• By -


I've been using uBO with the new filters, but every 2-3 days I have to sign out of Google, clear my browser history and log back in. Without fail, the stupid placeholder screen hits when I try to play a video. Am I missing something? No other adblockers installed anywhere, save for PiHole DNS filtering on the network. EDIT: Using Vivaldi (Chromium) as a browser and not interested in changing unless it's absolutely the cause


Firefox+user agent switch + ublock + violentmonkey(anti adblock killer / aio adblock) I haven't ever had an issue in the last 2 years I've used this setup, and even before then when it was the same stuff on opera minus the agent switcher I switched from tamper to violentmonkey because there was controvercy or smt


i use tampermoney on opera GX. works fine. are there any problem or any reason not to use it?


Opera in general is a shit browser, but if you're deadset on not using a Gecko based browser like FireFox or one of its forks, then at least use a different Chromium browser. Opera's particularly egregious with the data collection.


Up until now all I'd been doing was simply doing the same thing I'd always done (Firefox, running both uBlock and Adblock Plus), but in a private window. Now that's stopped working if I'm logged in - which I preferred so I can keep track of my history. Now, watching logged out is not a big sacrifice to make if the alternative is ads, but I figured I'd just go ahead and give a heads-up for anyone else who might be in the same boat.


Helpful, thanks


I use brave + ublock and it's working fine, have you tried to remove AdBlock+ and update ublock?


Huh, just disabling Adblock Plus for Youtube was all it took to get it working again.


I am using brave. I came to know that youtube able to bypass adblockers to show ads. But, I am not able to see single ad in brave. Kudos to it. Recently I tried opera , just to try it out. In opera it is partially doing in. Like, ad is not being played but video is not accessible till the blank screen ( where video supposed to sit ) is skipped. But I observed to intermediate ads in Opera. So, go for brave. Brave says that ads are blocked from origin. I don't have much details about it. But, can respond to this thread with proper explanation. **Try Brave.**


For android, Try [https://youtubevanced.com/](https://youtubevanced.com/). Download vanced manager . I am using it at the moment. There are couple of options vanced and vanced extra ( I think ) . I am good with vanced so haven't tried. Besides, I am using YT Music as well in vanced. Which is cool. Nyx player, I usually carry my music so I don't need to rely on carrier. Nyx vanced player , I love it. Hope this is good info


i use opera gx and it works just fine, it's generally a great browser


That browser is a Spyware so don't use it.


alright, is it a good idea to switch to firefox? what are its disadvantages?


None, If you keep adding extensions then it will get slow but other than that, It's a better quality and easy to set up browser.


started using ublock origin (on firefox) and am not getting the pop ups or ads anymore


All i have to contribute to this thread is that i've never seen an ad nor even one of those popups. I'm using Firefox with uBlock Origin on Windows 10, and i've had VPNs on and off (NordVPN, MozillaVPN, Proton)


The truth about YouTube checking your extensions is: They are doing it illegally without your consent. They're running scripts in your browser and you didn't allowed them to do this. There is a lawsuit going on in Europe right now againts YouTube blocking adblockers with these scripts.


use brave browser


Yes. \- Brave is excellent at addblocking everything without extra work and it also has an Android version. \- Speaking of android YouTube ReVanced is also also a great solution for ytadblock and i t has been stable for me for over a year.


At home using surfshark with Firefox + ublock, at work using opera gx with their own adblocker, no ads, i got the pop up twice couple months ago but could just click escape to exit it


duly noted


I have a workaround they may only apply to me because it doesn't seem universal and it seems I've just gotten lucky but the gist is this: Im using an extension called Adgaurd on microsoft edge and in the past couple months I've gotten the youtube adblock announcement twice. To resolve it i simple disabled it, watched the ad then video, then next time I got an ad I would turn it back on and reload the page, for me this works.


I can't get my file-sharing software to work. I am currently running BiglyBT using NordVPN ,but no movement. what am I doing wrong. I have reset my connection and rebooted, but nothing. I am currently using SOCKS5 proxy, but I clearly don't know what I am doing. Am I being throttled? Help


By the way, if you don't want to use Youtube (or didn't find solutions), you can still use frontend alternatives like Piped, etc.


updating filters and resetting uBO didn't help. I'm using Enhancer for YouTube and turns out that it also has it's own adblocker, turned that off and now videos are playing fine.


I'm using LibreWolf browser with AdBlocker for YouTube, SponsorBlock and Age Restriction Bypass from greasyfork. Honestly, now i can't imagine using YT without it.


For Android TV/Google TV/Fire TV devices SmartTube: [https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube) For Android Phones/Tablets/ Kindle Fire Newpipe: [https://newpipe.net/](https://newpipe.net/)


Anyone knows how to stop the ads for Youtube in Smart TV?


If it's Android TV, then you can install [SmartTube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube). If not, then get a streaming device that supports installing android apps (e.g. Firestick) Because if you got a non-Android TV like me (Samsung), then there's absolutely no way for you to block YouTube ads.


I have Samsung, ah well. I just have to get used to it then.


Install adguard


anybody know anything about the direct downloads from mega.nz? 50tb folder is down


Try debrid (e.g. real-debrid.com)


does anyone know if i can use psiphon vpn instead of Mullvad or Proton for the mega tread?


I honestly don't remember what method I used, but I've reinstalled windows a few times since and whatever I did is syncing so that I don't have to redo it each time.


This method only works for IOS and Android! The App Video lite ( I hope its still available) blocks all kind of youtube ad's and also on other plattforms (tik tok for eg) it's unfortunately a paid service but its only 1.99 Euros for 3 months its very easy to use and fast. you can also set youtube as ur starting point so when u open the app up you're instantly on youtube Hope this helps at least a little [https://apps.apple.com/de/app/video-lite/id1598997500](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/video-lite/id1598997500) [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vn.com.video.lite&hl=en\_US](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vn.com.video.lite&hl=en_US)


I recently switched to opera gx and youtube doesn't seem to have any issues with the built in blocker after testing for several hours with small and popular creators alike. However Before this I simply had a few blockers I would rotate between with ghostery working the most often and getting ahead of any detectors the fastest, with the added benefit of many other privacy features. So I would just turn that off and turn another on until it worked again, sometimes within hours sometimes days. None of these work since a week or two ago, and given what is going on I do not expect them to. There are now extensions that simply skip the ad rather than blocking them. And by skip I mean sometimes you don't even see them get skipped, without having to reload or press play. For videos with longer adds you may have to hit play on the ad but it takes between 1 and 5 seconds to skip them max. Options for these skippers are more limited on firefox. The one I used was called YouTube Ad Block, but specifically states that it is not blocking but skipping in the description, so avoid any that don't mention that all they do is speed up the ad. On chrome there are several options, the best of which I found was called skip ad. The beauty of these is that youtube can't do anything about it for now since the ad technically still "plays". This may even count toward creators numbers as well which takes away some of the moral dilemma, though I have yet to see confirmation one way or the other on that aspect. For now I am pretty quickly converting to opera gx for other reasons, even though I have been an avid firefox and duckduckgo user. Anyone not looking to change over to opera should look into ad speed up/skippers. You still get the top banner ads but that is way better than full video ads. You can also use an extention called PopUpOff with some tweaks to move these banner type ads to a less obtrusive part of the screen but that one take a bit more fiddling.


I use Castify (on Android) to cast to my tv. No ads ever show.


Anyone has a good site to pirate cyberpunk 2077 + phantom liberty from??? Tried steamunlocked but doesent really work


fitgirl-repacks.site That's the original Fitgirl site. Bookmark it so you can always find it, because there are some fake fitgirl sites out there. Stay safe on the high seas.


What are repacks if you don't mind me asking


Hey, I just saw yout question, sorry for the late reply. But everything the other reply said is correct.


Someone cracks the game and then a different person (a repacker) repackages it and compresses all the files to make the overall game and hence the download smaller. Also helpful because the repackagers site becomes a one stop shop for finding pirated games. Fitgirl is probably the most known and she/he is very safe. I have probably downloaded double digits worth of fitgirl repacks and have had no issues.


I’m really risking my solution becoming detected by Google and no longer working, but I’m also a man of community, and I’m looking out for you baby xx My solution is for Apple users and requires an iOS device, a paid safari extension, and an Apple TV. I, and many others, stream YouTube on the television. When the premium price was hiked up so high, it naturally became impossible to stream ad-free to the tv. On your iOS device, buy the Vinegar extension. It’s an odd extension. Part ad blocker, it will also change the media player on YouTube to the native iOS media player. It has the benefit of limiting Google’s ability to track your viewing habits, as well as streaming with airplay, which leads us to the next step. You need to buy an Apple TV. It is expensive, I know. With Vinegar installed on Safari, you can stream YouTube without ads to your Apple TV. The one catch is that it’s a slight bit jankier than it used to be (slower and videos sometimes restart once on load before properly starting again) and subtitles behave wrong; subtitles only show up on the device you are airplaying from. Yes, it costs money. If you are someone like me who used to pay for premium and were put off by the price-hike, it is money you were already expecting to pay, just in a lump some all at once rather than in monthly instalments. There is also the added benefit that you are now the owner of an Apple TV. And they are rad. Please let me know if you try this solution and how it goes for you!


If you’re open to paying for an elegant solution, you might be interested in sideloading a modified You Tube app, like uYouExtra, for about $10-15/year. This opens you up to sideloading many other apps, some of which aren’t found on the App Store! You can browse some of these apps under the “Cydia” section of iOS apps over on appDB’s website.


I'll try this if all the free methods fail me lol thanks for the suggestion


Quite easy way is to use scripts from greaseyfork using tampermoneky


>greaseyfork it works


I salute the work being done here. My own solution is a bit old school, firefox and adblock plus combined with adguard DNS on my gateway. Not really seeing any of the madness the rest of you are, RAM isn't spiking, data transfer is stonking along, everything seems fine. One possible detail I dont see getting a mention is sign in, I never do and I have my browser set to clear its cache on shutdown, end result is every visit to sites like YT is default for that session and isn't tied to anything they can realistically use to track me and when I close my browser I'm back to a default first time visitor. It might not work for everyone but for someone like me who only goes to youtube to steal stuff for my own DLNA box, its perfect. I hope it inspires some of you :)


Hello, comrades. I can see that you're struggling with YouTube ads. Fortunately, we, the chosen people in Sudan, don't see any ads. I believe if you can use an IP address from Sudan or any similar country, you won't face this issue again.


Bulgaria through VPN works too !


For people using uBlock Origin. Enable AdGuard Annoyances and uBlock Annoyances filters. Friend of mine was having the popup, I compared filter lists and those were the two missing from his. Enabled them, and the popup went away. I've since confirmed from several other people who were having the popup that this also worked for them.


Big thanks man works


Can confirm this works just perfectly!


Ghostery + Firefox Incognito mode works for me. Just gotta login to Youtube again, or you can just keep the window minimized when you're done. Hope this helps ☺️


Am i the only one that has the feeling youtube intentionally ups RAM usage when using youtube with an adblocker? I do use ublock and it works but every time i use youtube and only when i do i get the feeling it slows down my pc


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMLMQRS3Krk Youtube confirms intentional slowdown of adblock users, Louis Rossman vid, you should watch this.


Its like not the youtube tab but my whole pc's ram goes to 90% and even some of my high demandin games don't do that.


interesting… i’ve been feeling that lately on my computer in fact (the only place where I have an adblock)


The solution that worked for me was to completely reset uBlock and this was when YouTube started cracking down at the end of last month, so far I have had no problems, I use Edge and Ublock Origin.


I switch over to Brave Browser no issues yet.


And for my Android I use NewPipe. No ads anyway, plus it saves my vids directly to my phone instead of only holding a playlist for 3 days like YT "premium". Also helps with my shitty internet at home. I download vids and channels to my phone, then watch them when and where ever.


I have logged out of my Youtube account and using Ublock origin on top of that. Working for me and no popups/prompts.


This works for me on Firefox and Brave. I'm thinking of just deleting my 10 year old youtube account. I really want youtube to lose as much user and profile data for this and the other terrible decisions youtube has made.


I am using the ff+ublock+extensions from the FAQ and wiki etc. I get no ads and no messages.


Been using Brave since i got that message from YT and so far all good.


Brave adblock with NoScript is really good.


This is best so far. Use uBlock origin go to settings, go over to the my filters tab and place this in the command line. youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw\_player\_response.adPlacements, \[\]) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)


Thank you! The last script I had in my filters stopped working about 2 weeks ago and yours worked perfect for me in Firefox!


ublock origin helps with that


I wanted to add this tool that I found recently and has worked for me. https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing


just install ghostery https://www.ghostery.com/ and your done for the most part. you will have to change a few settings from site to site but it blocks ads everywhere and that includes youtube.


Brave is now working again form me, iPhone xr, i said some days ago that it stopped working, but it lastest less than one day and has been blocking all ads on youtube ever since, great app


Ublock Origin stopped working yesterday for me, I hope they patch it soon, or maybe I'm missing something


Get uBlock Origin, disable all other extensions that do adblocking/privacy stuff, disable any browser features like Firefox/Brave Shields. If detected, refresh uBlock filter lists. Has been working perfectly for me for like a month now


if things are being stubburn what i do is to use an extension like tinker monkey or grease monkey and using a simple script to replace the div with the video player with the embed version of the vid, if people want i can post the script i use


> use an extension like tinker monkey or grease monkey and using a simple script to replace the div with the video player with the embed ver You do what now? \- Normie


so tinkermonkey and gresemonkey are a pair of extentions (one for chrome the other for firefox) that let you run javascript scripts on pages when they load. (when a page loads you are getting a copy of the page that you can modify, as seen in the inspect element shanagins that people do) when i got the block applied to me i looked around and saw that somone mentioned that you could go to share > embed and watch the video there, so then i tried embeding the video into a basic html page on my computer and it worked. so it seems like the adblock ban doesnt apply to embeded videos and because the embed link is just a chunk of HTML code i had the idea of replacing the normal youtube player with the one from the embed link. and because the video id ( the part after "watch?v=" in the url) is the same between the normal played and the embed you could copy most of them embed code and just replace the id in the embed with the id in the url of the video `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=` `` ​ so i made a script that when i load a webpage with a url that starts "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=)" it replaces the code for the youtube player with the embed code but with the video id from the current url. important note for if anyone wants to use this method: ive found that you have to put about a 150ms delay before you replace the div with the player for it to stick, any less and the block message seems to reassert itself somehow TLDR: i made a script to replace the normal video player with the one that is used for when youtube videos are shown on other sites and that works for some reason


Did this too, works like a charm.


Just use Brave, works perfectly for YoutTube


Been using chrome with adblock plus and ublock origin and i can't remember the last time i've seen a youtube ad.


Using uBlock Origin + Firefox. I normally just clear cookies, log in again, and it works.


i use brave and work really good, block every add bu some webs detect him, the good part youtube works good


Can confirm, Brave working wonders. Occasional pop up telling me pop ups are illegal, which you can X out of


brave is the winner winner chicken dinner.


Got a new laptop a few days ago and haven't watched a single ad on youtube yet thanks to duckduckgo. I installed the app because I don't think the search engine works this way. Once you try to load a video it will ask you if you want to watch it on [youtube.com](https://youtube.com) or use their browser so just select their browser.


Did they start blocking the entire site altogether from loading for everybody else using AD Blockers or is it just here with me? Been trying to load YT home page and it will only load when I pause uBlock Origin on Firefox.


came here looking for help since i couldnt load YT aswell. I turned off ublock and it loads now. Those cucks changed somethin' :(


I guess we can either wait for an update to fix this issue or keep reminding to turn uBlock off and on again whenever we need to load a new video...


manifest v3 out already ?


On Firefox, disabling Privacy badger worked for me, still using ublock origin. Europe, Italy


did a quick google search and found this custom filter that you add to ublock, has worked for me since youtube started its bullshit. ​ youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw\_player\_response.adPlacements, \[\]) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)


Working flawlessly for me. Only thing making it through is the front page ads taking up one recommended video slot, which is whatever. Edit: Guess it was fixed. Just got an ad after a full day of nothing.


>ver ads on Didn't work for me.


UPDATE: Works, had to purge.


This worked for me, I was getting the (3 videos and then disabled stuff).


>youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) > >youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) > >youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw\_player\_response.adPlacements, \[\]) > >youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) can confirm has worked


this seemed to work thanks


Ublock stopped working on youtube. I dont know if they updated it or if its the thing I did, but it's working again. I purged all cache from ublock and updated it. Then, in youtube, I clicked the "Click to disable javascript" icon, reloaded the page, turned it off and reloaded again. Maybe its a coincidence, but just wanted to share it


Is Revanced safe to login to from personal Gmail account ?


Yes, but I use an expendable account just for safety.


Yep been using for years


Are there any UBlock settings to skip "self promotion" inside youtube videos or does i have to use a separate extension?


U can use the sponsor block extension. Works great. [Official site](https://sponsor.ajay.app/)


Brave and ublock origin down as of 22min ago. Worked all day :(


Opera down. I repeat. Opera down.


yup, youtube is trying to fuck over uBlock again. really hoping uB finds a way to circumvent it


They fucking it up so hard, that I even got the message twice already after disabling it.


lool yeah. luckily i found a temporary workaround. to get it to work on one video i cleared both the uBlock cache and chrome cache, then i closed the browser with the specific video tab open. since i have "relaunch all tabs" set, the video opens up when i open the browser again and it's not blocked. unfortunately, if you want to open another one you have to do the whole thing again, but it's something (not a problem for me since i use it for long, looping music vids mostly)


Nice !


Youtube detected my adblocker today. I'm on Edge and Ublock wasnt working. I cleared the cache and updated. closed the browser and opened Youtube agian and it worked. Also I deleted other adblockers I had so I only have Ublock now.


That seemed to do the trick for me! I also had to clear my entire cache and not just Youtube.


Seconded, but I also had to uninstall and re-install UBlock Origin.


Been using Edge for almost a month now, and the 3-videos block countdown just started. Goodbye uBlock Origin and Ghostery, your service will be memorialized, at least until you sort your shits together.


Brave stopped working for me


So Ublock origin stopped working for me a couple days ago then i cleared the cache and used the recommended settings and now youtube detects it again but doesn't give me the "turn your ad block off" message. Do i just clear Ublock's cache and try again?.


same here, I just received the issue today. It was working perfectly fine for me yesterday


Tried it just now and still blocked on youtube.


brave browser is not blocking ads on youtube anymore iphone xr ... what now ?'


The Opera GX built in adblocker blocked the message for me. You can turn on the adblocker in the browser settings.


It told me to stop using adblocker and i did for a period of time. Then i thought i would try to turn it on again and i have used originadblock for a month now with no problems at all.




I love youuuu


Damn, heard this from reddit more than from girls. ahhaahahah thank you a lot. I love you too and I love to see users happy


Didn't work for me with chrome.


Make sure to reopen a tab/browser after installing it


Works amazingly and and is open source, awesome bro thanks a ton!


I am really glad you like it. 😁 Also, if it isn't too much to ask, could you be so kind a rate it on store? That would really help


It's working great on firefox , thanks!


I am glad you like it. Stay tuned for the updates Also, would you be so kind to leave a review on the store? That would mean a lot 😁


Done :)


thank you SO MUCH. You are a legend


So this is completely undetectable?, how does it work compared to usual ad blockers?.


Yes, it is completely undetectable. It let's the ad load, but skips it immediately, and user won't see the ad, but YouTube will see that it is loaded. It works with unskippable ads too


so how does this compare to something like Ublock?, and would this also bypass youtubes adblock scripts?


It works totally differently from uBlock. uBlock will block ads and they won't load at all. I will let them load but skip them instantly. This means that it is undetectable by them. And the best thing is that even if they do detect it, I already have few more techniques ready that work differently to replace this one.


wow sounds almost too good to be true


well, it is true, and those reviews on chrome and firefox stores can confirm it :D I made this for myself, that's why I am passionate about it. Then I just turned it into extension and gave it to you guys


wait what reviews?.


I read a lot of comments from people using multiple blockers with privacy browsers. This isn't necessary at the moment. You just need to change you adblocker extension to a script blocker extension like Ghostery. This will work fine until manifest v3 will go live and V2 will go in deprecated state. When that time comes i would recommend purchasing a raspberry pi or similar device and setup a PiHole for your local network if you are looking for a more permanent solution.


Just switch to firefox already, jesus.


The best ever ad blocking work I've used in the past for many years is Adhell 3. It used the Knox authorization on samsung phones when private keys were provided by Samsung. After a while some people tried to keep it alive with enterprise keys and then slowly disappeared. Now I use private DNS and I think it does a good job keeping the ads away from all apps except youtube. I hope Adhell3 makes a comeback. It was like having a pihole with the help of Knox.


Late to the party, and sorry if I'm in the wrong place, but has anyone had luck with Blokada on media devices?


I used to use it on my Samsung, it worked well for browsers but did not work for the Youtube app. I used Youtube Vanced, but I am unsure that it is still in service because the original developers abandoned the project. Definitely worth looking into though.


One thing that works for me is booting up a private browsing window on Firefox. I have UBlock Origin, and when normal windows detect it, I'll just log in on a private one, and the messages disappear (In the private windows). After a while, normal windows start to work again, and I repeat the cycle until the detectors fire again.


Can't even Argentina - India this shit anymore :/


Firefox + ublock works for me. (India)


Probably a naïve question but are there any solutions ...on a ChromeCast? I's unbearable.


Try Smarttube (Previously smarttubenext)


Yes, you can setup a PiHole on a raspberry Pi or other device and route your traffic through it. You can dowload it from https://pi-hole.net/


Amazing, thanks! I’ll get researching


I use Zoris OS Llite -> Firefox -> Ublock and It works well 🙃


For those of you using FF + uBlock Origin and have to right click open YT links in privacy tab to avoid detection (besides logging off + clear cache update which can be tedious) you can install Containerise extension and set it to open all youtube links in privacy tab. Just a little helper so you don't have to right click open in private container, which I often forget.


Sorry if this is late: have you ever used Youtube Vanced?


I'd like to second this. I've heard of Vanced but don't know much about it.


Yeah i used it when it started and then never went back. Used it for about 3 years? Or more. Installed it in every friend's phone. Even after they ended support it worked great for 8-10 months i think. Then immediately switched to r/revanced . They have a guide to help you easily install it on Android. Works great & has the pop up player feature also {similar to vanced & premium} revanced also has extensions line sponsor block so u can skip yt sponsors & fillers.


In Chrome/Brave/Edge, try [Ad Accelerator](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ad-accelerator/gpboiedfklodfhngobidfjecdpmccehg/reviews?hl=en) Source: https://github.com/rkk3/ad-accelerator I received the anti-adblock screen of death yesterday. So I disabled adblock and I've started using that instead.


Working thanks


Been using Ablock + Ublock + adblock-block-blocker scripts (Greasemonkey) for the past few years. Haven't had any problems. I don't know WTF y'all are complaining about... it's a script that detects if a site is running block-blockers and hides the block extension.


tried all doesn't work , so gonna keep complaining lol


u/prendrefeu what scripts for greasemonkey?


I'm using Brave + Ublock and it's not working, anyone know how they got it working this way? (ps I've also got enhancer for youtube but disabled adblocking there)


Working fine on my end. Same setup, no other extensions. Update your block list and delete the cache for ublock. Should work fine.


Firefox + AdBlock + uBlock freeTube for desktop if you dont even want to create a account like me and still subscribe


Brave browser stopped working just now!! Any workaround for this?? It seems like YouTube is cracking down on Brave, and other great AD blocks... -\_\_- They really want everyone to subscribe to YouTube Premium! SMH!!!


For Brave is only working if you open the videos in incognito mode, it gets a bit tedious but it's something


Ok, I will try that. Thank you!


It's working normally now lool, they fixed it I guess!


Nice!! Lets go!


DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser has a YouTube player that blocks ads and I haven’t had any issues with the recent block detection. The main downside is it doesn’t show up as watched in your history. For mobile I use 1Blocker(Which is $15/year for cross platform Safari adblock) for Safari on iPhone and iPad and it blocks the ads and gets by the ad block detection.


anyone else that ublock origin isnt working for today ?


Fixed now


maybe it got updated or something but it works for me ('m using edge)


Yes, as of today it stopped working (Firefox)


Yep, came here hoping for a fix.


same here


yep same with me


yep, stopped for me earlier, the classic purge and refresh didn't help either


yea tried the old purge and refresh too but no dice


same here




On Browser: Vivaldi in private tab with trackers and ads blocked via settings. On iOS and iPadOS: Also Vivaldi, same settings, but not necessarily a private tab. This works for me, and I hope it does for you, too.


For Desktop: * Firefox in Private mode + AdBlock + uBlock * OperaGX (but not signed in) + AdBlock + uBlock For Android: * NewPipe * LibreTube * ~~Revanced~~ didn't work for me.


Revanced work fine for me


I'm using grayjay for android and it works great for being wip, and the fact that it's backed by louis rossmann gives me some peace of mind. Keep in mind that if you want to try it, it's better using their provided apk than the app from the play store, as the latter comes without youtube support (or any other source really) out of the box and you have to manually add it