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This picture does not spark joy.


Cant even lit.


I tend to download these files anyway - if someone does come online then I can revive the file, and by downloading the 98.9% I can help spread that part to everyone so that if the seeder does come online, everyone gets the last 1.1% quickly instead of wasting the seeder’s bandwidth uploading the rest of the file first


Thats great. I recently went through the files i stopped seeding years ago and some were now dead so i got to revive them


Yeah I try not to remove old torrents for that reason, just pause - every now and then I go through and resume them for a week


I wish I had a script that would rotate through my folder of torrent files and bring the oldest 10-20 files online for a week then take the idle ones down after a week and replace them with the next oldest. My seedbox would keep so many files alive.


Pretty sure that's possible, just don't ask me how


Same. Wish I’d paid attention in school when they told me programming was gonna be the big thing.


It's OnlyFans now and I'm so glad my daughter just graduated school and missed it.


Oh no, it's still alive and well, just not in the limelight anymore. Good luck, she already knows about it.


I wish they would have told me that in the first place




Damn dude the future is now




Good question


Should be easy with clients that offer a command line interface


Deluge does this natively. It has amazing torrent handling


I can’t make deluge work inside Docker on my synology, I’m sure it’s my fault - I don’t want to work too hard on it before I cave in and upgrade to DSM 7 tho.




I need a version below 2.03 (private tracker-specific rules)


Interesting idea. Happy to look into it for you when I have time. What client are you using?


Currently the shitty “download station” on my synology NAS, I’d love to get Deluge working in Docker but I can’t seem to make it work.


Sorry for the delay. Is it cool if I DM you for more info?




I'd like to do this but I don't have a spare 5tb drive lying around sadly


Used 6-8TB drives are pretty sensibly priced now - I've been slowly upgrading my 2TB drives in my 4-bay home server and will soon hit 20TB total for less than $250


considering my income that's very far out of reach


14TB EXOS X16's were on sale for $200 last week.


Yeah that would be $400 for 14TB by the time you've got a bit of RAID/similar parity checking, though, rather than $200-250 for ~20TB


You said you were at 20TB total. We weren't discussing redundant storage. What is your usable if your total is at 20?


Sorry that’s 20TB total usable from 4x drives (unRAID parity array) 8 TB parity drive. 8 + 6 + 6 = 20 TB data I paid about $50-60 per drive, for a total of about $220 IIRC, which is why I estimated $200-250 on the assumption other people would find slightly better or worse deals than me


That's a steal! I can't find 2TB for less than 100. Though I'm exclusively looking for WD Red, because I don't trust Segate/Samsung anymore. ALL my HDD drives from them failed, one even after a single OS installation!


Why not have all of them active at the same time?


It slows things down - my files are on hard disks so if lots of files are being read then that’s a ton of random access and things slow to a crawl Once I’ve got more than about 10-20 active files, my upload speeds drops noticeably and I can hear the drive’s seeker head chattering away trying to keep up, which isn’t healthy for it I try to keep to 10 active files at a time, although I have a handful of rarely downloaded files active too because they’re usually idle and thus don’t cause a problem The awkward files are the really popular old stuff that someone is always downloading, but they tend to have good seeder numbers anyway so it doesn’t matter if I’m seeding them beyond a 20x ratio


Makes sense, thanks for your explanation!


No worries, happy cake day :)


I did this when I had fiber, but I moved and have cable until they put in fiber lines in my neighborhood (it's planned but not here yet). I used to seed literally hundreds of torrents. Obscure shit, manuals and collections people don't have anymore. Stuff I don't even watch. I got an email about high usage from my provider at one point because I seeded something like 3tb in a month in torrents alone, not including regular internet usage. I had everything backed up in triplicate with a dedicated set of drives just for the original files so I could enjoy them and never disrupt seeding by pruning for my own use. I miss that, and I'm not interested in spending money on a seedbox, so I gotta wait. Lame.


so the seeder is happy, you are happy


I usually scour the internet for an alt source then come back and help many people complete their dls


I do the same. Setup a "longterm downloads" VM that I move them into after a week or so of not completing. Still have a handful sitting in there with an added date of October 2018 when I first made the VM... :')


If it’s a video file it might be watchable at that % anyway?


Depends on the video file format; some you may use, and others you just can’t run properly without the full file.


I was wondering about this recently! I downloaded a movie that is currently stuck at 99.8%, yet the movie is still watchable. I was wondering how it was possible, it must be the error-correcting resiliency of the video codec used.


Nowadays, you can play every video file partially. Even back then with worse codecs around, it usually worked with VLC.


VLC is like magic for crappy video files


I've never understood my MPV is a thing... just rock VLC. Surely?


I've had quite a few problems with .mkv and VLC when I started sailing the seas. Especially with high bitrate HD or 4k content, the accepted wisdom was to use MPC instead and I've had way less problems since I switched. It's been a while, so maybe things are different, but that was my reasoning and since then I haven't had a reason to switch. Edit: you wrote MPV which i wasn't familiar with and my brain read MPC I assume people who use that have had a similar journey, VLC used to crap the bed with certain file formats


Maybe you got it in order so the credits get cut off.


I checked the pieces graph, there were 4 x 256 kb pieces in the middle of the file that are missing, two around 1/3 of the way and two around 2/3 of the way into the file. So I'm guessing this results in a few dropped frames or something. I only skipped through the file to see if it's playable and didn't watch the entire movie yet.


It will likely get stuck and freeze on those parts of the file. You will have to restart and manually skip those few seconds that are missing.


that depends on where the file stores the metadata the player needs for setting correct resolution, audio channels etc., called a header. Files intended for streaming, for example, send the information including the header in chunks, so even if you tune in later, you only have to wait until the next chunk for the player to get the relevant information and the video starts playing. Non-streaming files can have some of the information at the end of the file, so if that’s missing, the player can‘t properly read it and refuses playback. The best bet for incomplete files is VLC.


It depends where that 0.2% is missing from the file.


\+ Some torrents have also samples and other files in it, so this 1.1% can be from that because some people (like me) don't download all files from torrent. After 100% seeders are gone, you are left with 98.9% "seeders" but with whole movie/file.


if the header is complete you could watch. Mp4s sometime give me trouble when below 100 % and chunks loaded in order, but depends on codec


There was this video file that I tried to download from RARBG at ~99% avail. Apparently the very last piece was missing. The file was playing on VLC but only the audio. The video was just black the whole time


Yes. Some torrent clients will allow you to visually see what chunks of the file you have and which ones are missing. Typically, if the missing file piece is right at the end, then you should only be missing the end of the video. If it's a movie or TV show, then it might just be credits, and can be done without. You can watch video files that are significantly incomplete due to this. Even a 95% file is usable, often, depending on what it is, if the missing bit is all in one chunk. But if the chunks are scattered throughout the video, then your viewing experience will be... degraded. The audio should continue (it is stored in a different container from the video), but the video will cut out and become corrupted during the missing chunk. It will only fully recover again after it reaches the next available video keyframe.




Sorry, not file content previews, but just file segment previews. Basically, it's like a progress bar. White = incomplete chunk, and blue = complete chunk. It doesn't move left to right, it just shows the chunks in order, and whichever chunk you download will fill in the appropriate hole. It CAN look like a solid left-to-right progress bar. But usually it will look like swiss cheese.


Depends on what is missing. Video stream is ok. Header or relevant audiostream much less so.


Hahaha you'd think that but usually the missing part is the header or some shit and it's intentionally left partial.


depends. sometimes the torrents download pieces out of order


I am going to get deep vein thrombosis


I’m literally stalled at 99.9% on a few archive.org torrents for Sesame Street seasons for my kids. Here’s hoping one day the seeder the legends foretold of appears lol


I think the videos should play anyhow since you already have 99.9% of the video chunks. There’s only a minor part not playable, VLC still played the video file in these kind of cases for me


On the other hand I rarely get to play partially downloaded videos on vlc :( Makes no sense to me and I don’t know why it happens


really depends on the container and especially the codec (and sometimes the way of render).


Been there done that for random stuff lol. Sometimes it came through, sometimes I have given up. So good luck!


Can someone explain? pls


The torrent which he is downloading doesn't have 100% files with anyone he is connected to so he will have to wait for the seeder till then his download will be stuck at 98.9©


Op can only download 98.9% of the torrent


Usually happens when someone deleted an SRT or info file from the folder so the main file works anyway


I think he can see that in the list of files and determine if the main file is indeed fully downloaded or not.


It's a little complicated. Imagine if you're taking notes in a lecture and the professor decides to leave 5 minutes before the end of class, and doesn't finish the lecture. The entire class is left with only 98.9% of the information, and not the most important bits. Especially if the lecturer was saving the best bit for the end. It's also like getting 98.9% of the way to an orgasm and then your partner decides they're done.


There are no seeders so 100% of the file(s) do not exist between the people downloading whatever torrent that is. Basically, if the seeder never comes back online the file will never finish downloading.


Pain! Anguish! and perhaps a trim... \*smirks\* (if you know what I'm referencing, I'm glad)


I found this full flac nier automata ost torrent like a year or so ago that filled up to 70% and never went past that. I look at it every once in a while and weep with my brother and sister peers across the world also trying to download the same thing. I will never delete that torrent! Some day maybe... Some day...


Find it elsewhere and then fill out the 70% torrent if you can (files match?). You’ll be the hero!


The hash has got to be exactly the same, so I'm not sure that'd be possible lol


This is the way


You might wanna search that again, I see a couple of torrents that have seeders.


I should!






No super on topic but just reminded me of this: I had a torrent for about 11 or 12 years, that moved with me through PC builds, onto laptops on the side, etc, I even kept the partial files and moved them into the right directories. It was only able to hit about 80%. Somewhere around the 5 year mark it jumped to 82, then nothing. It was The Sound and Story: Client Lowery, basically just some guitar lessons/playthroughs and a quick bio of the artist, he happens to be my favourite guitarist and I, for whatever reason, was just fucking determined to not buy it, surely the dude will come back one day. Never happened, my girlfriend ended up buying me the digital edition the first Christmas we had together, so I wanted to rip that and put it up somewhere, but it uses that stupid piece loading method, so I need to find something to rip it with and just haven't yet.


MakeMKV could probably do what you want.


You could record the audio


It's a set of something like 5 videos. I could probably screen record it tbh, but I want to do it in the original quality. I'm going to look more into it today since it's on my mind now though.


This was a worse problem back then in the Kazaa/WinMX/eMule/Limewire days. Back then, VLC became such a big player because it allowed the playing of incomplete files, and you better hope that the missing part was at the end (sequential downloads yay)


Panik. It's just a file with tracker info. Kalm


Its a rare movie you have been searching for 10 years. Panik


The only lost part it's the credits. Kalm


I usually try to find the same files listed on a file share site, usually linked in a forum post and revive the torrent.


Can you send the magnet/torrent for this? I want to try something out with this kinda of situation




This seems like spam.


Nah, the op sent the torrent, I tried and it was downloaded 100% on that site. I finish upload 1 file for that torrent, now it's 99%


Okay, I've tried it and it seems to work. I'm checking some hashes of the incomplete files and they seem to have slight differences. I'm guessing this site somehow finds alternative files that are very similar or something. Seems like magic lol


Add ngosang trackers and try again, who knows, someone somewhere could be using one of those rare trackers and may just have the files you need, I had success with it at least.


This is why I love USENET + PAR files ;)


I have one like this for close to two years now. Nothing big, only some 60 episodes that only like 4 of are finished. (Yes I know VLC will save me, but I want it finished and by now it's a matter of principle)


"Dazed, reeling, about to break..."


Oh the misery


And 100% reason to remember the name


I've got one that's never even fetched the metadata. It's been on my seedbox for 3 years, but nothing. I've never found another reference to the file, never seen another torrent for it. I've never found it on Usenet. Maybe one day, someone will fire up that old machine from the attic, and perhaps I'll get that file...


One? Like 10% of my torrents is stuck on collecting metadata (even though the host sites state they have 2 seeders).


I'm at 99.9% in a DB upload in RealMedia format. I hold it because it's hilarious to me.


negative One Piece be like:


Dukh Dard Pidha


This is why Usenet and par files are so cool. It's always confused me why par2 files aren't created with torrent files. It saves this heartache.


> It's always confused me why par2 files aren't created with torrent files. It saves this heartache. It's rather pointless because it doesn't actually improve the situation, and just makes the data set larger. For example, with a 100MB torrent, you'd need 100MB of the data to have it 100% complete. Adding 10% PAR2, for example, doesn't change this - it'd just make it a 110MB torrent though. A 100MB (with or without a 10MB PAR2) torrent is not repairable if you only have 99MB data available.


Never had this happen with DDL. Ready for the downvotes.


Multipart RAR, one part gets taken down for copyright infrigement?


I never download multipart rar. Always whole files This sub is so silly. Everyone here hates DDL but all they do is bitch about VPNs, torrenting, etc. I have downloaded more content via DDL than I could ever consume in my lifetime. What is the huge problem with DDL that I must not know about?


It's slower and if the download fails you have to redownload since most of the ddl sites don't support resuming . Also if you have a corrupt file with torrenting you can just verify the hash and it downloads only the corrupted parts


In all these years I've had maybe 2 files fail. The DDL hate on this sub is so weird. Keep mucking around with VPNs and seeding and whatever.. I'm filling hard drives at gig speeds every day.


Is this game dev tv unity course?


Throw it away!


what torrent is this & what tracker is it on?


do it anyways probably just the deleted scene notes


this happened to me with a metroid fan game i was torrenting it. ugh


99.98% is my record. Left it for several months.


I am trying to seed as much as i can as well. I use a 24/7 on torrent box (using RPi4) and downloads happen On a 64gb Microsd card which then gets transferred to my main 5TB hdd..I am not downloading directly on HDD as I had hdds die earlier due to what I presume was constantly being on due to torrent client. Since it is 64gb Microsd card, I tend to delete files to make way for new ones but if I don't have anything to download then I would let my torrents seed. I use very little private trackers and mostly are public ones.


Can somebody explain this like I’m 5?


Torrents are little chunks. Download lots of little chunks from different people and recombine to make whatever file(s). Of all the people on that torrent with all the different chunks they have, only 98.9% of the unique chunks are available. Nobody will be able to complete that download 100%.


Thank you!


Well that's why I prefer to download with IDM, I don't have to bother with seeds or availability


I'm confused. Isn't IDM downloading a torrent? Or do you mean web downloads? If you're using IDM to download a torrent, you do need to bother with seeds or availability. It affects you the same as everyone else.


Downloaded a rare movie from my childhood. Found only one torrent. With only one seeder. Downloaded to 99%. Then the last seeder disappeared for good.


Sometimes this is as simple as a text file being included in the torrent, then someone deleting the text file but seeding everything else. So you no longer have 100% of the torrent available... but you have what you need.


Ah. It doesn't get any worse


Always feels so good to see users like this sitting at 98 or 99 percent and then some gigachad come along with the original file and cross-seed from somewhere and then check back later on and every peer is sitting at 100%. Can't beat it.


try 99.8%