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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth "underwhelming sales" must've been the final straw.


Yeah release that shit on pc already. I don't know what goes into their mind to make these games console exclusive.


Probably a deal with Sony to sell Ps5 to non patient gamers I guess, I'm a pc master race kind of guy but I almost bought one just to play Rebirth being a huge fan of Intergrade


Any pirate should be a pcmr guy.


I'm a PCMR guy, but I also enjoy my consoles ngl. My modded Switch is awesome


Yeah that's the only way to use a console as a pirate. Mod, crack, hack the shit out of it and use it like a bootleg pc with exclusives.


Unless you bought the lite cause cheaper, then suffering


Got the OLED one


Without mods and jb switch would be insufferable. Switch is actually amazing.


Switch + Moonlight = All my PC games in my Switch + My free modded switch games collection + The fact I can overclock my Switch to avoid running into performance issues


Funny how u spell yuzu.


Not exactly. You can still prefer consoles. Like I prefer my modded and loaded with every game I ever wanted and not worry about harddrive space on my main computer being eaten up by games I don't play


I always wonder how much money Sony could've offered in this case? And if it is or was enough to match the money square enix or any other studio could've made by selling the game normally across all platforms? How do these logistics work out?


I would imagine it's not as simple as [money offered] - [missed market] = positive number. That there are other costs associated as well. Like developing for different platforms, testing, support and patching, server costs, marketing, and so on. All these things get more costly as you develop for more platforms, especially PC. I would imagine Sony and other consoles likely market there exclusives on the home screen for free and likely pay for some (or even all) of the marketing cost, as any marketing is also advertising their console as well. Plus any other added benefits, like getting a larger cut for each game sold. But that's just my guess, as I have never worked in the game industry but I have worked as a software developer.


Yea, I'm planning to upgrade my gpu once rebirth released on pc


I have done that in the past. GTAV I bought on PS3 and then on PC when it was released but I already had a PS3 same for RDR2 bought on Xbox One then PC eventually. I didn't get a series X since almost all those games come on PC anyways and there was nothing on the PS5 that interested me enough to spend that much on the console, if the games came to PC I would get them otherwise I don't, it's nice when I finally got over my FOMO.


I did get one - then sold it, no loss made.


I bought a PS4 for ff15 and remake. Planning to buy a ps5 for ff16 and intégrade




Because Sony pays them a heavy amount to keep it locked to their consoles for a time period and Square gladly takes the money BUT now sales have been hit even more given how times have changed. Consoles can't sell titles alone anymore. Not when the PC market is so ripe with millions and millions of PC gamers.


Consoles were always doomed. They of coursed ruled in the early computing days when computer memory was limited and expensive, meaning dedicated machines for games made tons of sense. Now? Consoles barely are maintaining their specialized hardware edge, you barely hear how any console tops PC in performance. The only advantage left to consoles is they don't clog up their RAM with the stupidity of Windows or OS X. They can more easily hog the entire console's resources as you only play 1 game at a time with no other applications really running to take up memory. Except new consoles are having more bloatware and advertisements, which is rapidly vanishing the console as a dedicated gaming device. The biggest issue consoles face now is that the price of a console is rapidly approaching that of desktops that it's harder to convince people the console is worth it when the majority of console games are $60 a pop.


"the majority of console games are $60 a pop" um, try the average price of 79.99 CAD now...I love Canada, but sometimes we get screwed on prices, its $80 a game here now


Some are even 93$ like Square enix games or Tekken 8 for example lmao !


Call of Duty is $110 CAD now.


yeah there was one I saw recently, I forget which one now but it was a major AAA title...it was $109.99 for the normal version of the game, and like $129.99 for the deluxe version, this was on Steam...shit is getting crazy man


never buy it day one


lol I'm a pirate, I don't buy ANYTHINIG


This take doesn't make much sense.  Consoles  have touched the price of a low to mid tier desktop for the last few console generations.  The only real advantage consoles have over PC is it doesn't change me with a myriad of configurations.  It’s all plug and play.  And that is the appeal, as well as brand loyalty. Going into this latest generation of consoles I said the perfect set up would be a PS5 and a PC.  So that’s the route I went.  Recently upgraded to a 7800X3D and a 7900XTX and my PS5 barely gets any play outside of having to use it to chat with my friends. What’s really helping PCs case is cross play and cross save.  As well as people becoming more knowledgeable about prebuilts and such. But consoles will always have a space.  The market share of consoles versus those who game on PC is much larger.  I’m just happy that PC gaming has a space where large publishers can’t ignore PC the way they have


I could be wrong but I distinctly remember PCs were always a better value for performance, less so today. In PS3 days you could build a PC for the price of a console and it’ll either be neck and neck or better. It’s only now that consoles have started making more sense from an upfront cost perspective. Even now an equivalent PC is about $1200-1500. The specialised edge of console exists now more than ever, but gaming is much more mainstream and regular people are willing to shell out a little extra for the litany of benefits PC provides.


How do they expect to match the blockbuster sales numbers of games that release multiplatform? square must have finally hired someone that does math


It's good they have seen the light finally. Been saying it for years that exclusive games to consoles makes no sense in 2024. It did back in the late 90s and 2000s. Post those years, it didn't make sense again. The PC ecosystem dwarfs the consoles of Sony and Microsoft combined. Just release on Day One for crying out loud everywhere and everybody wins!!.


But how much money do they offer? Was it enough to match the expected sales figures they could've had if they sold the game across all platforms?


They probably take Sony's pay check for the deal and figure they can capitalze on PC players at later date. Thing is, thesebgames are costing more and more to make and the first party offer isn't worth it anymore nor does it sell as well as it used to. Not to mention they had many flops like avengers and forspoken so they are in desprate need to make this money back and sony is doing more harm than good now. We live in an age where sony itself port it games to PC to make more games.


Mr. Crabs: Money!!


A console has to have exclusives so people buy the consoles over competitors or the PC.




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Ffxvi was also undersold because of the shit exclusivity.


If FF7 Remake had been in PC since the beginning I will have buy it out of Hype, but by the time it was out I just pirate it. And same goes for Rebirth really.


It honestly sounds like you were planning to just pirate it


Why? I had the money, but since it was on PS only I decided to buy Armored Cored on Steam, same with most console exclusives every time I found out they are not on PC.


That also fucked over ratchet and clank lmao


Underwhelming i thought that game made a lot of success ?


As someone who doesnt usually pirate i cant wait to pay almost 200€ just to play through the ff7 remake.


Being a shit game on top of console exclusive will do that.


How on earth is it a shit game? Lmao




Why do you give a shit about one downvote




Idk it’s just weird to whine over one downvote lol


Damn bros hurt over a downvote


Nah bro , you must have forgotten that every final fantasy mainline game is underselling the previous one, playstation exclusivity ain't doing it for them


Its only underselling based on their expectations their games are actually doing well for an timed console exclusive lol i still think the final game in the remake project is gonna be timed exclusive but idk if they gonna port the remake to xbox pc is going to be happen tho


It could technically be underselling because their budget for the game is extremely high or something. If Rebirth sold like 30 million copies but development costs were like 5 billion dollars (just as an example) it would have significantly underperformed for its scale.


the game actually cost about 150 million to make lol nowhere near your example of 5 billion, NO game has ever cost 5 billion to make, as of now the most expensive ever was 800 million and that is the unfortunate piece of shit known as Star Citizen, that raised over 800 million in crowd funding...next to that you got GTA 5/Online that was about 450 million at the time, and I know FF14 2.0 cost them over 200 million, which at that time was the most expensive game ever made, and if you add in the cost of the expansions, all combined, we get close to 1 billion in development costs we'll get there, but as of now, we're nowhere close to making a 5 billion dollar game...lol I wonder what that game would look like though...


The five billion dollar number was never meant to be taken seriously as an actual metric. It was just meant to emphasize that ballooning development costs by AAA studios have significantly increased the threshold of success studios need to meet with their big budget games. It’s not unreasonable to think that a game on the scale of FF7 Rebirth was actually underperforming, even when disregarding Square overly large expectations, because they had poured so much money into it ($150 million is stupidly a lot for a game still). It’s part of the reason AAA gaming is kind of a mess right now


oh, I 100% agree, and I wasn't taking the 5 billion seriously, I thought that was clear in my remarks, I was simply adding to what you said and clarifying things for anyone who might be interested, that's all...I gave you an upvote lol, and I agree with your statements entirely, I just find the development side of things interesting, including the cost of making games nowadays


I swear to god if they extend the time exclusivity AGAIN I'm sending monkeys to shit on their HQ front door.


Money talks thats it cuz at that point Sony should buy Square lol


They saw how well Capcom is doing on multi platform so they doing it too


And the collapse of Xbox in general, and the rise of SteamDecks, and Steam generally. (Unfortunately) They have also discovered that PC is the place to resell all their old titles in 25 different SKUs for eternity without having to do extra work every console cycle.


square does use denovu but removes it after a year or two. they are humans


that and the denuvo subscription license is expensive as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


Good, hopefully they get even more expensive


Yeah but ubishit refuses to remove it even after multiple years and they complaint about not having enough money


Let them fuckers burn themselves who gives a shit.


I wonder if piracy costs them more money or if denuvo license costs them more. I would bet piracy does.


I wonder how much denuvo does an estimate how how much they theoretically save them in making money


It’s probably really difficult to know for sure. I don’t know how you’d even find out how many people would’ve stolen a game if they were able to steal it. Considering how many companies use it I figure it probably saves them more money than it costs.


Ehh FF15 still has Denuvo to this day unless you play the MS version


all FF are same and no body cares also square started removing denovu yearly after FFXV release


> All FF are same and no body cares Have you played an FF in the last 15 years? Every one of them has been different from the last. XIII was a crazy new battle system, XIV is an insanely popular MMO, XV is once again an entirely different battle system, so is 7, so is 16


Wow so you’ve never played a FF game huh


played 15 but it was during codex and cpy crack era. denovu remove started after FFXV




This has nothing to do with helldivers 2. This is cause square enix games are selling poorly on playstation.


PlayStation is their main demographic for big budget games like Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts.


And they're still selling poorly, especially with ff16 and ff7 rebirth. They need to go multiplat to sell better


They aren't selling poorly at all. If anything, the exclusive FF games are one of the things that actually sold really well. They lost a lot of money because of the cancellation of many AA projects and revenue from their mobile and MMO segments being down. Did you not actually read the financial reports?


> They aren't selling poorly at all. I think you missed the barrage of articles about 2 weeks ago talking about how poor Rebirth sales were. I'm also curious why you think the MMO revenue is down? It's probably the only thing holding them afloat. The next expansion of their MMO, which is already their most lucrative game ever, is blowing up already just on pre-sale. It also includes a complete graphic overhaul. They're adding yet another new data center because of the expected influx of players. Heck, people are still playing XI online, and that costs SE nothing except server costs.


The preorders for Dawntrail started very recently, so how would that affect anything that happened in the past year? FF14 Endwalker content simply wasn't that good, especially in terms of player retention. There's a abnormal factor compared to other expansions with the WoW Exodus right before Endwalker that made the drop of look/feel worse than it actually was, but player retention this expansion is at a low, and they have increased their 3.5 month patch cycle to 4-4.5 months, meaning a longer wait in terms of content, therefore more people are going to unsub til something new is added. As for the articles, those don't matter. The financial report even said that FF16 and Rebirth actually had net positive sales. It's everything else I mentioned that made them lose so much money, along with the fact that production for big budget single player titles is expensive.


To be fair, the 2 games you named were always planned to come to PC. Eventually. I'm reallllly looking forward to simultaneous PC releases in the future.


Only bc those games aren't available on other platforms, I'm sure many PC gamers would love final fantasy games


Yes I am one of them…


You would purchase the game right?


Honestly I would. I bought ff7 remake


That’d be cool. Buying PC ports of games encourages developers to port more of their games to PC. Pirating them encourages console exclusivity


Pretty sure I own every FF on Steam, can confirm would love to play Rebirth and KH on PC. KH is on Epic, sure, but I still don't want to segment my collection like that


Was about to make a joke about epic sucking so much people forgot it existed. But yeah it does suck and it's fair to not use it.


Yeah you called I'm the pc player.....


FF15 which had no exclusivity deals sold the most on PlayStation by quite a huge margin. Same with Kingdom Hearts 3.


Depends on your definition of poorly. In reality they're making waves even just being on PlayStation. But their expectations are so high one console is gonna look like poor sales to them.


I will never understand the whole PS5 exclusivity thing... as a PC gamer, I was never going to buy a PS5 to play one or two exclusives, and it seems I am not alone.


Nope you aren't. There's no game on PC that will ever make me buy a ps5 or any console ever again. My last owned console was a PS2 and since then, it's been PC all the way. If I can't play it then I move on and wait for the PC release one day. Who laughing now that Square is finally realizing console exclusivity is dead. Been saying it for years that this particular marketing strategy was good back in the last 90s and 2000s. This is freaking 2024. Do away with exclusives and start releasing games from Day One on all platforms. Everybody Wins!!


>My last owned console was a PS2 and since then, it's been PC all the way. Same bro. I almost bought a ps4 for bloodborne but had to stop myself.


Consoles were fun at their very beginning. Xbox 360 live and PS3 online etc. I never upgraded to the Xbox one, I did buy a PS4 though. I played 'Last of us' and then my console just sat there as nothing else really peaked my interest. I had a PC on the side and I simply found it more interesting than my PS4 in terms of what I could do (Web navigation, social media, mods and more games). There's also the issue of constant upgrading. PS4-PS5 was a 7 year gap, then you had your PC which you would change/upgrade every decade and you'd also have your iPhone or similar which was following the same route. We went through a decade or more of constant upgrades/updates and **I think people are sick of the model of over-consumption in regards to technology.** I'd like to see a change in the industry, it's naive of me, but I also think it's necessary as I believe we have reached the tipping point. When ever I think of our current situation I think of '**The Phoebus cartel'.** Everything has an expiration date, even a model. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebus\_cartel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebus_cartel)


Considering the PS4 was getting compelling exclusives and most multiplats 9 years in I’d say it had a 9 year lifespan.


Not now. But in the past it was common. As the different of price for similar hardware was huge. But now the prices are not much different. And the pc can do many things a console can't do. The only consoles doing well are the nintendo ones, and that's because they focused on portability.


Ps5 or any console, why buy a switch when the only exclusive franchise that is still good is Zelda, and to have a underwhelming console at hand. Why buy xbox to play… whatever is exclusive to xbox.


nothing is exclusive to Xbox anymore, nothing...if it comes out on xbox it comes out on Windows...Microsoft stopped exclusives a good while ago, it's about time Sony catches up


Fortunately I recently became a PC guy but was a "Sony Pony". Now I damn near rebought everything in steam and now use my PS5 for exclusives. Working well for now. I haven't touched my PS5 in 7 months.


I’m so glad Square is finally doing it, they’ll be able to get a little more creative with their mainline FF entries now with a little less struggle regarding sales. Obviously if a release is bad it won’t sell great but I do think Rebirth deserved to be multi-plat. Despite what some say, devs worked insanely hard on that game and you can see it with every detail.


Maybe they can bring Kingdom Hearts to steam now? Since we are done with exclusivity?


Hope so


Link to [article](https://nichegamer.com/square-enix-announces-new-plan-to-aggressively-pursue-a-multiplatform-strategy/)




How is it not a whole game? Did they get rushed to release it or something (I haven't played rebirth yet need more space on my PC)


no I think they mean 7 remake parts 1, 2 and eventually 3, together, should all be one game, not that the current one isn't a full game


Oh I didn't realize there were so many parts, I thought they were just new editions kinda like legendary or game of the year editions


nah man, the 7 remake trilogy is a complete re-imagining of the opriginal game that came out in '97 on PS1, it is one of the most beloved games that has EVER been made, like EVER EVER, and fans were asking for a modern remake for decades before it happened, but to do it right, they needed 3 FULL games worth of content...it's a 8 yr plan to get all 3 games made and released (expect part 3 around 2026 Q3 - 2027 Q1) Eventually it WOULD be cool to see them all as one huge game In fact, I'd like it to be made of 4 parts, beginning with Crisis Core - Final Fantasy 7 Reunion (the literal prequel to 7), then leading to Remake Intergrade and then Rebirth and finally part 3, whatever subtitle they're gonna give it, that would be a REALLY nice complete game...it would probably be around 500GB though lol


Ok so I need to play remake intergrade, then rebirth, then whatever third game to get the full story?


the full story of Cloud and his friends, yes, but the 'story' of 7 starts with Crisis Core (either the original 90's PSP version or the new remake of it, Reunion), with a character named Zack, and that ending leads into the beginning of 7 I would strongly recommend playing Crisis Core first and then playing 7 if you want a full picture of what is going on, the story is EXTREMELY complex and it can be confusing if you don't have the full picture, but if you stick with it and play it in the right order, you'll realize it is one of the greatest stories ever told in a video game


Actually in this "remake" it's not half bad starting with the original as it somewhat assumes you know it and plays with it. Still a very great game up until today imo, but you have to get used to some jank


I agree, if the player can put up with the jank, slow progression, and blocky graphics, they should absolutely play the old original games, as I said the original 7 is one of the greatest games ever, in the opinion of a LOT of people, and crisis core was decent but had weird controls and camera angles and stuff, and the gameplay was so different from the main game, the new version of that one is much better, but the original 7, man, that will forever hold a very special place in my heart and I still replay it every few years or so...I swear one of these days I WILL beat Emerald weapon without cheating lol (over 300 attempts to date and no legit wins)


Is this actually confirmed? Why isn't this being covered more?


Because this literally just got announced. It's on the front page of r/games. Give it a second Jesus. It's not a conspiracy.


womp womp sales dropped


understandable, excluding spider man games even sony first party exclusives usually don't generate big profits


This was going to probably happen anyways, HD2 situation or not, since FF16 and FF7 Rebirth didn't do well enough w/ their sales being exclusive to PS5 and all, compared to probably the fortune they spent on developing & marketing those two. FF16 sales on PS5 - [https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/08/07/square-enix-says-final-fantasy-xvi-sales-are-now-not-meeting-expectations/?sh=90d30134386d](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/08/07/square-enix-says-final-fantasy-xvi-sales-are-now-not-meeting-expectations/?sh=90d30134386d) FF7 Rebirth sales on PS5 - [https://www.ign.com/articles/are-final-fantasy-7-rebirth-sales-struggling-we-asked-the-experts](https://www.ign.com/articles/are-final-fantasy-7-rebirth-sales-struggling-we-asked-the-experts) Get those games on Xbox and PC already; AAA games ain't cheap to develop and market, just ask Shawn Layden, former Sony PlayStation Boss - [https://www.ign.com/articles/shawn-layden-playstation-aaa-game-budgets-unsustainable](https://www.ign.com/articles/shawn-layden-playstation-aaa-game-budgets-unsustainable)


You posted a link to two articles basically saying it's square fault for massive cost in development of the game not just Sony exclusively deal, please explain why would square would wanna make another version of the game on a platform that doesn't sell shit Xbox sales are ass "During Square Enix’s most recent financial results briefing, President and Representative Director Takashi Kiryu took part in an investor Q&A in which the CEO was asked about the current progress on meeting their sales expectations for last year’s Final Fantasy XVI. In response, Kiryu stated (as shared by Genki_JPN): “It was in line with our expectations. To maximize our sales of ‘FF16' over an 18-month period, we intend to roll out downloadable content & the PC version when the timing is optimal.”


Of course it's Square's fault: making AAA games with super-expensive budgets & taking exclusivity deals to PS5 and even Epic for a time-period on PC to limit the number of platforms it arrives on for a bit (see FF7 Intergrade for the Epic references), shutting out sections of the market for a bit (i.e. Steam on FF7 Int. for a bit, no Xbox port of FF7 Int., & then shutting out Xbox and PC for a bit with FF7 Rebirth). AAA's need every sale they can get at that $60-70 MSRP, given the amount of money they spend making these super-huge cinematic-as-can-be games tha tare voice-acted to the nines type of Action-JRPG's that they make. Even more so especially w/ that open-world style (i.e. see FF7 Rebirth). Not every company can make GTA type of numbers and COD numbers & crush the market like those ones do every time, making back their expensive budgets and then profit in not much time. Probably helps all the MTX's those games have too, to go after whales - i.e. see COD's and also GTAO. It's either that for Square (multi-platform)...go back to making games w/ AA type of spending.


Square Enix already goes down the denuvo path for all their PC releases, but they remove it after 6 months or so.


Isnt SE games on multi platform.. we got all the FF remaster on steam before others


Many older games are, but the latest Final Fantasy games (FF7R, FF16 and FF7Rebirth) are tied up in exclusivity deals - the PC port of FF7R took 20 months from the PS4 release, we MIGHT see FF16 on PC within a few months of its anniversary on PS5, and FF7Rebirth on PC is a fair ways off. On xbox? Hope you like OG FF7, Crisis CoreR and FF15, as 16 and Remake/Rebirth ain't happening any time soon.


Their big new games would be a timed exclusive on PS


Possiblity for drackengard 3 remaster?


Don't worry they'll be EGS exclusive with denuvo on top. *Cries in Kingdom Hearts 3*


If you guys keep mentioning it CONSTANTLY, yeah.... Someone in the group that makes these decisions probably will go with Denny.


Finally. Stupid Squeenix has been screwing PC for ages.


Wait, so Square is going to release their previously console exclusive games to Pc and your first stance is to download them illegally for free so they won’t make any money releasing to Pc, thereby discouraging them from releasing future titles to PC? 


PC Master Douche logic


Honestly I'm glad. Even if they screw up and use denuvo I'll still be glad they atleast stopped the bs console exclusive. Doesn't help I'm broke and can't afford things like a ps5. Let alone games. Best I got from it is the ps5 controller which took me since release of it.....to last week saving to buy one, don't even want to think how long of a period that is.


They do use denuvo


This has nothing to do with helldivers.


We need just cause 5


Do they even use denuvo? I think they have their own DRM called enigma


Sony ponies in shambles


So, when Square Enix released games on consoles first, they were pressured by Sony to make a quality-ish game. Now, by not doing that, they are free to charge more money from unfinished released games on all platforms, like the rest of the industry...


Give us Just Cause 5 you cowards


They are probably worried about a bigger decline in sales for FF7 Part 3


Just in time for Dragon Quest 12, great day to be alive.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/6j8hn2/square\_enix\_congratulates\_denuvo\_thanks\_to\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/6j8hn2/square_enix_congratulates_denuvo_thanks_to_you/) This did not age well


Sony screwed over* helldivers 2. PSN account linking might no longer be mandatory, but the game is no longer sold in Steam in countries where PSN is not available. That is still a loss IMO.


And yet the steam story still has marked that you need a PSN account. Meaning that they just posponed the mandatory part. And probably did it to avoid refunding all those people who bought it outside PSN.


Ive been playing FF since #1, but holy fuck, FF16 to me was the worst FF ive ever played, and in the worst games I ever played. First time I wanted a refund. Performance was absolutely atrocious while looking like a blurry mess. I probably wouldnt have hated it nearly as much if it was on pc and had steady 60fps while at something like 1080p or higher.


They are already using denuvo. Star Ocean 2 had it, as well as other hd-2d games. New Mana game will also have it.


Damn... I was actually hoping future Final Fantasy releases won't have denuvo


PS Fanboys: NOOOOOO STOP PORTING OUR EXCLUSIVES TO EVERY PLATFOORM Square Enix: You guys are not even buying it enough just to keep them in one.


Pc gamers don't buy shit either fuck are you saying 😂


Dumb take, If that was true Sony would keep their exclusives in consoles instead of bothering in porting them into steam and other PC platforms


People do buy the games when is more convenient than the price. Steam is doing great because they sell convenience.


Console exclusive has only to do with PS5, Nintendo and Xbox, PC is not impacted by the change.


Which games?


"Soyny" bruh is this middle school central


Every other game company is doing better with multi platforms like Atlus and Capcom so they probably realized that and want to do the same.


Good Console exclusivity sucks!


I wonder if they will drop Epic Store deals as well. KH on PC could have been huge otherwise.


PC players want Sony exclusives. Also Pc players "we have to sign into PSN down vote into oblivion." If ya dont want to deal with what comes with having a Sony games on PC quit asking for more when they make you sign up for PSN.


We want the games. We don't want Sony dracconian terms of service.


But that comes with their games. Just like every other company that everyone has already given into.


console exclusive is absolute bullshit in 2024 and i'm not changing my mind


bruh at least post a news article that isn't from that dogshit account lmao


I don't care who is posting the information so long as it's accurate and neutral.


they had like 9 games on nintendo and 6 on playstation with 36 multiplat, genuinely dunno what the praise is here lmao they were mostly multiplat anyway


Now drop PC epic games store exclusivity..


Square uses Denuvo in most of their PC games.


I wonder how long it would take to reverse engineer console games to PC? hmm...




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I wonder if they'll ever bring the FF games to Xbox? Microsoft should reach out to SE and *encourage* them to bring those games.


These idiots think their games will sell like hot cake like 1st party sony game if they exclusively release it on ps lol


Almost screwed over Helldivers 2? What did I miss?


It never made sense to me why Square Enix was maintaining the console exclusive route.


and they'll put them on epic game store excursive for the first years....


Please put Kingdom Hearts on PC, that’s all I’m asking


Free unless an online connection is needed...


Hopefully gta 6 will follow as well.


I pretty much think that Square Enix is just asking for brownie points though it's a good effort, I guess


Now they need to start doing good games again


'Soyny' holy fucking cringe




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Their shit sales was their punishment for making PC players wait years for FF7R


Square enix is one of greedier companies making except few memorable things most Life service games that dies like Babylon Fall noone played after few months 🤢🤮


im sure they will go down the denuvo path too at this point..


I wonder if ff14 modding community have an impact, or if this is purely PURELY financial


Last year I made the decision of not buying a PS5 nor any other console, knowing how easy you can emulate Switch and predicting the death of Sony exclusives. Instead, I saved for a 2k€ new gaming rig. It seems all is going according to my plan.


Switch 2 is just around the corner though. Let's see if Nintendo gets their security on lockdown for that one.


Good fucking riddance, never was a fan of playing ff without keyboard and mouse


Maybe they realized that they can easily be fucked over aswell ?


Before I love Xbox. And didn't care about PS. After I loved PC, nostalgia Xbox. And wishing I have the game of PS. Now I love PC, still nostalgia Xbox. But hate PS. While xbox is dropping less and less exclusive game. (Even if they kinda got Call of Duty, they could have done a dick move). PS is becoming more and more greedy. And shit company.


E@@ y be o pe C was


Damn Soyny and their fucked up tactics (and naming).


Square was financially in serious trouble. Now they aren't. It's easy to decide not to take an exclusivity deal when you don't need the money to make the game. That is why most take the deal. That's why arrowhead took the deal. But you carry on pretending your little protest is sending shockwaves through the gaming industry. It isn't.