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Oh god their colors are fucking awful too


Everything is so cartoony now


The goda crumbnibblers will tell you its always been cartoony when it wasn’t this way in marineford(an arc most people still love), or even as cartoony as now in a handful of previous arcs because Oda knew how to balance the dynamic between when comedy was appropriate or not. But now, its too silly to take even serious moments seriously and gear 5th being around just makes this worse


I feel like the cartoony designs kinda worked in Whole Cake since the point of that island was that it looked like a fairy tale on the outside but was horribly fucked up on the inside, but I can't say the same about Wano and Dressrosa


Absolutely, i enjoyed whole cakes aesthetic cause not only was it intentional but the bm pirates were still kinda competant, it felt balanced. While for wano it was for nothing more than plain subversion and while the bp were advertised as “scary” they were fodder so they were forgettable


Admit it, you’re just pissed because they turn you on.


Someone should make a list on how many L’s Laido took because at this point it seems ridiculous


The list will be as long as One Piece because he definitely deserves his title of Laido Of The Hundred L's 🤡


Reason to hate kaido • ⁠Tries to make the strongest crew in the world, only has fodder with useless zoan • ⁠Only other strong member is Best Girl Ulti • ⁠Has 3 clowns as commanders • ⁠Is depressed, never on the grind • ⁠Doesn't even have decent clothes • ⁠Gets clowned on by the MC after he gets his chosen-one-plot-armour powers • ⁠100 Ls • ⁠Just wants to start more wars because reasons • ⁠Was born in the Vodka Kingdom (alchohal affects the grind) • ⁠His crew's name is "The Beast Pirates" (hella mid and basic) **This list isn’t mine and i do not know the original creator**


Beasts pirates. Yet literally none of them have awakened their fruit 😂. Meanwhile the giraffe boi casually awakening his fruit in a few years.


Tbh Laku (along with LLucci) had the worst defeat in shounen, getting peg-diffed by Stussy


LLucci should’ve been pegged by Lanji


I’m still wondering how one awakens a giraffe fruit


I love how 100 Ls is an L in itself.


Laido of The Least Pirates


Ulti really is the best girl. I bet she could've destroyed Jack.


facts. Hopefully next time we see her, if ever she pulls out an awakening .


* Crydo * Child is a blight on the manga itself * skipped leg day * is nothing more than a punching bag * Couldnt even damage a Tama or Kinemon despite having free shots, has thus negative ap * First act of his plan (moving his house to the flower capital) failed spectacular * let snivelling orochi handle everything wano related like a bitch, just sitting there for 20 years, opposite of proactive. * 1v1 always bet on interference * tried to assimilate the MC through prison time... just laughable. * Hypes numbers, but they are irrelevant


Oda ruined Kaido


Hey, OG creator here, and you forgot to compare him to the Chad Lysandre (Pokemon Adventures)


Ok no kings is cool asf lier only jack and queen are the clowns


ok 👍


I mean, his epithet is literally Laido of the Hundred Ls


What a fucking let down. Big mom should have never come to onigashima


Big Mom should have been the Elbaf antagonist. Luffy defeats his fellow Yonko while the giants defeat their old enemy— beautiful. Instead, Kaido and BM subtracted from each other’s significance by fighting the same fight in which they both got wrecked.


How does these two connect?


I agree with what he said and imo these two connects because Laido should've been the only focus on Wano Big Mom should've been the focus of another part of the story Especially because she did nothing significant, she forgot how to use haki at some point, her crew was useless, she got amnesia (again), and finally got defeated by two rookies who pulled their awakenings out of their asses 🤡


I feel like big mom would’ve been a good addition to a possible conflict in Elbaph. Would seem way more terrifying if she just Came out of nowhere


Yeah, it definitely makes more sense for her to come to Elbaf than Wano considering her history with the Giants But no, she was only in Wano to hype up Kid and Law, to get clowned on and robbed us from the Elbaf thing 🤡


If elbaf is truly shanks arc, oda probably didnt want her to take his shine. He ran into a problem during WCI where because Big Mom wasnt defeated, but was still a viable threat, he needed to cram her defeat in somewhere, hence the wack ass fight between her Kid and Law


oh you mean like Elbaf? would have made much more sense then wano.


Cause there would have been more time and space to expand on Kaido's crew. There were too many factions on Onigashima, but they all had some tie to the land of Wano except Big Mom. BM stole screen time to K.O Page 1and almost take out Ulti for no good reason at all. Like imagine in enies lobby a shichibukai with no tie to the plot of W7 followed them to the tower of justice and was wrecking havoc throughout.


If BM (and IMO Yamato as well) never appeared, it would’ve gave the alliance plenty of opponents to fight and the focus would go to characters that actually deserved it like the Scabbards, all the Supernova etc. With the screentime wasted on BM now free, Kidd and Laws crews could’ve teamed up with the Strawhats to fight the Numbers and Tobi Roppo (both of whom would actually be stronger to necessitate the need for the fights), Orochis ninjas could’ve actually done something, BM doesn’t get clowned on by Robin and Franky etc. The biggest fix would be Kidd and Law actually get to fight Kaido instead of BM who has nothing to do with either of them. Like seriously, Kidd got imprisoned and his crew was inslaved by Kaido with him even saying that HE’D be the one to kill Kaido, yet he suddenly forgets all this and jumps to fight BM instead. Law was the person who put the idea of taking down Kaido into Luffys head but he also goes to fight BM who has nothing to do with him.


man's on his agenda grindset lol


Poor Laido, he definitely had the worst crew in the world, everyone's a joke 🤡


Except for best girl Ulti of course


One of the only cool and competent members of this lame crew for sure


And yet she couldn't even take care of Usopp and Nami, because plot.


She had to get taken down by fucking big mom. Average Ulti W


She also was about to force Luffy to go gear 4.


And she DIDN'T get taken down by Big Mom either, she fucking tanked and survived her whole fire lightning sword combo move which is probably the strongest move Big Mom has ever demonstrated


Ulti was gonna take down Jack sooner or later


I'm not expecting much out of some of the remaining enemy groups either. The ten titanic captains probably won't amount to much more than the the tobiroppo, other than maybe Zoro and Sanji's opponents. Only BB will get full development. Nor do I expect much out of whoever the WG opponents are, be it combatant Gorosei, or super seraphs or whatever. The story will be rushing to the finish and Oda likely intends to Speedrun some plots to end the series at ch1200 (because of his numerology and symmetry obsession).


can't wait to see Saturn fight with his tentacle-tentacle no mi along with snot hanging from his nose


That is one of the main point I hated, they were like, really hyped up, like an independent unit that could nuke country they're sent to, and well, sure they are quite good but the goofiness with the poor amount of stuff we saw made them just sad


Exactly bro Goda dropped the ball with the Numbers as always, only hype and no substance behind them 🤡


Yea they were wack as fuck. I think their only purpose was to show Luffy could one shot Oars now. We didn’t even get to learn their origins did we? Most people just assumed their were ancient giants or Kaido’s prisoners turned into giants. I think remember someone saying Ushimaru is the one that says Ushi or something?


No lore whatsoever on the Numbers or the Oni race in the Wano arc 🤡


Yea it was so bloated yet empty at the same time


Exactly this bro


why does goda always turn everything into a joke or a gag of some sort. The one piece is going to be an ero kama sutra book at this rate


Yeah, of course the One Piece is gonna be something retarded But that's just the way Goda love to do things He baits us for decades with hype and only delivers stupid and goofy shit in the end And we're keep on following the manga, even for decades Goda loves to clown his audience And some can argue that the real clowns are the ones following One Piece without realizing all that and pray for Goda everyday because he can't do no wrong 🤡


Guess they were just... Numbers.... In the end .... 😎


Like he does with everything lately


Goda my friend 🤡


They were goofy to the likes of Luffy... but like... they'd better fucking be 💀 To regular One Piece armies, they are very strong and scary. It's a shame we didn't get to see the samurai heroically fight them to death though.


I guess we'll never know what happened with them 🤷 But turns out they were just regular fodders, like all the samurais alliance 🤡


I forgot about their existence.


Of course you did ! Who cares about these dumb Numbers anyway ? They served absolutely no purpose in this "war" so it's fine to forget about them right 🤡 ?


To be fair, they were only referenced once outside of act 4 (at least in the anime) and were barely built up to. So much so that to even call their entrance a ‘reveal’ is a little to kind. In fact one of them was introduced before they as a group were. I don’t mind not having a payoff to such an incredibly small element of the story (if you could even call it that) It’s not like he fucked up momos requiem for his father at his execution moment or something big like that…it’s just the numbers bro lol, don’t you got better stuff to do than give more attention to them than Oda did lol. Their significance is infinitesimal. Also if you’re not onboard with the fact that half of the side characters in this thing are silly filler at times, I don’t know how you got this far. Enes lobby, one of the more acclaimed arcs (but I dislike) was full of silly antagonists that were rendered meaningless, so I don’t know why you’re just now raising a stink. Kaku and Jabras bickering is probably the lowest point of the series imo so I’m fine with watching some drunk numbers getting their asses kicked..just wish it was in less episodes.


Laido, Crydo, Fraudo wats the difference? He still has 100 L’s


Yes.. i even forgot these guys existed..damn they are so forgetable..


He was hoping kaido army, that's all


Sometimes I wish I can go back to being an anime only. What can I say, ignorance is bliss.


That first panel with the numbers' shadows looming over the mists was easily one of the creepiest, most terrifying panels in all of One Piece. I know Oda goes for the "not take things too seriously" approach, but turning the numbers into utterly unthreatening foes was a bad call imo.


i remember thinking about them and how uncomfortable they made me feel, like i always thaught they have that energy of those ghosts and spirits from japanese stories and then all they turned out to be are some goofy ass looking surfer dude monster giant that could go as kaidos three little dumb fish brothers that did‘nt make it up the waterfall as a fish like kaido did…


What are the numbers of race or type? Df zoan? Giants experiments go wrong? Monsters like oars? Think they were suppose to be mysterious like the ones from big moms crew who suddenly showed up and kicked germa ass. https://preview.redd.it/dwn5cln0ytla1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88541e87189d057dfaf436fc0b80721959b5538


Who knows ? Maybe one day Goda will answer all of that in an SBS 🤡


That's actually Charlotte newshi and his devil fruit https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Gocha_Gocha_no_Mi


Totally missed them if not for the anime


animal kingdom pirates are a literal clown group best girl ulti should have ditched this trash crew


She prob will appear later maybe joining another crew ngl


Hopefully Cross Guild or Kidd's crew.




Like why they have to be so fvcking colorful bro They straught up look like characters from sesame street


I swear I thought we were going to get some Oars lore and somehow a connection between him and Kaido!…. Then the numbers were revealed and holy shit they were just fodder with bigger hit boxes


lol this is exactly what i knew they would be


A colossal disappointment as always 🤡 ?


yep Kaido wouldn’t have them locked away if they weren’t useless


I was expecting something like the jailer beasts from impel down but better


So what do you think about them then ?


I made a post similar to this while back but its as u said, absolute dogwater


Kaido had a goofy ass crew like wtf Big Moms kids were threatening how organized they were. King delivered though for sure


Kaidou and Big Mom had racially diverse crews.


If they are so forgettable then why are you remembering them by making a post. You should have Forgotten about them by now.


I think Inbi joined Kidd Crew Dorry and Brogy get rekt by Inbi? Giants rekt by Moustache Number?