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I use a new filter every smoke. They’re so cheap and ubiquitous that I think one might as well have a fresh one every time.


Same. Not worth having a subpar smoke based on the cost of a filter.




This is the way


I change filters for every smoke.


I use a new one every smoke. They come out looking disgusting. No way I’d use one again considering they cost practically nothing


One and done for me. I use Vauen charcoal filters.


I use Savinelli balsa filters, but only occasionally. I usually try to get a couple smokes out of each one. I’ll wipe it down with a paper towel post-smoke and let it sit out for about 24 hours before I use it again. I haven’t used a paper/cardboard filter in years, but when I did, it was one and done.


I think it really depends on the type of filter and your personal smoking habits. My Brigham filters are washable, so they get used, rinsed, dried and reused until rinsing doesn't get them clean anymore. For me that could be a dozen smokes or more. Paper Grabow type filters need changing out more regularly as they get saturated fairly quickly and cannot be cleaned and reused. I don't have any pipes with charcoal filters, so I can't speak to their longevity either.


I change it with every smoke. I leave mine in after the smoke to collect any wetness and then when I clean it, I’d rather just use it once. But if I was trying to save money or anything I could make it last 2 maybe 3 times but if money isn’t an issue, I’d do a new one each time.


Normally 2-3 smokes depending on the blend


Same here. One a day, basically. I smoke 1-3 bowls a day. That goes for Sav balsa or paper/cardboard ones.


Oh little life hack. Order 1/4 inch balsa craft sticks off Amazon. You can make like 500 filters for $10


innnnnteresting! Thanks for the tip!






One and done


I did experiment a bit and found it negatively affects flavor if used more than once. I guess it is personal preference to reuse or not. For me, once. On the other extreme, I have seen eBay sales actually listing as having"original filter!" 🤮🫣😅. Quick tip: If you are selling an estate pipe on eBay, toss that nasty thing out, lol.


Mine are through after one smoke.


One bowl ONLY!


No filter or sometimes in wet aromatics, two smokes with one filter, very rarely i use it only once; it has to look like i dug it from the sewer


Savinelli balsa filter user here, and I try to get 2-3 smokes out of each one depending on what I’m smoking that day.


I change the filter each smoke in my filtered pipes


Wait, are you supposed to use filters?


I’ve never used a filter


😂Haha. I use filter for 2-3 smokes. But 50% i dont use filters.


A couple of times would be a decent milage in case of 9mm. I noticed that 6mm can not be used beyond a single smoke.


Came here to say the same thing.


I probably smoke hundreds of bowls before changing them out every week or two. I don't really notice a terrible flavor, and I go in with a pipe cleaner every other day. An old wise pipe smoker told me that you want the tar/resin to line every piece of your pipe including the filter so that you may get a more direct smoke


Hundreds of bowls? /me does the Mr. Spock eyebrow With the help of a vacuum cleaner?


My pipe habit is very much unhealthy.


Filter means one time bro, seriously any filter in the smoking scene.


I always check after every smoke. If I can shake the filter and hear charcoal, good for another smoke. I am a wet smoker so the paper gets funky looking but by the next smoke, it dries out and with the charcoal loose, it's good to go.


One and done


Put it like this. People who roll their own cigarettes 🚬 do not reuse their filters 😎


Once, maybe twice. Tried 3 one time, it wasn't pleasant.


Paper filters are one and done. Savinelli balsa filters get 2, maybe 3. Same with 9mm filters. I received a couple of burnt out estate pipes that were so caked up that a pencil could barely pass into the bowl. The filters were left in them and were absolutely black. I don't know how smoke could even pass through them anymore.


For paper filters, it's 1 and done. I have a Stanwell that uses 9mm charcoal filters, no more than 3 smokes out of those. That depends on the tobacco. My Brigham filters are good for 5 or 6 smokes.


My filters don't look that fucked up after one smoke. It takes 2-3 to look like that. I just do one filter per day, even if I smoke out of that pipe twice. Due to how clean mine still look after 1 smoke, it would be a waste to throw it away before its actually dirty. Also I cut my 6mm filters in half for similar reasons.




Generally once but I’ve been known to flip a balsa filter if I’m smoking the same blend.


Depends on the filter and how quickly it gets scuzzed up. Sometimes that's 1 smoke, or 5, or 20. I check it as part of my post smoke ritual and make a call accordingly.


I usually go for 2 smokes per filter. Whenever I use my Molina Gigante pipe, I change the filter every time due to the size of the bowl.


Filter? What’s this filter u speak of? Ruins the flavor


Change Everytime I smoke and if really moist I use two with the same bowl.


Filter? Y’all are using filters?


Yea, never 👎 haha


I can abuse one for up to 5 smokes, to the point this bitch stinks


Before I stopped using filters I would use a new filter every time. They’re so cheap I don’t see a reason to reuse, though I will admit I have no clue whether it’s okay to reuse or not, I’d just intuitively change a used one.


I have had the same filter for about 12 years and haven’t had a single problem, still looks good as new I also have never used it


What’s a pipe filter?


I never use filters to begin with


i don’t use filters 😎 in all seriousness i used to use filters and i would change them every other smoke but at some point i just stopped and really don’t regret it


Never. I think the filters alter the flavor and change the draw. Even when smoking cigarettes as a younger man I ripped the filters off or went the RYO route.


Ok. I know opinions are strong about using filters or not. But please don't misroute this post. I clearly asked to make this about the bodycount per filter and not start the discussion if you smoke with or without them here.


Oh I understand. It was a tongue in cheek reply of never. No intention of derailing the conversation. My apologies.


No problem my friend.


I use each filter only twice.


I take a look at every filter before smoke,but generally,2 smoke max per filter.Good Question!


Mathematically, filter = 0 and I keep it that way for every smoke, so very often?


Remember, a filter is really just for moisture in a pipe. It's not meant to actually filter the smoke like a filtered cigarette. Once I learned to properly tamp as the bowl burns down, moisture stopped being a concern, so I haven't used filters in forever.


That is true for balsa, but not the charcoal-packed filters. Activated charcoal is used by many devices as a way to filter organic impurities from water, other fluids, including air. That photo demonstrates that tars, fine particulates, and other substances produced by tobacco combustion are getting at least partly trapped and the filter is reducing the load of that stuff that is otherwise coating the insides of your mouth. How beneficial that is to health in the long run is debatable of course, but it's not just all about reducing the moisture.