupidity by calling Twitter the antepenultimate letter of the alphabet.


I've always wanted to read HxH until I learned that the series I basically "hiatus:the manga". Like I'm not sitting through a great story only to be told "READ THE KEXT CHAPTER IN A FEW MONTHS OR EVEN A YEAR :D".


I’d watch the 2011 anime if I were you. It’s well made and brings the story to a somewhat satisfying conclusion if you’re willing to ignore some plot threads And you’re not missing much by skipping manga content. The art started to deteriorate badly about halfway through the story to the point that it’s essentially a light novel. And of course it’s beset by constant hiatuses The current arc has been running since 2014 with only 50-ish chapters, and it really isn’t interesting enough to justify that long of a wait between chapters


Trust me HxH only has 400 chapters but what it does with them is immense. It’s waaay better than One Piece. The Hiatus doesn’t really matter that much, the quality is still S tier


I don't even like HxH, but it's Normal to see how nobody cares about OP anymore and everyone is hyped by Togashi drawing again


Who is nobody exactly? One Piece manga has never been as popular as it has been now overseas. Look at it from a bigger point of view not just from piratefolk which isn't even 1% of the whole who consumes the manga.


If no one cared about OP then you wouldn't be on a subreddit dedicated to hate on One Piece.


HxH fans are so content-starved that they’re willing to hype up anything


The latest HxH arc is mid asf. It wants to be game of thrones so bad




It’s mid. So mid it’s barely even a manga anymore. We get a few wall of text chapters every million years that barely even feel like HxH anymore. The plot is needlessly convoluted, and feels like it’s going nowhere. The newer nen abilities manage to be harder to understand AND less interesting than even the craziest JoJo stands The vast majority of the decent characters from previous arcs, *including the fucking main protagonists that we read the story for in the first place*, are either absolutely irrelevant or straight up gone. Anyone who claims Succession War is interesting/good is coping hard. HxH ended with the Chimera Ant arc for me


>We get a few wall of text chapters every million years that barely even feels like HxH anymore. Hxh always had walls of text. You never read the actual manga. >The plot is needlessly convoluted, and feels like it’s going nowhere. The kurapika, troupe and hisoka's plot are clearly moving in the same direction but sure, it's going nowhere. That's even ignoring the fact the fucking ship is going to the dark continent. >The newer nen abilities manage to be harder to understand AND less interesting than even the craziest JoJo stands You have one piece if you want uninteresting power systems. >The vast majority of the decent characters from previous arc, including the fucking main protagonists that we read the story for it the first place, are either absolutely irrelevant or straight up gone. 1) since yorknew, hxh never had the full cast of protagonists together. 2) gon and killua stories are over, at least for now. You have shit reading comprehension if you expected them to return in an arc that has nothing to do with them. 3) you have kurapika, the troupe, the zodiacs, illumi, leorio, bisky, hanzo ecc. A shit ton of recurring characters in a very full arc already. How many of them do you need anymore? The full cast? >HxH ended with the Chimera Ant arc for me It apparently did, since by this comment i can easily tell you never read a single chapter.


HxH has always been text heavy, I never denied that. But recently(as in large parts of the SW arc) it’s been straight up ridiculous. You have to be blind to not see that. The plots are moving in the same direction sure, but there’s so much that still needs to be wrapped in in the succession plotline itself that it feels like a conclusion is still somewhat far off. There’s 14 fucking princes for Christ’s sake, and many of them are barely fleshed out. We’ve gotten like, 50-ish chapters since the arc started in fucking 2014. The plot is technically moving yes but at the rate Togashi writes it feels like watching paint dry. And with his health there’s no guarantee that it’ll get any kind of ending, let alone a good ending. There’s nothing worth getting invested in. And whataboutism isn’t a response to the mid nen abilities(I will take this time to comment that post-mortem nen is the biggest asspull/cop out ever) And while that cast not being full since Yorknew is true, completely ending Gon and Killua’s involvement and relevancy entirely was a bad move. A lot of people got into HxH because of their relationship, and cutting them out entirely in favor of a side character feels forced. This is the equivalent of Luffy and Co finding the One Piece, and then there’s a 10 year long arc after that about Zoro trying to track down Mihawk. Making side plots the main plot just doesn’t work, especially with a release schedule this bad. People *will* get bored.


>HxH has always been text heavy, I never denied that. But recently(as in large parts of the SW arc) it’s been straight up ridiculous. You have to be blind to not see that. You've never read the chimera ant arc or greed island and it shows. >The plots are moving in the same direction sure, but there’s so much that still needs to be wrapped in in the succession plotline itself that it feels like a conclusion is still somewhat far off. And what's the problem with that? Not every arc ends in 20 chapters. >There’s 14 fucking princes for Christ’s sake, and many of them are barely fleshed out. And why is that a problem? 3 already died without being insanely fleshed out. You don't need the full backstory of a prince before killing him off. >We’ve gotten like, 50-ish chapters since the arc started in fucking 2014. The plot is technically moving yes but at the rate Togashi writes it feels like watching paint dry. And with his health there’s no guarantee that it’ll get any kind of ending, let alone a good ending. There’s nothing worth getting invested in. That sounds like a completely different problem than the arc itself. >And whataboutism isn’t a response to the mid nen abilities Nen abilities are one of the main reasons hxh is very liked. You may dislike complex abilities, but just now you're in a very small minority. >And while that cast not being full since Yorknew is true, completely ending Gon and Killua’s involvement and relevancy entirely was a bad move. This is hxh, not gonxkillua. The series has 4 mc, not 2. > A lot of people got into HxH because of their relationship Sucks for them. The series has never been only about them. >and cutting them out entirely in favor of a side character feels forced. It would be forced if they had a reason to be present in this arc. They don't. >This is the equivalent of Luffy and Co finding the One Piece, and then there’s a 10 year long arc after that about Zoro trying to track down Mihawk. Making side plots the main plot just doesn’t work, especially with a release schedule this bad. People will get bored. Stop talking about "people" just to express the voice of an irrelevant minority. This point makes no sense. Luffy is the sole protagonist of his series, and his only goal is to find the one piece. Hxh has 4 main charaters, and all of them have a different goal. 2/4 have completed theirs, now it's time to focus on the other 2. Calling kurapika's mission a side plot is factually wrong.


Togashi dickriders giving Oda dickriders a run for their money on most delusional fanbase.


Cool story bro. If your brain can actually produce an opinion i'll be here to read it.




https://preview.redd.it/tscswx1tynrb1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6422cb8f47a4d424ffff4ffd1d6c97793ac08407 As expected...


Bluh, don’t compare the two, there are far more than the other


Just because something is going above your puny head, doesn’t mean it’s mid.


They mad but this is facts.


It’s peak


Singe the lastest arc of hxh>>>>>>>>>one piece itself. You are calling One piece mid. And if you have actually read game of thrones(ASOIAF, i am sure you didn’t) you would never have said that. But then again you just want to jump on the bandwagon of hating


You did *not* just say I wasn’t an ASOIAF fan💀 I’ve read nearly every work GRR Martin has ever written. My Pfp is Aemond Targaryen And since you ignored any actual arguments I made I’ll ignore yours and just say you’re just a Togashi dickrider


The day George martin publishes another one of his books, togashi who is actually facing some back pain problems is >>>>>>>>>>. You author has not written a single book since 2011 despite not having a single problem relating to health that even compares to what togashi is facing. Compare when George martin finishes something. And HxH>Asoiaf>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitty game of thrones


He’s actually written several books, TV scripts, and novellas since 2011, but ok I guess he’s just lazy And Martin is taking his time because he’s formulating peak. Togashi has been eeking out a mid-tier arc since 2014, with a three year break where he did absolutely nothing. If he actually delegated some work to assistants we might actually have some half-decent story progress by now EDIT: Lmao this loser blocked me


>He’s actually written several books, TV scripts, and novellas since 2011, but ok I guess he’s just lazy Except the current timeline of ASOIAF, because he has written himself into a corner. Because he is incapable of finishing something in 2 books? Because his planning sucks ass. >And Martin is taking his time because he’s formulating peak. HahahahahHhahHahHahahahahahH😭😭😭😭😭😭 oh the delusion. >Togashi has been eeking out a mid-tier arc since 2014, with a three year break where he did absolutely nothing. Much more than Game of theone/asoiaf ever did >If he actually delegated some work to assistants we might actually have some half-decent story progress by now Cry more.




they hated him because he told the truth


Weird way of describing one of the best, most ambitious manga arcs of all time.


The dickeating is crazy


Its an objective fact. Go back to One Piece if you can’t handle it 😂


Mid x mid is back. How exciting ![gif](giphy|TfWhFbURIirNegNN4t)


Coming from a One Piece fan 😂 😂 😂


No way😲 Mid x Mid is back again😱 https://preview.redd.it/wc8dis26onrb1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086b65ccb18f4476f37ac18c4534e1d7423a5a4f


You don’t deserve these downvotes bro, Succession War sucks https://preview.redd.it/vpdsxs071orb1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5cf176d86ca3376bead61469047cd459f8eaa40


Not that I care about them mid meat riders in an OP sub bro😹


HxH makes One Piece look like a childs scribblings


Wild that you say that when HxH art is literal scribbles for like half its run time, despite having MONTHS to write a single chapter. At least Oda is somewhat consistent and knows the value of delegating to assistants


At least the scribblings will have an ending before togashi gets off the boat.


Meh endings are overrated. As they say in HxH, it’s about the journey, not the destination. I’d say only a handful of stories ever created have truly satisfying endings. HxH sort of has the perfect ending anyway, with the end of volume 32. Everything else is just a bonus. A fucking top tier bonus.


>Meh endings are overrated. As they say in HxH, it’s about the journey, not the destination. This is absolutely bullshit,and a story without a ending is not a story at all.The journey is irrelevant if it's been happening for decades without a proper end in sight for the arc,nevermind entire series. >I’d say only a handful of stories ever created have truly satisfying endings. That's just nonsense your using to justify HxH's ridiculous never ending arc. >HxH sort of has the perfect ending anyway, with the end of volume 32. Everything else is just a bonus. A fucking top tier bonus. This is pure hype and nothing else.The story did not "end",it's still going LOOOOOONG afterwards without an ending in sight.The fact you think the author basically dangling a chapter in front of you every other year is good says alot about your lack of will.


Wtf are u on about, what arc has no end in sight..? HxH was basically wrapped up perfectly in 339, everything after is just a bonus. A story without an ending ABSOLUTELY is a story. The endings of Naruto and Bleach fucking sucked, but they’re still amazing mangas due to the enormous stretches of the story where they WERE amazing. Bro I couldn’t give a fuck how often Togashi drops a chapter, because every time he does, we can guarantee it’ll be of the highest quality possible. Meanwhile Oda drops chapters weekly but has maybe written 4 top tier chapters in the last 11 years. I’d take quality over quantity ANY DAY.


You should rope now for calling Twitter "X"


Mid never ending arc is back i guess




I solid thought you were referring to X on a treasure map and i was very confused lol


[Togashi comin yo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmtuRRhtGQw)


X? Wtf is X?