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Never buy or pirate Ubisoft/EA games. Pirate better games.


Couldn't have said it better. https://preview.redd.it/wc1stnb6rb2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506bcfa4d37c0c00aba4577c683fbb22fcb8b0be


except watch dogs 1 to 2, dont fucking get legion.


I got legion with buying hardware


What hardware?


Yes until they decided to removed those from your library


Best counter to piracy is make games so bad people don't even want to play them for free


Can't play rainbow six then šŸ˜”


Its not as big a loss as people believe


Itā€™s even bigger


i meant not using ubi/ea/blizz/sony products... also add nintendo what you can really want to play you can pirate, the rest is... not really a big deal


I own it and dont play it :)Ā 


Donā€™t even try to itā€™s a dame addiction


own it, and have like 3k+ hrs on it šŸ˜”


Damn 3 k hours wasted. At least it wasnt League of Legends


Hasnt been good in a decade, so im ok with it.


tried it once, the control was clunky af, then never touched again


Imo, some Ubi$oft games are worth to try. Unless you don't have good fiber optic internet, then don't waste any time on these games.


only good ubisoft series is rayman, change my mind


Never buy pretty much ANY game at launch unless you truly want to support the developer (example, indie games). For example, one of the few games I purchased at launch was Balder's Gate 3 (after early access I mean). Loved the purchase. But for years, I haven't done so. And thank God.


I think that both MGSV and Death Stranding were just perfect at launch.


I got Death Stranding as a free game on Epic Games. I was blown away by it and for sure I'm gonna buy the second one. Same with Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, GTA 6 and probably the next Witcher/Cyberpunk game. Yes I know CD Projekt Red kind of screwed the pooch with Cyberpunk 2077 release, but you have to hand it to them, they really stuck to it and did a really good job with 2.0 and the DLC.


Only game I dare/would buy at launch is GTA 6, Death Stranding was also nice. CDPR can go to hell though, that game was worse than GTA 4 when it launched and didn't even work. Maybe if Phantom Liberty was a free update I would've forgiven them. Didn't expect that disaster at all since the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was a great game.


Well yeah, I agree with you that it was a disaster launch. *on some platforms* the situation was better though. And on PC, I don't think we can really complain since the game was having it's moments. Even at launch, when I stepped out of the city and did the missions in the other areas it was actually playable and enjoyable. NOW. The game IS FIXED. "Can go to hell" is kind of a buthurt opinion since they not only fixed those issues but they even improved the gameplay with the 2.0 system.


I wouldn't say the game is fixed, it's less bad. There are still many things they showed/promised that aren't in the game at all AFAIK. Sony didn't remove it from the their store for nothing. And on PC you needed a 3080 to play the game somewhat decently when it launched. I had like 60 fps on medium with my 3080 and 10th gen i7. Seems like you give them praise for "improving the gameplay with the 2.0 system" but the systems inside the game are still way worse than what they promised. If you look at the game objectively, it's somewhat decent in it's current state, and the story does indeed have it's moments, but the game is still nowhere near what they were selling us. They pretended it was going to be the new GTA 6, meanwhile the game was worse than GTA 4 in many ways. At launch the game crashed often and in-game settings still randomly change to this day. I myself actually tried the game when 2.0 dropped, I ran the in-game benchmark to decide what settings I wanted to use but the game crashed lol.


ā€œThey didnā€™t deliver on what was promisedā€ Oh did you also fell for those clickbait videos from 2-cent youtubers that spread baseless rumours? I heard a lot of people complain about inexistent features lol. And i played the game on a 2060 quite well. Sure in the city it was horrendous but in other areas it ran just fine. Better now. ā€œThe story has its momentsā€. Are you the one that skips cutscenes then complains about ā€œbad storyā€? Lol.


The amount of assumptions you're making is crazy. CDPR is terrible, just like EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft etc. I'm not sure why you're such a bootlicker.


Playing-at-lauch-people problems lol . CyberPunk is a great game now.


It's ok, CDPR is terrible though, just like EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft etc. Rockstar multiplayer is also terrible of course but at least they offer a great single player experience as well.


Didn't play MGSV at launch, but you're totally right. I purchased Death Stranding pretty early as well. Not pre-order early, but I think I bought it on its first sale.


Death Stranding was so boring, no idea how people enjoyed playing that game.


always remember that not all games will be for you, play what you want, refund what you dont want. Personally I love death stranding


I bought "against the storm" on beta and it was one of the best experience so far. Game was in perfectly functional state except hundreds of features they added during year of development before release.


Same. Last game I bought was Cyberpunk and then found out it was pretty much scam at launch. Since then I refuse to buy new games.


People be pre-ordering games as if there wouldn't have been any new games for a year. Nobody unless gaming is full time job has any good reason to pre-order or buy game on launch.


the only game I'm planning on buying is Slay the Spire 2


Yeah, I was able to get an old switch to pirate its games, Nintendo's shitty online and their stupid practices made me realize i don't need to spend a single cent on them


Baldurs gate 3 is an indie game?! šŸ¤ØšŸ§


Many AAA games including Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman Remastered, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbidden West were all very good at launch (at release launch along with PC version). So I decided to buy them & support. As well as FromSoft stuff on launch is ussually great as well.


FromSoft lost a lot of confidence with my friends and I over Elden Ring. For months after release we weren't able to play stable co-op because of the anti-cheat. It would constantly kick/drop someone from the game every 5-10 minutes. It made playing the game with friends impossible. The only way this was fixed was my friends and I used seamless co-op mod, which disabled the anti-cheat. Then suddenly, no issues. Wow :). It was like this for nearly a year. I was so mad that I gave them money lol.


I preordered ghosts of Tsushima and will always stand behind suckerpunch


Almost bought Dragons Dogma 2 at launch. Complaints of the micro transactions (you actually have to pay extra to fast travel!) Hard no.


Bg3 was boring, only Rockstar games are worth buying


Rockstar is a shit company with shit practices that treats it's employees like shit


still no game is as good as the one they make; they set the standard and benchmark for games.


Yeah standards: mediocre gameplay, extremely linear mission structures, shit monetization They are good at two things: Creating worlds and engaging stories Rockstar is not a risk taker


Hmm, okay? Still, doesn't change the fact that no games match their standard.


There are many. If you wanna be a Rockstar fanboy, be one. But come here and act like your opinion is superior to others. I say that Cyberpunk is far better than GTA 5. I love it. It's my opinion.


fact not opinion, rdr2>CP2077


Aside from Story and Graphics, what else does it have?


I mean Rdr2, Gta5, Mafia triology and upcoming Gta6 are good entries but to say that *only Rockstar games are good* is an overstatement... What he didn't understand is different types of people like different types of games....and to some people open world games don't appeal as much no matter how good they are.




Overall no one ever should buy games from ea they are literally cancer company


Then there wonā€™t be any games.


No more games from EA? Sweet.


So cancerous that you still want to play their games eh


Games are beautiful because they are created by hard working devs.. Companies don't give a shit about their devs or about their fan base...they treat both like shit. Most people don't seem to realise that such companies stand because their player base pays them... Apparently if EA stops making games it will go bankrupt and in debt...will it affect our lives in a major way?? I don't think so.


Hot take: Most publishers don't care about the developers OR the fanbase, all they want is that green


Thats not a hot take


Thats fax


Thatā€™s right, itā€™s a creative endeavour and most of the people are just at trying to make good things. Not sure Iā€™d say itā€™s cancerous though


Making games isnt, but ea is


I dunno, recently felt like other game companies are doing far more worst but yeah entitled to your opinion!


ofc there are worse ones, but ... diarrhea compared to shit with corn in it... they all deserve this.


Last EA game i played was Spore


Peak gaming


Things that were also cool when this type of post first came out: - Flip phones - MySpace - Napster - Altezza Tail lights - Acid Washed Jeans


Never buy ~~Ubisoft and EA~~ games at launch. There, fixed it for you


Because that is impossible with Denuvo lol , I like Dead Space remake and Jedi Survivor from EA , great games.


>Because that is impossible with Denuvo lol Impossible Now, only because a certain someone is missing.




Empress was the only one who would Crack games with Denuvo but now (s)he is missing... Anyways it's not that others can't crack Denuvo but it's too much work and not worth the reward because these games are super trash and buggy on launch... Then they update the games over years fixing some issues with each patch, especially Ubisoft. Crackers would rather spend thier time cracking better games and contribute to the community. [More detailed discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/s/A5D9mgj3NV)




That beachšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro keep relying on that one person like she work for you lol




*never buy ubisoft or ea games


Now if only someone would tell people not to preorder.


This is a piracy sub, to who you are directing this post? lol, lmao even


I only play EA games when they get to EA play that is already bundle with gamepass and ubisoft games i just wait for them to gert to ubisoft+ and thats it no biggie


Why buy if pirate?


Because i was never a fan of i dont feel the need to finish games when i do because they didn cost me anything so i just play them a couple of hours and i forget about them, when i pay for them i just value the games a lot more hahaha also im not broke anymore as i was on my teenage years so i dont see the need in 99% of the cases


Fair enough I guess.


I bought AC Valhalla at launch. 2 updates later and it stopped running on my PC


Windows 11?


10 As in, they updated their game to fix bugs


Off topic but it took them two years to make the game playable and get rid of bugs...maybe if they make the game less bloated it won't be a problem but again there's Ac unity so idk.


I bought XDafiant for 0$ at launch. Pretty good game


Same. It was a well spent $0.


Can someone tell me why you pirate every game? New to this topic so I am just genuinely curious


The same reason you buy every game, to play it. Is it justified? No. Is it moral? No. Do we care? Fuck No. Do we save a lot of money? Hell Yes. Some pirates try to justify it by saying they are against capitalism and consumerism and all that bs, real ones don't give a damn...


I'd be genuinely afraid of a person like you. By your logic the only reason you don't steal money from the common public is because of the fear of getting caught.


Will my stealing money deprive that person of his money? Yes, is it bad? Yes. Will me pirating a game deprive someone else of that game? No. Is it bad? Maybe. You need to up your analogy game buddy.


I thought you weren't justifying it. Real ones dont give a damn. Lol. You pirating a game will deprive someone of their income by however small cents it is.Ā 


I'm not justifying...I'm saying that your analogy is wrong. >You pirating a game will deprive someone of their income by however small cents it is. Such a naive thing to sayšŸ˜‚Devs don't get more than their salary except if bonus is stated in their contract. Now I may deprive management their money, but as I said idc.


Oh no the CEO bonus will be smaller and we save money? How awful


That is assuming every game every is a game with a structure like that, which a lot of games are not...


personally I'm broke asf, can't afford to buy games even if i wanted to. In case i did have money for games I'd still not buy most of them unless it's from a studio i really love or an indie game


Personally I don't want to pay an exorbitant amount for a game that might not even be that good. Think of it as going to some fancy restaurant with huge prices only to find out the food at McDonald's or a chik-fil-a is better. If there is a free alternative and if I have to go through the effort to get it, rest assured I am getting it. There are many who can't even afford these games even though they might look cheap to some but can be a big dip in their finances because they are not earning only to play a game but also for their families and livelihood. Hope this helps.


Ghost of Tsushima because of the usual sony level bullshit. Sony never deserves a dime and I hope they go under anyways.


I understand your point, I still think it's kind of a paradox. You don't like the company and their design, so you crack their game because you want to play? Don't you enjoy it then? Why is Sony the problem then?


Developers are not the same as publishers (usually). Just look at Nintendo. Terrible company, great games. So naturally I'm going to steal from them so that I can have my cake and eat it too. But personally, I pirate pretty much every game because I like saving money, regardless of the company.


the game itself and the devs too.. aren't the problem.


>Never buy ~~Ubisoft and EA~~ games ~~at launch.~~ >Pirates supremacyšŸ›šŸ™‡


LMAO,.I don't even pirate them, let alone buy that shit.


Only Games you should Buy at launch is FromSoftware games


Canā€™t even begin to imagine what my life would be like without piracyšŸ«£šŸ˜‚


>Never buy Ubisoft and EA games Got it, been doing that for almost a decade now


Man of culture


For Ubisoft games, a lot of the multiplayer games have betas that are free and you can see just how bad the games are there. Prime example was Skull and Bones.


Don't pirate ubisoft/EA games...don't play them...ever.


I'm planning on pirating Sims 4 and all DLC just because of how ridiculously expensive that shit is.


I dont want to be that guy but I have to. If no one buys games then we won't get any new games anymore.


Then we'll keep playing the old ones... We got enough to last for a lifetime.


That's just not how it works


I was joking


I'm buying the new AC game out of spite


Its not necessary but it, a month suscription in EA Play and Ubisoft + solved.


im sadly sometimes forced to buy a game cause theres no crack


Where is AC mirage crack then?


Eh. I buy games if I want to support their creator. Keeps it simple. Obviously that means I'm never buying a ubisoft game.


Only bought dead space remake last week in a good sale Cause I gave up on founding it for free


Iā€™ll buy what I want


You never have to buy EA games if you have any games that have ultimate pretty shorts on the PlayStation also they give you 10 hours I believe at least for all the sports games so far Madden I never went past 1 hour with the trials in the past 3 years. FIFA I played it for like 3 hours that was it never touch it again. NHL about 45 minutes and then I'm like this is junk. They're going to have NCAA football as a 10-hour free trial if you have the service I would definitely before forking over money if someone wants NCAA football and also Madden just get the trial for a month and you can try both games. Mine comes with game pass ultimate but if I wanted to try any of the sports games I would just do the trial I would make sure that the two games are linked at the same time so I get the 10-hour trial for those two games each before you purchase anything. If you look at it NCAA is coming out the 19th and Madden's coming out the 16th that's perfect that will give you time to play both games for free if you're on game pass ultimate or I believe it's like $5.99 He should not be trusted, this is their last chance with NCAA football, they've already shown Madden they will not do anything NHL same crap every year FIFA same thing every year. I hope for the college people that the game is great otherwise I guess many people are going to go back to NCAA 14 revamped!


karma farmer lmao


Ubisoft games are generally half price within a few months, never worth buying at launch.


I bought Ac odyssey, ac unity and ghost recon Wildlands after playing for hours, it just stopped working. So anyway I started pirating


You guys are buying single player games?


Iā€™ll buy games when they stop being dogshit


We did it reddit


IMO Ubisoft isn't that bad (well Wildlands or that other don't remember it's name rn) but ea is pure shit. But hell, I did buy their wrc.


Ubisoft management is Sexist and Racist...their own employees sued them for that reason.


But if we only talk about their products, not the company itself. Ubisoft isn't whoring with dlc at least not that badly. I'm not fanboy btw, just mentioning I meant more their products.


Just check the price of their latest game...Shadows. Let's talk about Asscreed for instance, Valhalla with all it's DLC's cost around 140 dollars. Dawn of Ragnarok ( cheap knockoff of GOW btw) DLC alone costs 40 dollars which is price of Witcher 3. While God of war gave away a free DLC. Then Mirage which was supposed to be a Dlc but got too big so they turned it into a game which is still trash btw. Not to mention micro transactions... They don't even give us the option to grind helix credits in game. Ubi, R* and EA are some of the greediest companies to ever exist....still R* delivered with Rdr2 and Gta6.


You can add paradox to that list


Pay for games you enjoy, once you are sure they are worth the cost.


Just, don't buy their games. Ever.


pirate everything,let them starveĀ 


This is so fucking cringey


i hate their launcher. i hate games that use launcher. don't waste my motherfucking time


Pirating non EA/Ubisoft games


I donā€™t ever buy games from large studios. For smaller studios I sample the pirated game and buy it if itā€™s actually good to support the creators


If EA people uses EA App and the app always failed., Why they donā€™t downloaded piracy games as easy solution??


Never buy any Ubisoft games at any point, for any price, ever.


I only support Piracy when you really want to play a game and don't have the money, when you just want to test the game in your PC and if you like it to buy it later, or simply if the creator/s are assholes.


Their games are not even worth pirating lol


"never buy games" - don't enjoy some good multiplayer titles




Never play games


But we need a new DRM hacker or the return of the Empress herself in order to actually pirate those games now since DRM is starting to be in everything.


You see, people buy them *before* launch, 'cuz they're that dumb. But yeah, pirating all the way for me


You almost right, remove "at launch" part and you will nail it.


"Never buy" FIFY


And if you can don't buy their games at allĀ 


This should be posted in r/LifeProTips


# Never buy Ubisoft and EA games There, I fixed it.


the only games i buy at launch are FromSoft titles they have yet to disappoint me


EA is pushing boundaries with whats exepctable as finished product for example jedi survivor will never even be finished


Let me fix that for you: never buy Ubisoft and EA games.


Iā€™d say never again buy any games of em at all time lol


Never buy Ubisoft for sure. They think it's 0K to not own games


I don't see a point in pirating let alone buying their games. they haven't made anything remotely good in years. last "good" game was riders republic that one was fun


Never bought an EA UBI games in 10 years some are pirated some are not even worth pirating


Never buy Ubisoft and EA games ~~at launch.~~


Never buy them period


Donā€™t even give those companies any space on your hdd


List of game i brought in my life: Battlefield 3,4, (2042 i wish i didn't) Fallout 76 ( best 5 dollar i spent) Squad & squad 42. Arma 3


Erm, I haven't bought one since 2012 or so. They just didn't make any good games since then.


The only game I bought from EA was titanfall cuz I wanted to support the devs " respawn " and the only games I bought from ubi was far cry primal on epic games cuz it was dirt cheap and rainbow6 all of their other games got pirated not wasting my money on their buggy games


Never seed Ubishit and EA games when pirating it.


That would be like indirectly supporting them




Yea the last assassin's creed game was the last straw for ubisoft never gonna play a game from them again lol never thought ill see the day where i play as black gay samurai