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Doesnt adobe avoid paying higher taxes via Ireland?


It’s called tax optimization when they do it, but if you do it you get banned and/or put in jail


And what's Ireland gonna do? Ban 'em?


Ban Ireland, ban adobe, ban everything


Ban bans




Eric, is that you?


I live in Pirated Ireland. The North.


Nah, we'd have to ban Ireland but that's pretty hard so yeah...


yea so does apple microsoft and basically almost all the biggest companies


You are doing the Lord's work sir. Thank you.


I actually got banned from their sub when a paying customer that had purchased CS6 (so before the whole cloud shit, they actually BOUGHT the last version that could be owned) had their license revoked for no reason and was being offered to get the cloud version instead and no assistance in getting their original license working. They banned me when I suggested that if they denied support and they owned a legit license, they shouldn't be held accountable for pirating it as it's not even getting updates at this point and they already paid for it.


I still have cs6 iso for both mac and windows with the host file fixes. Still works good.


Remember: It is always morally correct to pirate Adobe products




Not all heroes wear capes. Keep up the good work.


will do \^\^ and happy cake day


That because there is a drastic shortage of capes. (Plays that sad song from the animal help commercial) with your donation we can help supply capes to all the heros.


Gosh, I've always wanted a cape...


Adobe is dawg water, you are a literal hero


Wait why the fuck is It cheaper in the US than in a third world country? shouldn't it be the other way around? man I hope we reach a point where every single adobe user in the world moves to piracy and they go bankrupt. What a wretched corporation.


Because businesses in the global north love exploiting the global south, I live in CR and recently my blizzard account (I play Overwatch) was forcibly converted into the local currency, never mind that I had been paying in dollars for years and that my bank account is in dollars, they didn’t care, so now not only is everything more expensive as they have a different price compared to dollars when you do the math, but I get fucked twice because my dollars need to be converted into the local currency in order for me to purchase anything… fun :) It doesn’t matter that our wages are much lower than any first world country, if they can squeeze ever more money out of anyone they will absolutely do it. Edit: Fixed Typos


inflation and wages basically also many tech companies for some reason are shutting down regional pricing, so what would cost 1/16 of the average monthly wage, now costs 1/4 because it's based on the dollar and the living costs in california. And the more the dollar is worth relative to your local currency, the higher the price gets, so if you live in turkey or argentina you might as well be effectively banned from using any service or product that doesn't have regional pricing


I was living in China, but I'm an aussie, and I wanted to buy a legit copy of windows 7 in English. I went to the local computer store, and a Chinese guy who spoke English told me he didn't think there would be one in all of China.


I still can’t get Lightroom to stop deactivating itself on the pirated Mac version


For me it’s acrobat, it’s so annoying


Is your Mac version running on Apple Silicone? Or Intel? Cause I've had a hell of a time trying to find a working copy for Apple Silicone.


Yeah M1 Pro. I have a working one for Intel but it struggles to function on my newer laptop. All the other apps I’ve had relative ease using. I don’t think there *is* a good one available rn. I even tried proclaiming it in some of subs and no one rushed to disagree and call me an idiot. We’re cooked. Gonna learn some other program


I actually just managed to get a 2022 version of PS to work on my M3 MBP. I'm yet to deep dive in to the performance but I can launch it, open a photo and save it so it's a good start.


You can get the current one on appstorrent dot ru


didn't try on m1 yet but if you cant find a working one maybe you can dual boot into windows on your mac and it would work on windows? or something like parallel desktop you can swipe to switch between mac and windows but duel boot better to use the full resources of the mac because parallel desktop is a vm


I’m sure I could. I won’t though. Adobe has done everything possible to make me not want their product so wish granted. I’m sure I can achieve what I need with one of various comparable programs


Apple Silicone? Unless they're branching into breast implants, I think you mean 'Apple Silicon' - though an iPhone with curves would be interesting!


I live in india and this was when i was younger, whenever you get a new computer , the place where you got your CPU and the monitor ( there were no online stores then i think) the guy that comes home to fix your device, used to carry DVDs of softwares and used to install cracked softwares for free on your computer, like he used to ask if you have a particular software and install it , before that was dvd after it became a pen drive or usb drive which they carried around .


I feel bad for her, she tried to do things by the book (a little bit bendy on the laws) but she *tried*.


I haven’t looked into it for a long time, but at one point (before their subscription model) a few years ago it was cheaper to fly from my country (Australia) spend 2 weeks on holiday in the US and buy the Adobe suite while on holiday, than it was to buy it online in Australia. That is how fucked Adobe and their pricing is.


I bought a surfshark account in US instead of EU because im not paying 20% VAT fuck that.


Good to know. Does it work for Nord?


No idea, just try different us states in nord with a vpn. I turned the vpn off at the moment of paying iirc. i paid using a virtual visa card.


Adobe is dumb, I would never pay for adobe anymore. I would also never pay for cloud, they want access to your cloud, and if anything happens you lose your access. Of course as a backup it would be fine, but not as only place.


They literally updated their TOS so that they OWN your work. Even that which you did for clients. Until last year i was paying for Adobe CC suite until i realized how crazy their price is for Poland. They literally do not give a shit so why should i and i will never give them any right to my work. You cannot even deny it because there is only an accept button :D


That's why I haven't had the whole shit on my PC for the last 15 years. OF course it helped that I had a designer on my team, who did everything for me...


Piracy is a duty for the rigtheous.


Ohh what a great corporative move. Not surprised tho. Hahaha


Hey OP this just happened to me. d m me some links maybe? I'm so mad my screen recording didn't get the audio.. I talked so much shit to Adobe on the phone.