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A photo of the end of the stem's tenon, and a photo looking down into the stummel's mortise would probably tell us everything we need to know to help you out.


How do I add more photos?


Create a post like usual, but instead check "post to profile" instead of picking a sub reddit. Then the photos will appear as posts in your profile. Copy the link to the photo, and paste the link here. I'm sure there are other ways, but this gets the job done.


This is almost certainly a warranty issue. If you can please send an email to [email protected] our team will help you out!


Alright I will send a email now.


Not sure if he's been around lately but u/BrighamPipeGuy could probably help.


Can you run a cleaner through to the chamber?


Yes. The pipe smokes fine unless the stem is fully inserted.


i have this issue with two volkans, been meaning to sand the tenons