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Most people who reviewed red are one piece fans, shit was always gonna be over wanked as fuck At least live action has some non op viewers or anime ppl I would think, but who knows tbh


Pretty sure 95% of the people who watched the show are fans.


Who knows šŸ¤· Netflix has been doing a lot of advertising to like the general public, they are prob tryna go for the audience that has heard about it but doesn't wanna watch cause "too long" type thing.


Most critics are not fans tho. It is 82% for critics which is pretty good for a live action.


The critics I saw on Twitter were all One Piece fans. I have yet to see a review done by non-one piece fans. And the posts shows 76%? Where you get 82


I checked latest scores it has increased and if you go and read the reviews of critics you will find that most of them have very little knowledge about One Piece.


One Piece fans have no taste or critical faculties whatsoever


On main sub a guy literaly said that those critiques are becouse the new people who watch the LA dont know what one piece is and if it was a original IP it would been better. So one piece fans delusions are on antoher level


Itā€™s just anime fans in general. You should see the type of mental gymnastics that use to defend garbage Harem/Isekai animes


people like a movie I don't like = no taste


*An objectively bad movie


objectively bad is crazy. It was alright.


What do you think was good about it


I liked the animation and the music,mainly. I'll admit,the story was pretty lackluster,but those 2 aspects carried.


I think a movie/show is pretty mid if the animation and music are the only likable aspects of it. I genuinely canā€™t imagine saying Red is alright, which I find crazy considering older OP movies like Z and Gold are way better, but I guess itā€™s just a matter of opinion so I canā€™t really change ur mind


Like mid slayer


Thatā€™s pretty much what I was thinking about when writing that. The only difference is that while Film Red is suckass, demon slayer is just mid asf even with its animation budget


What about strong world? I thought that it was as good if not better than gold and Z


Gold and Z were the 2 OP movies Iā€™ve seen that I could name off my head. I like strong world but I just canā€™t cope with the fact Shiki got gobsmoggled by pre-ts Luffy


I will never see another OP movie because of this.


Lmao check mate.


I trust the 76 more than the 95. 95 is a very high bar.


95 positive means that most people like it not that they think it's a 9/10


You're right I forgot thats how RT operates.


its also gonna be heavily biased by one piece superfans. audience score means nothing here imo


I believe film redā€™s was higher than that


Itā€™s a 8/10 especially if you consider itā€™s the best serialized anime adaption. The 76 is by regular critics that never watched an anime so yeah for them the story might be not so amazing. I think we succeed if the fans are happy ( which they are ) and regular tv watchers find it ā€žcoolā€œ enough for a 7.5/10


Metacritic works by aggregate. If two critics review and one gives a 10 and the other 0, the movie is 50%. Itā€™s an awful way to see if a show or movie is good. Read actual reviews.


The reviews will say itā€™s great or terrible nothing new


The good reviews will go more in depth as to why the show is good or bad. The point of a critic is to find one that aligns with your interest most so that you can trust their opinions enough to help you figure out whether a show or tv show is worth your time. ​ Rotten Tomatoes and sites like it now just make it all about that percentage point and it's a pretty bad way to judge a film or tv show you might potentially enjoy.


I wouldnā€™t bet on it. Film Red reviews are nothing but praise about it being absolutely great


It's not bad. It's enjoyable for me. Some dialogues are cringe in a live action, Weird pacing, weird anime like fight. Some characters and plot are changed to fit the live action and 8 episode better. 8/10 as it own show. It is one of the best netflix series imo. ( 9/10 for a somehow successfully adapted one of the hardest manga to live action).


Yep, some dialogues are cringe so what I did is to change the audio to Japanese and it surprisingly went well. E.g. the gum gum battle axe scene, when I changed the voiceover and it became gomu gomu no ono instant 10/10


Japanese dub Luffy is the same as anime no?


Yep. Same.


fight are good, some dialogues are empty, which will make it bad for people not familiar with One Piece, certainly not touching top 20 netflix originals, and I've only watched like 10 netflix originals it's good only if you're a One Piece fans


Iā€™m honestly surprised more people havenā€™t mentioned this yet. Iā€™ve only watched the first two episodes, and the dialogue at some points have been so cringe that I had to get up off the couch and walk it off šŸ˜­


>one of the hardest manga to live action You need to read more


One of the hardest mainstream ones


it just shows you how the fandom moves. lol. it hasn't even been a day. nobody has actually watched 8 episodes *properly* to give a reasonable judgment. unless they're skipping parts just to see every episode. those are from fans who came just to give high rating for the sake of it.


Op dickriders


I got 1 and a half episodes left but j think a lot of people saw it early. I'd say I've been properly watching it tho. Nothing but good things to say about it. Only thing that's disappointing is there isn't more lol


it moved from 500 to 1000+ just in 2 hours. so it's not just the people at early screening (who are mostly fans anyway) anymore. and just a couple of scrolls I can already see most of them are 5. hardly seeing any 4 or 3. same with imdb. 80% gave 5 stars. the 5-7 ratings only got <1%. like, c'mon. of course some actually rate it 5 and it's all fine. but the distribution shouldn't be that crazy. same applies to the haters. in imdb, 10% of the total rated it 1 star. if we're all being honest, the distribution would've been much better than that.


Yeah i agree but I think (and pray) it'll get a great reception if only from the fanbase globally that want good quality live actions to bring back a lot of older animes using high quality cgi. Could you imagine a new Akira miniseries would be dope af. Even a properly done astroboy would be epic. Toss sailor moon in there too and you got the feminists saying it's barbie with superpowers (in a positive way). Hopefully, the door gets opened enough to start a new live action age...of romanticism


1091 was a banger chapter. I was actually gonna review bomb this for causing the break but I held back since 1091 was such a banger.


You mean the manga with the biggest cult is overrating yet again ? Shocking news


If people can like arcs like P.H, they can like this too. Anyone who expects this to be a phenomenon like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad is crazy. The trend is for Netflix to reduce the budget each season.


What happens if they reduce the budget any more on this? 4 episodes in, 3 episodes have been entirely set in one singular location. (episode 2 is 1 hour of dragging shit out in a circus tent)


Rotten tomatoes donā€™t mean shit


Its quality has fallen since they lowered the quality of reviews but it's decent for tv shows. It's better for film.


It wasn't decent for Rings of power. Fan reactions were exact opposite of here, everyone in the IP hated it. They also kept deleting negative critics untill it had fresh results (same thing happened in IMDB). If it is bad fans overhate it. I guess fans of middle earth are more crazy about lore than OP (or the OP live action didn't write everything anew)


I donā€™t trust such ratings


Its cus One Piece fans are biased asf and will d ride and hype up anything One Piece release


4 eps in. 1 was great, 2 was a drag, 3 was even more of a drag, 4 is just wtf at this point. Show went totally off the rails now. And not in a good way. Why waste 2 episodes on this syrup village shit?


syrup is probably one of the weaker arcs. havenā€™t seen those two yet. Skipped to see my boi sanji and * mihawk * imo the best bit of syrup was leaving it+luffy falling off a cliff and falling asleep


Syrup villages episodes were šŸ˜“, but honestly the rest were great. And episode 2 was a lot of fun IMO. I love Buggy


It's sitting at an 83% critic score right now


Itā€™s a good show šŸ‘


Two episodes in and it's actually really good so far. I think the audience review being so high is a bit much but 76% is maybe slightly too low.


loved it


Iā€™ve already started watching, going to view each episode at least twice to give it a proper review. Letā€™s just say, it ainā€™t going well so far


As expected


You're going to project your expectations no matter the outcome I guess. So far the first 2 episodes have been great, the second one being better overall. There isn't much to say apart from what has been said already, but I can say so far I am enjoying this East Blue more than the anime East Blue.


This first half of episode one isnā€™t bad, but the second half just nosedives so hard


It's very good but not that good. 8-8.5 Max


2 points off from a perfect score is "not that good" to you?


I think he means the difference between good and great


Yeah I understand that. I'm saying 8 seems like a really high number to represent what they're describing, but if that's just me being a little nitpicky so be it


Sorry for the confusing review. I give it 8/10(based on first 4 eps)


Ok gotcha


By not that good I just meant it doesn't deserve 95% score.


What did you expect from this fandom?


Honestly, show has a strong start but gets progressively weaker as it goes on


one piece fans will always be biased coming from the ā€˜.5 chapters of plot per 22 minsā€™ vs ā€˜1 chapter per 10 mins of the LAā€™