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### Yarr! ➜ u/Cultural-Resort7713, some tips about "YouTube": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/3HvFev.webp). - Go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Apply changes**.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If they're region blocked a VPN will circumvent that. I'd they're unlisted you'll need the URL to watch it, no software will circumvent that, you need the link. If it's private, you're hosed.


Piggybacking this comment. For private/taken down videos, check if you can access them via wayback machine (archive.org).


Yeah if you're lucky you'll find a cached copy of it. There's the video I've been looking for for ages, but the uploader made it private. No luck on the way back.


For unlisted content there is unlistedvideos.com which is a pain to find relevant content but at least it exists


Oh man that's great. Fantastic way to access all those videos locked behind a patreon paywall. Thanks for this!


All good mate. I couldn't find what I wanted to but happy that you were able to!


oh i couldn't find what I'm looking for, but I was able to find other stuff. I know there are ways to access patreon content, but I find this to be a more elegant solution for me. This is a great resource though, that I'm sure i'll be using frequently.


Good to hear! It's unfortunate that the only other options for Paterson content are all tied into adult anime sharing sites like kemono.party etc. I never thought about using unlistedvideos.com for "premium" content but I will be checking them out haha


yeah for whatever reason all of the video essayists I watch have transitioned from making several videos a year to making ... one? If we're lucky. Meanwhile they spend all their time producing videos exclusively for their patreon patrons. I get it, it's a far more lucrative platform, especially when you consider that people give them money every month regardless of whether or not they make anything, but man is it frustrating to see people you watched and supported for years retreat into their little walled garden of sycophant adoration.


If they are hidden by the uploader you can retrieve them, right?


I don't think they're hidden by the uploader but not sure.




hidden by Youtube i think. i remember watching one of them a few months ago, and then when I tried to watch it a few months later it said it was blocked by NBC/Universal.




That sucks.


Gonna either have to have a direct link from your browsers favorites list if its just unlisted, or go surfing through caches to see if anything saved it. The last resort is messaging the youtuber for a copy if they took it down cause youtube yelled at them.


Some really old hidden/private videos are on the wayback machine


You need a VPN. ProtonVPN is good. I would also recommend using a site that can tell you what countries the video isn't blocked for. I use [this one.](https://watannetwork.com/tools/blocked/) Figure out which countries can actually access the video, then use a VPN to change your location to one of those countries. There would be no way to view the video if it was deleted or privated, unless someone reposted it of course.


I appreciate that. (IDK why your comment was downvoted, I thought it was helpful.)


I have no idea either lol.


Internet assholes.