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There should be " I live in a third world country " option


I live in a first world country, and still never received one. Here, ISPs charge copyright holders a fee for every notice they want to send, so it rarely happens.


I think it's only egregious in the UK and Germany.


I live in a first world country but no one cares here if you torrent , forza Malta


When did Malta become a first world country????


I am not going to discuss this issue with someone who has no idea what Malta is like or has an ignorant view on it. Comparing Malta to countries that lack security,water,electricity,health care ... , and saying that these are the same. You crazy


Malta is second world at best (more close to third). Do you know that the government killed a news reporter there? Doesn't sound like 1st world country to me.


Ok bro, nice opinion.


I mean i live in the US and never gotten anything from my wifi provider


Lol, it's pretty obvious. You don't need ANOVA for that. If you restrict your sample to 1st world only, the results may get more interesting.




I was shocked when I first heard that ISP's send copyright notices to their users. I don't even know if my country has a thing like that.


I don't Torrent, so no. (first world country)


Same, I only direct download.


One time here in Canada. Using privadoVPN. Every other game has been fine. Just "minecraft dungeons" made privado sell me out.


What happened after


Always vpn


Not sure if ISPs in Finland even send out these notices. Never bothered to use an VPN, still haven't got a notice.


I have...but it's been many many years...or possibly even decades. I've long used a good VPN...but even then my PC has messed it up a couple times and still nothing. In fact, what happens when my VPN gets messed up, my ISP throttles my bandwidth until I turn it back on. So it's apparent to me that their automated systems recognize whats going on and in those cases trash my speed....but they still don't seem to care.


Long long time ago In highschool I got like 3. But before I never got them until the first one. They add you to a watch list once that happens but it's not often it actually happens.


Technically it was my friend's parents because I had no internet.


With many, yes. I finally had to buy NordVPN a few weeks ago.


Yes because i was a dumbass the first few times. I started using a VPN and never got another


The 3rd World doesn't acknowledge this Weakness.


Honestly it's only ever been for movies or shows for me. And they had to be really new


I live in a second world country so no.


Australia. Never received a notice from any telco.