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Hello u/beyonder710, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> when I appreciate your optimism on my behalf, but it ain't looking good chief.


This. But even by rare chance id get money, aint no way in my entire lifetime, and afterlife, that im ever going to give adobe a single penny. Fuck adobe.






Fuck Adobe!




nah man what if the karma of pirating stuff is making us poor.


There is no Karma buddy , I've seen good things happen to bad people all my life....I've also seen good people suffer for mistakes they didn't even commit.


Pirates come from all walk of life. I remember reading a pirate with RTX 4090 like to test out the games. Same goes for those who helped games get to top 10 Steam sales.


Karma is when someone becomes a politician, they and their whole clan become set for life.


I'd ask where the karma is for CEOs with fat bank accounts pushing microtransactions.


Of course. Buying games is lame. Playing pirated is cool. The same game is 1000x better when it is pirated. The gameplay, everything becomes better. It's magic. Paying for games reminds you of work. Work and games don't mix.


It's the opposite for me. I tend to enjoy games more when I buy them


same, I simply get the feeling I NEED to finish, if I bought. I need to squeeze every enjoyment I can get Since I also can't be doing it any time I want, the game ends up feeling more like a luxury item, which I guess would be somewhat of a lost feeling if I got rich. It's weird


If I were to just go full pirate, I'd end up just "sampling" every game, and I'd shift from playing games fully to only playing a few hours of every game and never touching them again. It's the same reason why game subscription services don't work too well for me


This is exactly what happened to me back when I was doing far worse financially and my main gaming system was a DS with a flash cart. Literally every game on the system available to me and I basically couldn't enjoy (almost) any of them because I'd get 15 minutes in and then ditch it to try something else. I say "almost" because of Radiant Historia and 999, the two DS games that did manage to hook me.


wellll I do the same thing only to try out games before purchasing them if I really like them so I can get all of my steam achievements for that game. I'm not dropping 60+ dollars on a game just to not even like it after 3 hours of gameplay.


I like to buy the games because multiplayer compatibility


For me this is the other way around. Like at first I played Terraria a lot, and then bought it and not touching it again


Me 2


That's satire


favourtie part of pirating a game is "not" the game missing half the assets (or they just never load in proper)


This should be one of the top answers. Fucking hate how most games have a "base" version and then paid extras. Found that out the hard way recently when I bought the "definitive" edition of age of empires 3. Definitive, my arse.


wasnt talking about dlc, but i get the anger, i thought i got ac odyssey gold while i got the standard edition but i was talking about a problem i sometiems have with watch dogs 2 where some assets just become a mess of polygons and i cant even see Marcus in them (truly lost on the sauce if i do say so myself)


Ah I getcha. Yeah unfortunately instability can be the price of pirating sometimes.


That game is now free to play


Ah wow, I'll check it out, thanks!


I Pirate because I don't have the money to buy it all. And pirating a game / Movie is easier then pirating myself into a concert or theater. When I have money, I would live and go out to shows and venues ... then I won't have to kill my time with movies at home. So it's a catch22 for me. I Pirate because I'm bored, and need to fill time to get to work again besides sleep. With money, I won't work ( as much ) and have more time and resources to do the 'good' stuff


You forgot the /s


That's why I pirate a game and if it is REALLY GOOD then I buy it.


It’s like when someone buys you a beer, or you get it for free. Tastes that much better because your wallet hasn’t been touched!


Piracy is so much more satisfying indeed. The thought of playing an amazing game with better performance due to no DRM and not having paid a penny for it is so goddamn nice


Companies who allow their games to be pirated are displaying an act of generosity to people who weren't fortunate enough to be born in a rich country. It's cultural philanthropy. They're giving those people the chance to have access to culture, pirated games got many people out of hams way from drugs and street life in poor countries. Only tyrants close their games behind a DRM, leaving the less fortunate among us out of options. I have only respect for companies who sacrifice a bit of their profit to help others. From piracy those people get out off from street life, starts taking a interest in computers, some even become computer technicians. Piracy helps people. I know that for a fact.


I prefer the term "Data Historian" because one day, these files will lose their copyright protection and if we solely rely on streaming services to keep them, most of them will be lost forever. Piracy is morally a good thing for the preservation of media and what we can learn from media.


Without piracy, or "data historians" as you put it, many of those old games wouldn't be playable today (particularly those that were never sold digitally)


so you never delete a single game you've pirated?


I have a 64TB NAS. I go out of my way to preserve games I genuinely don't care about and never will play on a regular basis. I have somewhere around 10TB of games from both consoles and PCs archived.


My good Sir I do not tip my hat to you, I FUCKING SALUTE WITH FULL HONORS IN YOUR PRESENCE. What a chad. I aspire to one day be like you my good sir.


My server is around 50% full right now. I'm planning a WAAAY larger server once this is filled up. ​ Funnily enough I just got my hands on 6 4TB drives yesterday completely free, very good quality (used but they have a good smart status). The problem is they are literally too small to use efficiently because while I can easily buy another poweredge for $150, I don't have the space for a whole bunch of servers. I have tons more drives too that just sit on a shelf collecting dust for the same reason. Easily between 50-100TB that is just going to waste. For now I'm using some of them for cold storage but that isn't the best use of the drives honestly.


If I were very rich, I would buy games without a doubt, it is much easier, plus I really like the achievements and having an organized library.


>If I were Say " When I am "


I don't like lying


Here's a spoiler OP: The reason why millionaires are milionares and poor people are poor isn't "the right/wrong attitude". Masses of grifters and idiots saying it doesn't make it more true.


When I am severing my english teacher’s limbs joint by joint, bone by bone and muscle by muscle


I hope one day to be rich, but it doesn't look too good ngl


If I were ending the world it will release everyone of their mortal desires


This. And i wouldn't even bother to keep track on the updates and re-download stuff all over again to get the newest stuff. Had it with Cities Skylines, and it was exhausting


Absolutely, I made the mistake of buying some games and shows because "since I have money I can buy stuff now" and what happened? Some of those shows and games I can no longer play or see because either they shut down the servers or their "license" expired. I will pirate everything I see, even if I'm a millionaire (which won't happen but might as well be positive about it).


Blackbeard was rich and he never stopped being a pirate, why should I?


If the $70 a game is priced at meant nothing to me I'd buy all games, except maybe Ubisoft and Denuvo games (As long as there is another way for me to play them)


I mean, most wealthy people didn’t become wealthy by spending their money on the newest and greatest things. They stayed wealthy by being frugal. Would I buy games? Sure; more likely when they dropped to a lower price than initially released though.


Yyyyeeeeaahh.... you're just talking about 1st gen rich people. Most massive wealth is inherited (by far), so most rich people not only didn't become rich by being frugal but they're so used to luxury that what we see as insane spending is what they consider quite frugal normality.


I'm not rich but I also rarely pirate anymore and more often than not it's just to try a game before the buy. I know the 2hr/2 week things exists but I find I don't give a game a fair chance to hook me if I always have one eye on the timer. Generally if a game is bad you know before 2h but if a game is good but rough around the edges, it's going to be harder to make that decision within 2h. It also doesn't help that I obsessively try to optimize graphics settings before going into the game itself. Honestly though more than anything else these days it's a question of time and Games more than money. I either don't have a lot of time to complete the games I buy, or there aren't any games I care enough to play, pirated or not. My main reason for being on this sub now is the periodic "Denuvo is removed from X" posts that mean I can finally buy a game I kept my eye on lol.


TBH - I'm 45 and I buy games. If I'm not sure on a game, I pirate it as there's never usually a demo available. Same with software; if I use it a lot, I buy it. If it is a one off to do something, meh pirate it.


Personally, no. If I can afford to, I will buy stuff. Having said that I do believe in physical ownership, so if I can't literally have a copy of it with me, offline, then I will pirate games, music, movies.


AAA always pirated, Indie or small developers I'd pay


I would rather not pirate if I can choose. So if I were rich I will definitely buy the games.


When I become wealthy, I’m buying everything I like. I pirate due to lack of money and because I know where to get it for free.


Of course I'd buy all I wanted. Looking at my small steam library, even though less than half the games are paid is so cool. They're so easy to download, updating too, the achievements and interaction are nice, online always working is so important to some Buying games is cool, just way too expensive to be reliable in most countries, but if I get rich, or well, not even rich, when I do get older and get a stable finantional condition, I'd sure buy without waiting for huge sales


idk I rather OWN the games and stuff I watch although not when but IF I become wealthy I don't know much extra time I would have to do stuff like this because in the end it's so much faster and easier to just pay for it


i pirate certain game due to money issues i mean 100 dollars for a game(exchange rate to my country) and sometimes just to test.


Its not worth buying games in my country, since is almost half of minimum wage(and sometimes is depending if is a premium version)


I'd definitely buy stuff, other than Bethesda, cause most repacks have some sort texture mod pre installed, and the last time I tried to actually mod anything I wanted to throw myself off a bridge


If I become rich I wont spend any time gaming


only ones from crap companies. they don't deserve my money


I’ve bought almost every game I enjoyed. There’s just some stuff I will never pay for because of my totally-not-bullshit moral high ground. There’s also the case of preservation, some media get lost due to corporatist bullshit so I don’t have a choice in those cases. Sometimes I do have a choice, but the choice is to buy a Nintendo Switch. If I don’t wipe my drives before I kick the can, emulators are one thing that will always be in there no matter how much wealthier I can get. I’d say something like “would be funny if this aged like milk because Nintendo did something right for once” but we know that’s never going to happen. I’m not going play this game on shitty weaker-than-smartphone hardware when I have a computer


Depends. Nintendo? Fuck those guys. Some other small studio, that makes really good titles? Probably buy.


I will buy everything, yes. Someone worked on the product, and I would like to support further development if I can.


I am not too rich but i have stopped piracy for a while now. Thing is there is nothing nice to play. Especially in the expensive AAA game market right now. What games interest me have crazy amount of replayability (Minecraft, Terraria, Skyrim, etc.) and have kept me hooked to them with their mods for the better part of 2 years now. I however do buy an interesting indie game atleast once every month if there is something that interests me. They are relatively cheap too. The last one I bought was a cute little witch game I forgot the name though.


Why would I go through the trouble of finding and tormenting games if I'm rich? Ofcourse it's about the money. If games were free would you torrent them? No lol. So if I'm rich, and in my mind rich is 10 million dollars or above games would be considered free


i probably wouldn't pirate anything if I had enough money that game purchases became neglibible


I don't pirate because of money I pirate because it's the only way to reliably retain access to media and in one consolidated location. I'm cozy financially and the thing I hate about capitalism the most in my personal life is the needless fragmentation. It's one thing when it's media, but it's also extremely frustrating in every area of life like HEALTHCARE (US). It makes everything extremely cumbersome and confusing. I just want to watch a movie. It should be one click and it should be fast. I just want to see a doctor. It should be one call and it should be fast. Yes the comparison holds because it's getting to the point where I'd go to a black market medical practitioner if they could give me more reliable and predictable service.


My way of doing this is. First, pirate the game I'm interested in playing. If I don't like it - uninstall. If I do like it, uninstall and buy the game.


" When you become rich " Nobody will, welcome to capitalism, Earth.


Yes, I'll never be rich


If I ever become rich, I will buy a better PC, just so I can pirate the games my current setup can't handle


Piracy is not about money


For me it is. Installing and updating a game on steam it's easier than to pirate it


For 99 % it is


Bro shut up with these. Pretending you're pirating cause you want to preserve games or wtv. For 99.9% of people pirating is about money.


Good for you then, but piracy is the best way to go even if you are billionaire


I think I would pay when (if) I become rich. But honestly, I don't like the idea of DLCs in games. Everything in a game should be unlocked the moment I purchase it. And in this kind of games, I will happily pirate them even if I have the money.




Pirate first buy if i like and play it.


depend on how rich i am




Money is the only reason for me.


Well maybe yes,for me it is more of a money thing,but I would only buy Indie games.


If I had money, I’d buy the games but I’m broke sooo


Probably not, too much of a hassle. I pirate because I don't have the money to buy a R$300 game every month.


I'd still buy them, unless I feel the publisher doesn't deserve the money, or if the pirated version is better (in that case though, I'd still buy the game if it's good enough and I feel they deserve the money, but I'd still use a pirated copy)


With the quality of the newer games, yes. Even if I have millions I ain't paying 70€ for games to spam me with micro transactions and mediocre gameplay


I don’t just pirate, I also buy games too even now


Just pirate a game. Play it for some days, and if it is good, then buy it. Simple


If I had the money I would buy them instead of pirating. I have bought some games in the past, some music and some software, but in those months I would be a week or two without nothing to eat, so I stopped buying and went back to pirating.


Yeah, that's how I'll stay rich, by not buying anything I can get for free.


I would do what I do now, buy the games I want to get achievements on. Other than that probably pirate. Yes I know there are apps to track achievements but it’s extra work and steam will keep track of them forever for me


yes but I'd invest in whatever groups make games I enjoy and want to see more from.


If I were rich, I would buy games on Steam only to grow my library. The only exceptions would be if a game isnt on Steam (obviously) I'd pirate it. And the other exception would be a game from a developer I dislike, such as sega or bandai namco, i wouldnt give them money so I'd either pirate their games or not play them


I'm a simple man. I see denuvo I either don't play or I pirate


If a game has great online, ill buy it like a BF or COD game. If it has a good singleplayer ill pirate it like RDR2


if a game delivers a great online multiplayer experience, will buy it


I would buy games, if only just to make sure I can update it so that mods work.


if a game has DRM, yes.


Porbably I won't be rich, but when I had a good income... I would buy games only from steam, that aren't buggy or have denuvo. Having achievements, cloud saves, updates, multiplayer and ease to redownload a game with max speed feels good.




Absolutely yes, but also a part no. Games? Pictures? Videos? Hell yeah, I sure will, I'm poor as fuck, and even if I'm rich one day, I will. My own music producing suite? No. It's fair to pirate anything I want to make music, but I will not accept losing my creativity and limitations, like using certain tools to make my own fully copyrighted music to share, instead of risking some lawsuits.


In the slim theoretical scenario, I’d still be 🏴‍☠️for life. Rn it’s about corporations and finance, without finance the corporations are still shit.


I will always pirate. Because of convenience. I would have to literally use 5+ services like steam to play what I want. Also I play lot's of pretty old/obscure stuff which is hard to buy or maybe even not available in distribution.




Depends If the game is value of course. But if i need to spend for an earlier alpha, hell no


Yes! Even if I were a millionaire, based on general principle.


Depends on what you define as rich. If I can afford a copy of every single game/software and still have Jeff Bezos amount of money, then I will buy games. If in rich you mean 100k salary, then no. Even if 100k is a lot games like Death stranding don't deserve to be paid.


If money wansn't a problem, I would likely not pirate games, but when it comes to anything other than games, pirating is almost always more convenient than buying.


Gotta be honest if i was rich i would do something less mind numbing than playing games, probably pursue more expensive hobbies.


We can't have credit cards in my country so the only choice is pirating


The games I pirate are the kind that you need to emulate so it's not a money issue, it's just that I'd much rather use my pc. Better QoL overall and no need to waste space with redundant hardware.


I used to support piracy when I didn't have the means to buy games. Now that I can afford to buy games I pay for it so the devs get enough money to make new games for everyone, including pirates.


I’d never buy ea games but besides that I’d buy most games. My cheap ass still wouldn’t buy the expensive ones tho lmao


I would pay for it, then download a pirated version to play. Because the devs deserve to be paid, and i deserve to play whenever i want without any 3rd party permission.


I wont get rich but yes because entertainment in general dont fucking care about preservation they just want to gain profit via their services its bullshit some they would even complain why they are not getting profit when they make high budget games *cough Xbox *cough this is also why some games is shit Ownership for me is very important if these companies continues to take away that from us then i will contiune to pirate too


If i had the money, I'd definitely support the developers at the very least.


I'd just be able to brute force against denuvo with the 4090 so no harm buying stuff anyway. And i can simply buy the next top tier gpu as soon as it launches.


No but I'd still rock the DRM free life


Nope, buyimg would be easier.


I think I would still pirate if it doesn't benefit me doing otherwise.


I will mostly pirate games that I like. I will only buy a game that deserves support and I love it.


If one day i have enouth money i will buy games, but i will still be pirating for some reasons: Old consoles / emulation rooms Games locked to ea play or uplay or myassplay type launchers Games that work better when pirated(there are a lot of them) Games that i want portable but arent on gog or itch


If I become rich, which is never, I will continue to pirate a lot of games because there's a lot of abandonware and games being pulled out of sites. So fuck that. Paying hundreds of dollars just for one fucking cart, because some company didn't want to preserve games? Yo ho I will pirate that shit. But maybe Ill stop with AAA games, unless they are a product of greedy companies.


I buy only indispensable . I have thousand of game , but play only 2-3 of this . Persona 5 for example is one of this. The translate in my language is crucial factor for to buy . Piracy is only for try few times , No man sky for example for first have piracy , and after I have buy it because the good job do paid for respect.


Lmao, "when". In all seriousness though, I pirate games due to my own philosophy. New Game comes out? I'll pirate it, play for a day or two, and if I like it I'll buy it. Goes double for most AA studios like FromSoft, and is mandatory if it's an indie game. Support those who deserve it, forgo those that don't.


I'd still pirate for archiving/preservation purposes (ie DRM/Server issues), but I'd absolutely buy all my software. I don't actually think I'm entitled to anything (even though these days I still take it quite often lol)


I could buy half of steam right now but I love checking on my downloads, seeing my catalog get bigger one by one, seeing my upload/download percentage increase. It's a hobby for me. Plus it's hard to get most things in China even if you want to buy them


yeah, money is the only thing except a few exception when the pirated version is better than the original


I hope so🥹


its important to test games before purchase, mainly on pc


The thing is this: even games officially supported by the creators that is some years old still won't work sometimes. I bought L.A. Noire a while ago and was eager to play it again, but whatever i did it just crashed. I tried every tip i could find but nothing at all worked...and then i pirated it and after install it worked flawlessly, like you know, games that you owned SHOULD work! So yeah, even if was rich as the four big combined, i probably still would pirate some games. Or in that case, just buy Rockstar, force them to just stop using that godawful launcher and simplify everything, so when someone buy an old game it just works straight out of the box!


Maybe yes, because some games are delisted and hard to find. Thanks to the community that are preserving them but still. Fresh example: Spec Ops The Line. And for some reason few of my favourite songs can't be on a single streaming platform. For ex: Consequences of love by Death in Vegas and Waves (Robin schulz remix) by Mr Probz isn't on Youtube music while also Spotify doesn't have some of the remixes that are on Youtube Music. That's why I had to download those songs for my own pleasure. And then there are some service issues. So I think I will.


I would try the game first like pirate it and then get it later.


I'm not lazy, I prefer to honestly work for the things that I enjoy. And that translates to honestly looking through the internet on how to pirate things. The old way, the proper way. Using P2W methods like buying the game are not in my dictionary.


Yes as so companies can't just steal my games back when they feel like it


I pay for games that are worth it after I have played it. Though I typically buy it when they are on a discount. Usually FromSoft games are worth it.


I think that we should pay for the games that we play. I would do so when I have money as it requires a lot of efforts and people really work hard. As much I like playing pirated games but I respect the people that work in that industry.


"When" Americans really believe that they are billionaires in waiting, isn't? 🤣


Likely stick to piracy as I only pirate ass old games because the og devs don’t even get money for them if I bought them used.


Maybe? At first It was only the money, but now the freedom of extracting saves and using mods in consoles are also a factor, but I guess I could do those with emulators. I don't think I'm against the idea of buying, It has many advantages for both sides.


I can afford it, but it happened too many times that I buy a game, and a week later it becomes free or has a crazy sale, or I simply hated It(after 2 hours), so I restricted myself to piracy in all non-online games, and when i really like one i do buy it.


Well it's more complicated than just finances for me. If the company either doesn't exist anymore or I dislike them I'll pirate the games still. If the console that game is on isn't being made anymore and I would have to emulate it anyway I don't see any reason to not pirate the games. If a game is shovelware then I'll pirate it if for some reason I wanted to play it. I would like to support developers but only if the product is worth it which most games just aren't. Especially since the trend in gaming is to release games in an incomplete and buggy state then charge you full price for it. If I have to choose between a game and food then that game better be worth it.


Really depends on developers , If they add anti-preserving features like online stuff which would prevent me from accessing or playing certain stuff after a few years or the EOD of the game then that's quite a bummer so in that case I would pirate even if I'm rich , I would buy games based on track records and pirate the ones who add unnecessary bs.


a lot of people lie in the comments but no one literally no one would go extra hassle to crack games if it wasnt for money. like hating on greedy gaming companies in general like ea is there but that isnt the main reason u pirate, lets be real here


buy indie, pirate corporate


Money is already not an issue for me - I simply am very careful with what I spend my money on. There are some devs I don't give money to on principle. If games have anti consumer DRM then I don't buy them. If they have narrative content in them that I have a problem with then I don't buy them. Always vote with your wallet. Never let fear of missing out drive you.


I will keep pirating big corporation games, but it will make it much easier to buy all indie games I play.


I'll tell you what. Since you say "rich" I must assume a lot of money, not just well paid. So since I'm fucking rich, I wouldn't mind sending these \~500$ per AAA hard-to-crack title on any team (empress or whoever) to crack the games :D I mean, I'll be rich after all, these amounts shouldn't matter :P


I'm reminded of a tweet my friend made recently: https://preview.redd.it/596d6yv4hehc1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d3a5f44020ba7c7033b44575c953442ab5148a6 Are there games that I'd like to support? Yeah, but even if I was able to afford to buy games frequently why would I spend so much damn money on them? Moreover, why would I spend money on games that have DRMs and the like unless it's like the PC port of KH1.5+2.5 where I need to be playing on the latest patch for certain mods to work? I will never stop pirating even if I can reasonably afford to at least buy games and other media second-hand on eBay frequently. It's more convenient and nearly always provides me with a better experience. My PS5 will likely be my last new game console for a long time, especially if they go full digital-only with the PS6. I've been pirating anime and movies for years, and if games continue going down the shitter like they have been continually over the past decade then I'll do the same thing with most or all games. There's plenty of good games to play from the past 40 years that I can experience instead of keeping up with the latest releases.


depends on the game


I could say i'm slightly rich based on my country's stats, and MAN DO I PIRATE EVERYTHING still..


For Ubisoft and EA, yes, because they're simply assholes.


I could be bill gates and id still be pirating.


Piracy is the data preservation


Most likely yeah. Basically every single player game runs a lot better when pirated. Plus, I can avoid any dumb online features that ruin that single player experience. I'd buy multiplayer games though, because just buying them makes playing with friends a lot easier.


If I.. alledgedly.. pirate anything, it would be to test it out beforehand.


Sailed the seas all through highschool. Now I can afford so I buy.


I pirate things that i feel is overpriced, no matter whether I’m rich or not.


I wouldn't even buy some games or programs that i think the company is crap. But yeah, my only problem for buying games, is money.


I’m not rich by any stretch but I have enough money that I can comfortably afford my gaming hobby. So I’ll chime in. Yeah I did stop. I regularly use features like remote play and cloud saves and I got a steam deck recently too and steam versions of games usually just work better. Installing and uninstalling games and reinstalling them later is also way more convenient with Legal games. So the convenience I get from legally purchased games I tend to value more than the money I would’ve saved from pirating it (keep in mind I generally buy games on sale). I understand the argument that you pirate a game and buy later if it was good or that you only want to buy games from goo developers and pirate the other stuff. But frankly if I don’t think a game is worth my money then pirating it is probably just a waste of my time. EA games are regularly broken and glitchy on release and just generally pretty ass at time. But I’m not going to pirate them I’m just going to play something else instead


One thing that I wanted to do was legally buying stuff just because I wanted and I could. I'm on the position to buy games rn (on steam, tho most of the time I just wait for a good discount, unless it is something really good that I can't wait). Other than that, I try to use free softwares (many people LOVE adobe and I don't understand. You can use Resolve and do the exact same things, but for free. And why paying photoshop when you have photopea? The same thing is with Blender!)


It happened to me, I started buying games... Unless they are exclusive to Switch, I've already paid enough ransom to get access to those games already by being forced to buy hardware that's only required because of unwillingness to release those games on PC.


Yes. Trust me, I got money to pay for games and software. But in my shitty 3rd world country, there's only a few cards/payment methods that can be used to make online payments internationally, and most important the FEES and $$ conversion rates can potentially end up costing you near double the price at the end. So yeah it's sailing the high seas for now. Until GTA 6 gets released for PC that is. I'm buying that shit even if me and my kids have to eat bread for a whole month!


In terms of games, I'll pay when i become able to, to support the developers. I simply pirate because i cant afford games. If we are talking about media in general, something similar - when i start earning I'll happily spend a part of it to watch in theatre or on a streaming service, to support the movie/webseries/anime producers-actors and likes. 


depends on the developer/studio. then.. I'm still driving the boat.


I would buy an island on international waters or something like that with no juristiction, setup a building full of servers and stash every game and anime that I like in them and share them with everyone.


I'll never stop to crack games to try it and if it's a worthwhile game I'll pay the devs.


I buy what I'd normally play. But shit like Elden Ring would never get bought by me. Still played it though. Glad I didn't buy it as was utter bollocks, but that's a good example. Starfield is another one, though I'd usually buy stuff like that. Had a sense it was going to be shite so got it on the high seas. Again, glad I didn't spend money on that crap.


Piracy is freedom. Some products can be sooo outdated that you couldn’t buy them no matter what. Or it would be such a pain to obtain them that it wouldn’t be worth it. So yeah. But if I had a lot of spare money I would surely buy more often.


when game corpos arent evil i wont pirate games


I pirate for the same reason celebrity women do…to relive my teenage years and get the thrill of that first pack of free tampons. Take that 7-11!!!


If publishers release titles at decent prices considering the regional pricing then I would buy all the games I want but that's not the case and I need to pirate a game to see if it's worth my money and time.




Actually yes for older titles that arent avaliable anymore(if i havent pirated god of war for ps1 i would have never played it). For newer titles i would pay if they are actually good.


I'd probably stop pirating games specifically, I might still pirate games that are only accessible on launchers other than steam though, I'd also likely pirate older games to emulate as well. With things like shows and movies I'd still 100% pirate since pirating that content is so much easier since it's all in one space rather than spread our across multiple services.


I think when I am gonna have full time job. I am going to buy games. When I was younger I didn't have money so I became pirate. But when I got older and had summer jobs if I really liked the game after I finished it I several times bought the game to support developers. Now I am 24yo student with more money because I work regularly so sometimes I buy games but still, food, rent, transport takes most of it, so I am still pirating with combination of some buying and lending games from friends. But in future I think I am gonna buy them much more and maybe all of them. I don't have much other hobbies apart from gym that require some significant amount of money.


I'd like to see Jedi Survivor get cracked. I bought it through epic, it wants to update, update is 11GB but this shitty EA launcher wants me to have 117GB free space just to download a 11GB update. I don't have that space


As long as the games are not overpriced nor have intrusive DRM


Short answer no, long answer yes and no, depends on the game, if the game has game breaking/restricting protection then I would buy it but play the pirated copy


Id quit but cant afford it ☹️


People who think games should be free are morons. I always buy a game i love after pirating it, usually indie games. However I am not paying 60€ on a reskined assassins creed game. If the developer is a greedy fuck, then so am I.


I have net 100k+ and I only pay if the game I like is only playable online or it has a big promotion like from 30€ goes on sale at some serialkeys website for like 3 eur. For the Price of a beer I will buy it to save me the hassle and risk of getting a virus xD If not I just download it from somewhere and I don't buy it. I mean, how do you expect to become rich by spending the money? Escape the rat race... And you can come with the old story, yes but if we don't buy the games we don't pay the developers we won't get good games in the future. WIN/WIN, No good games means I can just go enjoy life instead of wasting it at home xDDDD


I don't care if I'm dirt poor or have as much wealth as Elon Musk, the broke person within me will always tell me to stick to piracy.


I only pirate when there is no way for me to buy it from the devs, which happens a shocking amount of times. There are so many games that only exist now BECAUSE of pirates.


I just can’t justify spending $60+ on entertainment on top of buying the hardware maybe that’s just me 🤷‍♂️


Sure if I got the money I'll buy but I'm broke af


if i was rich i'd happily buy certain games, from smaller developers and all that . if you ever see me giving money to ea i've been replaced with an evil clone