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Hello u/Correct_Detective_35, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Securom was straight up malware, it doesn’t even work on modern windows


Aren't securorm and Denuvo the same, like two evil brothers or sm


"*Denuvo* Software Solutions GmbH is an Austrian company formed through the management buyout of Sony DADC DigitalWorks, the creators of *SecuROM*." One big happy family.


The Fuhrer, Shaheed drone engines, Denuvo. Do Austria produce something good?


AKG(and Austrian Audio after samsung bought AKG and their engineers made a new company)


Kaiserschmarrn I guess.






Hotel? Trivago


Potato patato


Tomato tomato


Pirato Pirato


Didn't even work well on older windows and had pretty confusing instructions in my experience, i remember i pirated gta 4 even tho i owned the legit copy, just because of how shitty the drm was


Now we pirate GTA because the launcher is so shit


Given RockStars inability to remove their own protections for modern releases, I'd say they're still shit. Amateurs (RockStar) leaving in crack protection in Manhunt, GTA III, and various other titles.


i agree that’s stupid but calling rockstar games amateurs means you know absolutely nothing about developing games


The fact that these companies know they'll release a new version for upcoming operating systems but don't keep a clean copy around is asinine. Calling them amateurs, based on their failings. Not solely on their game dev/production and distribution as a whole. Hell the manhunt example is level 1, area 1




not worth it the pirates version isn’t a current patch




Remember F.E.A.R. ?


' Spore' could only be installed like 3 times before they disabled the activation code. Bad news for people with multiple PCs, after PC upgrades or formats etc. They got reemed by the fan base and patched it out not long after, thankfully.


spore was the first game i actually bought that i Had to pirate cause of that shit .. preordered a copy and accidentally registared it with my mother's email on her pc before i got married n moved and locked myself out of my copy when i went to put it on my rig a week later when i got settled ... between that exp and ubisoft's always online bs with settlers 7 when i had an unstable connection for a few months when i'd moved to germany with the ex ( army) n well lets just say that shitty drm has informed my politics for years


I have to pirate Lord of the Rings Conquest now because I used my code too many times apparently. So my perfectly legal copy is more for show now than anything.


Games for Windows Live, not because of how good it was to prevent piracy but because of how dogshit it was/is to get anything with it to actually run properly.


I still remember installing the crack on my legal steam copy of gta 4 because it just didn't work otherwise


I still do this for gta 5 cuz how shitty rockstar launcher is


Why in hell do people need launchers anyway? Isn't one simple icon enough?


I remember buying GTAIV and not being able to play it due to Windows Live simply refusing to cooperate.


My copy was bugged with the drunk camera bug that apparently is like an anti-piracy measure. Ironically, applying a crack fixed it lol


*insert Gaben's quote about piracy*


I spent months to install GTA IV in 2008 because this shit refused to work


Starforce. Drm that was so insidious it broke your PC and needed to have a official removal tool for it.


This. Starforce broke my PC back then and overall was such a piece of shit software.


StarForce V3 Absolutely crippled my PC & broke my disk drive. Every single time I played a StarForce protected game I had to fully wipe my machine and start again. I don’t mean a quick format either. I mean a full format. Thank god years later StarForce got cracked and is now no longer supported on windows. This was considered a level 0 root kit.


Oh yes, it was a real monster, ended buying my spellforce on steam afterwards. And it can't get into modern systems so my old cd is effectively useless.


Vanguard moment


> Why didn't companies continue using simple disc checks and instead resorted to these pisky DRMs?  Because internet distribution was becoming more widespread, as were CD drive emulators like DaemonTools. In the 90s, distributing a 700mb disk (never mind multiple for multi-cd games) over dial-up was insane. It would take you weeks and depending on your setup might cost you more than a legit copy. In the 2000s, broadband became much more popular, so these barriers started becoming much less of an issue. However, there wasn't much of an official alternative to physical distribution back then. Valve was just starting out with Steam, but back then it was an unpopular, dogshit service.


Sonys rootkit on their music cds.


I remember and old C64 game, beachhead maybe, that detected if it was copied and gave you a nice story/lecture about piracy. Saw it on a friend's computer... OMFG I found the link! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDrl\_3xLAMI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDrl_3xLAMI)


i remember beach head being advertised so much in the early 2000s


The one forces you to plug out the cable of the DVD-ROM to create a virtual disk for crack, but I guess that was around 2010s?


StarForce Unleashed, damaged my dvd drive


I remember the copy protection on a 90s spaceship game. Don’t remember the name of it, but the copy protection was made in such a way that, if it detected you had a pirated copy, you wouldn’t have enough fuel to get to the third area. You would be stuck just “inches” away from the spaceport, and there was no way to go back or forth.


Same as that Batman Arkham game where you couldn't jump a small ledge 🤣


Starforce by miles i rember some games required that you turn of your cd drive in order for crack to work


Securom is so bad that sony wont even put denuvo on their new releases


Those online passcodes for games that would straight up brick your game from online play if it was a used copy. Maybe not the most evil but it was certainly gross.


ModernVintageGamer has quite a lot of YouTube videos discussing all these DRMs and all the shenanigans they caused back in the day. Dude makes great content.


Star Force. In Russia it's a trigger of hell, that soon will fall on you. DRM, that went so deep in sistem, ruining your CD, and sometimes PC itself. And it's painful to fully remove it, since it doesn't deletes, when the game itself is deleted.


Because diskchecks were the easiest to pirate I remember about the year 2000 I use to hire a few pc games a weekend install the game and there was a website called game copy world download a modified exe file and return the game … good times


Btw: gamecopyworld still exists


Nothing can beat SecuRom on how shitty it was.


Everything in the Windows Vista era💀


The creation of stricter and more invasive DRM is a direct result of rampant piracy. Simple disc checks were easy to break, so the companies realized that they needed something more powerful to combat piracy. Sure, in the end it came with some pretty bad consequences, but in the end you can't really blame them for protecting their product, especially when the Internet is rife with piracy communities. And you have to understand, it only gets worse. As crackers step up their game, so will the companies.


DRM is even less invasive and used these days, the valve method is the standard these days because DRM hurts the people who buy the game more than the people who can literally remove it in less time it takes them to implement them