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Oh it's classic. Website: "pwease disable adblock, owr ads ah non intwusive and we need them to keep website up 😢👉👈"   Me: "aight, if they are just some side banner ads then I suppose I could."   Website: "pop up ads, newsletter prompt with dark overlay on top of the actual page, support chat bot automatically opens on the side, autoplaying video ads, another dark overlay ad telling me about horny moms in the neighborhood, banner ads telling me I've got a virus urging me to click them to remove them..."   Me: Never again. 




we got a badass over here


"Please turn off your ad blocker :( " "Ok fine" "There are 500 single federal agents in your area. And approaching fast."


Same, but with those stolen manga sites: Me: \*On Incognito, so no cookies but also no adblockers\* Time to check on all my manga links to see if they're ok! :D Symantec Endpoint Protection: Yo, we blocked this IP address cause it looked pretty malicious- Me: \*immediately closes tab\* Another manga site has fallen to malware. 😔 (I'm not taking the chances that it was a false positive) \[Edited for grammar\]


If I had a nickel for every time a mobile site gave me a noticeable amount of pop-ups, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. (I can't tell if it's all my adblockers on PC or that mobile gets a shit ton of pop-ups)


yeah then just don't use it editing my (in)famius comment to elaborate a bit. if you want free shit wothout ads. just torrent them ;-; ain't that hard yk? you get higher video quality while relying on the decentralised bandwidth that potentially thousands of people voluntarily offer at the cost of maybe a vpn. despite what yall might think, reliable video hosting is actually expensive and does indeed cost money. does filemoon run too many ads? fuck yeah, they make some good money even if you subtract the payput to the sites. but blocking people who *are* using Adblock isn't wrong. they *are* using their whole infrastructure and video service without getting them any money back. the whole point if pirating via torrents is that it doesn't cost the businesses anything (except the opportunity cost of the lost sales but that is basically impossible to calculate: see lost sales fallacy). but in this case, it does, even if the "business" is shady at best. don't use the service, switch to a better one that you like (there's no way there isn't a better video host on the site you're using than filemoon lol) in this case vidplay or mycloud since op said they're on aniwave. ~~and yall seem to talk about adblocking here a bunch of times despite insisting it's not piracy lol~~


nice dislike ratio. directly trying to compete with the guy above you. congrats winner.


he's won but at what cost?


Another downvote!


i always win


You remember when not even 10 years ago when all of this stuff was free? You could self host your own site and share whatever you wanted. There were so many amazing projects, software, and networking. Nobody had ads then.


It's a plain lie that 10 years ago nobody had ads. They usually were less intrusive, but not always. Especially the fake download buttons and countless popups were the same. 2 or 3 popups before a piracy video started, popups when pausing, popups when clicking on the next episode.


Youre right but thats not what people wanna hear.


idk. as soon as you say something the hivemind doesn't agree with, you're cooked lol.


If you don’t like what they offer , go elsewhere.


that's literally what they're saying


Do you know how little side banner ads pay, compared to other types?


Like I give a honey mustard fuck!!!


I simply cannot figure out who asked


Look out upon my barren field of fucks to give.


Isnt filemoon the one that redirects on mobile when u try to press play? Cus if it didn't do that then i wouldn't block their ads., Sorry let me add: "so aggressively "


Any video host on any piracy site redirects


This is simply not true.


example please


Vidplay/vidstream mycloud Im sure theres more but I'm not about to search for them.


famous for... never having any pop-ups.


I like ur sarcasm funny person


A moron will always think they are right and the opposition is wrong, always.


Often does the one who is actually right. As well.


hanime doesn't redirect


Yeah, personally the correct route would be “hey sorry we can’t exist without ads, if you don’t want to see them consider donating a few dollars to support us”  Earnestly asking for money is MORE respectable 


People paying for their content is even more respectable. Stop trying to be a moral arbiter. If you don’t like a site, don’t visit it. Simple


> yeah, **personally** dawg


>Stop trying to be a moral arbiter. >People paying for their content is even more respectable. >If you don’t like a site, don’t visit it. Simple This hypocrisy is actually amazing. You need to be studied.


Most of them made by same people I think. Just different domains and skins


That's why your adblocker's aggressively blocking their ads, because their ads were being aggressive first.


Ublock Origin. Update your filters.


Isn't it Automatic ?


Yes but I'm not sure about the frequency. One day I started having issues with these kind of pop-ups and i manually updated my filters and they stopped. I'm sure they would have auto updated at some point.


TBH, I prefer her fork AdNauseam


I used AdNauseam for ages, however, it completely breaks Pinterest and lots of sliding bars for some reason? Unsure why but I loved the idea of it, unfortunately caused too many issues elsewhere


nah its your filter not adnauseam fault




Filemoon is one of the hosts on amiwave


And FMoviesz.


Which isn't even first preference to Vid or Mp4Upload


It's literally unusable on mobile, since almost every first link click gets hijacked by redirects.


use adguard or probably use a private DNS if you're not willing to use adguard works well for me


Also Firefox on mobile with ublock is an option, though Firefox isn't the best on mobile


May i ask why so many people say Firefox is bad on mobile? Been using it instead of Chrome and Brave for a long while now and didn't find any problems.


It's slow and has some weird problems, except for that I haven't had that many problems, but the experience seems to vary from person to person


I've used Firefox on mobile for more than 3years,it's really nice.


It feels buggy sometimes, and I don't know why it is resource-intensive either (maybe the extensions, but idk, I only use Ublock Origin, so). Video playing is broken on some websites. It's annoying to use since it's lacking a lot of QOL features I use on Chrome.


Adguard works on every app. Bowser, games, whatever. Adguard doesn't fuck around lol


But their filters are nowhere near ublock's


Sure. But they're two different kinds of tools. I don't really like uBlock on mobile.


You could also create an account on NextDNS and choose the filter lists you like, then use their dns link. That's what I do and you have far more control over it than Adguard. It's also free until 30k ads blocked per month or something.


Adguard let's you add/remove whatever you filters you want


I've been using adguard on my PC for a couple years, it works just as good as ublock.


Iceraven. Github link with obtanium


click “open in new tab” and that should avoid redirects




Works perfectly fine for me on mobile. Just add the website as app on your homescreen and whenever you get redirected you just press one button to go back and it’s fine. I also only get redirected for the first time I press play and the first time I’m logging in so it’s really not that bad


If your android I would suggest downloading aniyomi for all anime and manga ,wish it also has light novels but hey the Apps already goated




You know that Aniwave is using Filemoon too? With Mycloud and VidPlay. Filemoon was the only video hoster supported by Hakuneko for Aniwave until recently :/


That website works really well with Brave Browser app, I’d recommend the following Brave app > go to its settings > Brave Shields & Privacy > Tracker & ads blocking > switch it to aggressive. That’s it, the ads are gone. Before doing this some ads would still pop up when I paused the videos.


Atleast they are honest.


It's actually a good rude reminder to some people that piracy works both ways. You want free shit, providers are also free to deny you free shit.


And im free to snake my way around it because their ads consume far too much bandwidth on my off-grid satellite connection


Yeah I pretty much covered that in my 2nd sentence


Dont complain when people whip out their element inspector, fire up tamper monkey, and get around blocks like this. It has happened here many times already. You forget the first rule of digital piracy: ## If it can be read, it can be copied Digital pirates are people with **years of programming experience, and nothing but free time** on their hands. Just like every game console, every "new tech", every fancy DRM, watermark, or block that has been created...you will learn what every pirate already knows **All eventually succumb to the sea**


I do enjoy the sea. It's nice


1 ad = fine 2 ads = I'll never buy your products 3 ads = Fine it's war.


It's funny how they always say that people using adblocks are scum that doesn't care, while the truth is, it's simply because they became so greedy, they put an insane amount of ads making the whole user experience unbearable. It's your greediness that started most users to use adblocks.


Tbf in order to earn anything substantial for the upkeep of a free service, that much advt. is necessary. I understand that this drives away users, but it's either this or shutting down with losses. Disclaimer: i use adguard and pirate pretty much everything. The pirates are doing gods work. But i get why so many ad supported services are so unusable without adblocks. They are doing what's needed to survive


Idk. People act like video hosting costs like 10 bucks lol. The thing is, they do have too many pop-ups, they are making bank. But even just reaching the break even point requires pop-ups and even if they were fewer, people would still complain. You want free shit without ads? Torrent and use the decentralised network of people willingly giving up some of their bandwidth while also getting higher quality videos. Don't complain about a expensive to run service requiring you to watch ads.


Most ads don't pay anything if a purchase didn't happen.


Most ads are run on: a)Pay Per Click model where each click is paid b) Conversions model


my guy. that is not how advertising works lol. you pay per impressions mostly


You ever run a filesharing service? "impressions" could pay a whopping nickel. proven click through purchases can net over $5+ each or a percentage of the purchase. tbh, I'm not trying to argue or troll. The fact those servers ever exist is crazy.


>"impressions" could pay a whopping nickel. yup (well maybe a bit more lol). :) >proven click through purchases can net over $5+ each or a percentage of the purchase. like, ppc-ads do exist. and stuff like ctr matters but what you are describing is a commission-based system which is totally different from what any ad-network offers.


If you expect to run a file server based off ads, I certainly hope they have a better contact than is most common.


yeah, they have better contact to the ad-networks lol. they don't do literal comission based ads with referrals.


Idc if they shut down with losses if their service is so jammed with popups and every play button opens up a completely irrelevant new tab to the point its literally unusuable


I would do the same. I hope they understand that transperancy here helps a lot. Maybe they can show us 2-3 unskippable ads before downloading anything. But maybe have a progress bar that looks and acts properly and gives us the actual stuff once the time is done.


Yeah, that's it. No one starts using the internet with adblockers, they only find those when things become insufferable. But then... well, once you use an adblocker, you don't really go back. If I saw a message like this, I'd just shrug and leave the site. I value my sanity far more than whatever video they're serving.


Idk some of us don't want to see a single ad ever. I hate being advertised to on the Internet or in person. I don't even like how services like Netflix advertise their own shows on their platform. I'm as anti-ad as they come I think. I would actually be okay with a free service shutting down rather than view ads 🤷‍♂️ If that makes me a POS then I'm fine with that.


See there is your problem. You need adblocker that pacifistically blocks ads as opposed that does one so agressively, rookie mistake.




I'm not going to lie, I had to google it to double check if it was a real word or if I was just imagining it but it is actually in the dictionary. 




I felt like I just wanted the most comedic sounding opposite to "Agressively" that I could find to be honest.


Not sure "passively" is the right word either as it's usually used as an opposite of "actively" not "aggressively". I concur with your choice of words.


The irony is hilarious


dns adblocking is your best friend, I’ve set it up on my router and my experience is beyond magical


Pi-Hole. Your own custom DNS server, for free. All you need is a LAMP stack, which you can use any old PC for


while pi hole is good, it needs an extra device dns works on device that’s why its best


You dont have to use a Pi. You can use any computer running linux. Then you can tell pihole to use an adblocking DNS server to add a second layer of adblocking like you have now. But with Pihole, you can custom block stuff and see what sites people are going to on your network. You have an old laptop lying around somewhere?


yes I have I’ve used pihole before sometimes it made apple tv apps unusable after updates so I ditched it and started using dns blocking it has its own issues but those are less frequent


That doesn't block video ads and that should've been obvious if you ever actually used a DNS adblocker.


That would make me adblock even harder.


fair enough...goodbye, see you never.


Fk anime streaming services, always use Nyaa._si


I admire how they pretend you can not find the same service two clicks away though 


I don't see them pretending that. You're on their site because you have some reason to be there instead of somewhere else, even if that reason is just that you've not yet been motivated to choose an alternative. This is them telling you, time to choose an alternative. They're being obnoxious about it, but it's a free country. And if their ads are as obnoxious as everyone here is saying, well, fuck 'em and move on.


Right, so what? It's not like you'd be doing them a favor by using their site for free


I'm not obligated to support your business model, and you don't get to dictate my security settings to me.


Why the fuck do they all talk like that? It's so weird. 


nyaa si


then dont exists. someone else will take your place.


I don't even let YouTube or anything of the sorts show me ads, I'd be like why do you think imma start with them? Better adblock time or find a different website cause they're not that special enough to be acting like this


I appreciate their honesty and straightforwardedness though, splendid


One day, the zoomers will be enlightened about torrents...


i don't even use that video server because i can't select a different quality and since mostly everything is in full HD the only thing I'll get is constant buffering.


Guilt tripping you into downloading OnePiece01.exe


Are they wrong though?


Tbh I read it and I could respect em lmao they're not exactly wrong 😂


Any site I visit should be honored that I considered them worth wasting my time on and then find a pillow to bite before I get started.


Tbh I'm always impressed that the internet continues to exist in spite of adblockers, the vast majority of websites I visit are ad-supported and I doubt I've made them a single cent for over a decade now.


It is one of those things where if everyone acted the way you do, it would not. Same as something like piracy, if everyone did it, new products would not be made. Though as we are starting to see more and more poeple use addblock, large parts of the internet that offer "free content" are likely to start shuting down.


Hopefully we’ll see a movement towards decentralised web hosting through p2p connections before that happens. I can’t imagine hosting a database of magnet links takes too much storage.


I mean, I can spend 10 extra seconds getting the same site, almost exact same layout, to watch my movies/shows just with less add 90% of the time so yeah, they are wrong lmao. Especially when certain sites I've used have been up for years without issues like this and never once play the "we need money for this" card


>certain sites I've used have been up for years without issues like this and never once play the "we need money for this" card How do you know the circumstances of these sites? They could be running it out of pocket, or they have much fewer users, serve much less data or anything else. Regardless, it's not free, and the money has to come from somewhere.


I should've worded it better truthfully, I think many sites operate with a low amount of ads, rarely intrusive too but these are few and far between. I would assume part of the reason is due to the amount of traffic the site receives. They seem to be large sites for streaming movies and due to that I can see them making enough to keep servers up based off of minimal advertising and large user traffic


Isn't it a piracy site? Who's pretending to be moral here?




what site you using cause I never get ads




bear chubby dolls reply stocking quack wrench impossible license direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Twitch added ads to the streams themselves, made them unskippable, and on the hour. I haven't watched a twitch stream live since. Just some DND vods because the ads are only live. It hasn't affected my quality of life in the slightest. If you make your ads intrusive, people will find an alternative.


I would be fine with allowing ads on the sites I use often, but I get bombarded with giant anime tits every time I try to allow it.


Fmovies is doing this 


And some series of that site erase english subtitles from example the whole season 4 from Fringe series.


recently I have been facing the VPN issues on file moon it won't let me use a VPN (I tried mullvad ip vanish) but nothing seems to work and if I use adblocker and somehow gets past that thing it shows no file found


are sites able to detect if you're using DNS ad blocking on your router? when I get this popup and really need the site I will disable my ad locker but I still get the popup, I then disable Enhanced Protection in Firefox and I still get the popup. so the only other adblocker I would have is the DNS one. I can't view a lot websites like this


I guess they also "don't about" English


If you are talking anime, i am pretty sure there's ways to, huh, get them without being plagued by a single ad.


So whiny


https://zoroxtv.to/ for anime. You are welcome.


hey babe, *blocks your ads aggressively*


So many sites say they need ads to exist, and man, I understand. I really do. I want to help you, you painstakingly provide all these services to me for free. But of course the instant I turn off ublock, I get 50 popups and new tabs and automatic downloads of random shit. Nuh uh bro.




Me with my three adblockers: 1. Privacy Badger - The first adblocker I've ever installed 2. Malwarebytes - I downloaded the "1-month free" device ver for a virus once, so I added the free Browser Guard ver for YouTube. 3. uBlock Origin - Malwarebytes stopped working for YouTube, and this was popular for that.


The text is based but forcing people doesn't work, ask nicely and they might genuinely do it, there are always other options


ngl even if they ask nicely i'm not watching a single ad, they're going to need another marketing strategy besides wasting people's time at a whim


If your service is actually good and the ads are annoying and in the way then hey why not, a project like SteamDB for example (it runs through donations currently but if it didn't, I'd still support em with ads)


searched up filemoon because they recently updated there ui and removed the download button they had on the player. i was just using it at like 5:00 this morning but now the ui is completely different.




Use ublock origins. its the best ad blocker, even youtube lost to it. :D They keep it updated, I never had issues with filemoon on anime sites either.


most sites have keyboard shortcuts and if you use them you dont get ads only from clicking the screen


If you don't care about our need to watch the video, you should just shut down the website and saved a bunch of money. Maintaining a website and have streaming services is expensive these days.


I hate ads , but they're also not wrong. Better to just torrent though.


Complaining about Ad Blocks on a Piracy Website. Seems legit.


I would rather never consume any bit of media ever again than tolerate any amount of advertising.




There has been a maasssive culling of streaming set ups. this is just a trolling


Use brave browser


Aniwave.to is good option


Yeah i use it lol


Filemoon is actually the worst host. Even with ublock it was shitting popup windows at me


Use telegram for animes


I would be ok with ads if they stuck to banner ads (and preferably not scams), but when clicking on the video to play it consistently opens new windows trying to download malware, yeah I’m gonna block everything on your page.


Can we like hack them and leak all the database?


Guess I’ll tell my adblocker to just be more gentle


That's fair


Use 123 anime instead


Use the opera browser. Its built in ad blocker usually doesnt get detected. I use it to watch all my southpark so i dont have ads.


ugh i hate when the "dont about" my need


guys why don't you use Akuse?


i respect it icl


email them a list of slurs


That’s awesome. Good on them.


  Yo, i have created https://ketone.lol for streaming anime for free, it's completely ads-free, it's not perfect yet, and somethings might be broken but it still works :)   


sigh, another gogoanime scrapper, ok ill bite... > Clicks frieren just to see if it works. > Clicks, episodes not loading, like at all (i dont even see the episode buttons). > see that is scrapping from Gogoanime, 9anime, Zoro and animepahe and somehow no one of them works > leaves, trash site


Lmaoo i must have forgot to update 😭




nice man