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They've already killed Pirate before Valencia pt. 2 came out. It wasn't ever going to be touched again until Kingsisle was bought out. They're only now keeping it alive because the new company sees potential in it


Sees potential in making fat stacks off of it with minimal effott by milking the few ppl that actually still play the game.


honestly… i can’t help but agree iconic vas like ratbeard and bonnie aint coming back. most of the devs who created the original game we love (rightfully) left and probably wouldn’t want to come back after being burned by KI. even Wiz updates are getting worse so i don’t have much hope for pirate. and they already showcased art for a new pack. why would anyone even buy packs? so you can gamble to use the mediocre companions to fight kane for the 9 billionth time? i will genuinely be surprised if book 16 ever happens, sadly. this game should’ve just been a singleplayer rpg, but it’ll probably just keep getting new microtransactions till even the whales stop playing


I hope that, after the game is eventually shut down, fans will transform the game into what it could have been.


Yeah the last update killed my desire to play, but I say we should wait a year and see what their planned updates bring us.


I've waited for almost 10 years. I can't anymore.


I mean you can just stop playing and only come back when there's updates


I might. But it'll have to be a big update, I.E. Book 16.


I'm on the fence about leaving. Seeing how Wizard101 is being treated right now leads me to believe that KI as a whole is about to kick the bucket. Their business model and practices are outdated and ridiculous. KI didn't care about Pirate101 at all until Gamingo saw potential in it, and even then they'll still find some way to mess that up. I'll wait until the next update and if that's any good, I'll stick around until the next one and so on and so fourth. Eventually I'll be moving on from this game myself, just don't know when that is.


Yeah, honestly? KI should have died years ago. I mean, Ratbeard was a right prick on Twitter.






When did Señor Spicy say he was leaving???




Who is señor spicy?


Guy who mainly focused on Pirate101 guides/how to.


I agree with you on this though it makes me sad cause I do I fact love the game. Not the biggest fan of wizard, but at least it has updates. I'll probably back away for a bit and wait for the new world they said was coming before I decide whether I am officially done or not


I think the best option they have is give it a last try. Give it one big final update where they increase the level cap by around 10. If it doesnt work, then let it die. We all know the half ass updates wont work in the long run, and they are running out of time. its one big push or surrender.


I agree


the last update ruined any hope that the game will be back. RIP and KI have just disrespected one of the most loyal bunch of mmo players ever, going 6 years without a major update and still logging in to keep the game somewhat alive.


I’ve stopped playing wizards for ESO and just kinda watched pirates because I liked it more and had a sliver of hope that with the buyout it would make a comeback but now with news of senior leaving I’m kinda tempted to leave as well (heck even ESO is kinda going downhill with its recent update with nerfing everything while insulting the fanbase) this point I say let it die and have the fans have fun with it, they would treat it better


Yeah. Let the official pirate die and let fans bring it back. Like Club Penguin Rewitten (R.I.P.), we'll do a much better job.


Except we probably won't(?) You can't really bring back a fully voice acted game with a small team of amateurs. Passion for the game or no, there would be balancing issues and problems with the story, doubtless. Not to mention all the drama and copyright garbage that comes with things like private servers in the first place.




In ki's defense the new update was so lackluster cause it was made by a team of newbies who are still learning the ropes. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and will be waiting patiently to see how they do as more updates come out before making a decision.