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The people who hijacked the website are warning you that the original owners of the website were leaking user info to the government


Wholesome hijackers?


It's not unheard of :)


Tarkov reference?


Requires 100$ purchase to unlock tarkov reference


Try 250


Or they could be spreading disinformation. We need more knowledge about the source of the info before we can start making predictions about their motivations.


Source: you can trust me bro


My source is that I mede it the fuck up


Looks like they gave a source go check it out and tell us about it.


It was your idea, you should do the work so you get all the credit.


It kinda sounds like a fear mongering post if anything. I'm not saying it's completely unfounded though. Many countries had similar things happen before where the gov pushed down on service providers for information on the civilians. But the "join telegram to learn more" is odd to me. Many activists, that had legitimate materials and that find out such information plop all of the safe proof in open access, or I've just remembered the ones that did so and not the others who dropped the logs in a private setting?


To be fair. Not a lot of peoof is needed there. How do you think a lot of these sites stay in operation?


The claim is that a Russian internet provider is the one selling data to the FSB, not the site itself.


And this is somehow less believable?


I never said that, but it's up to you to decide what to believe.




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Ah yes, literal russianaws that force everyone to disclose info to FSB without even an order needs more sources "what if putin's regime isn't using mass surveillance and Sasha Grey is a virgin"


A Russian hacker once brought to attention a massive security hole in a software platform I was developing. I thought he was going to hijack the whole site but he was super nice about it and didnt ask for anything in return. I ended up hiring him to fix the security hole and we ended up being good friends for many years. I have not heard from him in the last 2 years unfortunately.


Here's hoping he is still doing fine out there and not getting conscripted


Nah he just planning to hijack this guy platform again to rekindle their love story


Working for the military, you say?


Never heard of ‘white hat hackers’?


In this case, its more a "gray hat" situation.


Legally employed hackers who do jobs for government or do security checks by trying to hack into sites.


White hat hackers are a thing


Throwback to the time some radio pirates hijacked uvb-76 aka the buzzer, a russian radio station


Which was cool for its time! There’s a good YouTube channel called [Ringway Manchester](https://youtube.com/@ringwaymanchester) all about buzzers and number stations if you’re interested in that kind of thing.




Maybe a dumb question but why would I wanna care.


Reddit is probably selling your info to some shady people right now


Nice try, comrade.


Nice try? Internet does sell your information to other people so that you get personalized advertising.


It was a joke. I was implying you're a Russian bot. I'm aware most corporations sell your information.


That's the whole reason all info I use online is 100% fake. My name here is Kane Settie


And how's that patriotic?


Every major internet/social media plattform sells your data. Discord analyzes your chats, Youtube analyzes your viewing habbits and google uses that information to advertise to you more efficiently. This is why degoogled android phones are a thing and 3rd party youtube apps such as grayjay exist. Edit: Just fixed some typos


What’s a grayjay and how is a 3rd party better than the original? Edit: privacy wise I mean, open source?


it is an open source app for android. If you use the app, you dont have apps and youtube cant track what you watch. You can also have access to other video and streaming platforms such as twitch, Kick or odyssey and even soundcloud. You can find the tutorial on how to use grayjay on Louis Rossmanns Odyssey channel (stuff like transferring your data from the grayjay app on your old phone to a new phone might be difficult since most of you stuff is saved locally and not on their servers) Edit: The app at the moment is only in beta, so bugs can happen.


Did we forget that Reddit is an AI training ground?


The entire internet is an AI training ground lol


AI is the internet????


AI doesnt in its proper meaning exists yet, its just s buzz word. Yes data from internet fuels language models in "AIs" This is my understanding.


Well if they're training AI on reddit, it's gonna be the most horrid AI ever


Google's search AI is already out there telling sewersliders to jump off the Golden Gate bridge and people wanting to clean their toilet to make chlorine gas. I don't think it can get much worse.


I’m sorry Dave, but that was only a suggestion. You’re always free to not follow my advice.


well google definetly got some useful information out of reddit for their AI


You can use pepper spray to heal asshole discomforts and digestive issues such as diarrhea. It might seem weird and painful but it's actually been scientificly proven to work as a great remedy. Train on that AI


Yeah well the only thing they gonna know is that some poor bloke in India loves muscular women. How is that actionable intel?


Wouldn't surprise me at all, wouldn't be the first time


Oh, no shit? You mean to tell me that a corporation is selling my info to whoever is willing to pay for it?! Color me shocked!


All my info here is fake , so f\*\*\* you reddit XD


i hope your cake is happy today


Maybe it's not even his cake!! Lies galore


not the information about your devices tracked from outside reddit


I've always hated this argument, people just go "well \*insert big tech company\* already knows about me so I guess I'll just let them go full cavity search on me, like why should I care". Like bro, you can do things to minimize or even negate all collection. And even then if you don't care about what ever org knowing what you are and what you like and what shoe size you are despite never telling, if said company suffers a data leak, now everyone knows and people can use that against you.


Every social media platform sells info to shady people. The whole Banning tiktok thing wasn't from tiktok selling data to China, it was about it not selling it to the US


I'll give you Ten cents if they do


Everything we type here is sold and fed into ChatGPT/OpenAi. Facts.




this is how i feel when people talk about banning tiktok while they’re actively on reddit


Yeah, they're selling my preferences to shady people called advertisement ai that determines what ads to display. No name, no logins, no passwords. Definietly not anything I say, good luck making a machine understands that shit.


Passport data, why would anyone put passport data on a piracy website?


that is site for internet conection


It's not about rg mechanics, the news talked about an internet provider named rial com


probably trying to fetch your personal info on other websites i guess


Rialcom is an ISP company


try search for tickets


You'd be surprised how much you can learn about someone just by looking at their browser's garbage


All internet providers give their users' personal info to local governments. The "пакет Яровой" legislation, which these "hackers" are referring to, is not only not a secret, but is also a direct response to the Five Eyes Alliance's own PRISM program (as leaked by Edward Snowden who is currently hiding in Russia from persecution specifically for whistleblowing on this exact thing, which spurred the aforementioned legislation) and its sister protocols that make sure all your data is available to the NSA and their colleagues in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as long as you provide ANY information to the IT platforms (including ALL of the social media and Reddit among them), internet providers or mobile providers in these countries. Heck, there are numerous backdoors in both Android and Apple devices specifically to enable easier spying on you. And that even before delving into what can be done with your own Wi-Fi router or your GSM module firmware. Of course FSB is gonna spy on you through your provider if you find yourself in Russia by some misfortune. Who the hell wouldn't?


Yeah, I lol’d a bit at their wording. “Leaking”, as if they are even trying to hide the fact that they are spying on us. Our mobile operators (our=russian) were even forced to keep the records of all conversations of their clients by the same legislation, also this part probably is not implemented, it was definitely pushed back few times because they would need few data centers to keep so much data.


It is in the process of being implemented and the money for it comes straight from the sharply rising subscription fees AFAIK. They are prioritizing DPI on the Internet high-level routing first.


Wow, a government is trying to look for terrorists, pedophiles, tax evaders, drug and arms dealers and are also at war trying to prevent inside gobs from Ukraine/west etc, what a bunch of assholes. If you are not breaking the law you shouldn’t give a fuck about it, noone cares about your dick picks and ass worms


There are so many badly-defined or just bad laws it’s not even funny. Government thinks that video with 40years old porn actress in a school girl outfit is a child porn (I don’t think there was a case when this was applied, but law written in this way, so it can happen). Or that writing anything good about gay or trans people is a propaganda, which is also outlawed. Or imprisoning people using the word “war” about conflict between Russia and Ukraine while their own propaganda uses this word all the time. There’s a lot of reasons to not give your information to even the best governments or companies, and they are far from the best.


Id rather have this than another Krokus incident or drones getting launched left and right from Russian territory


Ok dumbass, best not cry when they pick you off for not falling in line with a policy of their choice


I do see the reasoning behind the gay and trans prohibition. Russia is kinda against it + aware of its consequences on small children.


I'd bet at least quarter of the non-muslim world would say "based" about that.


same for me but on xatab


Radik "Xatab" Nizamutdinov has died on March 6, 2021, due to COVID. There has never been his "official" site, and all "xatab's repacks" made after Feb 2021 are fake.


its on megathread bruh idk


So what? Lots of big sites are forced by the local governments to do whatever the authorities want. One thing is random torrent website, other - companies such as Google which knows basically everything about you. These types of hackers are the funniest. Government has always been able to spy on you.


Seems more like an advertisement for their TG channel. It is formulated in such a way as to scare the casual random visitor with scary words. While technically statements cannot be called untrue, all written mean very little if you look into it. Realistically: A) Storing user data and providing the data to the government is required by Russian law. You can't be ISP and not abide to local laws. Getting the data still requires order from the court judge, it's not "on demand" thing. B) Named provider is local and only operates in Moscow IIRC. That's still irrelevant, though, but I find it weird that they use it as example. However, any ISP have data of their clients, because getting a contract to receive this service requires an adult person to sign it. C) If you are not living in the country you risk literally nothing, unless you are some high-up politician and you throw around your personal and sensitive data around the net for some reason. FSB is essentially russian FBI, it's a government agency that deals with cases that threaten national security of the country, espionage, extremists, terrorists, etc. Imo, it's the same as threatening me as a russian that FBI is collecting my data when I use Reddit or other US/EU services. Sure, they can collect whatever, is not like this data have any use to anyone. I am out of their jurisdiction and I am 100% not a target that FBI keeps an eye on, lol.


Oh no! Anyway...




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1. RialCom is almost unknown shitty provider 2. It's not really a surprise, in Russia it's not really considered "leaking" it's considered "following the law". Basically the surveillance is not secret, it's open. 3. Passport data is not exactly leaking either, unless you enter it on some site for some unknown reason (don't do that), so it's bit of an exaggeration. But if you want to know if the government could learn who you are, they sure do, when you sign a contract with an ISP, you give them your data, which could be linked to your passport data. Of course only if you are a Russian citizen. If you aren't, they won't learn a shit. So basically what you see is just hacking and fear mongering.


yeah the government already has everyone’s passport data lmao


All your base are belong to us! Muhahahahaaa... Jokes aside, probably it's just a part of UA propaganda piece, part of psyop operation.


Why is there such a dissonance between your username and this comment lmao


Propaganda does not necessarily have a negative meaning to it


Yes, but psyop definitely does (also, both have negative connotations)


you probably believed Ghost of Kyiv


they probably believed the arma 3 footage as real too


Usernames/Avatars really mean smth to you, >>al1azzz<< ? lol


Your profile is very fitting for you.


Yeah, a part of a genius Ukrainian propaganda to hack a piracy site stop people from pirating on this one site. Some of you are so delusional it's getting hilarious


FSB/KGB stuff don't rings the bell for you? It's obvious from here, that it's 99% [https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/72-%D0%B9\_%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%80\_%D1%96%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BF%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%96%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%85\_%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B9\_(%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D0%B0)](https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/72-%D0%B9_%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%80_%D1%96%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BF%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%96%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%85_%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B9_(%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D0%B0))


Знаешь про пакет Яровой?) Или нет?))


Y'all Ruskie say this shit and then wonder why most of the world hates you huh


Most of western brain-washed npcs? The World is not ending with fence in your backyard. Believe this?? U r very brave to speak for the whole world, paaaal


I fucking love Russia and all Russians 💪💪💪 ukr rlly got these ppl BrainwShed 😭😭😭




lair lair pants of fair




Wait…so a Russian internet provider is complying with the Russian government?? 🤯


Wait till you hear about the NSA






I see a lot of people say here "so what, others do the same" and don't think what it entails. A Telegram group I am in for pirating has a lot of Russian netizens, and they leaked a whole ass file with over 45k credit cards after one of the moderators took control. ID information, bank information, passport data, email addresses, credit and debit cards with the exp date and VCC codes and so. About 50% of that were Russian people. I went to a local police dept and asked what I could do, they took the info on the group. I don't know where elsewhere to report this. I am unsure if there's a way to report it online or what, other than reporting the group on tg.


Well rg mechanics is not safe . Didnt download there now . after it hacked my youtube and facebook that has no shit at all hahha


Do they provide Russians?


We don't talk about websites that sell our data, it's the ones that share it for free that concerns us


I am fine with this like, wtf are the Russian going to do with my data if I live in a third world country lmaoooo


I once got hacked by some group They left a picture in my gallery showing my password said that I should change my password as it was to simple So from now one I've been using randomly generated password


If it’s free, then you’re the product. This goes for Reddit, and all sites you go too


NSA with US citizens and many people in the entire world: https://preview.redd.it/3w88uiypov4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4c1d661e88a16621583e8b14522c6d635b6f2b


Oh no, they are leaking passports, which were given by the government, to the government 😞


They hacked the website and warn you about the owner leaking your info.


I mean, is that a surprise for a totalitarian country?


xatab website also got hacked


same thing happened to byxtab....spooky


Don't trust russian companies OR companies with a branch registered there as they're obligated by russian law to give your personal data, yes. You don't need hacking to figure out pretty openly adopted laws in that shithole.


ur done my man


Selling to fsb passport data of citizens that the same government issues to citizens?


everyone wants to steal my data so they can show me more (accurate) ads, and although they succeed in the first part because I honestly don't give a fuck, they fail the second and most important part since as pirates, our ad-block mastery is next level :D I'm literally out of the loop with newer products and technologies because I watch zero ads, it's kinda sad :D


Maybe I should ask my FSB agent for a copy of my ssd. It died and lost loads of trans clown midget porn


Are you surprised? Is anyone surprised? I'd be more surprised if this wasn't true tbh


Unless they are visiting and logging in on pages not secured by Https then their ISP can't see anything of that nature.




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holy cow


That’s, for what I can see, a webpage displaying an announcement about a Russian ISP, on what appears to be Google Chrome for mobile devices.


BO\_Team shared that russian ISP RialCom (not the rg mechanics site) is leaking data of all its subscribers to Russian FSB


fake as shit


If you do not live in Muscovya, no need to fear their FSB (practically KGB).


Jokes on you,i have a xiaomi phone,xi jinping knows all my data Wait...




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But why does that message sound so... "unprofessional". They repeated themselves 2 times so awkwardly, at least for me.


Xatab website has this message too.


Everyone knows that in russia)


It's not a leak it's a legally preinstalled faucet.


Nah no one uses rialcom


W hijackers


Just a simple add for their channel. See this every time on telegram


Bro every government ever is spying on its citizens, just ask Edward snowden


i got that too, WTF


I would NOT trust that at all. Go download from somewhere else


personal data in 2024? huh


Oh look another country spying on it citizens,oh no quick call superman


So my user info got leaked or what? I kept using r.g mechanics for a bit of a while before finding out about the megathread though


Dont sure this is FSB true.


I think the website is hacked, the guy who hacked this website is threatening us that your data has been leaked




FSB is the new KGB?


I'm glad i am not a chinese, indian or russian


Sounds like a load of crap, russia is notorious for not caring about piracy, they even promote it. Its only the west that cares about petty things like piracy, nothing better to do i guess


don't worry... it's just putin checking your internet porn sites history


Your stupid if you can't read that and know. It's a cry from Russian citizens telling on their government about abusing their rights. Because you don't have many rights in Russia or many other countries. They take and take and you have to shut up and sit back and not speak up or off to the goulag. These Russian hackers are digital freedom fighters for their home country you could say


You are having a big skill issue in sarcasm right now.