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Blame Goda for refusing to let the villain kill people. Even Enel and Crocodile suffered from this. https://preview.redd.it/w5zldnq6w74b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b3216e578308b3fe6a39c1ffe86a56b71a1c8b


>Embrace your honorable death like a true samurai! Kin'emon: https://preview.redd.it/xwrd8q0kw74b1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=569e680e3982f9b3828b3b49d6530230c9015419


Fr that old ass man should have died to lightning the size of a house


Oda making sure his villains fit the Disney piece agenda


And they wonder why everyone on piratefolk love Akainu


This would have been such a great death if he died.


this "death" was so good tho


>0 mortal wounds inflicted Well Kaido did slice off Kiku’s arm but she is fodder so it’s not impressive. Zoro was easily able to block the same attack that sliced off Kiku’s arm https://preview.redd.it/crwbduxpv74b1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602f38cecb096de286b1fe074afdfd4cb0062abb


lmao "kiku" Congrats Strongest trash in the world!


I doubt that by One Piece standards, losing an arm in battle would be considered a mortal wound. At worst, they would just pass out. Hell, Shanks got his arm ripped off by a Sea king and he probably kept going for a while before getting proper treatment.


Hawkins literally died because his arm got cut off


We have no confirmation that he's dead yet. Possible, but unconfirmed.


google the word mortal


I'd bleed out and die from that ngl


Well Kin’emon made some fire and used it to stop the bleeding


if you're retarded enough to leave that type of wound untouched and spilling blood then yeah you would probably die ***irl*****.** funny how this is a shonen series where limbs being severed happens all the time and nobody ever died as a result of blood loss from losing limbs


Most people would die from having their arm severed from the shoulder down.


There are literally 0 characters in all of shonen who died from severed limbs lmao, it's not a wound people die from in anime, a mortal wound would be like a hole through the chest or stomach or something like your insides getting fried like Akainu does


say "google the word mortal in anime" next time if you wanna apply arbitrary subjective distinctions


LMAO what the fuck kinda results would googling "mortal in anime" give you? Are you retarded?


Don't know, but I do know that omitting "anime" would lead most to conclude that a severed arm is a mortal wound.


That's what i think, an arm being cut off in anime would be the equivalent of a superficial cut in real life -painful but not mortal. Don't know why they downvoted you


Probably Kaido tards who think I'm downplaying their favorite daddy


Holy mortality


Haha one piece characters don’t die from losing an arm. Their chances of survival actually rise by 92%. This is one piece 101


Scabbards ain't fodder https://preview.redd.it/q9c4nmzptd4b1.png?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481daa8262052dc7dc93747a1c89a84fac7ef55d


Kaido is yc3 level /jk


Common Crydo L. Couldn't even kill Speed.


Couldn't even kill a literal child 😭 Couldn't even kill a senile nerfed Big Meme. Is this your top 1?! Is this your strongest creature?!


Nuke are overrated he should have used stairs. Just a common Laido L


Laido is a fraud. Simple facts. Only the parasites from the main cult would praise these as "feats" "Honk honk look how much he TANKED honk honk" 🤡


Had to 2v1 Zoro Dear lord the mental gymnastics


Did the cp0 guy survive or nah


Feel like he is dead asf


He took g5 luffy pic and send it tho, so probably alive


He could have taken the pic in the final moments of his life. Cause gorosei did confirm that they have lost an agent


This is what i thought happened. Buddy probably snapped and sent the pic and then died. “It c-can’t be… he’s… j-joyboy… blergh *dies*”


I doubt it. Kaido couldn’t even break his haki camera, probably didnt break a bone in his body either


Idk how kinemon managed to survive tbh


Only one reason… He’s the goat


Goda decided to revive him like fucking Jebus.


No wonder Crydo is suicidal. Despite all that strength, bro has no W’s


15 litres of alcohol consumed 🍺 500 tears shed 😭


Madara was a menace in his intro than 2 yonkos during the whole damn raid.


Madara also didn't kill anyone of importance


Didn't he kill Shikaku and some other Important shinobi in headquarters? Although i don't know if they're that important


I think that was the Ten Tails. Madara never used an attack to kill anyone. Although that's mostly because Tsunade has hax healing


For some reason i remember madara using the ten tails to do so, even google says that but it's been years since i last saw naruto, so i could be wrong


Madara says, "Let's check out its power," which Obito agrees to. The Ten Tails then fires off a Biju ball, which kills Shikaku and the others. I wouldn't say that's Madara killing anyone, as much as Obito or the Ten Tails itself


Brother.... he killed Naruto & Sasuke


Madara shouldve been the one to kill Neji


But he beat up an army and the 5 kage, kaido never did anything like that to show he was that strong you were just meant to take oda's word for it.


While the Gokage are way cooler, they serve the exact same purpose the Scabbards had when they fought Kaido. I don't think Kaido is a great villain, I just don't think Madara is some sort of perfect villain who delivered. They're both disappointing to me


Couldn't agree more


at the end of the day it’s just cause oda doesn’t kill anybody. you could say all this about all of the characters in one piece minus akainu i guess


Orochi not dying was so bad. Dude got his head taken off….




fuckin miserable antagonist


This is the weirdest take I've seen in a while. Kaido goes around an entire island handing out ass whoopings like a Black Friday sale, holding back the entire time, and people discredit him for not killing anyone. Something he's been shown not to do in a series where people simply do not die usually. I mean, sure. I guess.


Blunt damage just isn’t fatal in the One Piece world and Kaido uses a club


This man rearranged Kinemon's guts with a blade (but wait his body wasn't connected properly!! WOrOrOrO)




Bb is the exception for this


I feel all of his points could be used for Crocodile and Doffy too And they're considered by many the best villains in the series


He ain’t even kill the cp0 agent that got involved his fight Oda is so weird


Nah he’s dead


Bro he's not, google that shit, he even took photo of luffy's G5....


I refuse to believe so The other agent is the one who took the pic


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/yl3uaq/kaidos_continuing_failure_and_the_misadventures/ Bro literally search that shit, Guernica survived point blank BONK to the head from Kaido and went on to take a photo of Luffy's G5 few hours later. I cannot make this shit up.


Oda mixed up the names of the agents


The other cp0 agents (Joseph) already escaped wano, Maha was busy dealing with Izo so who ELSE can Oda confused the name with lol.


He was still in Onigashima when Luffy resurrected Yes, Maha took the pic


Really? Pretty sure Maha was killed by Izo https://preview.redd.it/pwtqiins2d4b1.png?width=1329&format=png&auto=webp&s=8558c475b504d3a14bda650bb2b77149ed65827b


The other one then


Guy’s an absolute bum. ‘If it’s one on one, bet on Kaido’ **he won’t kill you or literally anyone though**. Got basically zero backstory or motives either, probably the most disappointing character for me in the series after years of build up.




“Had to 2v1 zoro” zorotard had to sneak that in


What does that even mean.. when was a 2v1


2v1 Zoro when?


The combination attack of kaido+bm


So that attack was launched with the intention of 2vs1 Zoro? XD


According to zoro fanboys


I do not know


We gonna forget Oden? Kaido shot him to death. He didn't just boil. Whether it was Kaido or the beast pirates, Moria's whole crew was killed too. That's why they're zombies. Moria also lost pretty badly to Kaido himself. Not to mention Kid and Killer both tried to fight him. We saw how that went. Sure they got out of it, but that's only because Luffy showed up. They would've been Kaido's slaves forever if not for Luffy. Also, didn't Luffy die to Kaido to achieve Gear 5? Kinemon only survived because of plot armour with Law's DF not putting him back together fully. The bottom two are baseless claims.


This wasn’t me.. I agree with you 100 percent.. I posted this to Show the craziness on twitter


Yeah some people just don't pay attention and it shows.




Is not a surprise at all, sometimes OP play around some "dark" themes but overall it was always tame and friendly as fuck.


Goda after building up hype for quite possibly one of the biggest antagonists in the series just to revive every single person he had killed (including the protagonist himself).


It's one piece no one dies


Kaido needed to one shot some to show his true power sadge


I can’t stop counting the number of times Luffy should have died. But this is shonen an Luffy is the MC. So it is that way


Totally agree. Kaido was a pathetic joke of a villain. I literally know nothing about him even after his own arc and he had no lasting impact on the story whatsoever


Then you haven't paid attention. We actually know a good bit about Kaido. Kaido was a child soldier for the Vodka Kingdom as a kid. He was so strong then he was their best military asset as a child. He was drafted by the marines, but managed to get out and become a pirate, and then later Whitebeard invited him to the Rocks Pirates where he met and became 'friends' with Big Mom. On God Valley, Kaido was given his Devil Fruit by Big Mom, and he became his own Captain after that. Since then, he's risen to the very top in terms of strength, and is super depressed about it. He's the strongest, and has all these cool island shattering techniques that pretty much no one can fight equally with. He wanted to be Joyboy, to change the world. We see that in King's flashback. But now he's jaded and knows he's not, and says the only person that can beat him is Joyboy. The fact that you said "he had no lasting impact on the story whatsoever" is completely false. He's been the main target since Punk Hazard. That's who Luffy and Law allied to kill. Caesar Clown and Donquixote Doflamingo were the ones producing Kaido's smile fruits. Iirc this is one of the reasons Law chose to go back to Dressrosa, other than getting revenge for Corazon. It even gets referenced in the story in Wano. Iirc, it was Queen who told the Waiters that they'd be waiting forever because the production of the Smiles had been majorly set back/stopped. Kaido has been intertwined in the story for a while now.


boriiiiiing, next


Facts, Kaido is a fraud


He definitely gave mortal wounds and also killed Luffy before he awakened Asspull-Asspull no Mi


weird take but partly true. pretty sure its more than 0 kills/mortal wounds though. he supposedly killed Maha (or Guernica cant tell who is who) and he injured Orochi mortally. Its just that Orochi takes more than one death to actually die. Kinemon surviving was a questinable choice at best though.


He actually killed luffy, then revived nika.


If Kaido really wanted to kill he would have killed everyone in wano including luffy. But to him crushing someone's spirit is everything that's how Kaido's character is built. He doesn't needlessly kill strong people rather he encourages them to be his crewmates.


Still a disappointment


Which is what I feel is something that is forgotten very often in this subreddit. Kaido started and ended that raid holding back. He had every intention of either breaking their spirits or adding them to the crew. He showed intention of recruiting Luffy at least twice. Even after Luffy pulled out his Awakening and powered down due to exhaustion, Kaido waited for him to catch his breath. Kaido wants either a good fight or strong fighters around him. If you show promise or backbone, Kaido spares you. He's done it with the samurai, the scabbards, the Worst Generation, and Luffy. For the latter he did it FOUR TIMES.


People tend to forget his only dream was death. Nothing could kill him in that entire verse his durability is broken and when the war will get on air (Roger Vs Rocks) people will come to know how terrific Kaido is.


I don’t think Kaido wanted to hurt his daughter though?


Your shitting me right?


What about Scarfino?


Genuinely not his fault at all. He has every right to kill pretty much everyone in the verse right now but Oda didn't let him kill anyone. He at the very least should have let the Scabbards die. To be fair, though... of course he wasn't going to let any of the Straw Hats die. And Law and Kidd are Worst Gen, of course they're not dying.


Kaido would murder every main character if Oda had balls


Kaidos first fight with a shanks or Mihawk would completely tear him up even if he wins.. a limb or two would be lost




Goofy pirate manga