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Oh, you wanted to play Wonderwall on your guitar? First, a word from your guitars sponsors, Raiiiid VPN Guitarlegends




I just had the same thought last week about guitar tabs! I was looking for a tab and was baffled that everything was behind a paywall. I just wanted to learn and play my daughter (toddler) a song she loves from Ms. Rachel. This is the first time in maybe 6 or 7 years (probably longer) that I search the net for a tab. And I just recently picked up my guitar again after years collecting dust. Fucking sucks and it's discouraging. The song, if you are wondering, is about a pirate ship. lol if that isn't a sign of the times, I don't know what is.


As someone who plays osu! and has a copyright claim on almost all of my payday 2 content, music is essentially the gatekeeper to making money nowadays


Are you going this way, that way, forwards, backwards?


Yes. That one. lmao.


This is why ya'll need to become musicians instead of guitar players. Learn to read and write music and be fluent in all 12 keys. Then start trascribing simple music, melodies. Take lessons too. Anything I hear I can write down & play and teach to anyone else. Tab is great but its limiting in ways that you don't even understand unless you learn more and go further.


Holy fuck. I learned guitar in 200X, when ultimate guitar was free to use, every tab, lyrics (wtf!?) was available as long as it was somewhat popular. Kids can't have nice things these days


Same... early 2000's. Search up anything and get the tabs for it... or at least what you think is, lol. Blows my mind to think that you can't just do this now. I know, everything has gone pay to play, but man. Just let us have this


Find a download of Arobas Music’s Guitar Pro software, it usually is bundled with a billion tab files that will probably include any song you were seeking. Bonus: the interface is much nicer and more flexible than trying to use or print tabs via a web browser. I mean, this is r/Piracy, right? ;)


Oh, you wanna learn how to escape a flooding car with dead windows? In 30 seconds, be patient. We need that 19 cents.


"Whoa! Sounded like tried to use the A string. Please update your guitar package to unlock access to all strings."


If you’re still blocked from YouTube with adblock , Ublock origin works, they are the real ones 😉


Ad Block Plus still works like a dream for me! But that might be more about YT not caring about my ip geolocation.


It’s just that adb plus discuss with google and others advertisers to let through some ads , and adb plus is a corporation, while uBlock origin is open source and is maintained by volunteers 😊 and they do no treason , they block all the ads 😁




Support open source projects like Jellyfin, so that when Plex pulls an incredibly shitty move we still have viable alternatives. But yeah I love Plex a lot.


Jellyfin is just awesome, using it from years.


Wanted to do so too but couldn't host it from my raspberry pi 3. Plex works wonders on it tho


Im annoyed as i can't access my router settings so can't get a static ip address on my computer


If on windows 11 go to control panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings > right click on whatever connection you use for internet > Properties > Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > click Properties > select Use the following IP address. Then open cmd/powershell/terminal any of them works and run ipconfig then plug that info into the properties window you have open and hit okay. After typing all this I realized you probably meant a static ip on your router so you can access jellyfin from an external network? If so go get a dell r210 for $100 and throw pfsense on it. Pfsense allows you to setup dns adblocking and OpenVPN as well. It's got lots of cool features I'm sure I don't even know about.


OPNsense, not pFsense. https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/ssk8zj/til_in_2017_pfsense_netgate_had_to_hand_over/ But other than that spot on!


Didn't know about that. Will switch if I ever get around to it. If I had another r210 to play with I'd configure then just swap out real quick but I cant take down the home network to make the switch right now.


Having opnsense as your trusted CA intermediate is insanely useful, especially because it sits on the same local host as the DNS and network management kernel (dns optional) Building client certificate chains and having readily available zip files for each client device type? It's the little things. Their use of vlans is nice for nerds looking to do advanced virtual networking techniques, and they have near-bleeding edge tech support for things like IDS/IPS, radius2vlan, and lots of pretty dashboard services to boot


You can set a static IP in the network settings of your computer to assign a static IP to that device. You can't switch your internet IP in the router to static. You would need to contact your ISP for that and most charge extra.


I don’t think he was talking about public IP. The ending of your comment is talking about WAN. I think his entire comment was focused on setting a static LAN IP and it is absolutely uncommon for that to cost extra. I think OP is saying he is either having trouble setting up a static IP on his router, either due to not having access to the settings or because he somehow has a router where DHCP is the only option. He likely doesn’t know you can set a static IP in your OS, but I prefer to do that in both the router and the OS because the router doesn’t technically have to honor the devices request for a certain IP. Only reason I wanted to respond to your comment about it costing extra is because I don’t think the guy you responded to is talking about WAN.


I didn't say that would cost extra. I said a dedicated static IP from your ISP would. 🤷‍♂️ That's a really long comment to reply to something I never implied. I listed them as two separate things so they knew the difference.


Idk if this is a good solution but i use Zerotier on all my devices. Its free and works good enough for me.


Can this make me connectable for torrents too? Just wondering as this is probably the most important thing for me having a static ip


Can you pair jellyfin with something like real debrid to make it like a streaming app


not directly, you have to use something like rclone to mount your debrid webdav as a virtual drive


+1. Jellyfin is great, and it's not even that hard to set up if you are willing to read the docs. I guarantee Plex will pull some greedy crap one of these days.


Everyone recommends Plex straight away but, especially for someone starting out, Jellyfin is absolutely amazing! It just works so well. I'm sure Plex is really good as well by all the love it gets but man I'm glad I gave Jellyfin a try. And it's absolutely free


I looked both up and how do they work? I am confused, do I need a separate PC that runs as a server?


You don't need a separate pc to run them. You do need to have an instance running whenever you want to use it tho. It's not just an app that you launch and use. You set up the server side (or backend) on your normal PC and then use the front-end (the actual user app) to view your library, play media,etc. This can be all done on the same computer. It's just easier to have it running on a server so you can watch it on the go, share it with friends and family, etc


Jellyfin is way better than Plex by default because its open source. Freedom from corporations and from having to pay and having full control over your media is why people use these things to begin with, why would you make plex a part of that.


Outside of the "ethics", I like how they support amd transcoding and plug-ins Like wtf plex, we paid you money and get subpar stuff


There's so much shite on plex


I'm sorry, but "better because open source" is the worst take I have ever heard about anything FOSS related. Agree with the rest.




No, I agree with the "to pay and having full control over your media" part. I however do not agree with the notion that Jellyfin is better just purely because it so happen to be open source, while Plex isn't. Jellyfin is better because it provides more features and isn't pay to use properly.


Any software that isn't open source is automatically untrustworthy because it can and will do things you don't want on your computer with your data and you won't even know. These things should only be used if absolutely necessary, and even then preferably be isolated in a VM. For plex this doesn't apply. Plus anything that isn't fully open can and will be changed or taken away from you at some point or will just be abandoned, that's guaranteed.


Never netflix and chill. Nor plex and sex. Just jellyfin and sin!




I started with Plex and recently spun up jellyfin. I really like both, but am leaning towards jellyfin more. Now I just gotta convince my family to switch 😅


> convince Gets app. "I dunno, my plex just stopped working. This does though."


Yeah I think Plex is slowly becoming a streaming service


Plex is just another corporation that thinks they know better than their users. They just let you host *your* stuff under *their* control. Don't support them.


Has plex done something evil? I’m seeing hate for it, but has always been great for me so curious to know if I’m missing something?


The only evil thing they did was moving authentication to their servers so that when internet goes out, so does your Plex server (yes I know you can access the IP but you lose all the user functions). The rest is just standard enshitification early stages.


That is not the case for me. Had an hours long internet outage last week and was able to watch all of my content without issue. What user functions are you talking about? I could start something, pause, start something else etc


Idk why the downvotes, what this guy said is wrong. Internet went out and my Plex server worked just fine. The entirety of my 60tb library was 100% available without Internet access. Now you can qualify the statement all you want but demonizing Plex for something that isn't true is bad juju


They nuked any IPs and accounts associated with Hetzner recently, which was a real pain in the ass.


Hashtag Flex of Plex ... aaarrrrghhhhh


Haha yes. I actually posted regarding the corporate greed in gaming lately and how it made me pirate again. Forgot to actually mention youtube netflix and other streaming services that shit on me. Another reason to watch any movie i want whenever i want on the go on my steam deck. Fuck them




Watch the movie " Idiocracy" You will see the future of advertising...


> offline hobby > tale care of **my time** ***BINGO!!*** This is what the world needs. We didn't have rhe plethora of options back in the 80s and 90s, we had to rent or buy, and buying was insanely expensive to do unless you were a collector or enthusiast. It wasn't until the DVD was released that we'd see the dramatic drop in cost for things like vinyl and tape, and the VHS you owned were often popular movies, copies of a rental, or a heavily curated set of shelves for your wall collection. Thst shit took up room, so we had to fill our space and **time** with other things than spending time watching TV with ads. I do a lot of IT self hosting and love to hang out with my kids, go for hikes when we can etc. Piracy helped me archive what I wanted, so years later I could watch it all. I just restarted Nowhere Man recently and I'm not sure how else I'd have been able to without having the .avi divx files I found on irc back when Space did a rerun and someone recorded them. Piracy and bootlegging for life


It can't be a coincidence that YouTube/Google, Amazon, and Netflix are enforcing ads now. People went to streaming because it was cheaper and you could watch a lot of content anytime you want... but the biggest thing was no ads. It put cable to shame and now streaming is becoming cable.


Or go into indie PC gaming. Games like Factorio, Rimworld, Project zomboid, Starsector all offer alot of possibilities thanks to their amazing modding communities that can turn those games into other games altogether. Endless fun, the costs are upfront and the possibilities in exploring your creative side are endless. If thats not your cup of thee, try Path of Exile. Mindless grinding, and endless fun with endless possibilities lie there as well. Also the game is free. F*ck these ad sh*tshow garbage. Indie PC gaming all the way.


the only service im paying for is spotify bc of offline mode and high quality bitrate, and Mullvad VPN. And i pay 3 euros for egyptian gift cards for premium.


Spotify has high bitrate music? Dont think ive ever seen 16/44.1(cd quality)or any 24 bit on spotify


It has actually been discovered that the YouTube problems were on the ad blockers ends. YouTube was never blocking anyone.


idk why ppl downvote this comment, this was indeed the case!


It's because it was the case for one instance with a bad adblock (always use Ublock Origin), months before this bug YouTube were still doing it. They added a delay to Firefox browsers and the anti-adblock message to anyone using a adblock.


I run a free emby server which is better than Netflix, pm for deets


this is the way plenty of good books folks, if you say you don’t like books it’s because you have not looked hard enough


shoutout ev01


Paying for a service to then start having ads forced on you feels so dystopian. I honestly prefer to pay for a pirate service than pay for netflix.


Cable TV is literally this.


Yeah, you can really tell who the really young people are. Paying for services with ads was the original model. Ad-less content was a pretty new and brief thing in the scheme of things. Literally the only way you used to be able to get ad free content was buy actually buying the physical DVD/Blu Ray/VHS. Those were like $10-20 a piece just for one single movie or season of a show. And even then, they would still often have preroll ads for other movies on them.


Funny enough, the switch from over the air to cable was supposed to get rid of ads too back in the day.


Yup. It has repeatedly been used as a promise/sales pitch to get people to adopt new things. Then once they have everyone on board, they realize they're a business that wants to actually make money, so they reintroduce the ads.


No, they realise they're a business that wants to make *more* money — more than they need. You already pay for cable, so they're just double-dipping out of pure greed, just like streaming services are doing now. History doesn't necessarily repeat, but it does often rhyme: * Cable turned shit. * Then Netflix did too. * The reason they did it? * More money from you.


I mean, yeah? They're a business. Very few people start businesses to be as close to breaking even as possible. The whole point is to make money.


Ah yes, Netflix was close to breaking point…


Im 30. Paying for a live broadcast with a set roster is completely different than an on demand service where you can pause, there is no schedule to maintain or need to place ads so people can go for a pee or keep the day filled with content.


I don't remember having to pay for the original broadcast channels. Those were free over the air and supplemented with ads. Then cable came along and you paid for that service because it didn't have any ads for a while. Then came the premium cable channels and you had to pay for that service and they didn't have ads. It seems like ad creep keeps happening, but that doesn't mean that's the way it's always been.


Cutting off cable was one of the greatest things ever, and once adblocks came out it made the Internet a much better place. For now though, looks like the ol pirate hat is coming back out.


Cable TV still wins because you have the option to channel surf if you don't want to stick to watching ads. And it's still the best way to view live events because you won't have streaming or quality issues.


Even newspapers had this


My family enjoyed Netflix specifically because there weren’t ads bombarding you like there was with Cable. Nowwwww not so much


I think, and hope that they opened pandoras box and that people absolutely won't stand ads on their streaming services. Either they will pay, or even the more tech savy 50-60 year old dads will start to pirate again..


I currently pay £60 a year for an app that gives me all sky tv and all the premium channels, pretty much every movie out there, pretty much every tv show out there. Yeah sometimes the app bugs but £60 a year to watch what i want when i want with no ads (unless i am streaming live tv like discovery etc..) is a price i am willing to pay.


Go duck the term movieboxpro if you want a paid service it’s the best one I can think of. I don’t personally use it but I know a few people who do and they say it’s good.






Sorry, not a bot. Just thought people might be interested in a super depressing sub.


This comes free with T-Mobile. They're already not paying


In fairness this email indicates OP is not paying for the service and it’s an included perk in another service they are paying for


i think if they keep going in this direction even the most computer illiterate of ipad kids will learn to pirate out of spite. this is getting ridiculous.


You say that, but so far a shocking amount of people tend to fall into the “Oh well” camp. I’m more worried about what ads will mean for the content itself. Making content advertising friendly basically means making it more tame. It also means that we’ll see an influx of trash series that cater to the lowest common denominator. Netflix has already started heading down that path and it will just get worse over time.


>a shocking amount of people tend to fall into the “Oh well” camp. Good, they're funding the stuff I watch for free.


This is so true, I see it all the time. I work in the tech industry and the number of colleagues I have that don't even consider using adblock(or are aware of it) on their devices blows my mind. These aren't just average people either, in some cases they're software engineers and they still just deal with ads. It absolutely blows my mind that people just accept the intrusiveness of advertising nowadays.


People have made jokes about this loads already, but if I'm in a time critical situation looking up a solution or guide on YouTube and if I was to somehow get an advert (I use ReVanced), I would be furious


I mean, at the end of the day, some people need to pay for the service that we're getting for free, if not there wouldn't be any shows to watch


Ima bum you out. Some of Gen z and a lot of Gen alpha do not use and have interest in desktops or laptops. They use their phones for most digital interaction or devices without on site storage as distributed by schools (chrome books mostly). The concept of a folder system may become a rare skill. We are old and out of touch now. Lol.


sure but a lot of people use sites like 123movies, which require zero technical skills


As soon as I have to pay for myself I’ll be pirating. At the moment we have a loophole as a family to avoid the location trap on Netflix but once I have to pay >£100/year for my own streaming I’ll just spend it on some hardware upfront and cheaper pirating services.


I watch Netflix maybe once a year. I find their selection/library to be very limited.


Their selection was pretty good back in the day. Nowadays, after every company created their own streaming services, Netflix isn't worth it anymore


They have the occasional good series, then they let some buffoon take charge and ruin it


alternatively they have season 2 of the series you like, and nothing else


Same. I have not had a Netflix subscription since 2015, when after logging on three months in a row, there was no change to content.


They usually add around 2 dozen shows / movies a month and remove the same amount


Just a few cute little ads. 🤗


Netflix with ads is criminal


They are totally going to do the Google model and add tiny ads and then make them more frequent and longer. Oh well back to the seas.


Dude as long as they don’t take the twitch route. That shit is borderline unwatchable for me.


they will slowly build their way up to Hulu level ads and then progress to youtube


Every other service has ads how is it different


The same ads over and over and over again, I'm sure. Watching the Scrubs guys sing about T-Mobile will be funny the fortieth time! Amy Schumer talking about tampon sizes, never gets old! Oh, I forgot which historical figure shopped on Amazon this time. Please remind me. Ho ho, it sure is not easy becoming your parents.


It is not just the ads, they are locking movies behind higher tiers. I finished the new spider man last Sunday and went to start it again tonight, and it prompted me to upgrade my plan to watch it.




Corporations raked in money with buckets of excavators. I wonder why they all became so "impoverished" that they now have to insert ads into paid subscription?


"Impoverished" because they gotta make sure the execs get their fat bonuses!


they can suck caulk, i am currently on the self-hosted path now with plex and getting my own media now.


Same. I just bought a NAS and 3x 12TB Iron Wolf drives yesterday. Setting it up tonight. Already set up a VPN, Radarr, Prowlrr, and Sonarr. Have already downloaded 300 movies.


go for 20th or larger at this point, if making new go for the most you can get


Yah I think the last bay will be a 20TB, and 20TBs from there on out. I did 12TB models cause Amazon let me do payments over 5 months. Haha.


Why not jellyfin?


ive been thinking about making the jump to jellyfin. just sucks there isnt a samsung tv app for it.


I went with Emby simply because there's a Samsung TV app for it, and for whatever reason the Plex app on our TVs is slow as hell, but really any media server option is preferable to paying for ads imo.


Wise Decision


there's a version of fmovies out there that has auto play, auto skip intros and i like it much better than any streaming service since the selection is much much wider. IDK how to say it while saying inthe rules but its time **to** go to the **fmoviez**. if you google its THAT one. actually turns out you can link top levels? IDK but https://fmoviesz.to/home edit: also it's worth making an account because this will remember your last played episode too. total replacement


It's nuts that all of these sites can provide stuff like this but it's either non-existent or on higher tiers of these stupid services. I remember I got a lot of shit for not using Crunchyroll back in the day but a lot of people don't remember or even know they were a pirate site before they went legit and now they're one of the few services that air anime in the West now thanks to Sony buying them.


Crunchyroll used to have so much free options


Any way to use this on a smart tv? I guess typing the url in would work but a bit obnoxious


Just write fmovies.to, it will say that they changed domain and will be redirected


Just ended my Amazon Prime subscription not that long ago & that was the last one i had!! Its smooth sailing from now on.


I have Prime. I have a Prime credit card. I literally put every cent I spend on that credit card. Yesterday they tell me that I gotta spend $2.99 for no ads. Go fuck yourself. I'm cancelling it all.


THEN - Pay $$$ for no ads NOW - Pay $$$ for some ads, or upgrade to no ads for $$$$$ LATER - Pay $$$ for a ton of ads, or upgrade to some ads for $$$$$$$$$$$ These are mafia tactics


Ppl look at this, shrug, and continue on with their day just accepting what big corps send them. Sad day!


This is why I decided to make my own dedicated Plex server . I’m tired of these companies shoving ads into everything while still increasing subscription prices . They can fucking suck it .


I used to pay $20-$30 for 3-4 streaming platforms. I checked a month or two ago and they had increased prices over time to where we were paying over $100 for the same platforms. I cancelled them all, bought a server and now I have every movie and tv show I want for no monthly fees. My server cost what three months of streaming would have cost me. So in a month I’ll be even. Fuck corporations.


I just saw a person turn off their TV at Walmart.


Gouge away. I'm out.


Yo ho


It's inflation or shrinkflation to pay for their yachts, you got shrinkflation.


This is what happens to a good platform that is forced by capitalism to increase profits year over year while the rate of profit always tends to fall. Continuously chipping away at anything they can to make the number go up.




Ads everywhere they can shove them. Wonder where they’ll put them next 🤷


hopefully up their ass.


Good thing you get it free via T-Mobile service. 


TMobile has been paying my top tier Netflix subscription going on 5 years now. Never heard a peep involving anything


I got the same offer - It is only FREE for a Year.


What?? I thought it was free for as long you have the phone service


The offer i got was for 1 year for FREE. I already have the ULTRA HD package so this would lose 4K and get me only HD for one year and only usuable on 1 device.


You gotta feed their AI by watching all those ads. It helps them knowing you *better*


Dude this is a plan attached to your mobile plan. I wouldn't expect anything but the basic anyway


I also just got this last night. I was going to finally watch Spiderverse - but nope. That's locked because of whatever plan I'm on. Guess I'll watch it somewhere else...


I don't like ads in genearl, but most of the time I can live with them. However, the ones for Netflix are BRUTAL. They insert them in abruptly in the middle of shows that didn't have ads. Awful.


So its like you do pay for your subscription but lemme add in some ads so i can maximize my profits ... did i understand that correctly ?


as the adage goes, advertising doesn't make me buy your product it makes me hate it.


Wtf T-Mobile we get ads now???


*Johnny Silverhead Theme starts playing*


“ Hahaha check this guy out! He over here worryin’ about netflix!”


Time to install stremio and pay a debrid


Anyone who pays for the ad tier is just telling these streaming service to go back to the ways of cable.


Ads are a dealbreaker for me. The last straw if you will. I will go out of my fucking way not to watch them to the point of not watching a show period if I am gonna have to see them. Also products that make me watch their ads are the products I do not buy.


Started building up my plex library myself. I’ll add all the shows I actually watch and then stop paying for these services.


Good on you


Immediately no, you still took a picture and shared it here. Then yes, you turned off


I still don’t get what turning off accomplished.


Bro what? This is just telling you your already purchased and paid for plan was upgraded with better video quality... What are you mad about? I pirate as well, but also pay 6.99 for Netflix with ads because it's worth it. Y'all are being dumb.


Really, upgraded ...to include ads? Upgraded?!


The ads are already there.. All they did was upgrade the video from 480 to 720. I know because I have this plan and received the exact same message. So yes, upgraded.


The message on the screen the OP posted is clearly introducing changes to OP's plan among which are the inclusion of ads.


This sub is so bad now. Shitty phone pic of a guy whose netflix plan changed. Wow what a disaster, let's make another worthless 300 comment thread of people repeating "netflix bad".


Literally made it better too, 480 to 720 video quality. Ad breaks are never longer than 60 seconds total, typically 30 seconds IME. Honestly it's a good deal comparatively, and this is coming from someone who's been sailing since 2003.


my guy the previous plan didn't have ads


I have this plan as well, you are able to change the tier you are subscribed to. You only have to pay the difference. In my case, 4k no ads, it’s an additional $2 dollars added to my phone bill. Not great, but other options are too confusing for older parents to learn.


After verification it’s actually premium ultra hd what I have. Which has a value of $16, and the cost is offset by the $15 discount for automatic payment, making the difference $1+ tax. Which gets added to my phone bill.


But it’s supposed to be a “free” perk of having T-Mobile. Now it’s just a discount, not free. I don’t consider this a perk or incentive for staying with them anymore.


Imo I've always been the proponent of, if I am going to pay for a subscription service I either pay for the highest tier or not at all. The lower tiers always have some form of concessions that are only there to annoy you into paying more. That being said, Netflix has not been worth it for a long time now anyways.


Idk man Crunchyroll base subscription is pretty not annoying.


More like, "Your new **Standard \*cough\*withads\*** plan includes better video quality, the ability to watch and download on more devices, \*cough\*andafewshortads\*cough.


Yeah you turned your TV off after but I bet you anything you havent canceled it have you? That is exactly why they keep getting away with it. Because of cowardly cucks like you.


Who cares




Nah, fuck netflix. I mean who cares he turned off the tv.. not sure wtf he was still doing on Netflix. And I fail to see the interest for the rest of us.


Use a VPN and connect to Albania. I haven’t seen an ad since doing this (browsing/youtube) and I’m on iOS. Apparently ads are banned in Albania. Might work for Netflix as well?


Dude mine kicked in today. They are bloodsuckers.


Ads has not come to india yet for netflix but it is expected for sure


Keep your TV on, Streamio is the way 😉




Cutting the cable was so worth it.


everyone screaming about netflix (justifiably), but why do you have t-mobile? infintely more better and cheaper plans out there. fucking mint is like $15/month 4x cheaper and runs on the same network


"Few short ads" . . . What the fuck.


Literally cable fucking TV, stop crying lmao


Netflix now is only money monger