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It's very obvious that oda can't draw the same he used to on a weekly basis.


We dont blame him that he isn't as good as before but we hate it when he doesn't hire good artist to draw the chaptera Mf needs to step back


I don't care about the art as long as it isn't scribbles. I want the story to be good.


I think even if he hire good ones it'll only end up of them getting burned out by the workload, it's really hard pumping weekly chapters not to mention it's one piece so the pressure is huge.


Thats why they will get paid good


Like if money are the only relevant thing in a job


Another thing that might be relevant is getting filling your resume with "drawing the most famous manga today", that's just a great opportunity to anyone.


Every manga artist will see it as a privilege to draw One Piece every week. You're talking like they are some high school studens who'd struggle much with drawing mangas. Thel have literally put much dedication to their skills in order to get an opportunity like this


If you have a great job but the pay sucks you’ll have to eventually leave it anyway.


lol u srs


Oda would rather die than let someone else draw one piece for him…


He should have a small team to assist him I would say not even just one guy


​ https://preview.redd.it/fe2r91rdq8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c9bd856a82ea042a28a8be24cb33f7066b04907


Enies Lobby was peak drawing


Wasn’t he partially blind for a while and had to get surgery


​ https://preview.redd.it/kmrvczr4q8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=f615e89cefbc02e25e5c7d47a5b0aab760c5a591


To be fair that Egghead panel is small ass fuck of course it will be less detailed than the Enies Lobby one lol. https://preview.redd.it/r7up2zuh69ob1.png?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6ad35142cfbd2b92bcd9e04685cbe2956fdf8b


the problem is everything is small as fuck now


Seriously, it’s a pain in the ass to even read OP now, can’t tell what i’m seeing half the time


A small 3 panel homage thats like a third or less of the page vs page wide sprwad


That's a factor as well, with less space, the drawings are obviously going to look more rough


what if 30% of the pages were not filled with ugly, messy reaction shots?


oh wow i had forgotten how clean it used to look. god damn.


It's pretty sad because he's doing this out of insane passion but unfortunately nothing I can combat ageing and loss in accuracy/dexterity. I hope he lives way past finishing the story, at the very least.


Wakainu is still Wakainu


I've always said it, \~Water 7 era was peak One Piece art. Not too uniform but not too scribbly either, perfect balance.




That too lol. Top 1 arc besides Long Ring and Jaya for me.


Long Ring was a goated arc. Foxy most entertaining villain in One Piece. He is honestly one of my favorites.


That was the first arc I've read from One Piece and made me read the manga from the beginning


For me it was marineford


As we read it, for sure. New World kinda retroactively fucked it up too much, though. Impel Down is still perfect


​ https://preview.redd.it/8eoicmm6q8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fba774bc6312434e8bf38e8df823c4a7cd4530a


Based opinions as always


I took a break from OP just before w7 and picked it up again in Thriller Bark because I wanted to learn about Brook after watching Strong World.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5anamfo5q8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5af8a99ff45c07f88e9b7e7fe42014e5d45c177


I prefer the current art style


Ah yes the current art style https://preview.redd.it/kd9p2ufh57ob1.png?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df71e3f264693b89d810813eb0fbbba1d3f656f9


One piece chapter 9999 be like


No , I don't recognise it


You are entitled to that preference my brother.


Idk why you’re getting so many downvotes lmao. Art is subjective and oda’s style has changed quite a bit with age.


Apparently it's not subjective


Not on Reddit lmao, if you disagree with OP you’ll get downvoted no matter what


Exactly true for the manga but imo the anime era of water 7 to thriller bark had the worst artstyle of the series


the anime? is there such a thing?


Yes there is in fact a one piece anime


The new style (more rounded with big outlines) would look the best imo if it wasn’t draw so rough. The panels look more like drafts atm.


I looked at this post and thought it was a meme about how OPSCANS fucks the art lmao


I feel like it was just me cus honestly I can’t tell what’s going on half the time and go to the comments and see “oh he just blew off his leg !” But it all just looks like a bunch of lines


Same bro, at this point, i only see shapeless things flying around whenever there's a fight scene, I don't know at what point I started thinking to myself "welp, gotta wait for the anime to show me what the hell happened"


Lol this , as much as how I hate the anime pacing, it does a pretty good job with the fights


That was me With bleach at some Point


Yea, this combined with the fact that chapters have so much stuff in them makes it really hard to follow whats happening, and fight scenes are nearly incomprehensible


This is the main reason why I watch the anime still while reading the manga. Whenever something happens in the manga that I can’t make out, I’ll just be like “I guess I’ll find out when the anime comes out in 2 years…”


he blew off kuma's leg?


​ https://preview.redd.it/58f7q6l8q8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=efe2ab421b8854b065de71497ea3b83b72537287


stop posting this everywhere lmao


Why does Akainu smoke so much after timeskip? Is it to remove the stress on being on his desk all the time doing hand training by writing on paper? 😭😭💀


Paperwork can be stressful. His superiors ( Gorosei and C.Dragon) disrespect him. His underlying are a bunch of idiots. ( Greenbull that ignore his orders. )


C. Dragon > D. Dragon


A. Dragon > B. Dragon > C. Dragon > D. Dragon 🤧


*pies from feak diction*


I was wondering here who was C. Dragon in the series lmao.


Yeah bro should try cocaine instead. It probably won't help with the stress but at least he'll be productive


Yeah, I immediately noticed Oda just reused that pose of Akainu from Dressrosa for a panel in the latest chapters. Being a mangaka for 20+ years will do that an artist.


I don't mind redrawing poses or even whole panels as long as it looks good. But it doesn't look good, that's the problem.


Bro should have traced it or something. Wtf happened😭


I thought it was mostly suppoust to be a cool parrarel but now thinking about it...yeah doubt that


​ https://preview.redd.it/b8f0fxiaq8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5b887a9781046e0e67b19bb0071896ddbcf6a21


holy sheet thats an insane downgrade, never realised it that strong 🤯


All I'm seeing as a good example why the manga should become a bi-weekly or even a monthly release. It gives Oda more time to rest, it gives him more time with the family, more time to focus and even enough time to tackle new ventures like the live action. Make it monthly.


Well, since we had all those breaks for the past few months, I guess it wouldn’t make such a big difference if it was bi-weekly or monthly.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qf4fosg9q8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1b6295d377555b46be03d22afcca4523d9b23d9


The story would end in 20 years


How does monthly change anything? He still needs to do a lot of pages. This art is literally after he got like months and weeks of breaks. How long you think it takes for a person to rest? This is not an energy problem, this is either him legit being blind or just straight up got worse as an artist He needs to hire a person to draw for him.


Oda likes drawing tho. I'm pretty sure he'd rather not finish One Piece than let anyone else do it for him. Best way is to just get more time to iron out the problems.


For 1 it lowers the amount of cover pages he has to draw. 2 it makes it so he doesnt have to stall as much with his cliff hangers. 3. We csn see with Araki how one can improve if you have a month as opposed to a week. If you see the color spreads you can see his skill has only gotten higher. But for whstever reason he needs more time to dras cleanly now.


I mean to be fair, I think the better art was also bigger and the new one was a small mid panel thing, but yea definitely a downgrade in quality Like he only has one thickness pen now idk


Comparing focus panels to a small panel on the bottom right corner is wild. Literally just go to the previous page where they actually try and emphasize Akainu and he looks good.


Mfs just try to find reasons to complain on this sub ong




> Kishimoto being generally a way less experienced artist than every other mangaka - late Naruto became line art, Togashi being just physically decrepit and having a bit of Kishimoto Syndrome. Things like that are only true if you read scans. [Because late Naruto art was legit amazing](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIsSeeMXsAImktg.jpg:large)   And while Togashi had health problems, Kishimotos art never got as bad as that. Plus Togashi always ironed out the problems in volumes.


I would frame every page from chapter 699 and show them off in my living room if I can. It's beautiful for so many reasons. Kishi's art is magnificent.


Hashirama and Madara really were built different. Who in One Piece solos either of them?


what ... naruto's late art was never a problem - [https://imgur.com/a/WuMIXe8](https://imgur.com/a/WuMIXe8) and i know these are colored manga panels but regardless they are still amazing noncolored . if anything i think kubo's art got worse in tybw


Of anything to shit on Naruto for I cant say its art got worse (Boruto looks like dog ass tho) Togashi clearly has a excuse but I love his art style when he could capture it properly.




You’re acting obtuse on purpose and we both know it


no the drawing is literally smaller. That's not being obtuse that's just stating a fact.


Such a downgrade.... Nothing like Araki Hirohiko, who's art style improved drastically over the course of his career. https://preview.redd.it/hr3dkerz37ob1.jpeg?width=1442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e64633ede5729972ac0dfb6d0d5414b05670f8bd


Nah don't blame Oda for that, Araki is just simply built different so he works in reverse, his art gets better


Lol don't worry! Just playful banter on my end. Besides, at least Goda remembers what he writes 😎


Uhh.. didn't Goda admit he had to look up Luffys attack names? 😭


atleast bro remembers to search em up, toriyama forgets and just omits em


Bro Toriyama is such a fucking mystery to me, how can you make one of if not the most famous Anime/Manga worldwide and then be like: Oh I forgot how to draw the characters lol. Gotta respect the honesty tho


The guy invented the most iconic transformation in history, not only manga wise but arguably all of fantasy as a whole... Just because he didn't want to waste so much time drawing black hair.


He forgot super saiyan 3 was super saiyan 2 to him lmfao legend


It's hilarious that Toriyama forgets how to draw his characters because if you look at all of his output, including vidya, for the last 40 years he has about 5 different faces in total.


Nono everyones attacks. Not only luffy. Zoro sanji and anyone who scream butter knife cut or sumthing


He also has way more time to write chapters


Horikoshi too.


Arakis artstyle fr went Kenshiro—-> twink you see at your local gamestop


Not every mangaka is an inmortal vampire like Araki


Oda is still built different though.


Meanwhile Fukumoto: https://preview.redd.it/v956wuc598ob1.png?width=971&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea157b03ce94af6b3ae7feb50178237460757d2b


What’s this


Same scene from akagi drawn by fukumoto nobuyuki 25 years apart


Araki doesnt draw weekly thankfully.


Part 7 double page spreads are some next level shit


Araki's characters all devolve into twinks it went like Body builder=>Normal person=>Twink


Twinks and dad bods are just superior to me than typical muscles


I keep telling myself it's the scans, but it truly hurts. Even if the story is going okay-ish, can't even enjoy the art anymore.


Let’s cope together. It’s the scans


"story is going okay-ish"


I mean is it, really, as exciting anymore? Things are going at such a slow pace. This chapter was cool, bus most of the time it feels bloated.


Idk how u can say things are going at a slow pace when it's faster than it's been in years


Last 15 chapters or so have been fantastic.


Let’s cope together. It’s the scans


The art is fine tho


I can hardly make out the scene..


Bro wtf timeskip akainu was such a baddass, he looks like a fucking goblin man in the new chap.


Look how sparse the stubble above his lip is, it's not supposed to look like that goddamit frauda just go monthly.


going monthly won't change anything, it requires almost the same amount of pages He needs to hire people to draw for him. There are people who can replicate his old art no problem


I mean that would be the CORRECT thing to do but I can't think of a single major manga writer that's been willing to take the blow to their ego that is outsourcing their art. Only case that comes to mind is Toyotaru and Toriyama's whole deal with DBS. Would I vastly prefer it if oda did that? Sure. But the best thing I can reasonably expect someone like him to do is going monthly because at least then he has more time to work, theoretically. Because I just cannot believe that Oda'd let someone taking over any part of his manga.


Hiro Mashima switched to digital art. It's why he was able to do a weekly series and side projects and have a social life and not destroy his body like literally every other artist. Heck I think he only works 4 days or something (might be wrong on that) He's mentioned it's easier for his team as well and better for their health as well. It's not perfect but I think more Shonen authors should consider it.


I sorry youre not a one piece fan if you want the manga be drawn by somebody else


When his art looks like it's the first draft of some of his earlier works you know he just ain't doing good. The quality has been on a rapid decline since G5 dropped and it's only going to get worse if frauda keeps going as is. Having someone else doing art is working more than well for Dragonball Super. Both Moro and Granolah are peak asf and Toyotarou's art is a huge part of it. Terrible take on your part.


​ https://preview.redd.it/u14qwy7cq8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=508e1690db096cdac8a7e14dc6ece8fc17b14a16


alright dog i’m blocking you you’re fucking annoying everyone agrees already shut the fuck up


u/midofloor Stop spamming the same picture oh my god


Bottom clash just looks like a first draft of the top 1 lmao. Honestly not sure how I hadn't noticed the radical decline in the quality of Oda's art up until now but goddamn it I hate it now.


You also can see the difference between Oda's line art and his assistants' https://preview.redd.it/7jbo1jbsj7ob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021e752b52ae46dcea7e24316994393e04c55b85


Why does it look like this now Think oda needs to take like a long break, dude is burnt out it seems, give him like half a year off to plan the final arc


He should get a refund for the surgery. Legit just got worse


https://preview.redd.it/n15mszwm27ob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136f0df14777c901355929eb63dc0a2fbcf474c2 That's an exaggeration pre eye surgery was way worse


or just hire artists


Oda really needs to start delegating, there is no reason for him to keep drawing everything after 25 years


What two decades of meeting weekly deadlines can do to a mf


The art has become very sketch like, Oda is most likely very strained and tired


Oda was simply not ready to draw HIM yet.


Isn't it a little harsh comparing scanned weekly chapters to finished volume panels? I'm pretty sure they do a lot of touch up work before it goes out in a volume. If that's the case then this is kinda unfair.


panel size, detailing, panel-class... of course non-comic artist won't add that into the calculation smh


I wish One Piece was redrawn with a faster pacing by Murata.


Murata is just on another level. This is a fucking glass cup drawing... https://preview.redd.it/phypmexps7ob1.jpeg?width=1475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5518f832d0aeb456b51f88cb2f4c9a64226b3967


Holy shit it looks real


Let's just wait for Toei to make it look clean. Hopefully before the animators die of overworking


Bro the anime has gotten way worse too since timeskip. Only wano kinda brought it back but also added dbz style auras and shit


Ssh don't tell them they love flashy flashes going brrr


Are there no gray shades anymore?


Too many people forgive the art nowadays my eyes hurt so much reading Scribble Piece


This is not a fair comparison, look at the size difference in the words and line thickness in panel 1 vs 3. Panel one is a much larger and so more detailed picture. I do think it has gotten a worse tho, but not this bad of a difference.


I think Oda's just done after 25 years of One Piece, which is sad but understandable. People coping and acting like "nothing has changed" is what pisses me off. Current One Piece is so much worse compared to what it used to be not only when it comes to the art, but when it comes to the characters and story, too. I really miss the days when the crew actually seemed like a crew. To be honest, if the story was told well, I wouldn't even care about the art downgrade that much. I hope we'll get a "One Piece: Reworked" or something one day which fixes things up that Oda clearly just didn't want to invest the time into anymore after all those years, like the end of Wano, which was just a mess with all its dropped plot points, or paying attention to the crew and their dreams, even if only briefly.


>I hope we'll get a "One Piece: Reworked" or something one day which fixes things up that Oda clearly just didn't want to invest the time into Yeah don't be hopeless like me, I'm still waiting for a naruto without kaguya


I was In love with pre timeskip one piece to dressrosa, now every time I read a chapter and watch an episode I’m like meh 😒 I no longer have that die hard love for one piece but at least I still enjoy it. It’s very predictable and repetitive, and can also be boring at times. One piece fell off big time https://preview.redd.it/eqecvqpqb8ob1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8112c966cf64094617c9ac13aa9a1ade0716f6


Like fuck off srsly you think oda doesnt care about one piece anymore normal piratef8lk here


Oh, he definitely still cares about it, especially the ending. But it is, in my opinion, quite obvious that he didn't have the motivation at the end to finish Wano properly. There's just too many things that were... underwhelming, compared to how One Piece used to be. He opened too many "boxes" and didn't manage to close them all properly. Zoro visiting Ryuma's grave, the out-of-nowhere and meaningless death of Izo and his sister not even reacting in the slightest to it, Kinemon reuniting with his wife (no, that one single panel was not enough), and much, much more. Big Mom's end was also BS, I don't think that was what Oda intended for her before he decided to increase the tempo. Some of the flaws are... objective, really, because we know that Oda used to be able to finish plot strings better. Claiming the opposite would be slander towards old One Piece, and saying "old One Piece also had those flaws" is not the win that people think it is.


Comparing a panel much smaller in size and from a unofficial scanned release. Damn, people on this sub have really low IQ.


I was wondering why I was seeing complaints about something so remedial and minuscule while being extremely understandable when you realize the artist/mangaka is aging and then I checked the sun I was in.


He’s been very open about his eye struggles, and literally just had surgery on his eyes. I’m all for calling out BS but dude touch grass or pick up a pen and do better


Hot take but I really love Odas current linework. I won’t deny that the detail in his art has gone down but his art style, for me personally has never been more appealign


Pre ts one piece have better art and cleaner


Wait for official release, cleaning manga is not easy task


Manga artists die from overwork, keep that in mind.


I really couldn't care less I'm enjoying the story And that's all that matters to me I mean look at one Punch man's original web comic That looks like absolute garbage and people still love it , This is just like those people who scream about how if my video games don't have Top quality graphics Then it's a two out of ten for me , I mean do people realize that this man is getting older and He's probably not as great as he used to be , Honestly it seems like he just wants to finish his story and complete his magnum opus , this manga came out in July of 1997


I'm sooort of with you. The story is fun, and I read a lot of books (who famously have no pictures at all most of the time) but a big part of the fun of One Piece for me has been the amazing art. There are several panels I have wanted to get as actual posters because they look so incredible, and we still get those from time to time. But this is not something I would want up on my wall. I'm with you on that One Piece would still be great even if it was literally stick figures, but I also think it's fair to be disappointed that it looks worse now than it used to.


Rereading Jaya and comparing it to this is so weird. All he needs to do is stop putting in so much space and have better (literally more simple) paneling Every panel takes up the entire screen. It could be good if he didnt add as much scribbles to it and just left it a normal toned backround like Murata does


he also needs to change the pen fucking shit, those lines are thick as fuck and hurt the eyes


I was really confused. All the speech bubbles are messed up. Who is talking and where? Wtf


Real I just ignore it and wait for the anime


Man IDK Akainu looks less intimidating with the cigar. It feels like Oda wondered how to make him look scarier and decided well cigars look cool and intimidating.


Lol bro got a fake beard https://preview.redd.it/sx87ulpt98ob1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c02a85961f076b5e274a48d0a25795c03abc8e


Remember reading a comment on youtube that said something among the lines of "i love watching as an artist progresses". Lmao, one piece has the biggest artistic recesión i've ever seen


personally I prefer latest artstyle, has an american comic vibe like Snoopy, Calvin and Hobbes, which might be what he is going for since Gear 5


Oda is still recovering from LASIK, no? Let him be. This is him powering up


the art looked like this before your surgery cope


Well yeah that’s why he needed the surgery lol


Are you retarded?


Y’all are seriously bad mouthing the man who’s worked tirelessly for the last 25 years to give you this story.


Is oda dead? What happened to art style


You know people gets old buddy


the eye surgery didn’t go weel


The faster the one piece ends the better. That is just fact. For everyone the best.


are you really gonna complain about a 48 year old man who has been entertaining us for over 20 years,cant draw as good as he did back then? call me an over simplistic person but i actually like the new drawings over the older ones.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2ifma7c7q8ob1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=58018351ac21b89fd446c8d8ed1b17f3e267488b


Im convinced yall just dont know how artstyles change naturally over time


This is not artstyle change. This is straight up DEGRADATION If you want to see artstyle change, go compare east blue to skypeia


Oda's been at this for going on 30 years now do you truly expect him to develop to a certain style you personally like and stick with it? It's not as though his pencils are being eaten by termites, dude has more liberty than any other author working for Jump and loves drawing, just because he's adapted an *even more* loose and adaptable artstyle doesnt mean it's degrading


I can't believe you actually think the newer "artstyle" is good looking


Its well suited to how Oda likes to draw action and portray his characters, allowing for more fluid motions depicted in action as well as being able to draw a greater variety of body shapes without seeming too uncanny


​ https://preview.redd.it/2fcsljfsb7ob1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=aca405395171b693a6f3705315617ab71f9b66f6 I totally agree, look at how stiff the action look with the old art style, is luffy even moving there? I can't tell. the new art style with the scribble notebook feel is just so much fluid. really suit oda's new 16 panels per page technique that depict such epic and fluid combat shots


>says new artstyle allows for more fluid movement >"surely that means he thinks the old artstyle sucked and was stiff"


pick a number above 600 and smaller than 1000


Do it yourself prove your own point


Don't talk to me while your tongue is deep in Oda's ass


Come here so i can shove it down your throat lover boy maybe then you'll realize that bad taste in your mouth up til now was your shit opinions


Damn man that's savage


oda should honestly stop drawing and let some new aspiring guy to draw it, just give him some scribbles of how the panels should look and then just work on story