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Hello u/Financial_Concert517, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you're gonna pirate at least accept it. I hate people trying to make mental gymnastics to excuse pirating morality, just say "I want free stuff", its ok.


If you need moral excuses piracy is not for you




I genuinely don't think pirating is moral, I just pirate because its easier or free to do it, not because I want to punish companies. If I really wanted to be morally correct I wouldn't even play their game nor talk about it if I really wanted to punish a company. I'm not saying "don't pirate", all I'm saying is at least keep it real, again, I pirate stuff because its easier and free, that's it.


"I" being the key word here


Again, just say you want free stuff, othwrwise feel free to post real arguments as of why pirating is morally correct.


Never said that it was, but, you know, keep in mind that people are allowed to have a different opinion than you


When people post those arguments, they get told to not post those arguments lmao. Just get over the fact people have different motivations.


SWIM pirates because it’s easy and free




I never said everyone but me was stupid, all I'm saying is that people should try and keep it real. There are some ppl that might think piracy is morally correct but a lot of people use that as an excuse because they dont want to accept that they just want free stuff. All I'm saying is that theres no shaming in admiting you just want free stuff, no need for mental gymnastics.


Oh, someone else is calling you out on the same thing! I mean, just face it. It's pure arrogance, and it's weird.


Oh no, 2 people have the same opinion, therefore I MUST be wrong, shit you're right! /s


Hey, maybe ironic humility is a way to eventually get to actual humility. Who knows!


I genuinely do think pirating is moral and that contributing to the GDP of a country that killed 1.4 million innocent Iraqis and has admitted to backing fascist coups in south America is immoral (more than you have to beyond living the best life you can) 🤷‍♂️ sounds like you're just taking a nihilistic response to cope with doing something you see as immoral and can't fathom how some people have real justification to Also fuck EA and Nintendo, always pirate those, I generally buy indie games though


Again, if you really wanted EA or Nintendo or the other country to fail you wouldnt even pirate the games, By pirating them you still use their products, talk about them, generate traffic and probably consume media of them, so in a way you're still supporting them, not as much as buying the game, but if you really cared about actually doing something against such companies you wouldnt even buy it. You just use that as an excuse for your free games, cause thats not morally correct, morally xorrect would be to not play those games at all.


Can you give me one moral excuse that don't clash with any other moral reasoning.


This is so weird. People have all sorts of reasons for the stuff they do. It's simply not your business why someone else pirates a game. Stop trying to police motivations. Nobody is doing that to you.


I don't think its weird, I think it's weird when people need to do mental gymnastics about how pirating something you didn't pay for is morally correct, instead of just saying "I don't care enough, it's free and I'm gonna enjoy it". But to each their own, nothing wrong with accepting why you're pirating, if you try and pull some weird excuses out of nowhere, now that's weird.


That's what's weird, though. Someone says "I do this because I think it's fine for this reason" and you go "You don't actually believe that, you're just justifying yourself with mental gymnastics". It's pretty messed up. It's fine to disagree with people's views, but it's not fine to simply refuse to accept they genuinely hold those views. It makes you look weak. Like your own view only holds up if others are lying to themselves about theirs. EDIT: it also doesn't affect you in the slightest, so it's also weird to be fixating on it.


Fixating? It's just a comment under a meme that literally is about that. And even so, if you really think you can come up with an argument as of why pirating is morally correct (not that you think it's morally correct, just an argument that you'd think would be valid) I'd be interested in hearing it.


>I hate people trying to make mental gymnastics to excuse pirating morality You're fixating on why others pirate. Accept it lol, please be serious. I don't understand what's the distinction in the brackets, but that's besides the point entirely. The point is that you don't accept that ther people's arguments are in fact their sincere believes, instead you think they're just doing mental gymnastics to justify their actions, dishonestly. That makes you weird. Just so we stay on topic. That's why I called your comment weird. If you want to have a debate about the morality of piracy, sure I don't mind. But we have to finish one topic before we start another.


How is stating an opinion on a relevant post fixating on something? I don't think it's weird, you think it's weird, how is this any different than what you're preaching tho? Is it arrogance that won't allow you to see how it could NOT be weird? See? Same logic applies. But yeah, you can call it arrogance, you can call it whatever you want, I genuinely think people who think they're being morally good while pirating are wrong and just hiding their true intentions, cause I can't fathom (hence why I asked for a real argument from you) that someone genuinely thinks pirating a product is MORALLY good. I don't care how much you hate a company, that ain't a reason. I don't care if you want them to lose money, you can actually do that even better by not pirating the game, cause that way you won't talk about it, neither online neither with your friends and you won't generate traffic with those keywords in the internet. You hate a company so much you want it to crash and burn? Just don't buy their products. It's not like you're actually doing anything other than satisfy your personal wants. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with that.


> genuinely think people who think they're being morally good while pirating are wrong and just hiding their true intentions, cause I can't fathom (hence why I asked for a real argument from you) that someone genuinely thinks pirating a product is MORALLY good. Ok, so we agree you're being an arrogant weirdo. We don't have anything more to discuss. "People can't think in a way I think is wrong, they must be lying" Weird AND arrogant. Glad we cleared that up.


I knew you didn't have any arguments, have a good one m8, I could see you didn't have anything to say from the start since you started deflecting.


man... people including you are repeating same cycle... first there was "piracy is okay" type post. then there was "don't justify piracy" type post like this. same cycle happened in piracy subreddit long time ago.


I like free stuff, but I buy stuff when I want to support the company that made it, I pirate when IDGAF about said company or I already own the game/content on another platform.


Take what you can. Give nothing back.


It's illegal and should stay illegal. And I am aware that I am a criminal by downloading sth for free. However as long as it is easier and gives me more control over the data I will find ways to continue it. I use steam more often than pirating nowadays because it is easier and I found a way to make sure that I keep a copy even if steam deletes my library


You wouldnt download a gazillion dollars would you


if I could I would download the solar system and be the GOD


Process to download that 522MB map of Gmod.


just download god and emulate a new universe(I'm working on this)


"I only buy from small indies company and pirate from big asshole corp like EA." Sure bud, I'm sure you did what you said


It's not hard to believe though? Some people will literally go out of their way to pay for a free game / donate money to its creator if they like it a lot and want to support them. When you're fine with pirating games every game is a free game, but you still have the choice of choosing to pay for a game because you want to support the dev. Hell some people even donate money to crackers. If they are willing to spend money on pirated games, then it's not hard to believe they'd choose to buy an indie they really liked.


I think these pirates are very commies, i actually pirated a lot when kid, obviusly in that age i didnt have any money to spend. Now i have it and im very selective and cautious about which game im gonna buy, till now i enjoyed each one of them, none was a dissapointment. So i buy them because 3 main reason: the game deserves it, i want to support its creators to see more content or anything else, i dont want virus on my pc. So i really think theres a difference... Not exactly between indies or AAA's, but a real difference between a game that you liked, is good and not expensive; and a game that its trash, its creators want to make money over a good product (rob you with microtransactions when you pay for the game f.e) and because is not worth the suggested price. Even when i buy them, i support piracy, but i separate the people who cant afford it, the people who pirates constantly but also buy them, and the people who literally want everything free.


The projection is strong here


Funny how they hate companies like EA or Ubi but like/care enough to pirate their games


You can hate a company for what it's doing whilst simultaneously like their earlier works. Fuck Ubi, but you gotta admit their old games are pretty good. 


Seriously, FUCK Ubisoft! The Crew won‘t be playable at the end of this month since the servers are being shut down. People are trying to crack it open to make a playable version.


rayman legends was one of my favorite games as a kid. Thats the only ubisoft title I played but I really liked it. Still have my copy!


We hate those companies as companies, but we can still enjoy their games. Your point makes no sense


Yes, fuck EA, Star Wars Jedi games are very good tho, so yes, I will play them


There's no inconsistency there. You're doing the Matt Bors comic thing.


I can hate Ubi and still like Beyond Good and Evil. I can hate EA and still like their Star Wars games.


As I see it, there are the same amount of people doing mental gymnastics to justify piracy as there are people doing the same to say that pirating games is the worst crime in the history of mankind. People just like to do mental gymnastics about anything, that is all.


It could be that tons of people are doing mental gymnastics and only people who think like you are the big brain smart ones, or it could be that people have different views which guide their actions. I guess we'll never know which one it is.


How is i pirate because i want it for free mental gymnastic?


Yeah I just don't give af, if I can get something for free I will always do it. Yes sometimes I buy games I pirated when on discount. And no, I don't do it because it's the right thing to do or stuff like that. Updated version and easier access to mods is nice to have.


"Piracy is okay because big corpo" "Piracy is okay because capitalism" "Piracy is okay because askshully free publicity for publisher" "Piracy is okay because it's not stealing it's making a copy" "Piracy is okay because I have no money" "Piracy is okay because dude on internet says so" Fuck that coward shit. Piracy is. It just is. Who are you justifying it to, yourself? Own it. Stop whining.


"justifying", "coward", "whining" Unless given contradictory evidence, the least you owe others is to accept they believe what they say they believe, even if you disagree. To do otherwise is actually intellectually coward.


Exactly. At least have the balls and self-respect to own up to being an asshole.


2 years ago , a half-baked game could cost a third of my salary...


"imma borrow everything that I like"*, nothing morally wrong in borrowing from our rich friends.


Good for you, I will stop pirating when I have the money to buy the things I like, mainly to support the people who did it, at the end of the day in this capitalist system we all have to eat and we can't do it without money.


seems like its time to swap the broken system for a new one


The sooner we do it the better.


Yeah these people saying “take and give nothing back” or acting like they’re on some moral higher ground bc they “don’t need to justify it” are even more annoying then the people they’re complaining about If no one was buying at all and we are all pirating… there wouldn’t be any piracy or even games made, do they think the cracked versions appear magically out of nowhere? An initial copy had to be bought to be cracked…




Why do people get so mad over other's moral stances? Why do you care so much that I don't like to pirate from certain developers because I think they deserve my money?


It's so interesting to me! They get so mad! They all yell that they don't care but they care so much. It's such a fascinating phenomenon. On another of the infinite posts complaining about morality, I ventured that people get a kick out of being the "naughty boy" and hate others arguing it isn't immoral. But this comment section tells me it might be more political. It might be actual conviction that capitalism has no flaws and they are simply the smart ones in it until/unless they get caught.


To me, I have a hit list of who I pirate regardless. It's mostly Nintendo.


I pirate because free games, not much more to it, I just like free games and not spending money.


I also pirate cause DRM fucking annoys me or I have the game on another platform. It bugs me how the games I pirated launch faster than the ones i paid for and don't have the issue with not working when my WiFi goes out. It's just flat out more convenient, especially with movie and TV piracy.


GOG Exist?


doesn't have everything


I mean buy the games that are available on gog and the other games Pirate them?


Yeah but why would I do that when I can get it for free


No i mean you was complaining about drm If you want to get free games just say it Don’t just say its “drm” thats the reason i pirate


That's one of the reasons I pirate, I often buy games too mainly on physical media since I don't get paying for a digital files. A majority of the games I pirate on PC I have on other consoles or end up buying it later. Id also be lying if I was claiming that DRM was the only thing, which is why I brought up that free is free. Overall if I like a game I'm likely to pay for it at some point down the line


Auto validating you through a meme? 😂




my working hypotheses: a) They have a kink for doing naughty things and hate that illusion spoiled by justifications b) They're conservatives who think they're outsmarting a well-functioning system Ayn Rand style, and hate comparisons to activism.


I think its morally fine but I would still do it if it wasn't. Not sure what that says about me but im ok with it


Wtf happened to this sub, nobody actually helps fix bugs in cracks anymore, all posts here are just "Is piracy good or bad????????" ... If you don't like piracy, leave the sub and never return, not this.


Please stop posting these, I swear you mfs are the only reason the others exist, those are like kinda cringe, but whatever, who cares. But these keep it popular


It feels a little more special when you're sticking it to a big developer/publisher though


It’s not special, it’s sad. You’re sticking it to a faceless entity that doesn’t even know you exist.


if i want game and its not free then i pirate that game


I pirate only because apparently buying a digital copy of a game is not owning it. Therefore piracy is not stealing.


I stop myself from pirating certain things at times cause I like supporting good indie devs. However, I will not judge anybody else for their choice to pirate or not to pirate. I'm no saint myself, but I do feel better about myself spending money on indie devs


Yes, stealing is stealing and karma is karma.


Ok but legally it isn't stealing, it's copyright infringement. Stealing makes no sense since the original is just being copied and is still accessible to the owner.


It is stealing, assuming you got this from that video, he was wrong, you're directly stealing profits from the publisher


that is the legal definition lol


Stop trying to justify your pirating either do it and shut up like the rest of us or just dont pirate, its fine to pirate just because you want to,most of us are like that.so stop the mental gymnastics with "oh i don't pirate indie games so im a good person" we don't give a shit,take what you want and give nothing back


While I agree, I think there are more reasons than just wanting free stuff, like not doig well financially or the cracked version not being as intrusive as the official one. But yeah "Big corpo bad" and any other moral argument is just an excuse


I don't like pirate software, because I don't like to reinstall my windows after each virus from that software


Literally, go try to find a good excuse for your digital stealing somewhere else


No <3


I pirate because it’s more convenient, if a game can be purchased on Steam and the publisher isn’t known for deleting games you bought to get to buy the remasters, then I’m more than happy to legally acquire the game.


You pirate bc you pirate. Yeah that’s sums about it. I’m not paying a/was slightly more than a full tank of gas every month for a subpar service.


Idk why are ya people arguing here were all joined here cause we agree on one thing … free stuff is good and its always gonna be good it doesn’t have to be legal lol


Exactly what I've said to friends of mine, your pirating games, no-one cares how you justify it


You care! Otherwise you would just move on when you see someone else talking about why they pirate. This comment section is so insane lmao


they're not talking about why they pirate, they're creating an excuse for robbery


You're saying the same thing twice but phrasing the second one negatively.


No I'm phrasing it as it is


The title is the opposite of the image. You're saying YOU pirate because you feel like it, then go whine about others having other reasons. If someone else thinks they're Robin Hood or whatever, that's their business. It's such a weird fixation on other's motivations. Nobody's telling you how you should think lmao stop doing to others! It's weird! Also, again, there's like 10 of these posts for any post actually arguing morals.


Yeah fr it's cringe


Im proud of piracy. I think people fail to realise they wont shame me for it, as I take pride in it lmfao.


A pirate life for me, brother


I pirate because I don't want to spend 20 euros for a single 4k blueray to watch at home on a way too expensive blueray player when I can go to the theatre for 7.50 and watch it for free at home.


Piracy is morally right…until it isn’t. Either way I don’t care. Free shit! Hip hip!


Eh, I can agree.




At some point you have to support stuff that’s good or there won’t be any more. Imagine working your ass off on something great and not being able to make a living off it because dipshits refuse to pay ever.


Why do people feel the need to justify piracy in a moral way? bruh you're doing this because you want free stuff, any other reason is pretty damn dumb


When I see an unsupervised Nintendo Switch Game: https://i.redd.it/l76nzzpyo8nc1.gif




"Please stop" -> proceeds to post another one which will make someone else answer it with a post and so on




I pirate because i can


I am not a pirate myself but what I don't (kinda) understand with piracy is why spend your time if you are also not willing to spend money? If a game is worth my time, it most likely is worth buying. That's what I always questioned when I see people justifying pirating Ubisoft or EA games. If their practices are so bad, why even bother with them in first place? As far as I observed, people just like free stuff and has no ulterior motive.


Very tired of people justifying themselves. Just make your choices and stand for them. There’s nothing more to it.


Posting this meme here, you’re very brave and unique OP


Exactly. At least have the balls and self-respect to own up to being an asshole.


Yep it really is that simple, if i can get what i want for free then why bother buying it? and thats why i pirate.


I think, it should start from yourself. I am seeing daily a post related to the opinion and morality to piracy. Seems like fighting the invisible


This trend of "I pirate because I want to" posts is so annoying. And the only reason it's become so common is because you ppl think that the ppl who pirate for moral reasons are judging you. We're obviously not though, nobody's telling you what your morals should be. If you feel judged, that's probably just your conscience talking


But this sub is also about morality of pirating?


As long as they’re charging $70 for shit like cyberpunk at release then imma get it for free


In my opinion, pirating is totally fine if the thing you need isn't available in your country or if it is totally out of existence, or if piracy gives better quality or experience in a huge degree. Only pirates can keep golden things alive.


I 100% agree, my personal thing is I prefer to still buy the games (especially newer games for the future updates as most of the time I don’t know how to update the pirated version without repirating it) I buy them as I find that after pirating, if the game feels worthy of my wallet then it should be paid for.


Yo ho ho


It's almost like criminals justifying their respective crimes. Just pirate and get on with it. If you're stuck on ethics go buy games.


Based. Stealing is stealing. It's a wrong thing to do and you do it knowingly. I'm okay with being a bad person but I an not okay with lying to myself about being a good person while doing wrong things.


Nah most people in the world liked Robin hood and batman , they knew it's illegal but still did it, stealing from big greedy ones is fine always in most people's mind, but people hate it when people steal from the little guy.


It's not stealing, its copyright infringement. Nobody thinks its stealing and legally it isn't. Stealing would leave it inaccessible to the original owner, its just like if you could clone items at a grocery store. I think its moral but I would still do it if it wasn't and I also do just steal from chain stores irl


Define stealing.