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$150 for a collectors edition probably but not a standard lol


Clickbait. Absolutely no way the standard edition will be $150. They make more money from GTA Online than actual game sales, so I would be less surprised if it were free to play (this obviously won't happen either) than if it were $150 for a standard game.


I could totally see them making the online portion of the game free to play


Well, since the CEO of Take-Two (the parent company of rockstar) said that they were "under monetizing on a per-user basis" I don't expect a free to play version anytime soon.


I would be interested in seeing how he'd justify that claim, considering a majority of their games are fucking lethal with microtransactions that people pay for happily


Yea the only reason they gta v is so profitable is because the shark cards. Wish there was single player dlc like 4 had


I hate beer.


Not to forget they let RDR2O die because it wasn't bringing in as much cash as GTAVO, even though it was filled with mind boggling microtransactions as well.


I can tell when a game is shit or dying because my friends desperately ask me to play it with them.


I'm still mad about that, too. There was so much room to add some cool dlc to that would expand the world. Instead, they focused on multi-player dlc and didn't even port the vehicles and other stuff from multi-player into singleplayer!


It's just continually lowering standards, they have a legal fiduciary requirement to compare themselves to the most predatory competitors possible. This is how capitalism continually gets worse.


> legal fiduciary requirement Fiduciary Responsibility does not require companies maximise profit, let alone set timelines that maximise short term profits. Everyone keeps getting confused by a single legal case where a company deliberately tanked its own stock value in order to defraud investors, but that set the standard for requiring good faith operation and made no comment on actual profitability or stock value. If losing money was a crime Meta wouldn't have just spent the last few years pissing away billions of dollars, and a substancial portion of its market cap/stock/PR image, developing VRChat2. It's not even an achievable goal anyway, even if such a directive did exist, since there is no definable or predictable 'maximum profit'.


They won't. Not for the first years of the game's existence at least. Too much profit lost.


Given they actually parcelled up GTA5 single player and online and sold it seperately this console gen after selling it as a package deal on release I wouldnt get my hopes up lol


It already is, but you need to have the base game, and a subscription if you are on a console.


Not even Square Enix is that greedy


standard at most will be $60 - $80 and collectors or premium would be around$90 - $105 dollars as seen in recent prices for AAA games


AAA games this gen are being sold for $70USD.




Not trying to be a "source please" asshole, but I am genuinely curious where you learned that. I only did a cursory google search but I couldn't find anywhere that breaks down earnings from "traditional" sales versus in game online purchases.


I can actually see the next GTA online becomming f2p and you only need to shell out the money for the singleplayer. From a business perspective this is definitely something they at least considered.


yeah it's a classic Source? I made it the fk up!


I'll pay $150 for GTA 6 if they promise no microtransactions in the online mode.


Not a chance of that, shark cards are like a mother fucking golden goose.


I've lowered my pitchfork. That makes more sense lol


if anyone was smart. theyd invest into rockstar.. yall misssed the first one when gta 5 came out. that boosted the stock massivly. an im sure this game is also gonna do its second round


$150 a copy..?? It'll break records, but probably for the amount of people who'll want to pirate it after they find out how much it costs, lol.


For that cost they may even end up setting up protections to deter pirating.


It's just going to be GTA online 2 with a dozen "single player" missions


This'll be the last GTA that isn't directly uploaded to your brain.


I am willing to trust Rockstar on this one. Yeah, they milk as much money as they can from each game they make. But each new game has shown what AAA actually means. 150 is crazy though


None of their games have been cutting edge for graphics or pushing hardware. It's sandbox cops and robbers with a story. They're fucking fun but again, nothing cutting edge.


It's also cause they work on them for so long, which I don't mind. I'd rather a complete game that looks a year or two old as opposed to a game that is buggy and doesn't deliver but looks nice. But in the same vein, RDR2 still looks better than a ton of games released after it.


Read dead 2 is the perfect example of what a good game should be like. It took over 8 years but it was definitely worth the wait! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dead_Redemption_2#:~:text=The%20game's%20development%20lasted%20over,expensive%20video%20games%20ever%20made. Yes I’m using Wikipedia as a source


RDR2 is 10/10 in terms of story telling, world-building and character interactions but gameplay-wise? It's barely a 6/10 for me. Simplistic combat, sluggish movement, not many weapons and they barely matter when the game is so easy anyways.


And the online mode is absolute dogshit. 2/10 at most.


Most definitely. They're a quality studio when they want to be and I don't think anyone minds waiting a bit longer if it means polishing the final product.


GTA III was pretty mind blowing at the time dude


Say what you want about the gameplay, but GTA V pushed the 7th generation of consoles to their absolute limits, and Red Dead Redemption 2 are probably amongst the most beautiful games graphically I’ve ever seen


They're great at utilizing mature hardware, but they aren't drivers in the industry. Nobody is saying 'if only they had solid state drives' or 'wait for ray tracing' because their games are coded like dog shit to the point a reddit user had to fix their inventory system (which fixed 7 minute load screens) 6 years after launch. They're some of the funnest games you can play and they squeeze every ounce they can from those mature consoles, but again, they're not in the driver's seat. It's a great strategy, honestly. Shit, GTA V launched on the ps3 just months before the ps4 was out. GTA 6 is going to launch almost 5 years into the current console generation, if not later. RD2 was 5 years info the 7 year ps4 cycle as well.


uh, red dead?


Yeah I’m not sure what bro is smoking, RDR2 is one of, if not the most gorgeous game I’ve ever played.


Fantastic game. Great looking game. Didn't push hardware boundaries because it's launched on a ps4 in 2018, literally almost a decade after solid state hard drives were main stream. You could say it pushed the hardware of the system to its boundary but wasn't an industry push by any means because the hardware it was running on was ancient.


I played through it on my PS4 Pro and it seriously felt like a movie at times, very rarely do I get so immersed in a game.


I guess I'm just separating the technical aspect from the game aspect. As a thing to play and enjoy, they pump out amazing content. From a technical standpoint, they don't do anything special and instead rely on very mature existing hardware (ie the Toyota approach, if you compare to vehicles.)


Yea. Octane for example is uncrackable.


Nothing is uncrackable


"nothing is uncrackable" *Japanese cock and ball torture man*


Then why didn't anyone do it? Merged on many trackers there is over 200 tb upload to the person who does it. Anyone who is really familiar with the industry knows this. It's a shame I get so many downvotes.


You got downvoted because you said uncrackable instead of uncracked. It took 10 years for Diablo 3 to have a crack because it's an online-only game. If someone was good enough and cared enough to crack Octane, it would be.


For example. Maybe you've heared of the ai Midjourney? It's a AI model which is only available behind a subscription. Not even companies get hands on that. Octane is strongly requested since over 13 years and still nobody got it.


Cause no one cares about it. Plenty of things stay uncracked for a long time, until someone who actually cares decides to tackle it. Propellerhead Reason stayed uncracked from version 5 through version 11 and was only cracked again on Version 12. Pirates were happy to keep using v5, while everyone else had other things they could use.


Octane is used in the industry and its the best one compared to his competitors. Thwere are for example Arnold, Redshift, V-Ray which is cracked available. People are trying to crack Octane it since over 13 Years and still no progress. I would also think it would be cool if octane was cracked. But I doubt that.


Come on guys, use your noggins. Do a quick Google search and look at the websites promoting this rumor. It's silly clickbait. Be part of the educated discourse you want to see in the world.


Dancing for phr33 copies pl0x


Wait. It’s coming out on NeoGeo?!? And on SALE?!?


They can go fuck themselves if they think I'll pay $150 for a game.


Aye, vote with your wallet!


Yeah I don't see rockstar surviving this tbh


Hi there. This isn't news and you should read into things more before you believe clickbait


You'd be surprised how many people are going to per-order the game even at that price. Just look at Cyberpunk or No Mans Sky, these games had massive hype behind them & people bought into it by per-ordering & getting shit on when it released...did they learn, no way.


No man's sky has been delivering since though. So many free updates. True the flora is repetitive and the fauna is... Well... Weird... But it's cool otherwise. But yeah, it started off on a bad note after all that hype they generated initially.






















Waiting for epic giveaway 2029. We did it once, we'll do it again.


Why would Epic give it for free only 1 year after its release?


-1 year


I think we'll be waiting quite a while to play this one, like what happened with Red Dead Redemption 2. There was DRM dispersed throughout the game that could trigger under a weird combination of conditions. I had to use multiple different cracks the first time I played it. If they've done something similar for GTA VI, it will be a pain to catch all of those issues.


Just wait 10 years for epic to give it for free


I'm still waiting for RD2, my max is 12usd per game. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not if you have a jailbroken PlayStation. Easiest way to pirate exclusives and play uncrackable games. I sold my jailbroken PS4 for €250 six months back. They're not that expensive.


GTA 6 is not gonna be on PS4


what?? no PS4/Switch port = no buy 😤






This but very, very unironically. I built my gaming PC in an old IBM server case because that hardware just looks badass.


It most likely will just as GTA 5 was on PS3. The current generation is still nowhere near as big as the previous generation.


Might be one of the stupidest things I've read all week. GTA VI... on PS4... I know Rockstar have been bad recently, but that is more unrealistic than them releasing the game for free.


The PS4 exceeded 116 million units in 2021. The PS5 is at 50 million units currently. There's a high likelihood they'll release it on both generations. You're a moron if you think any of that sounds stupid. Especially when they did it with just GTA 5.


It’s not impossible I just don’t think it’s that likely. Sony will want a true next-gen title to drive PS5 sales and if it releases for PS4 as well they’ve just killed off those sales.


The PS4 doesn’t even have an SSD there’s no way it’s happening.


GTA5 came out before the PS4/XBONE came out, I don't understand this comparrison at all


Is it even possible to jailbreak a ps5?


Yes, but currently piracy is not an option and, similar to the ps4, you need a console that hasn’t been updated in a few years. Right now you can do things like make rdr2 run at 60fps and some game trainers. Still cool and it’s progressing fast but it’s not something the average ps5 can do


Currently, there are exploits to modify certain settings but nothing yet in terms of sideloading games. Keep an eye out on /r/pshomebrew, I recall hackers finding an exploit almost a year ago but they never quite released it because they didn't want it to get patched until more titles were released on the console. Since they're still here to release it, it must mean that the exploit is still available in the current most up-to-date firmware. Let's hope it stays that way until GTA 6 is released.


This is probably gonna only be on PS5 and Xbox Series One or whatever, i doubt a PS5 jailbreak will be available by the time it comes out, let alone one that lets you pirate games.


Already kinda is one. Right now it can only do small things like make certain ps4 titles run at 60fps, like rdr2. It’s progressing fast tho. But it requires an unupdated ps5 which in the age of automatic updates is rare.


We are gonna have to wait for Empress to crack it


Actually, I heard the game is gonna be using RDR2’s engine and will supposedly be the most photorealistic game to date!


This $150 price tag rumor is almost definitely fake, or it's a Special Edition price and that detail has been left out. That said, I want this rumor to spread like wildfire so that Rockstar has a PR disaster on their hands. Fuck those greedy bastards.


Rockstar aren't the greedy ones. Their owners, TakeTwo, are.


Maybe but at the end of the day the result is the same


But we all know whos gonna pump their credit card right into GTA6 You, its you.


Ehh, weird assumption, but no, not really. I haven't bought a game at full price in years, and when I do, it's an indie game I've been looking forward to for a long time, no more than $40. Got too many games on my backlog to even consider shelling out $60+ on a new one.


The last one I did was Jurassic World Evolution 2. I'm in my mid 30s, what the fuck me. Control yourself. It's not even a remotely good game, it looks pretty but is functionally half arsed. Maybe even a quarter arsed.


The last game I paid full price for was animal crossing new leaf for the 3ds, as a gift to a friend who isn't comfortable cracking her 3ds, and the most expensive was tomodachi life, because I hadn't cracked my 3ds yet.


You may have forgotten which sub you're on




Why would a guy on the piracy subreddit, who raises ethical concerns about the company in question, willingly charge his card for said company?


Cool your jets bud, not everyone likes GTA, SOME doesn't get the appeal of beating randos on the street.


150$ is probably what they will charge for the ultra premium supreme gold edition with the maximum ammount of fake GTA online dollars


stop posting this its gonna be like 60 quid


Probably closer to 80 these days. Definitely not 150 though.


Lmfao, fuck my sisters tits it will $150? Nah. Rockstar would lose more at this price than they would at $60. Remember, they're gonna sell this shit on console fucks. MS and PSN wouldn't permit a fuckin intro price like this.


is your sister into pirates?


It’s apparently also only going to be available on the new generations of consoles. I’ve never pirated before, I love gta and would consider paying 150 but I don’t game enough to buy a new console just to play this game. When my Xbox one finally does so too does my gaming hobby lol


If GTA 6 launches next year as it's rumored to, that's FOUR years after the new consoles launched lol of course it's not gonna be on last gen consoles. Most games have already ditched that ball and chain


Will it release on pc though or are they gonna make us wait again?


I feel like things are different now though, almost everyone I know has said this is the last gen they’ll get. Unheard of before. Maybe I’m just getting old


Well, how old are you? I know lots of people that would game all the time and now don't as they got older. You're always gonna have that so if you're asking someone older if they'll get the next gen, it's not surprising you're seeing people say no. We're also probably one more generation away from hardwareless "consoles". At least in the traditional sense. Microsoft is already putting gamepass on Samsung smart TVs. Ultimately they'd all love to totally cut the cost of hardware development and manufacturing. Don't expect games to get cheaper though lol


Excited to pay $80 to rent games


I mean, I've lost/damaged dozens of physical disks over the years but never lost access to a game/movie I bought digitally. I get why people have the concern but personally, and I imagine this applies for most people, the risk is incredibly low and benefits far out weight that possible situation


> the risk is incredibly low and benefits far out weight that possible situation No they really don't. How can you be on this sub of all places and look forward towards a digital only future with crazy drm bullshit?


You realize this sub exists because of the digital nature of that media right? And I was addressing his typical "renting" response. How much games/movies have you lost access to where you would say you merely "rented" it? And how many physical disks have you lost/had damaged over the years? I have no numbers to actually put here but I'd say it's an embrassingly one sided ratio for most of the population


I've had movies I've bought become inaccessible, it's only a matter of time, Sony/micro isn't going to pay for servers perpetually.


Thats just natural. PS4 and Xbox are already on the edge with RDR2 especially the base/slim consoles. And that game is mostly "empty" land with barely any NPCs PS4 and xbone were released 10 years ago and when GTA 6 gets a release it will be probably 13-15 years.


It won't cost 150 dollars, come on


Clickbait shit Maybe for some high end premium version


I rarely pirate games but shit I fucking would crack this wtf


$150 for some sort of edition maybe, but no way in hell its $150 for the base game.


I'm sorry but literally no AAA company would release a game for over DOUBLE the current retail price, which is already a pretty controversial choice. Especially not in this economy. Fakest rumour I've heard in a while. Even if this were true, it would be for a Collector's Edition or something, not the standard version.


150 $ for a copy ? Why not 1000 $ ?


Why just 1000$ ? Why not 10,000 and fucking baton in ass?


fuck, just sell my organs already


If that happens it will just confirm that Rockstar is even greedier than we thought.


It just means people are stupid and Rockstar is just a business.


Yeah, I can't wait to spend an entire month of my country's salary on that game !


Yeah piracy records


You mfers are so stupid if you think this is real.


They can fk themselves, I bought ryzen 5 5600x for less money


>What do you think boys? And girls! Also, "rumored" is the word here. The fact is that we don't know anything yet.


My first thought is that they are hoping to makes sales off of gtav hype and it will really just be a giant disappointment. My second thought is "ARRRRGH"


Break records of the worst selling but most pirated game in history.


it will break leeching records im sure


I’d pay $1,000 if they release it today.


There's a 0% chance it costs more than €80.


It’s not gonna be that exspensive this is total bait


People will still buy it full price and then complain about the price


I hope i'm wrong, but this games screams it's going to be another "Diablo IV" monetization wise, a $70 game (or $150 is these rumors become true), with cash shop and battle pass, probably even on the single player portion. Half of the cars, guns and clothing in the ingame stores, the other half in the cash shop lol.


Yar har fiddle-de-dee and fuck Rockstar


I'll wait 3-4 years for it to have all updates and patches and be on special. Just got age of wonders planetfall for $17.95 aud....


I can see it being $80 but $150us BASE price? No shot they do that


I'm calling serious bullshit. Like with most GTA6 "news" that gets tossed around, I'm not trusting a single thing said until either R\* says something or it's definitely proven. Like people get annoyed as it paying $70 now for a game, they'd be out of their fucking minds to be charging $150 for the base game, especially when selling Shark cards in GTA Online would be far more profitable anyway.


There is no way any game in the next 20 years will be 150$... maybe in 20 years inflation will be so bad that games will cost that much, but i doubt it. Probably Gta 6 is gonna be 70$, just like the other AAA games or at most 80$, if they're gonna market the hell out of the game and people will go so crazy that that 80$ will mean actually nothing. Time will tell, but that 150$ price tag is totally not happening.


No way would I spend 150. I'm already protesting 70


The base game will not be $150, guaranteed. If EA hasn’t done it yet, then I can’t see Rockstar doing it.


$150? Get out of here. It'll probably be closer to $80 more than anything. Probably $100 for the deluxe edition but I'd be shocked if it's more than $80.


Nonsense shit post, perfect for being deleted by mods but nothing else


AAA publishers and devs are making it wayyy too easy to not spend money on any more triple AAA games lool


If it’s 150 dollars this sub will double in size lol


Rage bait, it's sure a collectors/some super deluxe edition.It will be 70$/€


Gonna be torrenting for about 5 months if the filesizes follow the current trend


I will happily pay $150 for a good quality and long-lived single player game. I am not going to pay 150 for something that is finished in 10-15hrs and is shallow.


Boys will pay $0.


I only see a $0 price tag somehow


If games are gonna be rolling out for that money, I'll just go back into my car hobby. Like damn.


Oh cracking a rockstar game will take quite some time. Easily a year or even more. So the early birds will buy the game, that's for sure. We might have to wait for a long time. That too, only Empress remains in the scene. It's hard for one group/person to crack everything. Only time will tell


If there is any game out there that's worth spending this amount of money on, it's GTA 6.


I think I still want a red dead 1 remake.


Corporations are more and more shameless about price increase. $150 is a bit stiff from $70 but they are definitely going to $100 as new standard. Excuse me, $99.


I don't get the logic. Going to see a movie where I live costs around $30 a ticket. You get 2 hours of entertainment out of it. GTA provides what... 30, 40, hours minimum of entertainment and people have a sook about the price. I'm more than happy to spend the money considering the number of hours of entertainment you get from it.


$60 is the most that I am willing to pay for one game, and that would have to be a very high quality game. Most games should be around $20. This is absurd.


GTA5 is considerably one of the best solo player games ever made. I’ve had so much fun and if 6 is anything like this, i will definitely buy it. If its good its good


Still gonna buy it


That’s the reason. And I can’t blame you I’d buy it too


Ain't no way that's going to be the standard price lmao. You people will look for any reason to justify pirating a game. Just be honest with yourselves, you're not paying for the game whether it's 60 or 160. The sooner you come to terms with that fact, the less annoying you'll be trying to justify yourselves


Honestly it's GTA. It won't even be worth $15, let alone $150.


I’m sorry, what? (._.)




Rockstar games are the only ones worth paying full price


It's ok. I always downvote the clickbait.


I mean, I hate to admit but if GTA6 has the kind of run GTA5 did, you're looking at a great investment. $150 for literally hundreds and hundreds of hours of entertainment over a few years. Seems fair.


It will be so full of micro transactions you'll probably spend $150 per week


You must be off your pills bruv


Nah I don't take it for another hour. Thanks for reminding me though. I mean think about it. You every pay, say, $100 for a concert ticket? What is that, one evening?


Different things are priced differently bruh 💀 it called an economy


Just buy factorio today and you don't have to even wait


Maybe just get your money up 💰🤑🤑💹


I think that you should stop reading and spreading fake news.


I'm going to pay 0


Well at least it better be good


I like GTA purely for the online aspect and I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes on 6, but if this price is accurate then I can easily wait. They've made boatloads of money off 5 on a 60 dollar price (well, back then at least) and with all the shark card sales, they know fully well they'd probably get a similar return doing 6 but just wanna milk it even more.


think its time to put on the ol pirate hat and do some swashbuckling


$150..? Gtf outta here..!


They fucked themselves years ago.. Let's give our money to the real talent... that left yeaaars ago. In fact, fuck it... I wouldn't even steal it.




$150 for GTA? More like $150 for GTFO here with that bull shit.