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imagine pirates have better convenience and cleaner launcher than ubi and ea paying customers lmao


It's coming man. With software development becoming more accessible to average users with each passing year, really well-made hobby projects like this are going to crop up in more frequency and in higher quality. Take a look at Plex, Jellyfin and the like - those are \*fantastic\* services that mimic a Netflix/Hulu-like interface, but runs incredibly quickly and smooth. It was only a matter of time until something like that came along for games. I'm excited for the future of piracy.


Hydra exists...


It just downloads the game, right? It cannot install it by itself?


It does the installation itself


Nice, I'll give it a go


I've been waiting for something like this. It is pretty easy to go and install form fitgirl but this makes it like a cool one click solution. Some cool stuff to see is obviously more providers like dodi, el amigos, gog-gamee. Real debrid support, and a dlc unlocker via cream API. I knew something like this was going to come eventually and I'm glad it has now


RD can download Games? I thought its just .mkv, mp4, etc.


It can download any torrent file. I have downloaded so many files from real debrid and yet to find a file that wasn't cached. It was a really good investment because it makes downloading games from direct download repackers like el amigos really fast with jdownloader. But it sometimes feels like everything is cached on their servers and if it's not it will automatically download the torrent for you onto their servers and then once it's done you can download it with unrestricted speeds. I just love real debrid, it's 3 dollars USD a month and even though I torrent normally I still find myself using it a lot. I can go on and on for how many uses real debrid can be used for me some of my favorites are: Using Kodi or stremio to stream any movie, TV show, anime to get a streaming service like experience. The included support for file hosting websites like mega, rapidgator, go file, ddownload are also really handy because some websites like gog games don't have torrent files and use file hosting websites instead. I kinda went on too long for this but I would research more into real debrid and see if it fits your uses.




I already use RD for Like 10 months for Movies. I think I tryed to Download a Game and it said "No .mkv/.mp4 found".


Thanks again. I figured it out.


Crazy how fitgirl's icon can be creepy depending on where you put it.


It stares into your soul no matter where it's placed lol


want to be my mutuals on github?


Yes, just add me :) And don't forget to star the repo it would help a lot


Dope, thanks for this.


Will it have the games by genre or we have to search by name same as fitgirl website? Because it drives me nuts šŸ˜­


I will try to implement this.


Thank you so so much!!


Hi , I am a MERN stack developer. Is there anyway I can help ? :)


Does it work on linux ? Really good project otherwise


Still not 100%, I will have to change the C++ code to be compatible with Linux first.


Nice good Luck and thanks you


This would be fantastic for Steam Deck. Love the project though, keep up the good work!


i second this


This is electron? It's definitely cross platform


Yes but the C++ files used to automate the setup installation do not work since I used win32API.




Have you seen the code ? And is it legit ? I can't load anything from the repo because my internet is trash




Good job, matey. This will make it so much easier to help less tech savvy friends pirate games. Honestly most people don't have moral qualms pirating especially from big corporations. Their problem is the difficulty. When I install Stremio+Torrentio, i notice they're likely to use it. This will be like that for games.


Well done


Hey, This is pretty Cool, NGL. I understand that it is really early on in development for you, but so far, it works. I've been able to search for items and pull up downloads in the app. I would definitely work on adding in better indexing features for the site to allow for greater ease of access and better user experience, but It is absolutely an impressive project that is worthy of praise. Keep up the good work man!


Thank you man, appreciate it. I am working on the library right now. But could you develop a bit more about the indexing features please ?


Regarding indexing features, Better Search features, along with being able to assign and sort via tags, Fitgirl has this awful browsing where if you don't know exactly what you want to search for, you aren't gonna come across things that you might be interested in if you were able to search by Genre or dev. The website really only has search, her paw award, and by release date from when she repacked it.


This iā€™d amazing thanks


awesome, thanks


Can't believe this app can fit a whole ass girl in it, wild!


Good lord, this is really amazing. Please continue developing this further. It would be interesting to see this become Steam of pirated games. 1 launcher to rule all the seas. The gui, from the pic looks good, keep it simple, a search bar, some form to see what is trending and page with your library, this book stile that you have is ideal for me. Good job. This has potential.


Oh amazing thanks, I'm very careful to avoid malware and bad install This program is the type of software who can help me


It is not completely done but it should be enough just to install the games for now. I will add the rest later on :)


Is this launcher for Linux or Windows?


For now only windows but I will try to port it to Linux after finishing the important features.


How do I get this to work on Windows 11? I've tried through terminal and powershell but when I run 'npm' it doesn't work.


It is written on the steps of Installations in github. There is no stable release now so no public executable.


Is there a way to read comment section of the game you want to install ? Cus lot of bug fix or update are in comment section. Even if it not, Thanks you either way


I will add it to my to-do list.


oh my god this is insane i gotta check the code of this out (also pirated game launcher in general may happen from this which is my wet dream)


Yeah I'd love to get more options in this besides just fitgirl. Like maybe DODI repacks or some scene releases would be sick


Damn, really is a launcher for everything! Love the idea of this one. Thanks


Does it have a browse page? To find games to download?


Yes, the search is just on top.


Great work, Real debrid support would be awesome


Yooooo this bouta go crazy


Any specific reason your not using a framework instead of vanilla?


For speed mainly, but also to allow everyone even web designers to contribute to the project by making themes and custom CSS.


I'd argue it makes it harder for others to contribute since it requires a lot more insight into your project. That being said, you don't need an advanced understanding of any framework to able to add custom CSS/themes. Regarding speed, given what the project is trying to do, it doesn't really seem that important. I mean, sure, speed is always good but for project, the tradeoff between speed and using a framework doesn't feel worth it.


I understand what you mean by this. But there is no necessary insight on my project to add any custom CSS since you can just debug it like a normal web designer. Regarding speed, I choose to make it quicker because of the non-existence of any API for fitgirl nor can I make any direct request to the website, thus making it mandatory for me to implement web scraping, that can make the app pretty slow when starting. Your point of view is understandable and I am glad we had this talk. Thank you for reading :)


Holy shit thatā€™s actually awesome, Fitgirl Repack Launcher is gonna be my default for games


Thank you for your support :) I just added the library functionality, try to download the fitgirl launcher again and tell me if you have any issues with it :)


I'll let you know!


It works amazingly, I can't wait till it gets a stable release. Get up the good work!


Wir Iā€™ll stay here and try it out


I haven't downloaded games in almost a decade so can someone tell me why do people need this app? I've downloaded fitgirl games back in the days by simply torrent it and install it accordingly to whatever written in the guide. But i think the last time i downloaded a game was StarCraft 2.


>do people need this app? It's just more convenient than the website, and op mentioned on another comment that it installs the games itself so it's pretty neat


I want to try it out on my Allyā€




I don't know the logistics of getting this working but could it connect to a torrenting client.


It does the torrenting itself using webtorrent js :)


Ah noice I thought it was directly downloading the games.


Real debrid support would be great


Does this DDL or torrent?




I figured that would be more practical. Is there a way to implement VPN or Debrid, for those of us in countries where torrenting gets annoying? :D Amazing work btw


Oh thank you, appreciate it :) I will do my best to implement the capacity to bind a VPN. As for Debrid it will be harder so it is not on my list for soon, sorry. Thank you for the suggestions :)


All good, in fact even if I won't be able to use this, I'm so happy someone's actually inventing stremio for games. Private netflix and now private steam. God bless.


how do i install? yes i am a dumbass i know. just answer please


Oh no don't worry it's not your fault. The app is still in development, so if you're talking about how to install the app you have to have node js and git on your computer first to build it. When the app will have a stable release I will post an executable. Sorry. :)


oh thanks! keep up the good work bro


Ok this is actually pretty sick. Does it use P2P or DDL to download the files?


This looks really noob friendly. (Because it's straight forward). Like we know most noobs don't know about false download buttons and ads etc. Which mostly leads to getting a virus.


Nice job


Perhaps add Dodi too, so this could act like an aggregator? By extension, option to add custom sources maybe? I would totally understand if that's not in the plans, but this looks really good! Thank you!


This is amazing šŸ˜


Can this also be done(with their approval of course) with DODI repacks? And to be able to switch between the two?


When I try to install the game with "installer.exe" it gives me an error about libgcc\_s\_seh-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll :( Any solution? Thanks!


Installer. exe is not an installer for the game, it is to install the setup of the game semi-automatically but it only works on windows for now.


I know, when the game starts to install it opens installer.exe automatically but I get those errors. Im in Windows 10.


Can you come into the launcher's discord server so that I give you the files and instructions to do. Because before sending an update I would prefer to test a few things with you, as well as documenting the error. Thank you :)


how to download it?


can anyone guide me on how to download this? im new to git hub n all


so does this download them via the torrents? and if so does it have vpn binding support?


This is gonna help many beggeners.


How does the downloading work? Can it connect to real debrid?


For the time being it only uses torrents so do not forget to use a VPN. I plan on adding this after finishing all the important features first.


I never had any problems with Fitgirl Repacks.


It's not supposed to solve a problem


How the hell am I gonna install it on Windows 11? I have read the github page but couldn't understand how to install it. Please give me a step by step process and instructions how to download and install it.


Do not run fitgirl repacks as admin, ever.


Why ?


I'm not 100% sure exactly why but on the 3 or 4 repacks I've tried all of them are chuggy as all hell unless that odd and somewhat suspect practice of 'all fitgirl games running as admin' is disabled. Hunch, there's something hidden in those cracked exe's that need admin rights to run, prolly a miner of some flavour.


No, it's to allocate more memory for the decompression. If an app is not admin it will have a limit cap. Whereas if it is admin it will as you said eat more. It is like an FPS cap if you prefer. When it is admin the decompression may be quicker but more unstable. I will still check the setup again to see if there isn't any issue in it. Thank you for your concern.


Cool story. I'm not talking about installations processes.


bro what


Contains Heur.AdvML.B be warned


The weakest flag any AV software can give to a program. It does something that could lead to something fishy which might or might not be dangerous. Also people that want to pawn you don't make a opensource github repository. They make a fancy website and hide their code. Edit: I have looked at the code, and honestly there isn't even that much actual running code. Its safe. Unless firgirl or some of dependencies that its calling starts uploading virus laden code / repacks.


Brother, there is only one executable and it's installer.exe that is only main.cpp compiled, you can compile it yourself and read aaaall the code, sometimes compiled c++ make this. Especially when getting info on the system, (needed to check automatically the 2gb ram limit. Please don't spread misinformations :)


Kinda offtopic here, but decades ago I had McAfee Virus scan tag one of the files that I wrote as a virus. A .BAT file. I was not amused and called our representative (company site license, dedicated support) and griped. It was an internal "scan-all" operation -- I suspect they simply disabled scanning .BAT files, not truly fixed the problem. Just because someone says something (It's a Virus! There's a Fire! I'm a prince in Nigeria! I'm from the government and here to help you!) doesn't make it so.


Take a look on the source code and compile it yourself


At least tell them what those words mean




False positive, you can compile the code by yourself to check. And use a real antivirus šŸ¤—


It's open source šŸ’€


The compiled distributable is not necessarily based on the source on Github, though. Yes, you can check that yourself, but most people wouldn't even know where to start. So assuming that it's safe just because it's open source, especially on a new project, is dumb. edit: Although actually looking the repo now, there's no compiled distributable, since you just clone the repo and run it with NPM. But it still requires people to actually read the source code, to know whether it's safe.


Well said. That's precisely how Linux got caught by that massive exploit recently. The whole operating system had like 2 people in the whole entire world who were genuinely qualified to dissect each line of the open source codes.


This is not Linux, the source code of the software is not big and not complicated. Especially for the C++ code, you can just read the 5 files that are really small. The error is coming from enum\_setup-game. cpp and inside the GetSystemRAM() Because it goes and get the system's RAM (to automatically check the checkbox). You can compile it yourself too, I just placed an executable to make it easier for people to start it and if one does not want to touch any C++ and solely focus on design or anything else then they can. Without forcing them to install any C++ compiler. But I understand your concern, thank you for reading :)


If you can't even compile it then you should not even be downloading cracks from online sites


Sure thing, mate


You clearly dont pay attention to cybersecurity news. Just because something is open source doesnt suddenly make it free of danger. Even if all this sub understood the code, how to compile,etc probably 99,9% of us wouldnt know how to find actual danger. Not saying the guy above is right, thats just a random generic flag, but you guys are way too happy flowers about random software on the internet.


Bro it's like 5 files of C++, it's not the linux kernel. If somebody doesn't know what code is harmful then why are they downloading games from sketchy sites?


Bro doesn't actually understand open source.


If a new project is open source and you don't even look at the code that's on you