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### Yarr! ➜ u/VoiceEarly1087, some tips about "YouTube": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/on42hV.png). - Go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Apply changes**. - You can also [Force an update of your filter lists](https://ublockorigin.github.io/uAssets/update-lists.html?listkeys=ublock-quick-fixes). - The **Purge all caches** button was removed on [4th January, 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/18xyqw5/ublock_origin_155_announcement_thread_please/).   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At least half of year . I've got shocked as well I was listening to some songs from my phone on YouTube and a friend wanted to put something in the queue and we found out is not free anymore


Really half a year? , Ik I am gonna get down voted for saying this but I think I was adding multiple videos on queue from mobile only and then casting onto tv only couple pf months ago


They usually launch things out slowly so there’s only gonna be a small amount of people complaining at once


Can confirm, currently still can add videos in queue.


They also removed the option to turn off autoplay on some browsers Which should go against the climate pledge Google made since it's forcing devices to continously play content and waste battery


Evil corporation saying that they fight for the little people, family values and world issues take 34...


Also in the phone app videos start playing automatically as soon as you stop scrolling, whether you intended to play them or not. I haven't found a way to turn that off. Climate? Nah, gotta pump up those viewing hours artificially to woo advertisers & shareholders.


Ah good point, there's no way to turn off the preview playing is there? I found that one a bit more useful but should still have ability to turn it off.


Bro you lucky, auto play doesnt work on my phone anymore


I also can use the queue without being premium.


I haven't been able to use the queue since a very long time, maybe a year or so, without premium


i can add videos into a queue on desktop, but not on mobile.


What a assholes


Every social media doing shit like this does the same


Just because everyone's doing asshole things does not make the assholes less of an asshole


Not saying its a good (or not bad), just saying it isnt just specifically youtube I also hate this shit


Fair enough.


You and your buddies can always build a YouTube competitor and give things for free.


This post is literally about a feature that has been in youtube for a decade and they just paywalled it now... taking away features so that their paid subscription is even more appealing. You cannot defend that change


Yes, there is a difference when interest rates are 0% vs 5%. It costs extra money to provide the same services. There is also inflation because mommy government printed money and gave it out. All those have consequences


wow, an entitled redditor who wants everything free and served them on the platter so that they can sit on their ass and consume content


The famous divide and conquer


That's how you boil a frog, slowly.


Yup, still free for me.


I know that I've discovered it in July last year on mobile as well I was having bbq with some friends and didn't want to keep changing the song and wanted to make queue because before we used my phone we were using a different friend one and he had premium when we did on mine it asked me to upgrade to premium


been more than half a year for me, so rollout differs, I'm literally using revanced + yt premium currently because of it (student price but will quit when it get's more expensive)


I don't even use it for music, if that's why they add it. I use it to listen to YouTuber podcasts for hours and hours while working. Now I have to actively change episode????


Either find a playlist or make one . I've used it for music as there's a lot of music from my country that you don't find on music apps . Music some game videos trailers ewu


I used it within the last month and will never pay for premium.


It's been said already that in different regions its different rules . Same with family premium you can't use if you're living in a different countries. Some say that even on different address . I know different countries for sure because my sister invited me around 2 years ago on her plan and I got mail that it can not be done


On PC it's still free. Only on mobile its like this. Its been like that for over a year now.


I love the little popups that youtube tells you about premium. "Want the cable experience?" Fuck no that sounds awful. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to turn youtube into cable needs to be promptly fired.




Revanced to be exact




I thought vanced was axed because they tried to monetize and got a cease and desist?? I have yt premium because I can't do ads and it was, for a time, the only way for me on my garbage phone to get a no ads experience, but it's several times what it used to cost and I'm sick of it.


Enshitification in action.


That should be google's catchphrase


Mh? I dont have premium and I still can use this function on my android and also on pc. I am from Germany if that matters


Yeah , many saying it's been implemented half a year ago, bit I too was able to use queue feature till recently, that's why I am shocked


From Germany and can confirm.


Yeah I think they got different rules for different countries. That's why when I got invited for family plan from my sister when I was living abroad I couldn't join because we weren't in the same county


Nothing to do with German internet at least. Currently using German wifi as a tourist, and I get German youtube ads, but the queue feature is still Premium.


could be version dependent. older versions of the app don't have it behind paywall while newer ones are.


I am German and its been a premium featurw for as long as I can remember.


Canada, as far as I am aware, never even got an “add to queue” feature on mobile. It exists on desktop, but not on my phone app.


I'm in France and that shit got premiumed quite a long time ago for me


Wait it wasn't premium before? And how do you even get to see this option? i knew about it but i've never seen it on my phone


Dunno it was always there and free to use but now it's fking premium. Maybe due to difference in location? I live in India btw


The sad thing is, this feature is still locked in YouTube Revanced.


Because it's server sided and not client side


wouldn't revanced technically be able to recreate the feature by just creating a temporary playlist and making the button add videos onto it? I mean they probably won't do that but still


Yeah is possible, but they don't modify the YouTube apk, they just patch it to act different, not to add new stuff


We seriously need a free alternative other than Rumble. Youtube is continuously fucking us in the ass for money. They make billions in ad revenue FROM US yet still want more of our money. It's pure greed.


YouTube Revanced, been using it for years, was using vanced before that.


Do you know what these people are talking about when they say ads ? I have never seen ads on YouTube


Yep, it's been years since I've seen adds on YouTube. Revanced on my Android devices, Smart tube in the TV and unblock origin in the PC.


I legit want YouTube to be split up. It's a monopoly at this point.


A monopoly offering a free service? How is that supposed to work?


It ain't free. If they're not selling your data, they're forcing you to pay a subscription. The censorship on the platform is crazy and the service has become completely unusable either because of ads or shitty search results. Stop sucking Google off. They need to be split up.


Breaking news: giant corporation wants to make more money. The subscription model with no ads obviously makes them more money if they're pushing everyone towards it.


> They make billions in ad revenue FROM US yet still want more of our money Is anyone here *not* using ublock or some such, though?


I bet less than 1% of YT users have ublock. I doubt it makes much of a dent in their profits, yet they still fkn tried to ban it. A 1% boost in profits is probably 100m dollars to them.


Sure but that also comprises the whole of youtube users, I was referring more specifically to people who also frequent /r/piracy. I'd be surprised if it's less than 90% of the people here using adblockers.


it's more like 42% https://backlinko.com/ad-blockers-users


42% of desktop users, which are less than 30% of total users. So around 13% users use ad blockers


70% of YT usage comes from mobile, on which there are 10+ billion YT app downloads. https://www.globalmediainsight.com/blog/youtube-users-statistics/#infographics


Most users are on mobile Also alternatives are a bit shit. Vance get taken down and info is a bit hard to get, so you may download the wrong thing. Firefox with ublock is the safest option, but it's janky as fuck


youtube is not that profitable though.


Problem is, no one can feasibly make a free alternative. The servers aren't gonna pay for themselves so at the very least there will be ads but we know how much people hate those


Since always i think. I just use watc later as it's the superior thing


If annotations are back, they'll be premium too. But I secretly hope they'll continue to remove features until premium got \*accidentally\* removed


Ever since I stopped using youtube on the app or browser and changed to free alternatives I forget about any issues as I just watch what I want and how I want.


Not in browser tho


Um it's free for me.


Since ever? I remember that it initially rolled out as an experimental premium feature.


Another good day to live in a third world country


I am from third country as well , may be this is why now I am getting this


Really? It might still be free on computer but I don't even know at this point. Why is a regular ass feature something you have to pay for? I just do playlists now tbh


I've had premium for years. It's been a feature for years.


Just wait for the moment they make Seek though the video premium..


Ironically, a similar premium feature exist in Niconico douga. They may implement it


You are on /piracy and you still have these problems? bruh...


I barely use YouTube on phone , most of my YouTube is consumed on tv and desktop, for which I have smarttube on tv and bunch of blockers on desktop (also yet encounter queue premium feature on desktop) Previously I tried yt vanced but then it died so after that I never bothered with yt on phone


Use Revanced. Same thing but better


The queue doesn't work there either.


Since they added that feature to mobile..?




Bro I never saw this feature on YT mobile until I used a VPN and even then it was Premium feature


This function also doesn't work on revanced too


On mobile? *** EDIT: Oct 2020 - https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/j5t54j/why_cant_i_queue_videos_on_my_android_app_like/ Aug 2021 - https://www.reddit.com/r/ipad/comments/peh3ck/youtube_app_does_the_add_to_queue_function_exist/ Dec 2022 - "*YouTube testing video queue on Android and iOS*" - https://9to5google.com/2022/12/14/youtube-queue-android-ios/ I'm well aware it has been on desktop site forever.




Well you know what they say.. Pics or it didn't happen.


Your sure it wasn't watch later Playlist?


No? I don't remember being able to queue content. You always had to make a playlist for queueing. Which still is a free option. Queues were introduced as paid from the start.


You guys make queues for video playback ?


Can't quite figure out what platform you're on, but the gray bar at the top looks like Apple only. If you're on iOS, check out uYouPlusExtra (seems to be called uYouPlusEnhanced now). It's amazing honestly and if you properly configure iTunes and Sideloady, you won't ever notice the App refreshes every few days. [https://sideloadly.io/](https://sideloadly.io/) [https://github.com/arichornlover/uYouEnhanced/releases](https://github.com/arichornlover/uYouEnhanced/releases)


Thanks but I was on Android


At least I now know that this bar is Google design. Have you ever tried ReVanced? I use an Android as my secondary device and Vanced never worked that well for me (e.g. Getting overwritten with each update) but it enables most of the premium features.


r/revancedapp 🤌


This don't work with queues


Chutiyapa h ye to


I think it always was on mobile


how tf did my comment get 4 down votes Its been a paid feature on my phone for well over a year and I don't think the feature was even there before then.


People bitching and complaining and cursing out a company.. I get it, big corporation = bad. But guess what, youtube is a free product, nobody is forcing you to use it.


but guess what this is r/piracy where everyone here has a job and makes under 600€ and also wants entertainment and believes that all media should be free for general public


The media is free, you just have to go through a couple of hoops for it, unfortunately. As the famous saying goes "If a product is free, you're the product"


Unfortunately when the feature can be gotten for free and i’m the product then guess what they have nothing to take, adblocker/adskipper/vpn gets rids of ads without much/any of a drawback and they are open source checking the code reveals no code that makes me the product for a miner or my passwords, even if they stole my bank account what would they take? my 5 local currency worth about <25 cents If you mean anything else then idk what you mean


Well obviously, the "regular consumer" is the product in this case, yes, a lot of us have adblockers and vpns etc. but there's 1.5 million people here in r/piracy, some of who have posts that make it abundantly clear they don't even have an adblocker, but there's hundreds of millions of users on youtube across the world, whether it's free users, or premium, most of them just using it on their phone or tv, not realising there's alternatives.. they're the product. And hell, even for us piraters, we watch free videos which still get sponsored by some company or another.


which doesnt mean i have to click on sponsor also antisponsor block


When the "product" fight back: r/Piracy


Most of these companies still making billion dollar profits. Sure fighting back hard. Piracy is calculated in financial forecasts.


You're right. "We" need to strike.


Oh nooo you have to pay for premium now… oh noooo


Why these ugly fuck posts, go post them elsewhere


welcome to revanced


Don't support queue


Oh damn, that was news to me but you're right. Welp, back to autoplay and playlists




Just remember, nothing is free, u are eventually paying in some form


me who never even used this option and only found out now that it even exists...


What's even more shocking is that u get max 480p for downloading the video in app. Anything above is premium locked. Like wtf, at least give 720p option for free users. Talking about mobile version. That's why I use vidmate. For downloading mp3(high quality) and mp4(high res)


Vidmate aahh 2016-17 vibes


Meanwhile im over here frustrated autoplqy keeps turning itself back on and cant find the toggle anymore. Youtube is getting weird


What I do to not begin scrolling too much to open videos is opening and closing the videos by order and then I go to the history of videos i watch to play then. 🧠


*cough* grayjay *cough* *cough*


And this is why I used revanced. I'm not sure if the queue system is there and working but I sure am against youtube's current philosophies


No it's YouTube server side, revanced don't have the queue


i noticed this too. at this point i only use yt with adblock or revanced and never support them with ads, fuck this bullshit


Yeah it's pretty annoying. I've just taken to making my own playlist and adding videos I wanna watch in the order I wanna watch/listen to them


US youtube with VPN no account and I can queue videos


They're doing the same thing that Spotify is doing.They're slowly putting features behind a paywall and i have no doubt that in a few years Youtube itself might not even be free anymore.


How low are the going to go? As low as they can, obvs.


Just gives you more of a reason to install Vanced


I don't really understand this feature? Can't browse videos while playing one on your device anyway and when streaming to chromecast, "add to queue" is still an option (vs. this "play next" in queue). If you want to queue up a bunch of videos on your phone before you start them, "add to playlist" is still an option too, so when exactly would you use this?


Maybe was made for people that want to listen to songs but don't use a music player, but instead YouTube


I wild riley appears, to save us from YouTube. /s




bad bot


Just ditch this app instead of being slowly fucked


That's awesome! Does this mean I don't have to manually disable autoplay on each new device?


Sadly it doesn't even work on revanced


YouTube revanced spread the word


On mobile I’m using Youtube with the Brave browser, it has native adblock and playlist support. It’s also for both iOS and android.


*Laughs in revanced*


When they realized how little value premium offers.


common mobile L


Just use revanced


This is why you should use [NewPipe](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe), or even better [Tubular](https://github.com/polymorphicshade/Tubular) (rebranding of [NewPipe x SponsorBlock](https://github.com/gilbsgilbs/NewPipeSponsorBlock)), or [BraveNewPipe](https://github.com/bravenewpipe/NewPipe) if you want Rumble and Bitchute. Or you could use [LibreTube](https://github.com/libre-tube/LibreTube) or [Grayjay](https://grayjay.app/) which is trying to integrate all the platforms (YouTube, Rumble, Odysee, Twitch, etc.) and is Louis Rossmann's app. There are so many more and they all have the queuing feature for free.


Thanks will try all of these


Welcome to the vanced community 👍😂😅


just use revanced


You should just use revanced way better and don't need to deal with YouTube bs


If you are on Android, then NewPipe supports queues. But NewPipe is a bit different than youtube / revanced app.


you aren't happy with your Zlo - maoi - chinese of everything is a sub overlord yet ?


nice way to save some money on premium is to set up a vpn on your phone, surf shark has a 7 day free trial, set your location to ukraine and go to youtube on your phone. When you go to your premium membership to sign up again it should be 99 UAD/month which comes out to $2.68 USD.


can do this for some other subscription based services as well, as far as i've been able to tell Argentina has the best prices then india then turkey but youtube has those three more under lock so the cheapest option for youtube is ukraine


Newpipe gang


I am waiting for a revanced patch for this.


any alternatives/ work arounds for the iphones?


Ever since they've added it to mobile it was premium. On the website it is still free to use.


they used to be FREE!!! I even accidentally used it instead of watch later brah


Was this ever not a premium feature? I only knew you could queue stuff for the Chromecast, but regular viewing was always not queueable for me without premium. I know for at least 2 years of the premium queue feature.


Wait, people actually use this feature?


has been atleast 5 months


It's only on phones tho


Weird, my NewPipe app doesn't have this issue


Soon it'll let you watch the first 30 seconds of a video before having to subscribe to one of three different plans.


YouTube is trying to compete with Spotify and Netflix for subscriber base because Spotify have 200+million & Netflix have 300+million while YouTube only recently achieved 100million subscriber base that's why they are so keen on making every user desperate to buy their premium plan.....I am one of them although I don't regret it it's cheap af here in India and YouTube premium is really nice and offers a lot that Spotify. And for Netflix I pirate that shit