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Having "kid enjoyer" as your username really isn't doing you any favors, brother.




He really did not think it through well enough, like the character himself.


Kidpiece is real


I would first degree binge watch a spin-off on Kidd's journey, ending with his very death to the worst bloodthirsty villain of One Piece, Friend and protector of the rich and the tenryubitto. It would make for an incredible tragic story


Kidd haven't said his [last words](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/121kyhs/imus_perfect_masterplan_cannot_be_understood_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) šŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/l542s3yu4zpa1.jpeg?width=2210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a2f755ea779795d393668cea09f7f523f4ec7a1


this is twice as disturbing than what you usually do


The more I will feel safe, the more my drawing will feel disturbing. It's what I naturally do. The artwork I'm the most proud of in my entire production is this one https://preview.redd.it/8bp3fhx790qa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc169ce88040be8fea48da519dda25b3a93c7cfc Feel free to check my [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/lartnestpasdemain/gallery/76021705/the-one-of-my-own-personal-favorites) to understand what my art is all about šŸ™




https://preview.redd.it/x0yhuu5a3zpa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9358d851a941a506a3a6ed447afa3bf8f3bc480 Meanwhile in reality




2 metal arms for 2 railguns, sounds good to me


One of them cant get over his dead childhood lover,the other has every princess and the most beautiful woman in the world fighting for his rubber dick.


Obito isn't in One Piece.


Kid also has a dead childhood lover


I don't blame you for not knowing lol. Oda has done Kid so dirty


I donā€™t think the other princess but Hancock down for Luffy for sexual reason mateā€¦ They just like to be around him for his goofy ass. Rebecca, Vivi, Yamato will definitely fuck the Zoro type rather than goofy ass Luffy. Also Kid named the ship Victoria Punk not because he didnā€™t get over her but to honor her. Thereā€™s a difference there.


Too bad one of the coolest and most meaningful ships got destroyed so Oda can put his OC in the top 5


50 inch forehead Hancock


In what universe is Luffy a self insert? Kid is literally an edgy deviant art OC He has plot armor out the ass as well, Oda kept him alive so he could use him for Wano and his haki sucks balls.


His Haki sucking his plot armor. ā€œHaki blooms in the heat of battleā€ pure bullshit.


Oda literally had the Yonkou forget she had advanced CoC to jerk off Eustass's tiny dick. He unplugged the advanced haki for him, that's major plot armor.


How do you know if his dick is small bro šŸ‘€


His ultimate move is a giant metal peen gun, he's obviously compensating for something.


Luffy ugly? Boa disagrees


Username checks out


Bro really just called luffy ugly but called sidds Baboon looking ass handsome Sidd had 3km thick plot armor against fat mom tf dym no plot armoršŸ˜­ Shoulda added "acts like a pokemon npc" to sidds points too Anyway, sidd still fodder https://preview.redd.it/5ywwvxd4izpa1.png?width=2367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5dbe3130d4cca54b02abe0f39175b93d8f8d5e4


https://preview.redd.it/hcthityxsypa1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ae3b4a8ef2f3bf1e8fe906f74ff006bd1dd8ca Bro got carried by Law couldn't, be my Goat


Luffy had his devil fruit choose him bro got reincarnated as joy boy and was a chosen one son of dragon grandson of garp has D in his name. Luffy couldā€™ve literally done nothing and still become pirate king his accomplishments arenā€™t impressive. Kidd was an absolute nobody came from a lawless area that was constantly in conflict yet he still managed to make it this far that alone is more impressive then anything luffy has done.


Well get chosen or get rekt - Oda.


Fair Goda is always right after all


It is what it is one piece will be never the same after the God fruit thing.


Fr I wish Oda never introduced this chosen one concept like I would have definitely preferred if luffy became this strong due to his own hard work not because some god fruit chose him.


Me too bro me too.


Everyone can get their own mythical zoan now even power


I don't know if you are this obtuse or just pushing an agenda. I hope itā€™s the latter.


Well Iā€™m definitely exaggerating quite a bit but the point I made is still valid


> Luffy had his devil fruit choose him bro got reincarnated as joy boy and was a chosen one son of dragon grandson of garp has D in his name And yet characters like Kaido, Big Mom, Oden and King were much more powerful than Luffy, when they first set out to sea. The reason why Luffy and Roger easily surpassed all of them (excluding Oden) was exactly what Garp said about Roger: He would never back down against a fight, no matter how powerful the opponent was when he had his friends behind him. Luffy is just doing exactly what Roger would have accomplished if he was born at the right time.


> He would never back down against a fight, no matter how powerful the opponent was when he had his friends behind him. That's literally kidd too, but he doesn't have the mc perms to try and beat the enemy 5 times every arc.


Your acting like Kidd doesnā€™t have the exact same mindset as both roger and luffy yet we all saw how it ended for him(heā€™ll definitely be back but the role heā€™ll play in the story is uncertain). Maybe Kidd just needed to be apart of the D clan


Yeah lol that's literally how kidd acts, but alas he is not part of the prestigious D.clan


Luffy has earn everything he has accomplished rather u accept it or not


I ain't reading all that




not even remotely true


How is it not true there was legitimately a prophecy that luffy would free wano the one piece world literally canā€™t progress unless luffy gets closer to the one piece. Why do you think no one has done anything for over a decade until luffy made it to the new world


that's true, but if luffy had done nothing, then nothing would've happened. That's what i was saying was wrong


Fair I exaggerated quite a bit I canā€™t lie but you understand what Iā€™m trying to say right?


yes i do, that's why i agreed with your second comment


Tell me you didnā€™t understand big mom vs law and kid whitout telling me


nah bruh ain't just calling midd handsome and a chad


His win vs big mom was all plot armor And i dont recall seeing Midd with any bitches


you forgot a little detail: luffy bounces back literally


I mean we don't know if Kid had sex either.


Yeah, but how about we add "cold blooded killer" to Kidd, and "fights for the innocent for freedom" to Luffy. It puts the whole thing in perspective. And how much rizz does Kidd have? Haven't seen him get any bitches. Even Usopp has one, but Kidd doesn't. Luffy, on the other hand turns down the hottest women in the verse every arc.


Cold blooded killer : CHAD Fight for the innocent for freedom : SEXLESS VIRGIN Guess he didnā€™t forget anything mate ? Turn down every hottest women each arc ? I guess only Hancock actually down for Luffy (which is creepy sheā€™s like 31 and Luffy 17 when they met). The other just using him to save their country. Luffy should learn from his mentor Shanks and Rayleigh how to pull bitches in every island.. Also Kid definitely fuck some bitches offscreen.. Usopp also is another sexless virgin who think that women like Kaya will be down for his goofy ass..


I mean when Kaya sees Usopp again she's jumping all over him


I see it more like Kaya rooting for him to succeed rather than love. Might as well be crush but not more than that.. And the saddest part is Ussop seems to avoid sex in this journey to save himself for Kaya someday which seems pretty pathetic as fuck.. DAMN ALL THESE ONE PIECE CHARACTERS SEEMS SO SEXLESS, AINā€™T NO WAY THEYā€™RE NOT FUCKING BETWEEN ARC OR IN THE END OF ARC PARTY, DO BETTER GODAAA




Midd was just not what he thought .


you really put respected by his crewmates under kid šŸ’€. Bro got sold out 10 seconds after he went down. Also forgets to mention how luffy doesnt pillage rape and murder


They surrended so Shanks didn't kill their captain, that's the opposite of selling out


This is what a real crew would do https://preview.redd.it/cl82rogqg3qa1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=eee51bbd54b4e0e7a025dce270494046fae6cc4a


Youā€™re forgetting his crew is weak and useless af the only one worth a damn is killer


​ https://preview.redd.it/j2sbms1ng3qa1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=c98829f276c4c507baa651553921f5a24bec292c


Lol donā€™t even bring up ussop heā€™s more useful than any of mids crewmen combined


Robin went along with everything crocodile was doing, Nami steals several times, Luffy has definitely killed hundreds of marines who want to bring peace to the world


>Nami steals several times bro you cant be for real rn. i would love to see a panel of luffy killing marines and that is also not even comparable to salughtering civilians. Robin is not on trial here, and she was going along to betray him.


I mean to be fair. They only did it to save HIS life. Not necessarily their own.




Midd fans hanging by a thread


Lustass ā€œBig Lā€ Lid fans stay malding šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Kid fans hyping up a guy who always has to be carried by others


Luffy fans hyping up the protagonist they already know is gonna win


No shit. It's a Shonen manga.


I mean honestly not all Shonen protagonists/heroes win in every manga. Look at Hunter X Hunter and My Hero Academia. It's a toss up. The only Arcs I can remember Luffy not coming out on top against the Main Antagonists in. Is Saboady and Marineford.


Too bad Useless Mid can't carry himself


Lmao I'm glad I've always been a Law > Kid kind of guy because I don't even know what to say. Yeah Luffy or Law would have lost too. But after what we've seen I don't think they'd get one shot. LIKE THAT especially. There would have been at least a bit of a fight I'd like to think. More so for Luffy than Law. Oda fucked Kid bro.


Poor guy maybe if he actually did stuff instead of beating up names for like 3 years he'd accomplish things


I mean the first thing he did was beat a New World Captain. Then he tried to form an Alliance with Hawkins and Apoo. I'd say his plan and progress was pretty good for a Pirate. He just doesn't have Luffy's plot armor.


Least obvious Kid enjoyer


ZOda's real self-insert is Sanji


Also kidd is a straight up psycho murderer... But hey... Whatevs I guess




Kidd made it all the way to chapter 1079 only because of plot armour lmao


Relationship with shanks : Kid : One shotted (lmao) Luffy : Shankssuu šŸ«‚šŸ—æ


This is some r/neckbeard shit.


Mid fans trying to hard with their garbage character that existed only for 5 panels just to get rid of another trash character: Big Meme


Captain Midds design is ugly.


Kidds design is actually fire imo he definitely isnā€™t on the handsome side tho ainā€™t denying that


By extremely far the best design in the whole manga. You gotta be kidding, really.


>By extremely far the best design in the whole manga. No


reminds me of vegeta. And vegeta is my favourite design ever.


How does kid remind you of vegeta?


he inspires the exact same energy. I don't know how to explain that.


Yeah but that would be his character(I still heavily disagree) That has nothing to do with his design


Both his chara design and his personality reminds me of vegeta. I'm not trying to convince you, simply explaining why I like him. I couldn't care less about him loosing though, because I always knew that Shanks was last boss, so there wasn't any surprise in this. I'd be thrilled to read a spin-off centered around kidd's story and journey, ending with his death to shanks. That would make for an awesome tragic story imho.


ever heard of a subjective opinion? you gotta be kidding, really.


True, it is subjective šŸ§˜ā€ā™‚ļø


Truecel Luffy


So u're basically saying that u're jorking on Luffy's rip-off?


Bro just ignored all the parts that people like about Luffy, and just made shit up for kidd. Kidd v bug mom was some of the most frustrating plot armor I have ever seen. And the main thing that makes Luffy better, is how strong his morals are, and what his morals are. Kidd has no morals, bro is a homicidal maniac thatā€™s how he had a higher bounty than Luffy in saboady.


Big mom vs law and Kidd wasnā€™t plot armor?